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It still scares me when a project completely disappears from GenDisc. Untill I check WIPs that is :P

It scared me a little as well. I had to google 'Crescendo To Chaos' to find this.

Who set up the private forums again?

Because they seem to have disappeared. I must say that the forum hosting service wasn't very good though.

It was Pi, but it's really strange - and frustrating - that it's gone now, especially since it's free and by the same host as the normal forum

Who set up the private forums again?

Because they seem to have disappeared. I must say that the forum hosting service wasn't very good though.

It was Pi, but it's really strange - and frustrating - that it's gone now, especially since it's free and by the same host as the normal forum

I think i'll set up another forum on a really good host i know. A forum i made 2 years ago is still up there. I can possibly make the regular forums and private forums one, and just make a separate usergroup for the private section.


That was so great! Booming and operatic it wasn't. The voice was spot-on, though. If Sleepy Emp ever shows up again, I suppose it would sound much better with the actual music. It just needs to be more... booming and operatic. I can assume you kept it low because you didn't want to be heard, correct? That should be a proper excuse, yes.

Kanjika, I think the private forums were removed due to lack of activity. That's my guess, but if you can put up a better one, go ahead.

mlo sent me a re-do of the front page, which I'll be putting up soon. Nothing changes much, except Koelsch, Realpolitik, and Adhesive_Boy were removed, and everything else was a bit refined. That's basically it.


mlo sent me a re-do of the front page, which I'll be putting up soon. Nothing changes much, except Koelsch, Realpolitik, and Adhesive_Boy were removed, and everything else was a bit refined. That's basically it.

If you could add this that'd be great:



Once you have regged, I will give you acess to the private WIP/art sections if you are a project member. PLEASE USE THE SAME NAME THAT YOU HAVE ON OCR, otherwise I might think you're some random person.

That is the greatest audio file I've ever heard.

If you one day become rich and famous, expect me to blackmail you with that.

And I'll have my response ready and waiting. "Yes, I did sing that song once, but I didn't inhale."

ed]That was so great! Booming and operatic it wasn't. The voice was spot-on, though. If Sleepy Emp ever shows up again, I suppose it would sound much better with the actual music. It just needs to be more... booming and operatic. I can assume you kept it low because you didn't want to be heard, correct? That should be a proper excuse, yes.

You would be correct, sir. Also, it's very likely that they EQed the original, but that doesn't mean I can't do it. It doesn't take very much to fill up a large auditorium will my voice.


Hey, doesn't mean you can't still be our "Associate Correlative Technical Assistant", to dust off an old one. I would have signed you on, but weren't you banned? What happened to that?

I had been considering this for awhile, but mlo has really been pulling his weight around this project. Maybe, signing both of you guys up as co-co-coordinators? Believe me, we could always use more help around here. And having some more voices steering the project further ensures quality, like our own little judges panel.

Are both of you up for it? Of course, you could always wait for Haywire Harmonics. I'm just surprised you're still sticking around here. No posts for a few months usually means a loss of interest.


Funny story about that...

If everyone noticed, I finally updated the main post, and removed the following mixers:

Koelsch1 (Giygas)

Realpolitik (Master Hand)

Adhesive_Boy (Dracula)

It's not too late for these mixers to hand in a WIP, but it's also prime time for anyone else to jump in and claim those tracks, not to mention all the others that are still open.


I don't know how exactly to respond to this... no?

Not to shatter those hopes, but picking one villain out of dozens from the Bond series isn't exactly easy. Why not just put that out as a regular mix, then when you're done, step back up for Giygas? You'd be more than welcome, as long as that one you've got now doesn't end up sounding like crap (I haven't listened to it yet, so I'm assuming it's not).


Yeah, normally I would agree, but it's the main villain from Goldeneye 007 for the N64, which is still quite the benchmark game. (Moreso than Nightfire, Day After Tomorrow, Agent Under Fire, World is Not Enough, etc) The music actually changes during the "Trevelyan battle," which is more than you can say for Jaws or the other mini-bosses.

Meh oh well...I admit it's somewhat of an out-there possibility. I mean, if you're even decent at Goldeneye, the "battle" is over in like two minutes or less. Here's the WIP link for the heck of it.


Yeah, normally I would agree, but it's the main villain from Goldeneye 007 for the N64, which is still quite the benchmark game. (Moreso than Nightfire, Day After Tomorrow, Agent Under Fire, World is Not Enough, etc) The music actually changes during the "Trevelyan battle," which is more than you can say for Jaws or the other mini-bosses.

Meh oh well...I admit it's somewhat of an out-there possibility. I mean, if you're even decent at Goldeneye, the "battle" is over in like two minutes or less. Here's the WIP link for the heck of it.


If it's based on the music from the movie, though, it would not, technically, be valid.

If it's based on the music from the movie, though, it would not, technically, be valid.

Oh really? Drat. Wasn't aware of that. I wouldn't want to go breaking any rules or anything. :roll::)

probably am in no right to say this, but... Perhaps we should focus more on themes from the list (especially with those 3 now open) than to make the list longer

I just figured it would replace one of them. Personally, I've never played any of the games that are left except Earthbound, and I hesitate to pick up Giygas because I won't be able to use live guitar.

Oh well, I'll shut up now. I guess the nostalgia factor isn't there for you guys as much as it is for me in regards to Goldeneye. :wink:


I had been considering this for awhile, but mlo has really been pulling his weight around this project. Maybe, signing both of you guys up as co-co-coordinators? Believe me, we could always use more help around here. And having some more voices steering the project further ensures quality, like our own little judges panel.

Are both of you up for it?


Sure thing! I'd be happy to!

And Miszou, if you decide to remix Giygas, we have several guitar players willing to play parts if you need them. (Assuming you end up using guitars). But yes...there are Goldeneye mixes on the site, but the Cradle themes quote the Bond music quite literally, making it a bit of a sketchy track to have. You don't want to have worked on it just to have it scratched because of site guidelines, right?

Nothing against you or Mr. Trevelyan, of course! 8)


I had been considering this for awhile, but mlo has really been pulling his weight around this project. Maybe, signing both of you guys up as co-co-coordinators? Believe me, we could always use more help around here. And having some more voices steering the project further ensures quality, like our own little judges panel.

Are either of you up for it?

Fixed. And for an unprecedented amount of help, you really have earned it. Expect your own spot on the main post, as soon as I'm not lazy enough to stop ignoring it. Thats what you get for making me re-do it!


Cool. I look forward to hearing it! (I'm a bit of an Earthbound nerd...)

Anyway, sig-related news is at the forum. Meaning, I made one and want your opinions on it.

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