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Pokémon: Forget Ultra Sun and Moon, Core Game for Switch Announced

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Two more things I'm really liking about gen 7.

The first is that all TMs are eitehr free (you find them, you are given them) or easily purchasable in store (mostly from the right-side person at the PokéCenter store, or that one shop in Konikoni City). None of them are Battle Tree prizes that require lots of Battle Points to buy (Black and White did this, and I think I still never got a few of them).

Second, the GTS is a lot more responsive to searches. I could find almost anything with ease, the A to Z and search functions are simpler and easy to use. No fiddling around with them.

Also, it seems that people are a lot less demanding with trades on the GTS. I easily found and traded for level 1 female starters. Like, an hour later and I was done. That's awesome.

Previous generations had that extra difficulty to get all the TMs and finish the pokédex, which added a lot of hours to the game. I'm just a bit concerned that with all this easier access to TM and pokémon, there may not be that much more to do now.

12 hours ago, The Damned said:

Previous generations had that extra difficulty to get all the TMs and finish the pokédex, which added a lot of hours to the game. I'm just a bit concerned that with all this easier access to TM and pokémon, there may not be that much more to do now.

Well, you still have the held items for the pokemon that you need to purchase from the battle tree - things like the choice scarf and choice specs, as well as any mega stone you want to mess around with.

Also, PvP. There's always PvP.


I got my hands on a blue minior in a beast ball, which is cool enough on its own, but I've undertaken the task of breeding a shiny from it

450+ eggs into it so far. I've been sending out the rejects through wonder trade


Oh! That reminds me, there's the (kind of, sorta, not really) annual Christmas Wonder Trade!

Basically, ever since X and Y came out, there has been the Wonder Trade option, where you just randomly trade with someone else. They don't have to be on your Friends List or anything.

The Christmas Wonder Trade is something that players have been self-organizing and doing each year. Simply trade away pokémon like spare starters, version exclusives, breeding rejects (damn! only one point away from perfect stats! NEXT!), or spare shinies you don't want. The new players will have a good chance at something rare or powerful, or just really cool! And since you can give Wonder Trade pokémon items to hold, you could send them with a spare Ultra Ball or Hyper potion, something that could help out with their game.

Well, I mean,it will cost you a few pokémon here and there, but really, is that too much to ask?

Just don't give them names like Hitlerfcuker, alright?

3 minutes ago, The Damned said:

Oh! That reminds me, there's the (kind of, sorta, not really) annual Christmas Wonder Trade!

Basically, ever since X and Y came out, there has been the Wonder Trade option, where you just randomly trade with someone else. They don't have to be on your Friends List or anything.

The Christmas Wonder Trade is something that players have been self-organizing and doing each year. Simply trade away pokémon like spare starters, version exclusives, breeding rejects (damn! only one point away from perfect stats! NEXT!), or spare shinies you don't want. The new players will have a good chance at something rare or powerful, or just really cool! And since you can give Wonder Trade pokémon items to hold, you could send them with a spare Ultra Ball or Hyper potion, something that could help out with their game.

Well, I mean,it will cost you a few pokémon here and there, but really, is that too much to ask?

Just don't give them names like Hitlerfcuker, alright?

I've got a box and a half of stuff just ready to go! Mostly Mimikyus and Jangmo-os, but some random starters and other difficult things to get.


Luckily, Wonder Trade and GTS still work for XY and ORAS.


Even after the current service ends, you'll be able to keep enjoying the features of Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, and Pokémon Y using the Internet, such as Random Matchup Free Battles, the GTS, and Wonder Trades.

So go ahead and try it on your Gen 6 games any way. you might even get something in return.


So, got all my TMs. Moved on to trying to get that pokédex filled in.

Wonder Trade is sooo much better this gen. I've received a Mimikyu, who refuses to even show up in my game without dying from a slight breeze, as well as a few version exclusives. So much better. It seems faster, people re more willing to give away pokémon other than Yangoose over and over and over.

And a reminder! The Meloetta event is over on the 24th. That's only about 24 hours from now. If you haven't gotten one by now, you're going to be hard pressed for one later.


I have a shiny minior in a beast ball, after about 900 eggs. took advantage of the fact that eggs are set in stone until you swap out parents to reset and hatch him at aether paradise


now, what do I set my sights upon next. maybe a shiny beldum for the wife


There's a new Global Mission out.


