Hy Bound Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I just thought i'd put in my 2 cents... I got an XBox 360 about october of last year and definitely thought that I had become an extreme 360 fanboy. I thought that the ps3 was way too expensive and not enough of an upgrade to warrant the price of admission. However, I have been looking around at the ps3 recently after i came into a bit of extra money from working all last semester and this summer. I decided to take the $500 dollar plunge after the price drop. (if you buy it at circuit city, you can get a free second controller as well as the 5 free shitty blu-ray movies). I have to say; wow, the ps3 is awesome. It looks great! I have it set up to a 62" DLP HDTV at 1080i, (i cant wait for my own tv for 1080p). The people who bash on the ps3 and blu-ray format really need to eat the shit they're throwing; when the fidelity is good enough that you can easily see the pores on characters in a movie during an action sequence, i think that's about as good as you really need. The sixaxis is a pretty damn cool feature. I know the Wii has an even better version of the accelerometers, but that really got quite annoying after a while; i don't want to be sitting in an awkward stance for 3 hours trying to keep a ball from rolling off a wooden plank in that Zelda mini-game. The games use it as sort of an immersion-type feature (some better than others) instead of using it as the only gimmick in a game, like the wii. The on-line part of the package is actually quite good, especially considering its free. It works about the same as the 360 shop and on-line gaming feature but makes it so that you can look at any of the games and movies no matter how deep you are in the shopping options. There's also virtually no lag in any of the games ive played online, which is pretty cool. All in all, I realize that many of you in this forum have probably looked around at all the features and know more about this stuff than me, but for those of you still on the fence about the ps3, i would say that you won't be disappointed in the system. You may be a bit disappointed in the games at the moment, but once killzone 2, MGS4 and Final Fantasy 13 come out its going to be a different story. I would have to say, that as soon as the ps3 has a good library of games and once they get the rumble-enabled controllers out on the market, (i hear they may be having you send in your controllers now and they'll give you the new ones for free, but i think its just a rumor) its going to be the best console to buy. Quote
Ero Elohim Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I just thought i'd put in my 2 cents...I got an XBox 360 about october of last year and definitely thought that I had become an extreme 360 fanboy. I thought that the ps3 was way too expensive and not enough of an upgrade to warrant the price of admission. However, I have been looking around at the ps3 recently after i came into a bit of extra money from working all last semester and this summer. I decided to take the $500 dollar plunge after the price drop. (if you buy it at circuit city, you can get a free second controller as well as the 5 free shitty blu-ray movies). I have to say; wow, the ps3 is awesome. It looks great! I have it set up to a 62" DLP HDTV at 1080i, (i cant wait for my own tv for 1080p). The people who bash on the ps3 and blu-ray format really need to eat the shit they're throwing; when the fidelity is good enough that you can easily see the pores on characters in a movie during an action sequence, i think that's about as good as you really need. The sixaxis is a pretty damn cool feature. I know the Wii has an even better version of the accelerometers, but that really got quite annoying after a while; i don't want to be sitting in an awkward stance for 3 hours trying to keep a ball from rolling off a wooden plank in that Zelda mini-game. The games use it as sort of an immersion-type feature (some better than others) instead of using it as the only gimmick in a game, like the wii. The on-line part of the package is actually quite good, especially considering its free. It works about the same as the 360 shop and on-line gaming feature but makes it so that you can look at any of the games and movies no matter how deep you are in the shopping options. There's also virtually no lag in any of the games ive played online, which is pretty cool. All in all, I realize that many of you in this forum have probably looked around at all the features and know more about this stuff than me, but for those of you still on the fence about the ps3, i would say that you won't be disappointed in the system. You may be a bit disappointed in the games at the moment, but once killzone 2, MGS4 and Final Fantasy 13 come out its going to be a different story. I would have to say, that as soon as the ps3 has a good library of games and once they get the rumble-enabled controllers out on the market, (i hear they may be having you send in your controllers now and they'll give you the new ones for free, but i think its just a rumor) its going to be the best console to buy. Shill more, pl0x. