I-n-j-i-n Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Yeah, to be fair, the Wii doesn't exactly have their own killer ap just yet. They have a lot of decent/good short experiences and only Warioware comes close to that bill, but I mean it's Warioware. Something I breezed through in a day. And DS had the same problem for one whole year when they had the most token, boring GBA sequel ideas with touchscreen features tacked on. It took them a while to get the truly unique and worthy games on it. I don't think PS3's problem is getting the hardcore gamers. Why else then is it still selling so well even when it's so pricey and has such negative hype surrounding it? Look at the 360's launch and the buzz back then was how plain and not outstanding the console's features were. But that system was redeemed by the constant stream of games with occasionally great games in there with the Xbox Live aspect. The PS3 still has the inbuilt Bluray to bank on which would be a huge incentive to those who own HDTVs and see those new movies coming out in Bluray/HDDVD form. Quote
Bahamut Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Why are there 2 PS3 threads? Well, this thread doesn't seem to be limited to the PS3, so I'm leaving it for now I guess. Despite all the PS3 hate, I'm surprised at what games it does have for only 5 months into its lifespan. Virtua Fighter 5 is an amazing game by all counts, and certainly came much earlier than PS2's first great game. My only problems with the PS3 so far is that its graphics capabilities seem limited by the 256 MB of RAM compared to the 360's 512 MB, the controller lacks rumble & is piss poor for FPS again, and the price (but it's good for those who want a hi-def movie player). Having all 3 consoles is an interesting option this time around, since it seems this generation more than ever, good games are being distributed amongst all the consoles fairly evenly, at least for now. Quote
Antipode Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I'm not willing to say any console is bad if good games aren't out for it yet. So, to the PS3, I have absolutely no judgement until A) I play it and like/dislike it or A game that looks fun to me will come out for it. I'm getting the Wii because I had a great (though sparse) time with Gamecube and I know many of the franchises will reappear. Since I like those franchises (more or less Prime 3, Brawl, Galaxy and Metal Slug Anthology will sell it for me), I know I'm going to like it. Plus, I played a couple games and it seemed like a fun concept. If, for free, I could choose a console I'd probably pick the 360. But since money enters into it (I need to work up cash myself) the Wii is for me, supposing I can find one. Anyway, blah blah. The PS3 looks amazing. People saying it's going to fail clearly WANT it to fail. Its online service is just being born and I believe some good games are on the horizon. I only pick the 360 over it because the good games are already a certainty. Quote
Ralphis Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Yeah, to be fair, the Wii doesn't exactly have their own killer ap just yet. I spent a pretty good 33 hours on Zelda? Quote
atmuh Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I spent a pretty good 33 hours on Zelda? you played a gamecube game hope you liked it Quote
The Coop Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I spent a pretty good 33 hours on Zelda? But that's on both the Wii and the Gamecube... and it was mostly made for the Gamecube. So really, the Wii has yet to get its first truly exclusive killer app. That's likely to change later this year though. Quote
Beatdown Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 So I've been playing Resistance: Fall of Man recently...and the PS3 controller really shows its flaws with this game - the thumbstick locations are just terrible for FPS I think. Also, I've been spoiled with Gears of War, so Resistance really falls short graphics-wise in comparison and rubs off as rushed. I find it increasingly hard to compare anything to Gears of War graphically. I have to keep reminding myself that the 360's been out for a while now and the PS3's got a ways to go. I've gotta give Resistance credit for entertainment value though, they do give you a lot of shit to shoot. Quote
Bahamut Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I find it increasingly hard to compare anything to Gears of War graphically. I have to keep reminding myself that the 360's been out for a while now and the PS3's got a ways to go. I've gotta give Resistance credit for entertainment value though, they do give you a lot of shit to shoot. Yeah, I played some more Resistance earlier and I'm starting to like it some more, even though the thumbsticks still bother me somewhat. One thing I'm looking forward to is hopefully more multiplayer games on the PS3 - there's no excuse now that it's very easy to hook up multiple controllers to it without the need of an additional peripheral. Quote
Beatdown Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Yeah, I played some more Resistance earlier and I'm starting to like it some more, even though the thumbsticks still bother me somewhat.One thing I'm looking forward to is hopefully more multiplayer games on the PS3 - there's no excuse now that it's very easy to hook up multiple controllers to it without the need of an additional peripheral. Do the thumbsticks feel...big (for lack of better term) to you? It's like they stick out more and have a larger range of motion. Quote
Bahamut Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Do the thumbsticks feel...big (for lack of better term) to you? It's like they stick out more and have a larger range of motion. Nah, my hands are medium sized. It's just that it feels somewhat unnatural aiming with the right thumb pointing to the left, compared to aiming with the thumb pointing in the center and moving the thumb in the direction that's visually in agreement with what you're expect (as in the 360 controller). Quote