If we get 1 million island scans by the 9th, we all get 2017 Festival Coins (if you Game Synced to pokemon-gl.com with an account, you get double, 4034).

If we don't, we all get 217 (434 with pgl account). Either way, that's a lot more than you can get from random FC farming.

EDIT: For those wondering how to do this, simple instructions:

  • Press X to get to the menu.
  • Find "QR Scanner" (might be on the second page of the menu)
  • The external camera will activate. Scan any QR codes, or use these ones for an easy 20 points at a time instead of taking ten 10-point scans.
  • Once you get 100 points, press X to start Island Scan, and the game will "scan" the island and a random pokémon you normally can't find will appear. The top screen will tell you where it can be found.
  • Go catch that pokémon, whatever and wherever it is.
  • Repeat scanning and catching (you can only do two a day, though, either ten 10-point scans, or 5 20-points scans twice a day)
  • Repeat each day until the 9th.
56 minutes ago, The Damned said:

There's a new Global Mission out.


If we get 1 million island scans by the 9th, we all get 2017 Festival Coins (if you Game Synced to pokemon-gl.com with an account, you get double, 4034).

If we don't, we all get 217 (434 with pgl account). Either way, that's a lot more than you can get from random FC farming.

EDIT: For those wondering how to do this, simple instructions:

  • Press X to get to the menu.
  • Find "QR Scanner" (might be on the second page of the menu)
  • The external camera will activate. Scan any QR codes, or use these ones for an easy 20 points at a time instead of taking ten 10-point scans.
  • Once you get 100 points, press X to start Island Scan, and the game will "scan" the island and a random pokémon you normally can't find will appear. The top screen will tell you where it can be found.
  • Go catch that pokémon, whatever and wherever it is.
  • Repeat scanning and catching (you can only do two a day, though, either ten 10-point scans, or 5 20-points scans twice a day)
  • Repeat each day until the 9th.

that is awesome, i just got to the 4th island so ill be able to get the pokemon that show up there. What was the result of the first global mission? I dont think i ever got any coins for it, so i assume that it failed?

12 hours ago, Admiral_C said:

We collectively failed to meet the goal, but If you registered for it you would have gotten coins regardless.



got it, i didnt know i had to talk to the receptionist again to redeem, but when i signed up for the new one, i saw this. 


@The Damnedthanks for linking those QR codes, I did it last night and it was super easy. Caught 2 new pokemon for my dex too! I'll keep up on this, seems pretty easy to get some more FC.


There's one last chance to get an Arceus on your XY and ORAS games.

For North America, use the code ARCEUS20 and in Europe use the code ARCEUS2016 .

If you got Arceus from the event earlier this year, you can't get this one, as it counts as the same giveaway.

Event ends this Saturday, on New year's Eve.


Update on the Global Mission!

We're at 201 700 out of 1 000 000! That's a fifth of the way there, in five days. We only have 9 more days to get there, so everyone start spamming those QR codes! And don't forget to connect to the internet so your scans and captures and be counted towards the goal!


Argh!! I'm not far enough in the game that I want to start worrying about global missions yet!! And I usually only get to play for about 20 minutes so it is slow going right now.


I'd say it's the best game in the series since Gen 3 (and I love Gen 3).

Each generation shakes things up a little, here and there. Like, gen 2 added two new types and held items, gen 3 added abilities and a better, more streamlined stat system, etc.

But Sun and Moon had the biggest changes. Most of them were minors things on paper, but they change the game a lot in practice.

  1. Gone are HMs, replaced by pokémon you can summon instantly to perform the task the old HM would have done. This frees up a lot of move slots on multiple pokémon, so you can now carry a full team of battlers without having to sacrifice anything at all.
  2. Gyms are gone, and I'm kind of glad they did it this way. Replacing it with something other than more battles gives a good change of pace. Instead of fighting a Gym Leader that uses Fire or Rock or whatever type pokémon, you are given a task by a local trainer of importance, like gather certain items in a jungle, or take pictures of a rare pokémon. You still get to fight them at some point, but the short break from grinding and fighting is a nice change.
  3. Also, they removed the stiffer grid-based system, and replaced it with a true analog direction system instead. You can walk in any direction, take curved paths, start and stop easier...
  4. The Ultra Beasts quest post-game isn't too deep, but it give you a nice quest after the main game. You get to meet an old character or two from older games, the Ultra Beasts are kind of cool...
  5. Totem Pokémon battles are a good spike in difficulty. They're bigger and tougher than regular pokémon of the same kind, and they tend to have a single stat boost right at the start of battle that give you a good fight. I remember fighting a few and actually having a hard time with them.
  6. Wild pokémon can call other pokémon during battle to help them out. Suddenly, it's two on one, and they can get pretty sneaky. I almost lost to a double battle against some poison types. One would poison my team, the other would use a move that double damage when the target is poisoned, so even though I had a huge level advantage, I was getting my ass kicked!