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 People bash the bluray format is because it's notably more expensive, slower read rate than DVDs (at least on the PS3), and because of Sony's notorious history with format control that is anti-consumer. And you know the Amazon deal is better than the Circuit City one - you have to pay tax on the CC one, and Amazon is only charging $40 for a PS3 controller. Also, I disagree with the sixaxis use in the PS3 games - they scream sometimes more of a gimmick than Wii games (see Resistance: Fall of Man), and I've already played like 7 games for the Wii so far. If anything, it's largely the other way around. And to throw a little more truly positive stuff into the thread, Ninja Gaiden Sigma should be awesome, and I'm looking forward to Warhawk as well for some strange reason. Edit: Oh atomicfog, the PS3 seems to hate crappy TVs...I play it on a shitty 20" TV when I'm at school, and the TV makes weird noises when switching from the PS3 dashboard to the EE for PS2 games. When I know for sure I'll be at a grad school for a while then I'm plunk down some cash for an HDTV, but for now I have to deal with the crappy TV. Quote
dsx100 Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 I just thought i'd put in my 2 cents...The sixaxis is a pretty damn cool feature. I know the Wii has an even better version of the accelerometers, but that really got quite annoying after a while; i don't want to be sitting in an awkward stance for 3 hours trying to keep a ball from rolling off a wooden plank in that Zelda mini-game. The games use it as sort of an immersion-type feature (some better than others) instead of using it as the only gimmick in a game, like the wii. I am guessing you probably have not played many games for the wii. Either that or you consider non-standard controller positions gimmicky. Wii Sports, in my opinion, is still the most immersive game as far as motion controllers are considered. Wii Play and Wario Ware also have some very immersive motion controls. I hate to bring up "future" games agian but Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy look they are going to be excellent show cases of wii controls as well. Sixaxis tilt is pretty well done, but I have yet to try a game that really utilizes it very well. It does have a lot of potential though. Hopefully more games will utilize it much more. Quote
Hector Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Actually, the difference in read-speed is very damning for blu-ray currently. Blu-ray is currently a high-end format for movie collectors. A slower read-speed means that the actual output will be lower quality. Therefore, despite HD-DVD's current limitations, it is the superior format for film collectors. And since early adopters are movie-fanatics, that is very important. For Gamers, it does not matter as much, as the read-speed can be compensated for by longer load-times. Quote
eternal Zero Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 as the read-speed can be compensated for by longer load-times. But who seriously wants more of that? Quote
G_D Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Heh, I remember when Oblivion was coming out for the PS3. There was an article about how the developer had worked hard using various creative methods to get it to load as fast as on the Xbox 360, and many people credited that to Sony, saying "See, everything is fine." Oh, the lulz. Oh, and by the way, come March we're going to see a fancy paradigm shift in the current console race. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 The so called creative method was to have the data multiple times on the disc, which was also done on some PSP games to speed up the load times. But what this does is nullifies the space advantage of bluray over DVD in some cases. Quote
Devyn Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Heh, I remember when Oblivion was coming out for the PS3. There was an article about how the developer had worked hard using various creative methods to get it to load as fast as on the Xbox 360, and many people credited that to Sony, saying "See, everything is fine."Oh, the lulz. Oh, and by the way, come March we're going to see a fancy paradigm shift in the current console race. Uh huh, and I'm Willie Nelson from Texas. Quote
Penfold Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Oh, and by the way, come March we're going to see a fancy paradigm shift in the current console race. PlayStation 3, you will see, will be far and away the winner when you look at it by March '08. They really, really will. What can I say, that second "really" he put in there sold me. EDIT: I also very much liked the following quote: When asked if he thought GBP 425 / GBP 599 was still a high price to ask consumers to pay Reeves replied, "It is, but surprisingly, people are paying that amount of money for it." Quote
