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Another boring dynnasty warriors hybrid. You can try out for yourself. It's not that hard to create a Japanese account for downloading ps3 demos from japan.

This actually just made me think of something that I nearly forgot that's been on the back of my mind for a while now, but I never got around to asking. I always assumed yes until this was brought up though.

Does the PS3 have region locking? And if so I assume it's just for the discs and not for demos then?

(Thread's too long to backtrack if this has already been asked, sorry.)


This actually just made me think of something that I nearly forgot that's been on the back of my mind for a while now, but I never got around to asking. I always assumed yes until this was brought up though.

Does the PS3 have region locking? And if so I assume it's just for the discs and not for demos then?

(Thread's too long to backtrack if this has already been asked, sorry.)


I don't think there's any region locking for the games.. but I do remember reading somewhere(Kotaku, maybe?) that one of the upcoming games -would- have standard, oldskool region locking.

At least Sony, for the most part, realizes that region locking is the single, legal reason to use a modchip.. no modchips, next to no piracy. So, no region locking, no legal excuse for a modchip.


Well, damn. The very game I was thinking of, has had the region locking yanked from it.

What -was- http://kotaku.com/gaming/say-it-aint-woo/stranglehold-on-ps3-+-region-locked-284371.php

Is now http://kotaku.com/gaming/systems-restored/midway-backs-down-stranglehold-now-region+free-285961.php

Too bad some companies think it pays to buck the trend, all because they foolishly think they somehow make more money selling the same game in different regions, than they do selling the same game to ALL regions.

The weird thing about the Heavenly Sword demo was that I didn't like it at first either. But if you play it over again, you'll like it more. Play it again, you'll like it even more, and so on and so forth.

I think it's because the combat system at first seems very limited, until you get to understanding all the crazy things you can do with it, and because of that, the game just gets more fun.

Really weird, but hey, it worked for me.

That's true. At first I was like... *gasp* this is Heavenly Sword? Crap.

but... then I started playing through the demo again and again and understanding how the fighting system worked and it's actually really cool. It's not really interesting until you know what you're doing... and the game doesn't help itself. I mean they give you a lengthy written button config entry on the menu, but a tutorial for the demo would have been nice. It was just "meh" for me too before I started really getting down how combos and counters worked. :)

I played the GRAW2 demo, and was really unimpressed. The demo was interesting, but seriously, it felt like it was a dumbed down port of the Xbox360 version... clearly wasn't using the full potential of the ps3.

I might need to open a Japanese account. . . .


I have encountered a problem with my ps3. For some reason the controller seems to work fine when I am playing games, but the controller stops responding when I press the playstation button on the controller. I tried resetting my controller a number of times, but nothing seems to be working. The controller doesn't work even when it is connected directly to ps3 through a wire. I googled for this problem and a number of other users have also encountered this problem. But I wasn't able to find any solution online. Has anyone here dealt with this type of problem before?


The only problem i've had with my PS3 is random freezes every now and then while using the web.

Plus a thing with my controller in which the L2 and R2 triggers squeak like mad when i press them, that was annoying as hell.

Luckily when i bought my second ps3... (sold the first) i no longer had the squeaky buttons


No problems with mine either, except this one time on Oblivion, doing the Umbra quest, she kicked my ass so hard, it crashed my ps3.

Then on my friends ps3, I do get slowdown on some of the games he has, but he leaves his damn ps3 on ALL week, running Folding at home, he has like 240 work units done, crazy bastard.


I have had this same problem too, where you try to connect but all it does is keep flashing right? I have only really had it during PS2 games, but I haven't played too many PS3 games yet. Find anything on this?

No problems with mine either, except this one time on Oblivion, doing the Umbra quest, she kicked my ass so hard, it crashed my ps3.

Then on my friends ps3, I do get slowdown on some of the games he has, but he leaves his damn ps3 on ALL week, running Folding at home, he has like 240 work units done, crazy bastard.

Haha. Umbra pwnd you so hard, she hacked YOUR gibson, bitch! :P

Kinda late but holy shit is Super Stardust HD fun as hell. I haven't gotten to the second world but man its just so much fun.

One of my friends told me about that, said it's almost as good as Geometry Wars. I definitely gotta pick it up once I get internet running again.

One of my friends told me about that, said it's almost as good as Geometry Wars. I definitely gotta pick it up once I get internet running again.

IMO its a lot better than Geometry Wars. It feels like an actual game than just one stage you play over and over to get higher score. There are different enemies and obstacles plus boss fights heh. As you get better and better you open up different worlds. You also have 3 different guns you can upgrade. Each has its own advantages over different rocks, enemies, etc. Everyone with a Ps3 seriously needs to get this game hehe


So I got my PS3 running online...and man is the PSN Store buggy. I had troubles using their initial links for downloading the games and had to exit the store and return to download them. Not to mention purchase pages sometimes flips out on me too. Got me flOw and Super Stardust HD though, so I can't wait to play them.

IMO its a lot better than Geometry Wars. It feels like an actual game than just one stage you play over and over to get higher score. There are different enemies and obstacles plus boss fights heh. As you get better and better you open up different worlds. You also have 3 different guns you can upgrade. Each has its own advantages over different rocks, enemies, etc. Everyone with a Ps3 seriously needs to get this game hehe

But that's the whole appeal of Geometry Wars - I love that aspect of it and its why I keep going back to it. It harks back to the days of high scoring and such.

Edit: After a little more than 2 hours of Super Stardust HD, holy shit, the game kicks ass. The curve is nice and fast paced for the difficulty. I'm hoping the fun still holds much later, although climbing the rankings is fun. So far I'm up to around 10000th in the rankings.

  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this thread...

I almost beat Super Stardust HD, died a second time against the final boss, when it was almost dead (yay rank 3692 or something like that). Some of my deaths have been due to the controller's bluetooth being glitchy, which is pissing me off to no end. Sony let me down with the wireless reliability here on a recurring basis. For games like this, it is unacceptable - the PS3 is just not good enough for hardcore games with its current Sixaxis controller.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying what I'm playing a lot.


So has anyone here purchased warhawk? I am interested to some extent but from my experience, most people playing these types of online games are jerks.


Microsoft pays for their game system division with their world-dominating computer operating system and the money they make off of x-Box Live subscriptions.

Nintendo... well, Nintendo makes a pretty good profit off of their systems, so they don't have to worry about that.

Sony? Sony sells off shares of other divisions to cover the losses of their game system division.

Seems kind of bad, huh? Selling off pieces to keep another afloat.

Anyone still think Sony is doing good this gen? ;-)

Microsoft pays for their game system division with their world-dominating computer operating system and the money they make off of x-Box Live subscriptions.

Nintendo... well, Nintendo makes a pretty good profit off of their systems, so they don't have to worry about that.

Sony? Sony sells off shares of other divisions to cover the losses of their game system division.

Seems kind of bad, huh? Selling off pieces to keep another afloat.

Anyone still think Sony is doing good this gen? ;-)

Now now, this -could- be a good thing for them.. I mean, it's not like they're still selling DVD movies that can't play on computers(Wait.. Stranger than Fiction wouldn't even detect in my DVD drive..), or portable drives that install rootkits into your computer(wait.. again, they were just called on that..).

Hey, they have their world-class consumer name and love of all the customers to pull them along! Oh, shit..

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