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Seems like Nintendo is desperate to keep pushing that product til we choke on it. Hey, was a fan, but more power to people willing to toss money at the franchise.


my favorite games from the pokemon series : D and it was the best story too, so i can't wait to see how that translates onto the 3ds

but please for the love of all that is good put in the battle frontier from emerald. that was literally the best part of the whole series. i spent so much time on that thing.

Posted (edited)

I kind of want this, mostly because 3rd gen was my favorite, but at the same time, they really have to offer something besides "hey, remember 2004? Wasn't that great?" with a fresh coat of new engine.

The video says "explore a dramatic new world", which means...? Are we talking new as in they added a little bit more to Hoenn, or they completely redrew the overworld map so there are new areas and cities, or it's not even taking place in Hoenn any more? I'm actually curious to find out.

Hopefully it will be a proper remake, even better than what they did with Fire Red/Leaf Green and Heart Gold/Soul Silver. Those ones kept all the great parts while managing to add in some refinements, even a few expansions and out-right up-grades. If Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire can exceed that, then it's going to be great.

If this is just a remake with little to no new content, enough to justify the purchase... then fuck it.

Edited by The Damned
  alrubedo said:
Seems like Nintendo is desperate

not even five posts into the fucking thread for fuck's sake

for fuck's sake can't we just be excited about video games

  Bleck said:
not even five posts into the fucking thread for fuck's sake

for fuck's sake can't we just be excited about video games

Of course you can. My main concerns is whether or not Nintendo is merely going a safe route by re-releasing old games and with a fresh coat of paint, so to say, or if they're going for a full blown remake worthy of the price tag they're likely to slap on it.

Would I be excited to hear new music like what they did in HG/SS? Of course! Would I be happy to see a redesigned Hoenn? You bet! But, at the same time, would this justify a possible fifty or so dollar investment without a substantial amount of new content? Hard to say.

But hey, if you get excited, then you get excited. Nothing wrong with that, my friend. =3


You started your post with "Seriously?" like you think the topic was a joke, then you say "desperate" and "pushing it [...] til we choke on it." Follow up with a snide comment about "tossing money at" instead of "buying", like it's a waste of money.

You can see why your comment caome off a little negative.


I enjoyed Ruby and Sapphire so this news is exciting. Too bad that there wasn't any additional info besides, "We have remaking Ruby and Sapphire for the 3DS!"

Hopefully, we'll hear a bit more regarding the game before the Nintendo Direct during E3.

Perhaps Grovile and Swapert are going to have mega evolutions too. I wonder what other features that will be revealed. I wonder if they are going to bring back the secret bases that you could have and customize it our hearts content. Pokemon: Cribs Edition.

  BaconProcurement said:
I enjoyed Ruby and Sapphire so this news is exciting. Too bad that there wasn't any additional info besides, "We have remaking Ruby and Sapphire for the 3DS!"

Hopefully, we'll hear a bit more regarding the game before the Nintendo Direct during E3.

Perhaps Grovile and Swapert are going to have mega evolutions too. I wonder what other features that will be revealed. I wonder if they are going to bring back the secret bases that you could have and customize it our hearts content. Pokemon: Cribs Edition.

Yes. Secret bases all the way. I loved those.

  The Damned said:
I kind of want this, mostly because 3rd gen was my favorite, but at the same time, they really have to offer something besides "hey, remember 2004? Wasn't that great?" with a fresh coat of new engine.

The video says "explore a dramatic new world", which means...? Are we talking new as in they added a little bit more to Hoenn, or they completely redrew the overworld map so there are new areas and cities, or it's not even taking place in Hoenn any more? I'm actually curious to find out.

Hopefully it will be a proper remake, even better than what they did with Fire Red/Leaf Green and Heart Gold/Soul Silver. Those ones kept all the great parts while managing to add in some refinements, even a few expansions and out-right up-grades. If Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire can exceed that, then it's going to be great.

If this is just a remake with little to no new content, enough to justify the purchase... then fuck it.

yeah i am curious about that as well. the introduction of mega evolutions alone should be enough to influence the story in some way. if nothing else there should be a new set of megas. they already did mega blaziken so there will probably (?) be mega swampert and mega sceptile...which would be nice because i missed out on blazikenite D:

  Modus said:
But I want a new Pokerman. I skipped everything past Gold and Silver because it felt the same until X and Y : [

Well, now you get to experience Ruby/Sapphire in X/Y glory. Though to be honest all the games have the same feel, not sure why X/Y would change your mind to begin with. If anything Ruby/Sapphire was the point in the series that felt really fresh with a bit of a different design approach. But it's all still pretty samey.