The Damned Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 David Reeds, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, saying that the PS3 will be the leader in the next nine months? Gee, you think that he might have a little bias there? How about a "paradigm shift" from someone that doesn't work for Sony? Quote
Bahamut Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 http://www.gametab.com/news/973471/ So, there're rumors of a $400 40 GB PS3 - if it's true, Sony's executives are really out of the loop. But...it'd be a step in the right direction. Quote
atmuh Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 $400 40 GB PS3 id almost begin to consider buying that Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 How many are they freaking going to make? Jesus Christ. A 40 gig for $400 would be worth it though... Quote
Ninja-san Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 If they sell a ps3 for $400 id buy that over a 360. Quote
Drack Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 Without the emotion engine, there's not a chance of me ever buying one. Software emulation of consoles one generation back is not a good idea. Xbox 360 proves this. Quote
dsx100 Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 Without the emotion engine, there's not a chance of me ever buying one. Software emulation of consoles one generation back is not a good idea. Xbox 360 proves this. Same here. I'd rather buy a 20GB model off ebay for $299.99. If it did have an emotion engine though, I would certianly make an effort to buy it. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=8095 Another Disgaea game... Seriously, I loved the first one, but enough is enough. Nippon Ichi is going to ride this thing until the wheels fall off, apparently. Quote
Soma Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=8095Another Disgaea game... Seriously, I loved the first one, but enough is enough. Nippon Ichi is going to ride this thing until the wheels fall off, apparently. I don't see it as a bad thing. I never played 2, or beat 1, so i'll probably rebuy the 1st on PSP. and when i get a ps3 i'll definitely pickup 3. More Japanese rpg's is never a bad thing, though i suppose that's highly subjective. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=8095Another Disgaea game... Seriously, I loved the first one, but enough is enough. Nippon Ichi is going to ride this thing until the wheels fall off, apparently. I only played a little of the first one, so I haven't got sick of them (yet). It's another positive for the PS3, although I wonder why they're sticking to it Quote
Hy Bound Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 I know this isn't what you guys are talking about but meh. I was wondering if any of you have ninja gaiden sigma. I'm kinda on the fence about buying this game seeing as how i played the original (not black) on the XBox and found it to be too difficult for my taste. I would really like to like the game, but it was just too hard and the camera was a pain in the ass. I've been hearing that sigma is a bit easier and you can even unlock an easier mode if you die too much. Is this true? As lame as it sounds i need the game to be a little bit easier for it to be fun for me. Any thoughts? Quote
Effef Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=8095Another Disgaea game... Seriously, I loved the first one, but enough is enough. Nippon Ichi is going to ride this thing until the wheels fall off, apparently. Why did they put this on the PS3? WHY? Its either this and a PS3 or Ace Combat 6 and a 360..... fuck... Quote
DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff Posted July 17, 2007 Posted July 17, 2007 Yeah, why did they put Disgaea 3 on the PS3? It looks like a PS2 game. Quote
G_D Posted July 18, 2007 Posted July 18, 2007 David Reeds, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, saying that the PS3 will be the leader in the next nine months?Gee, you think that he might have a little bias there? How about a "paradigm shift" from someone that doesn't work for Sony? Sarcasm, anyone? Quote
Bahamut Posted July 18, 2007 Posted July 18, 2007 I know this isn't what you guys are talking about but meh. I was wondering if any of you have ninja gaiden sigma. I'm kinda on the fence about buying this game seeing as how i played the original (not black) on the XBox and found it to be too difficult for my taste. I would really like to like the game, but it was just too hard and the camera was a pain in the ass. I've been hearing that sigma is a bit easier and you can even unlock an easier mode if you die too much. Is this true? As lame as it sounds i need the game to be a little bit easier for it to be fun for me. Any thoughts? The camera wasn't really much of an issue in the original, simply because of the right trigger recentering the camera by the character whenever you wanted to recenter it. It is true though, in Ninja Gaiden Black, they did put an easier mode for those who die too much, and I'm pretty sure it makes a return in Sigma. It looks a bit hefty at $70, but I know I'm going to take the plunge on this game sometime in the next month or so. Quote
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