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I have awesome news. At long last... after five years of talking about it... American Pixels is here. The project has just landed on Kickstarter for the final push, this 4th of July in the year of our Lord 2016.



This has been a labor of love, blood, sweat, and tears... and damn the music came out awesome, if I do say so myself. Now I just need that last little nudge to cover the cost of mastering, licensing, CD duplication, etc.

Any and all help from the OCR crew to spread the word would be vastly appreciated; let's make this thing EPIC together!

  • 2 weeks later...

So, good news everyone! We've hit the 50% mark! http://americanpixels.com/50-percent.php 


And, umm, not quite bad news, but well, there's still that other 50% to hit. Now, I personally have been on the other side of the equation where I see a Kickstarter I like, I don't go pledge right away, and rather I'll sit back and watch for a bit... and then eventually pledge when it gets down to the wire. Well, if you're reading this, do me a favor. Don't be that guy. :) (Now that I've been on the receiving end here, I'm making myself a promise not to be that guy again, heh.)

Let's ensure that this thing becomes a reality; if you've been waiting and wondering, well, now's a good chance to act. Get your pledge in before time runs out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1265656914/american-pixels-a-game-music-tribute-album-by-maze 

In other fun news, I've been enhancing that link with extended track previews in the "Updates" portion - and will continue to over the next couple weeks - so if you want to hear more of the music before deciding how much to pledge, feel free, and enjoy the stories behind the tracks! (Stay tuned to my FB page for more stories as they are released.)


Quick update: by popular demand, I've added some new "digital only" reward options, for those who want to support the project from afar without any shipping and handling fees attached. If you're one of those... you're welcome. :)

Today we hit 100 backers!!! It's exciting, but we still have some ground to cover in the 10 days that remain; I'm counting on all of your support! (Btw, even more extended teasers are available in the "updates" portion of the campaign now, with more on the way.)



Big update everyone... today we hit 100%!!! The project is now officially funded. Huge, huge thanks to OCR for the help.

That said, we have 7 days to go, and to celebrate, today I added a new stretch goal. Help me get to the next level, and the next remix I do as a post-launch bonus track will be... 

"Baba Yetu"

By Christopher Tin, from Civilization IV: 

 It's been requested a lot over the years actually, but man... a hard one to do justice to. But let's keep this funding momentum going over the next few days, and I'll make it happen. :) 

Thanks again!!!


Figured I'd share all the extended track teasers and behind-the-scenes stories that have been released so far, since there are a lot and it's quite possible that folks have missed some... and it'll save you having to dig through the "updates" tab on the campaign:

So... yeah. Enjoy. There are still a few days left in the campaign, and I do have a few more teasers and stories on the way... but that's the bulk of them right there!


24 hours left y'all. Pledge before it's over. :)

And with that, I present the remaining track teasers:

Enjoy, and please, help me make this campaign a success by spreading the word and sharing this link wherever your heart tells you: http://kck.st/29VAqtA 

And, again, thanks to everyone here for their amazing support through this campaign. I love you guys.

  • 1 month later...

I heartily recommend checking out the My So Called 8-Bit Life podcast episode. Great talk, I personally took great pleasure from hearing about trackers and BBSs, the really oldschool stuff since that was definitely a big part of my nerdy youth too. But also great bits about composer response to American Album, plus I really appreciated hearing about difficulties when writing the American Pixels (time/motivation etc).

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaaand, as previously indicated, the project is now out on a variety of platforms:



Pick your favorite, check it out, like it, review it, share it, all that fun stuff. Oh, and physical CDs are also now available through Bandcamp for anyone who wants to have and to hold it. :)

I'll add that I've also got a pretty cool start on the first Kickstarter commission reward remix, so... stay tuned, there are some pretty cool free follow-up goodies on the way.

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