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Xenogears: Humans + Gears - History

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Way ahead of you: one of my girls did a floor routine to an earlier draft of it last year.

That's pretty awesome, dude. If you don't have it on tape I will be very upset, because that'd make an awesome release clip. It'd be a first for any project: song AND dance!

it's probably illegal to release it, since taucer's girls are all under age. consent forms, legal documents, blah blah blah, all to confirm that it's not actually kiddie pr0n.

Wow, I did not realize how creepy I probably sounded saying that until you said something, Prophet. Thanks, now I look like a perv-douche, and people will run and hide from me forever and ever.

I love the videos that come out with releases, like the one JtBR did for FF4. Always quality work.


I don't actually need anything as formal as what Brad's describing, but generally I don't release videos of my kids publicly unless I have express consent from them and their parents. They gave me permission to send it to ziwtra, but not to post it publicly on the web, so I'm going to honor that.

However, if you're comming to the NC meetup, I could show you the video there.

I don't actually need anything as formal as what Brad's describing, but generally I don't release videos of my kids publicly unless I have express consent from them and their parents. They gave me permission to send it to ziwtra, but not to post it publicly on the web, so I'm going to honor that.

However, if you're comming to the NC meetup, I could show you the video there.

Well, you should know I wasn't being serious at all about having you releasing the video, I was kind of yanking your chain, but that's actually pretty cool that they gave you permission to send it over to ziwtra. Might make for a fun view if xenogears is out at or before the meetup. Mmmm....TAUCERFest....

Oh, and Zeno Paradox is one of the sexiest tracks I've ever heard. Ever.

Wow, I did not realize how creepy I probably sounded saying that until you said something, Prophet. Thanks, now I look like a perv-douche, and people will run and hide from me forever and ever.

I love the videos that come out with releases, like the one JtBR did for FF4. Always quality work.

*points to signature*

That's what it says on the VGMDB entry that Liontamer posted, anyway. Maybe that's just a placeholder.

It's just a placeholder. If you don't put a date, then it would consider the release as in the past (since it's now Oct. '09) rather than upcoming. It's a quirk.


I just wanted to say I'm really looking forward to this project... I hope it's the best one yet. Good luck to all of you. I hope there is a listening party of this in the near future. bLiNd and I will join up for a listen.

I did read the beginning of this thread a while back and it made me so sad....I just want to tell Foxhull that he is so brave and congrats on making this a success! (avaris also rocks for helping him out when people just attacked him instead of helping)

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