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The hardest boss ever is the final boss in DOOM2. I know that it's just a picture on the wall, but hundreds of enemies popping up behind you can be kinda distracting.

Muah... piece of cake. Not 100% success if playing on Ultra Violence + (that is ultra violence with faster enemies and enemy fire). But, when you don't know how to beat it (that is to hit the exact spot), it's... well, I think the boss would be better with a larger area to hit but having to use more rockets...

John Romero's head sure is scary. :P


the reason that 255 was the maximum number of rupees is because only one byte of the NES's RAM was allotted to the number of rupees that you could carry, and 255 is the maximum value that one byte can contain..... That might explain the level scheme for Gauntlet 2, but maybe not.


this thread's gone insanely long, and there's some real nice discussion. truthfully, the evil dark angel thing at the end of demon's crest wasn't SO bad if you knew what you were doing...

ubersoldat from RtCW? hahahaha he RULES! it's actually quite easy to take him out if you play cat and mouse with him around that divider on his floor. he'll eventually run out of rockets and his other ammo, and once he starts to really limp it's all over for him.

i wanna say alexia's final form from resident evil: code veronica. good christ that freaking harlot totally 0wned my ass every time.

the icon of sin from doom2 wasn't that hard. yes, the 324684643216546876 enemies spawning in every .4 seconds were a distraction, but as long as you were quick on the uptake you could plug all 3 rockets through the hole in baphomet's skull in one try. and if you used a source port that allowed freelook, you could cheat and do it straight from where the switch was.

super metroid's ridley wasn't NEARLY as tough as his metroid fusion incarnation. oh my god, that was damn near impossible. a friend of mine was basically screaming her head off for days over it, though it took me only about 5 tries. i actually had more trouble with SA-X right after crawling back into the jungle biodome after turning the power on in the overgrown powerplant. i also had the hardest time with the final boss of metroid prime. those little bastard fusion metroids have got to be the worst enemy i have ever seen, and after screaming and cursing at the little shits who make it just so impossible to get through that big chamber, i finally get to the metroid prime and end up being spider food. even harder than that was the omega pirate. omega pirate = TYRANT

the infected predator about 75% of the way through the arcade beat-em-up version of aliens v.s. predator must have eaten about $5 in quarters alone.

nihilanth from halflife was tough the first couple of times but it's not so bad once you really learn how to play that game.

i dunno if you really could count him as a boss, but gunther hermann from deus ex REALLY put up a fight. when i first fought him in the templar cathedral my character wasn't really set up for a real firefight (i was an excellent sniper, and if the need arose i could assault-rifle someone to death at point blank range, but i was mostly built for long-range assassination, and short-range silent-kills) and he had a freaking plasma rifle. i finally managed to take him out by way of hiding in a room upstairs and sniping him from around the corner. interestingly enough i had no trouble with walton simons, i fed him grenade rounds from my assault rifle (which i had just discovered i could do, haha). on a side note, bob page from the very end wasn't even a boss! haha, i love this game, it's so deep.

another difficult boss... the fistfight with liquid snake in metal gear solid. sometimes he's easy, and sometimes he kicks my ass a million times. also tough is ultra box from metal gear 2: solid snake.

that's all i can think of at the moment...

another difficult boss... the fistfight with liquid snake in metal gear solid. sometimes he's easy, and sometimes he kicks my ass a million times. also tough is ultra box from metal gear 2: solid snake.

raaaaaahfl. That boss was so easy :D Hardest boss from MG2:SS was the hind. That took me so many tries to get...

Hardest boss though would have to be Zeon, the end boss from Shining Force II. He kicked my ass no matter what I did.and since he was stationary against a wall, it meant you couldn't surround him, cause then he'd use this breath attack and there went 1/3 your char's HP. (He had like... 1000 hp or something) (characters inflicting, at most, 40 damage)


Most of the bosses in Lunar 1 and 2 are bitches. Also Ozma from FF9 and Ruby and Emerald Weapons from FFVII.

Most pain in the ass boss was Time Devour in Chrono Cross, since you had to match up some pattern, but he keeps messing it up for you. Hes easy normally, but pain in the ass if you want the true ending.


Most of the bosses in Lunar 1 and 2 are bitches. Also Ozma from FF9 and Ruby and Emerald Weapons from FFVII.

Most pain in the ass boss was Time Devour in Chrono Cross, since you had to match up some pattern, but he keeps messing it up for you. Hes easy normally, but pain in the ass if you want the true ending.

Another thing: dont smack him wiff While elements. Dont even look at your white elements. Just lay the physical beatdown on him thick and heavy and use greens to heal.

