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Just as a random request, could you put a "mouse-over" message that says the mascots name when you, umm... "mouse-over" it?


The game he/she/it is from would be good too.

There's a whole project dedicated to this that should see the light in the next few months.

As a side note: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=249460

vBulletin 3.7 has some awesome new stuff that should make everyone very happy :)

The new, bitchin' Mazedude remix doesn't have a review thread. This makes me sad, as I have nowhere to talk about how awesome it is.
6. There's sometimes a delay between when the newest mixes are posted and when they become "reviewable". You may need to wait a bit - it's not a bug.

I think that explains it.

EDIT: Rather than double-post, I figured I'd just edit this one.

On ALL of the song pages (this one, for example), the links to the game's page lead to 404s. They are using what appears to be an older, numerical url (in the previous example: http://www.ocremix.org/game/70/), whereas the correct links are modeled after the game name (http://www.ocremix.org/game/xenogears-ps1/).

This only affects the two upper links, and not the ones in the table listing the remixes.



Hey I was wondering how the hell do I download songs that aren't on Last FM. There's those 'download from x mirror' but that just leads to a quicktime stream. I don't want to torrent, since whenever I try to, it downloads the ENTIRE library and not just a couple songs that I want.

Hey I was wondering how the hell do I download songs that aren't on Last FM. There's those 'download from x mirror' but that just leads to a quicktime stream.

"right click > save link as" any one of those mirrors

Hey I was wondering how the hell do I download songs that aren't on Last FM. There's those 'download from x mirror' but that just leads to a quicktime stream. I don't want to torrent, since whenever I try to, it downloads the ENTIRE library and not just a couple songs that I want.

You can pick just the file(s) you want with uTorrent or Azureus.

Is anyone aware of this? Browsing by songs, the game links are all dead.
Yeah, I pointed that out a few days ago:
On ALL of the song pages (this one, for example), the links to the game's page lead to 404s. They are using what appears to be an older, numerical url (in the previous example: http://www.ocremix.org/game/70/), whereas the correct links are modeled after the game name (http://www.ocremix.org/game/xenogears-ps1/).

This only affects the two upper links, and not the ones in the table listing the remixes.



This morning we implemented a new URL format for VGM composers.





As you can see, the new link contains the composer name. The old link format will still work, and will redirect to the new format so future bookmarks, etc. will be correct. Even though the old links will still work, we'd appreciate your updating any links you may have on any websites, etc. that you contribute to.

Please let me know if you have any problems/questions.


I've been wondering this... understandably you're very busy, and there are multiple programmers on this site.

If there were functionality that people (including yourself) would like to see implemented but you don't have the time, would it be possible for someone else to take on the task and submit their code to you? Obviously it'd have to be tested, but this would allow more functionality to be added on a more frequent basis, and spread out the work.

I ask because I'll be taking databases next semester and perhaps there could be a project here on which I could whet my chops.

I've been wondering this... understandably you're very busy, and there are multiple programmers on this site.

Dave is the sole programmer behind the entirety of OCR, except of course for things like MediaWiki and vBulletin. I don't think we've ever had multiple programmers for anything.

Dave is the sole programmer behind the entirety of OCR, except of course for things like MediaWiki and vBulletin. I don't think we've ever had multiple programmers for anything.

I think you misunderstood him. I think he meant that there are other programmers in the community that could maybe help, not that there are other programmers working on the site.


In general, I'm interested in expanding the role of community participation to the site, which may include some sort of coding, but there's some logistical roadblocks to that. OCR's frontend relies heavily on XSLT, and if you don't know that, it wouldn't make any sense. The database is also now rather advanced, so if you aren't familiar with 2nd and 3rd form normalization, for example, it wouldn't make much sense.

What I'm more interested currently is hooking into vBulletin, especially its authentication system, and letting users interact with the OCR database using their vBulletin accounts. If anyone's got SPECIFIC experience with integrating with vBulletin and has oodles of time to help me out, that'd be much appreciated.

Other little tasks come and go, and I'm always working on something... I'm thinking in the very near future of expanding this thread into its own forum dedicated to site modifications/feedback/improvements/corrections/etc., which could include some coding in addition to the more pronounced need for information quality assurance and corrections.

I think you misunderstood him. I think he meant that there are other programmers in the community that could maybe help, not that there are other programmers working on the site.

Bingo. Thanks AnSo.

Glad you're amenable to the idea, Dave. Point taken about common code knowledge, but we'll see where my coding ventures take me...


When browsing emulators alphabetically (ie clicking one of the letters on the top of the page, and then clicking the emulator tab), the list shows up as blank. Using the letter Z, for example:


I'm not sure if this a side effect of the new listing format that was introduced recently.

I'm running Firefox on Windows XP, if that helps.

EDIT: Happens in IE7 too.


Yeah, I noticed that before but I forgot to mention it as I got caught up with questions about the new design.

Here's another issue I forgot about: the search functions. It seems strange and redundant to have a search bar at the top (that searches remixes) as well as search functions along the side, especially since the top bar links to marginally related sites like Wikipedia and IMDB. Perhaps the top search function came standard with vBulletin and it's difficult/impossible to integrate and streamline it with the remix search bars, but if not I think it would be beneficial.


edit: why the blasted hell is this code thing so bloody retarded? Images shouldn't show up in a code box. This completely defeats the purpose of having a

 function at all. 

[size=1][insert regurgitated complaint about the ten character limit here][/size]


Sometimes when I check my user CP I see thread that I have subscribed to. Sometimes they have a grey icon, sometimes they're yellow. The thing is, I can look at this user CP some time after posting something, and... well, there are yellow-iconed thread listed... and I myself am the most recent poster in some of them.

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