  Bleck said:
not even five posts into the fucking thread for fuck's sake

for fuck's sake can't we just be excited about video games

vidja gaems suk

  Radiowar said:
yeah i am curious about that as well. the introduction of mega evolutions alone should be enough to influence the story in some way. if nothing else there should be a new set of megas. they already did mega blaziken so there will probably (?) be mega swampert and mega sceptile...which would be nice because i missed out on blazikenite D:

knowing their last two remakes it doesn't really seem like they'll go for changing the plot up too much imo. i personally hope they do, seeing as ruby/sapphire had one of the best plots for the series (seriously, two teams, god pokemon showdown, what's not to love). I'm hoping they at least expand on the plot though, make it feel a little bit more fresh. Some of the locales have a chance to be extremely epic feeling (Mt. Chimney, that place you find Rayquaza). They could do so much more with the 3DS engine (especially now that they something to work off of with XY) so here's hoping they do it.

  urdailywater said:
Well, now you get to experience Ruby/Sapphire in X/Y glory. Though to be honest all the games have the same feel, not sure why X/Y would change your mind to begin with. If anything Ruby/Sapphire was the point in the series that felt really fresh with a bit of a different design approach. But it's all still pretty samey.

Yeah, I felt like RSE implemented a lot of substantially new stuff; contests (I miss those), secret bases, Acro Bike (Bike tricks! :D), diving, etc. I think it was also a point where the music became substantially more interesting in arrangement. Whenever I listen to the RSE soundtrack these days, I hear a lot of cool chord progressions. Might even be one of my favorite Pokemon soundtracks thus far.

  urdailywater said:
Well, now you get to experience Ruby/Sapphire in X/Y glory. Though to be honest all the games have the same feel, not sure why X/Y would change your mind to begin with. If anything Ruby/Sapphire was the point in the series that felt really fresh with a bit of a different design approach. But it's all still pretty samey.

I'm an unapologetic graphics snob, the no-grind gameplay overhaul tickled me, and the world theming with France.. well, I shouldn't even admit how much I liked that.

Also I really like Cryogonal.

I might play Ruby/Saph if the presentation is just as cool.

P.S. Cryogonal!!


I'm just gunna have to get it for my pokemon fix because Nintendo are never gunna roll with my "huge big off every region game of deathly awesome, hey look the franchise is dead" idea.

That and I don't remember much about RSE but I remember I liked it more than DPPl.


Cryogonal is from Black and White, 5th gen. But it's still cool. ;-)

Red and Blue were buggy and underwhelming in graphics and sound. There were older titles that did more and did it better. Gold and Silver were more polished, but still not up to what the system was capable of.

Ruby and Sapphire were just insane compared to the last games. They were better looking, sounding, playing and feeling. The technical aspects (stats, battling, breeding, etc.) were overhauled and refined, and are still the basis for all the away up to X and Y.

Sadly, even though Diamond and Pearl refined the series even more, it wasn't as big a jump, so it felt more like gen 3.5, a hold-over until the next proper games came out... which were the remakes of Gold and Silver. And we all know how 5th gen and 6th gen turned out, as they're fairly recent.

So really, it's not surprising that some of us are very interested in these remakes, while still being somewhat cautious. Will it ruin what we remember of the old games, or will it be just a big leap in quality as the originals? At this point, we don't even know anything other than the titles.

Don't fuck this up, Game Freak. I'm going to Japan next year, and I know where your office is located. I'm a big guy with nothing to lose!

  alrubedo said:
would this justify a possible fifty or so dollar investment without a substantial amount of new content? Hard to say.

You do realize that most 3DS games are $30-$40 with very VERY few reaching $50, right? X and Y were only $40.

Odds are this'll be in the normal price range too.

Anyways still superexcited for this. still SUPER EXCITEBIKE

  The Damned said:
You started your post with "Seriously?" like you think the topic was a joke, then you say "desperate" and "pushing it [...] til we choke on it." Follow up with a snide comment about "tossing money at" instead of "buying", like it's a waste of money.

You can see why your comment caome off a little negative.

I do, and I know it did. I've no excuses. I own up to that.And I do apologize for my snippy attitude. T'was uncalled for. But, perhaps once I see it myself, I might join in the hype as a supporter to those who want it more than I would.

Though, I saw someone mention how they'd want an all region game.

Now THAT I'd buy.

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