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On 3/26/2017 at 8:23 AM, ibeginwiththeendinmind said:

By the looks of how this is shaping up, I'll likely need and 'Evanescence' style vocalist for this track. Any suggestions?

That's a pretty tall order.  I assume you mean the lead singer, Amy Lee?  She's pretty fantastic.  Lots of oomph in that voice that not many women can match.

I don't know who's actively available for collabs, but you can use our workshop tool to start off with.  A star in the left column means they're a posted remixer, and the star is a link to their profile.  You could try Claire Yaxley; she does a lot of collabs and her voice is pretty darn close.  Most of the others would be singing more outside their comfort zone to match that, but some might be up for the challenge.


We have six WIPs in, woot!  Won't be canceling the project this month!  But the check-in deadline is still just at the end of next week, so if I have nothing from you and you signed up before the last check-in (November), I'll be dropping your claim then.  Fortunately, that includes only @WillRock, @DarkDjinn, and @JonnyAtma, but unfortunately all three are great musicians and I'd hate to lose them....


The April 15 check-in date has passed.  Thanks everyone who submitted a WIP, and thanks also to the new signups!  There's definitely been enough work to keep this project going.  In fact, if all the WIPs get finished, that's probably enough for an EP quantity-wise; I'd just look for a few more to fill out the wrestling roster to make sure everyone has an opponent.

Unfortunately, @WillRock and @DarkDjinn are MIA, so Death and The Creature are now available to claim.

I've set the next check-in date as 3 months from now, July 15.  At that time, I'd like everyone who recently signed up and hasn't given me a WIP yet (@HoboKa, @That Headband Guy, and @elenaiwilliams) to send me at least an early WIP, and everyone who's given me an early WIP (@Sbeast, Moire Effect, @ibeginwiththeendinmind, and @JonnyAtma) to send me some additional work.

Thanks again to everyone!  This is starting to look pretty good!

  • 2 months later...

Got a really nice WIP shaping up from Moiré Effect, I'm pretty hyped about getting it in here!  Might be a good opener.

Please note that the next check-in deadline is just 3 weeks away!  If you haven't sent me anything since the last checkin, now's the time to crack down and get it done!


The July check-in has passed!  We have two great remixes on the judges' panel at the moment, three more that are shaping up very nicely, and three more in an early stage.  Thanks to everyone for all the work you've put in so far, this is showing a heck of a lot of promise so far!

Next check-in will be a mandatory one.  Those of you with early WIPs, I need to see some more progress from you, and those of you with nothing in yet, I need to see at least a proof-of-concept.  I will be dropping claims at those levels if I don't hear from you by the next check-in.  Anyone with at least a substantial WIP, please keep working on them, and I'd like to see updates, but basically you're all in good positions right now.  I'll try to get judges' feedback on the submitted remixes before then as well.

The check-in date is:

Saturday, September 30

Thanks again for everyone's help!

1 hour ago, ThePlasma said:

I want the Julius Theme (Don't Wait Until Night) please! :-D

Excellent choice, all yours!

Now that I've seen a few drafts, it's worth throwing out a reminder to everyone who hasn't sent anything in get: please reference the sample WWE theme songs for style and structure!  In particular, the intros and build-ups are always short when there's any at all.  Most are just 10 seconds max before getting into the meat of it, but there's also a common format of 10 seconds intro, 20 seconds build-up.  30 seconds before the main melody starts is definitely the outside limit.

  • 4 weeks later...

I have purged all the claims for which I had nothing, or for which I had only a very early WIP, and no updates for several months.  This leaves a total of 7 names on the board: two complete drafts which have been sent to the panel, three very strong WIP's, one early WIP, and one claim.

That's enough for an OCR-I LP, so that's what I'm going to shoot for at this time, although I'd still prefer to have at least a title theme, and I'll may shelve the idea of an "event" album if the numbers don't line up to give every wrestler an opponent.  I'm still committed to getting this submitted in some form, though.

  • 3 months later...

All right, time for another deadline:

Saturday, March 31

I have three entries that are complete or nearly complete, and they're all pretty fantastic.  It would be a grave injustice to not get them into an album.

@ThePlasma, @ibeginwiththeendinmind, @Steele, please send an update my way or be cut.

@Chernabogue you know where you stand and what I'm waiting for.

I'll see if I can do some more recruiting.

  • 3 weeks later...
12 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

Sure!  I hadn't been familiar with your work, but "Down the Rabite Hole" is definitely up to par and compatible with what we'd be looking for.  Did you want to claim a track?

https://vgmdb.net/artist/26855 I think it's a good time to also say Jorito helped me with a good chunk of the production on that song. Granted, I've gotten significantly better at production/VST's since then. I'm on this wild ride to keep improving and making friends.

I'll have a WIP soon. March 31st, right?

Castlevania Rondo of Blood - Bloodlines (Stage 1). No idea on a wrestler yet.

13 hours ago, Thirdkoopa said:

https://vgmdb.net/artist/26855 I think it's a good time to also say Jorito helped me with a good chunk of the production on that song. Granted, I've gotten significantly better at production/VST's since then. I'm on this wild ride to keep improving and making friends.

I'll have a WIP soon. March 31st, right?

Castlevania Rondo of Blood - Bloodlines (Stage 1). No idea on a wrestler yet.

Bloodlines, a.k.a. Divine Bloodlines, is the theme of Richter Belmont.

Normally when folks join in between when I announce a check-in date and when that date arrives, I give them some more leeway about meeting it, but since you've admitted you'll probably need some more guidance, yes, please aim for March 31.

  • 1 month later...

Howdy! I'm a longtime OC listener, lurker, and (more importantly) an artist. I check out the boards periodically looking for an album theme that speaks to me and actually looks like it'll be completed. I like Castlevania and pro wrestling, and you folks look like you've made major headway toward a release. So... have you folks secured an artist yet?

(I'll be happy to elaborate on what I can do if you still need an artist, but don't want to waste all our time with a long description if it's already taken. But here's my gallery, in case you want to be sure I have some chops: https://shellpresto.deviantart.com/  .)


I was waiting until the music was pretty much done before looking into visual artists.  Most of the music is done, but there are a few key pieces still missing, and I've been kept busy at work lately.  A couple of your most polished pieces are along the lines of what I'm looking for--your Andre the Giant, appropriately, is nicely realistic.  And I'm hoping to get multiple artists involved--I'd love to have portraits of each of the wrestlers as an "insert."  I'll definitely hit you up a little further down the line.


Sounds good to me.

I'd be more than happy to do a polished piece for a CD cover and/or profile.

If you'd like all the profile pics done by a single artist and you wouldn't mind them looking less polished (for example, in my ballpoint pen style  or just  pencils with photo BG) I'd also be up for that.

I'm also pretty flexible with style. If you want my normal house style (which makes up the majority of my drawings), I can certainly do that, or if you want it to lean more toward, say, particular Castlevania style like Symphony of the Night's style, or like the new anime, or... uh... Captain N... :D... I can do that, too.

Also, if you want me to do the album cover and want to make our lives a little easier with being on the same page about it, consider an homage/similar composition to one of the WWE or WWF DVDs, but remember it'll be square. If you give me an image and say, "I want it to look like the bottom half of this or the top half of this , it'll be much easier.

Try to give me a month to do it if you want a piece or two, two months if you want me to do all the profiles as well. Also, (because I've never used the PM message system on here) I can be reached through this contact page or a private note on my DeviantArt if for some reason I can't be reached through ocremix.org. 

And thanks for considering me.






  • 1 month later...

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