KakTheInfected Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Personally, I would consider Smooth Moves a killer app for the Wii. I understand why probably *everyone* in this thread will disagree, but I've played it more than any other game this year and the multiplayer never gets old. Both the Wii and PS3 are too new to pass judgement on though, especially with stuff like Smash Bros. Brawl and MGS4 (provided it stays exclusive) on the horizon. Quote
suzumebachi Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Does anyone know anything about homebrew stuff for PS3 vs 360 yet? One of the things that made the last generation so cool was all the fun stuff you could do after you modded it (or disc swapped if you were a cheap bastard like me). You know, emulators, movie players, internet browsers... operating systems... etc. Others (*coughXerolcough*) say that the PS3 is likely to be the console of choice for homebrewers, but I find this EXTREMELY unlikely thanks to the ridiculous CPU architecture of the Cell, whereas, if I'm not mistaken, the 360 is still based on PC architecture, correct? But then again I don't know shit. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Personally, I would consider Smooth Moves a killer app for the Wii. I understand why probably *everyone* in this thread will disagree, but I've played it more than any other game this year and the multiplayer never gets old.Both the Wii and PS3 are too new to pass judgement on though, especially with stuff like Smash Bros. Brawl and MGS4 (provided it stays exclusive) on the horizon. The reason why Smooth Moves is not "killer ap" is because the critical opinion and general attitude towards it is a bit ho hum and mixed in how the majority of gamers look at such a game. I mean, for a Warioware fan such as me, it's great. I think a lot of gamers could get taken in by the way it uses the Wiimote too. But it's definitely not for everyone and it just doesn't have the huge appeal that RPGs, Action, or Shooter games tends to have. Hell, minigame collections just in general don't have the visibility of even platformers or racers it seems. Does anyone know anything about homebrew stuff for PS3 vs 360 yet? One of the things that made the last generation so cool was all the fun stuff you could do after you modded it (or disc swapped if you were a cheap bastard like me). You know, emulators, movie players, internet browsers... operating systems... etc. Others (*coughXerolcough*) say that the PS3 is likely to be the console of choice for homebrewers, but I find this EXTREMELY unlikely thanks to the ridiculous CPU architecture of the Cell, whereas, if I'm not mistaken, the 360 is still based on PC architecture, correct?But then again I don't know shit. Um, didn't they totally figure out how to homebrew it illegally a few months ago? Also, from the speculation alone, it sounds to me like legal homebrew options for the 360 is more open than the PS3's as well. It'd be perfectly even in terms of features if Microsoft decides to put in a browser in there. Quote
Evilhead Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 The reason why Smooth Moves is not "killer ap" is because the critical opinion and general attitude towards it is a bit ho hum and mixed in how the majority of gamers look at such a game. I mean, for a Warioware fan such as me, it's great. I think a lot of gamers could get taken in by the way it uses the Wiimote too. But it's definitely not for everyone and it just doesn't have the huge appeal that RPGs, Action, or Shooter games tends to have. Hell, minigame collections just in general don't have the visibility of even platformers or racers it seems. Yeah, I agree with you there. A "killer app" is a game that will move beyond a game that most people will want to pick up after they buy the system to a game that people will buy the system in order to play. Halo is a good example of this. Fortunately for the Wii, I don't think it really needs one yet. The system sells itself. Hell, even my mom wants one. By the time the initial impact of the controller wears off Nintendo will start releasing their big titles that will keep systems moving off shelves. The 360 already has a nice library, but the PS3 really needs that killer app fast. There really needs to be a PS3 game everyone is talking about to gather interest, and I think Sony is really dropping the ball on this one. Um, didn't they totally figure out how to homebrew it illegally a few months ago? Also, from the speculation alone, it sounds to me like legal homebrew options for the 360 is more open than the PS3's as well. It'd be perfectly even in terms of features if Microsoft decides to put in a browser in there. What was all the whispering of Linux on PS3? I guess you could get it to work for either system, but whichever one does will open will open the door to a huge homebrew world. Quote
Stargem Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I agree with the concept of pack-ins. While it does indeed make buying an system more expensive, it also gives customers something to look forward to when they get home and set it up. In my case, I got an SNES that also included Super Mario All-Stars + World, which is an pretty nice deal. Give a customer a good game experience for their first time playing, and you would probably have a customer come back for seconds. I personally think that pack-in bundles should include an compilation game much like how my first game was, and perhaps another game that acts as the latest killer app. Future Wii packages could offer three or so Virtual Console titles that an customer could pick, and the killer app comes in the package. The former would allow customers to experience the Virtual Console system for free, making them more inclined to use it in the future since if they like it, then they would want more from it. In my opinion, while consoles can indeed be sold by name alone, it is the games that are offered and how you get customers interested in them is key to everything. It begins and ends with games, and deviating from this goal too much will result in ruin. Make good games, make people aware of them, and offer enough at an fair price so that you will have many good customers for the lifespan of your console. In Sony's case though, they don't have enough games or consoles on the market to really convert anyone though. That is an problem for them, and the fact that people notice the Xbox 360 and Wii far more often because of the very fact that there are more of these systems in the common household is something to take note of. Quote
