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Damn this thread is sad.

Burnout Paradise is out for ps3 (and 360). anyone else pick it up? I got that and Eye of Judgement (for the camera which is heavily featured in Burnout).

I need to beef up my PSN friends list anyone want to add me? The name is tragick. Only other multiplayer game i have is Warhawk.


Waiting for DMC4 right now.

Huge recommendation for the PS3 is Uncharted. That game seems to have been highly overlooked. I rented it and it's definitely worth the buy, which I'm going to do soon.


I'd recommend Ratchet & Clank: Future, if that style of game is your thing.

I got that and Ninja Gaiden Sigma for Christmas. Haven't played NGS......yet (Haven't had any masochistic tendencies......yet)

R&C is a good game for the PS3, but my collection of PS3 games consists of a whopping 3. The two aforementioned, and MotorStorm.

I wish there were more PS3 games that I'd actually enjoy playing, but the selection is quite limited at this point (as surmised from a recent trip to GameStop)


I'm thinking of getting a ps3. There aren't as many good exclusives as I'd like at the moment, but with both a Wii and PS3 I should be fine. Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted look like a blast.


I've got 6 ps3 games now; ratchet, uncharted, warhawk, folklore, eye of judgement and burnout paradise and DMC4 soonish.

Uncharted and ratchet are highly recommended. I still can't beat the last boss in ratchet and clank future though.


I'm not gonna read the whole thread but I haven't seen anybody recommend Resistence:fall of man, It's a great shooter so why isn't it getting any recommendations/love?

Cause it came out a year ago and everyone's already said everything about it?

so hilarious

I meant that I read few of the last pages and some people were saying that they had some had Uncharted and rachet & clank and some other games but they didn't have resistence as part of their collection and found it suprising that nobody recommended resistence as must have(even though it's old)...But whatever I realize it was a stupid/misworded post...At least it made somebody laugh.:-|


Eh, I don't know about it as a must have...Call of Duty 4 so far reigns as king for me this gen, and dwarfs the other FPSs that came out. Also, the Dual Shock analog sticks are in a very strange position, making it a bit awkward for FPSs. Resistance isn't a bad game, but the PS3 controller definitely marred the experience a bit for me.

Eh, I don't know about it as a must have...Call of Duty 4 so far reigns as king for me this gen, and dwarfs the other FPSs that came out. Also, the Dual Shock analog sticks are in a very strange position, making it a bit awkward for FPSs. Resistance isn't a bad game, but the PS3 controller definitely marred the experience a bit for me.

Yeah, CoD4 has definitely made every other shooter seem mundane.

I meant that I read few of the last pages and some people were saying that they had some had Uncharted and rachet & clank and some other games but they didn't have resistence as part of their collection and found it suprising that nobody recommended resistence as must have(even though it's old)...But whatever I realize it was a stupid/misworded post...At least it made somebody laugh.:-|

I've played Resistance and it's quite good. I wouldn't peg it as a must own though I've been thinking that Resistance is like Sony's Halo. Resistance 2 is going to be awesome. I'm much more excited for it than Killzone2. Just personal opinion though.

Great system, but it needs more games!!! :whatevaa:

Everybody says that (because it's true) but I'm kinda excited for Dynasty Warriors 6 and Crysis (If it comes out) and a few other games. All there is to do is wait (not long hopefully).

Also I've been meaning to ask if there are some noteable PSN games worth downloading, Everyday Shooter looks good but I kinda want some feed back before I buy it.

Everybody says that (because it's true) but I'm kinda excited for Dynasty Warriors 6 and Crysis (If it comes out) and a few other games. All there is to do is wait (not long hopefully).

Also I've been meaning to ask if there are some noteable PSN games worth downloading, Everyday Shooter looks good but I kinda want some feed back before I buy it.

I'll be surprised if you ever get Crysis on PS3. It's a PC exclusive thus far entirely due to control-complexity (because, yes, I know, PS3 can do all that crazy graphical stuff a high end box can)

I'll be surprised if you ever get Crysis on PS3. It's a PC exclusive thus far entirely due to control-complexity (because, yes, I know, PS3 can do all that crazy graphical stuff a high end box can)

This is what I based my last statement on, that's why I said If it comes out, I probably will never get to play Crysis otherwise(probably bioshock either).:sad:


Well mate, assuming it does, my considered opinion is that it would be worth the wait. Even if it means you filthy console-playing peasants get to enjoy what we of the PC-gaming master race have long since moved on from :)

Well mate, assuming it does, my considered opinion is that it would be worth the wait. Even if it means you filthy console-playing peasants get to enjoy what we of the PC-gaming master race have long since moved on from :)


Not that consoles are bad, just that few games are worth getting a console for, and pc game ports imo are not an excuse to play on a console when its superior on the PC to begin with...

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