There are a few things that I wish had been kept. They could have cut the number of Ride Pokémon in half, and given more uses for the RotomDex (like making it your Item Finder instead of using Stoutland to sniff item out). But overall, it's a really good refresh on the series. I miss the Bicycle. The fastest Ride Pokémon requires constant holding down of the B button, and it's not exactly as fun. Smashing through rocks gets tiring after the hundredth time, and there's that slight delay when you have to change outfits and summon the pokémon to you. The same amount of time could just have you take a bicycle out from behind you and bam, no need for a silly helmet and bodysuit.

But overall, it's definitely a big step up from gen 6. All the good stuff from before is kept, all the clunky bits are smoothed out, and all the new stuff is a nice change.

2 hours ago, The Damned said:

I'd say it's the best game in the series since Gen 3 (and I love Gen 3).

Each generation shakes things up a little, here and there. Like, gen 2 added two new types and held items, gen 3 added abilities and a better, more streamlined stat system, etc.

But Sun and Moon had the biggest changes. Most of them were minors things on paper, but they change the game a lot in practice.

  1. Gone are HMs, replaced by pokémon you can summon instantly to perform the task the old HM would have done. This frees up a lot of move slots on multiple pokémon, so you can now carry a full team of battlers without having to sacrifice anything at all.
  2. Gyms are gone, and I'm kind of glad they did it this way. Replacing it with something other than more battles gives a good change of pace. Instead of fighting a Gym Leader that uses Fire or Rock or whatever type pokémon, you are given a task by a local trainer of importance, like gather certain items in a jungle, or take pictures of a rare pokémon. You still get to fight them at some point, but the short break from grinding and fighting is a nice change.
  3. Also, they removed the stiffer grid-based system, and replaced it with a true analog direction system instead. You can walk in any direction, take curved paths, start and stop easier...
  4. The Ultra Beasts quest post-game isn't too deep, but it give you a nice quest after the main game. You get to meet an old character or two from older games, the Ultra Beasts are kind of cool...
  5. Totem Pokémon battles are a good spike in difficulty. They're bigger and tougher than regular pokémon of the same kind, and they tend to have a single stat boost right at the start of battle that give you a good fight. I remember fighting a few and actually having a hard time with them.
  6. Wild pokémon can call other pokémon during battle to help them out. Suddenly, it's two on one, and they can get pretty sneaky. I almost lost to a double battle against some poison types. One would poison my team, the other would use a move that double damage when the target is poisoned, so even though I had a huge level advantage, I was getting my ass kicked!

There are a few things that I wish had been kept. They could have cut the number of Ride Pokémon in half, and given more uses for the RotomDex (like making it your Item Finder instead of using Stoutland to sniff item out). But overall, it's a really good refresh on the series. I miss the Bicycle. The fastest Ride Pokémon requires constant holding down of the B button, and it's not exactly as fun. Smashing through rocks gets tiring after the hundredth time, and there's that slight delay when you have to change outfits and summon the pokémon to you. The same amount of time could just have you take a bicycle out from behind you and bam, no need for a silly helmet and bodysuit.

But overall, it's definitely a big step up from gen 6. All the good stuff from before is kept, all the clunky bits are smoothed out, and all the new stuff is a nice change.

Whew, that is quite comprehensive, read it all though!

The bicycle replaced with pokemon ride thingy sounds annoying, but the other points seem pretty damn compelling.  I'll have to grab it sun/moon when I'm able.  Thanks The Damned :D 


Well, shit.

We're only two days from the end of the current Global Mission, and we're not even at 430 000 out of 1 000 000. 11 days to get less than half way through.

I can't tell if Nintendo seriously overestimated players , no one really knows about the events, or players just aren't able/willing to meet the requirements.

Or maybe the collective player base is thinking that if we all fail enough over and over, Nintendo will just lower the goal to the point where we can't help but win. :<

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