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would it be possible to have the name of the "mascot" show up on mouse-over?

I'm not opposed to the idea. Still,

Just a thought from someone who may not have time/patience to read a whole bio on the character but is still curious to what their name is.

I think people will still click a mascot they don't know even if their name shows up on mouse-over.

"LocoRoco? WTF?" *click*

It's your call if you don't wanna click 'em. But we did our best to keep them knowledgeable, succinct, and reader-friendly.

Posted (edited)

I agree it would be a useful feature, actually. Same with the avatars, "Polo's Avatar" is not very helpful. But with the avatars, you can right-click and check the url for the image. Of course, clicking a mascot to find out its name is a lot easier than that... and if you don't want to read the whole bio, you don't have to. The character's name is spelled out for you, both in the article, in the address bar and the browser tab and main window headers.

EDIT: Ok, not in the address bar, apparently.

Edited by Dafydd

Okay, I now see that the name is at the top of the screen and on the tab.

However, Someone with a slow internet connection might not want to open a new tab or otherwise navagate to another page because of the whole slow-ass internet or slow-ass computer issues. And, assuming someone doesn't read this thread, they might not notice the name at the top of the screen (like me) and think they have to read the first part of the bio to find a name.

I understand that even if the name would appear on mouse-over, people would be just as or more curious about the character anyway, but if someone only wants the name, why not?

Here's a thought...

I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, or not, but would it be possible to have the name of the "mascot" show up on mouse-over?

Just a thought from someone who may not have time/patience to read a whole bio on the character but is still curious to what their name is.

No objections in the abstract, but it'd be a pain to code... right now it's just a simple javascript that randomizes the number, renders the link & image, and that's it. To pull back the character name, it'd need to be Ajax'd or hooked up to a database or both, and that's a major change that - based on other priorities - probably isn't gonna happen in this decade... Also might be performance problems associated, so imo we basically need to table this idea.

this is a trivial thing but any chance of bringing sort functionality back to the artists section? would be nice to be able to sort by country, # of mixes, etc.

I'm not sure about # of mixes, but at the VERY least I want to filter on role, so I can see mixers only, composers only, etc. Some form of filtering, sorting, or both is definitely on my todo list.

On every Organization page, clicking "view all" (remixes) results in a 404 error.

Believe I've fixed this, might still be cached wrong in some places. We just changed the URL structure for organizations, and these types of changes tend to break links. In general the site is in a state of change, but I definitely appreciate the QA.

Assume you're referring to the banner ad? If not, I need a screenshot, as the rest of the page looks normal in IE, but the banner ad is indeed jacked up. Need to get a different one or something, but the overall album page layout sucks in general, and needs to be heavily revised.

Posted (edited)

On the artist pages for remixers who have recently had a new remix posted, the number in parantheses after the green word "remixer" is consistently the same as the number of remixes that this mixer has on the site minus one. Is this number updated automatically but not often enough, or does it need to be done manually and no one has done it yet? Or did it use to be updated automatically and no longer is because something's broken?







Edited by Dafydd
On every artist page, the number in parantheses after the green word "remixer" is consistently the same as the number of remixes that this mixer has on the site minus one.

Not sure about that, otherwise I'd have 0: http://www.ocremix.org/artist/4755/liontamer

When someone has a recently posted mix, the site takes a day or two to update that artist's stats to reflect the new mix. Since djp will read this, I'll note it hasn't updated artist stats to reflect the addition of the last 5 mixes.


DragonAvenger touched upon this issue in the review thread, but I'll say it here for good measure. This mix is faithfully labeled "Super Metroid MaridiaRemix" on the surface, but the tagged info only says "Metroid Maridia" (in the file and in Winamp).

The page linked to by Projects>albums in the sidebar is out of date and has some styling issues:


To clarify, the styling issue I'm referring to here is the huge white space between the first and second album.

Yeah, fugly. Page probably shouldn't even exist, given the albums database has much the same info. I'll work on this.

Masahiro Andoh is not listed as a composer for Gran Turismo 3. Daiki Kasho should also be listed there, though he has no OCR page yet, it would seem. Soundtrack on VGMdb is here for your confirmation needs.

Funny you should mention this, as I saw your post AFTER I just ran a large composer association update that covered this and a LOT of other stuff, including soundtemp for ragnarok online, etc.

Posted (edited)

I'm liking the new posted ReMixes format on the front page, it's very clean in comparison. Nice job.

That said, I wonder if there's another location for the advertisement, as it breaks up things a little too much being right in between the lastest ReMixes and all the forum information. I say this mostly because of the "Previously on OverClocked ReMix" section. It seems out of place, but I'm sure it should be there.

Edited by Abadoss

IIRC, user homepages used to be accessible by clicking a little house icon below the location info area, just like the ICQ, MSN, etc. info. This isn't the case anymore, can't remember when this changed but it must have been a long time ago. Was the change intentional?


While browsing remixes/songs etc on either the main page or an artist or song page, it would be helpful to have sorting functionality (sort by date, etc). Is this already in place and I'm blind? I have no idea how much work implementing this functionality would take so I don't expect to see it (at least not anytime soon.) Instead take this as a suggestion I guess.

  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa! The new setup for the forums really disoriented me. It's not bad, just unexpected. I don't see any problem with it so far, but I think I would have liked some advanced notice that the boards were going to be moved around like that. Oh, well. Anyway, I'll let you know if I see anything awry.

Whoa! The new setup for the forums really disoriented me. It's not bad, just unexpected. I don't see any problem with it so far, but I think I would have liked some advanced notice that the boards were going to be moved around like that. Oh, well. Anyway, I'll let you know if I see anything awry.

Seriously. I hit refresh like 3 times. Ha.

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