Dexie Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 Wow. There's finally something on the PS3 that interests me. Amazing. O_o http://kotaku.com/gaming/ps3/gdc-07-sony-reveals-littlebigplanet-242171.php http://kotaku.com/gaming/littlebigplanet/clips-littlebigplanet-242305.php This looks...really damn cool, doesn't it? Quote
G_D Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 ^ "Those creatures are cute - horrifyingly cute!" ~ Space Butler It's definitely a fun-looking game. I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned PlayStation Home yet. I will copy my own Joystiq post so as not to need to retype: This is what the Mii concept should've been. Though what I was really hoping for Wii was that Animal Crossing would be the OS.I'm sorry, this looks cool and all, but I *DO NOT* want to make a realistic human avatar. At the very least I want something fantastic like the Phantasy Star online games. Don't give me something I can already get in real life, give me something much cooler. Give me the Advent Children motorcycle, or some swords, or a sweet armored suit, or 6 feet of spiky hair...anything but *REAL LIFE*. That is the one thing that causes me to not like this. Cool concept - way better than the extremely limited Miis - but it is incredibly boring and mundane. Quote
Bahamut Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 So it looks like the New York Times has confirmed Playstation Home's existence as being a rip off of Microsoft's and Nintendo's offerings. I say good, achievements need to be made universal. Quote
CE Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Holy fuck Playstation Home and LittleBigWorld. gg sony Quote
RoeTaKa Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Just stick a load of Wii points in the Wii package, done, VC tour! Each console is doing the same thing now, bloody copying each other all the time. Now they have to depend on killer apps and software, the Wii is the only console that can successfully dodge this by just imagining what else you can plug into the bottom of that Wiimote. Still, 'Home' sounds like an intruiging idea for the PS3. The whole world can visit a virtual E3 or something like that, it's scary though, I wonder if the PS4 will want my mind, not just my body :S. Im still unconvinced, home seems like a suped up 3D internet and quite frankly what is the use of that besides just looking pretty, what a waste of development time. People will eat it up but its not impressive. Quote
Koelsch1 Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 I think Sony is really dropping the ball on this one. Oh????????? Quote
Armoured Priest Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 As I recall both Sega's Saturn and the N64 had pack-in games (or at least package versions, one core, the other with a game.) I know the Saturn originally came with Virtua Fighter and a game demo disc, then, later it came with 3 games: Vitua Fighter 2, Virtua Cop, and Daytona. Also, I believe the N64 came with Pokemon Stadium at one point. Don't recall if there were any other package deals for the N64. I am all for pack in games. Sometimes (like when a kid is saving up using his allowance monies or a part-time job or something) and he has just enough to get the system, but not any games, it was kinda nice to buy the system and have something to do until you've saved up money for a game. Sure, he could wait until he has enough to buy the system and a game, but sometimes impulse takes over. Quote
Evilhead Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 When I bought my Xbox it had a couple pack in games. PRG2 which I played for a little bit the afternoon I got it and some other game I never even took out of the case. I bought the system with the packins because it had an extra controller and was cheaper than the special edition Xboxs they had for sale at the store I was at. Oh????????? Awww.... And I thought you blocked me! I guess you couldn't live without your widdle Evilhead. How sweet. And yeah, Sony is getting pwnd by Microsoft right now. 360>>>PS3. Maybe this will change when some games come out, but who knows? They are in danger of losing a lot of the market at this point, but even then the system won't be in danger of flopping completely. There's just too much money behind it. Quote
Piracy Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Many of you have maybe already seen this, some of you may have not. These are scans of the April issue of EGM, and feature the new Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. Looks like PS3 has its first killer app. And a video from the GDC conference.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5m6n1U-pTM Quote
Specter Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 My only problems with the PS3 so far is that its graphics capabilities seem limited by the 256 MB of RAM compared to the 360's 512 MB, the controller lacks rumble & is piss poor for FPS again, and the price (but it's good for those who want a hi-def movie player). Actually, the PS3 and 360 both have 512 MB (though that seems odd to me when the standard for PC's is 2 Gigs). Also, apparently Sony and Immersion (the rumble guys) are friends now, so there might be rumble in the controller now. Though that might mean that people would have to go out and buy all new controllers, and games would have to add it. And the controller will still suck for shooters, but that's what PCs are for. Quote
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