Another BAB (Bad Arse Boss)-

Marion from Double Dragon 3. Any dissagreements? ^_^

yea what he said

Well, okay, I don't disagree with this, but I have to make a tiny correction. Marion is the maid, Noiram is the bitch. :)

Anyone that says the optional bosses in the FFs are easy (Ruby, Emeral weapons/Ozma and the kinky FF5 stupid poopies) are NERDS!

Actually any one taking part in this conversation is a nerd! o_O

Dude' date=' you all forgot those stupid monsters in Cobra Triangle. Well, the first 2 aren't that bad but after that... Not to mention that to even get to the 3rd or 4th monster in that game is freaking impossible because of the icebergs. The reach the finish iceberg level is death.[/quote']

Cobra Triangle is so freakin' hard. The one boss has one-hit kills for goodness sakes, and the shark boss you have to get multiple, good, solid hits EVERY time he pops up, which in itself is a miracle, because you will run out of time if you don't. So hard.


Cobra triangle was hard and especially those time limit bosses can be bitchy. There were some 23 levels or something? And 2 or 3 bosses in the end? The fire dragon that didn't take that much hits and the shark at least. Any way, it's a game from RARE, so it's a good game, so I beat it. :)

Battletoads (from RARE) wasn't that easy either but it stayed interesting to the end and everytime you tried you got a little bit further. One of the best NES games...

Here's a fun one. Shub-Niggurath from Quake.

I know, I know... once you figure out what you're supposed to do, it's so easy it's sad. But, until you figured it out, how many times did you die trying to blast that ugly bitch away?

I guess it's an ID software thingie, since the same goes for goonaibuliiivinbulitilahexamileuu aka Icon thrower alias John Romero's Head... Well, I guess it's not that hard to figure out to shoot the brain thingie, but it's not that easy to hit it, so you can start wondering if you are trying to do the correct thing. Anyway, that would be as hard as a cacodemon if you could aim upwards. :P

Maybe The Nigthmare in Metroid Fusion, He´s kinda creepy don´t you think?

I even had trouble beating that sucka' with savestates the first time around. Heh.

Most pain in the ass boss was Time Devour in Chrono Cross, since you had to match up some pattern, but he keeps messing it up for you. Hes easy normally, but pain in the ass if you want the true ending.

Actually... when i fought it, it only cast OmegaGreen and OmegaYellow, so all you have to do is cast the other elements, and let the TimeDevourer cast the green or yellow when it's that time of the sequence...

as in... (i don't remember the sequence, but if it's green red blue yellow white black...) THIS IS PROBABLY THE WRONG ORDER.

you wait for TD to cast omegagreen. then you cast a red and a blue. then you wait for the omegayellow, and then cast a white and a black.

and that's it... i don't remember if you have to cast the Chrono Cross before the sequence or after it. i think it's before.

EDIT: oh yeah, and it really wasn't that hard to beat TD to death... i mean, on my first New Game + with just Serge, it was cake. Maybe i just put too much work into custom-allocating my elements...


Sigma from Megaman X is just a total loser

i eventually beat the hell outta him after i saw the pattern of the man, the dog, and the kick ass robo machine thingy

damn those eletrical shocks basically killed you in one shot

also, touch the claws and you are pretty much dead

the Dog is simple, you jump around on the sides, charging up your blaster, then when you get to red, you jump down, wait for doggy, then let loose :)

Sigma regular form was also ez, wielding only a bludgeoning weapon: a lightsaber??, he can only jump at you trying to kill you with just a swing

i find that if you maintain your position near the upper right or left corner of the wall, you can wait for him to scale the walls, and then jump back down, then you let loose when your waiting :)

ive eventually beaten the robo mech sigma after i used up all 4 of my sub tanks, most of my weapons, and left around 5 bars of health

if anyone has beaten this guy, plz discuss strat :P


I dont know if someone already said this in the 50 pages of posts from last may!! not sure if this is the hardest but definately the hardest for me i guess...Zelda2 - shadow link!! aaaaaaa It was hard as hell. but the biggest feat ive ever done was getting all the platinums in Blast Corps for n64. Oh and i beat sigma in megaman x a while back but i used the haduken cheat (within the game) so that doesnt really count hah


remember crash bandicot for playstation?

you went like, THAT TIME!

how will i get that gold trophy in time trial!


and finilly you did !





and in alla levels, that was so extrem ULTRA HARD![/b]

Sigma from Megaman X is just a total loser

i eventually beat the hell outta him after i saw the pattern of the man, the dog, and the kick ass robo machine thingy

damn those eletrical shocks basically killed you in one shot

also, touch the claws and you are pretty much dead

the Dog is simple, you jump around on the sides, charging up your blaster, then when you get to red, you jump down, wait for doggy, then let loose :)

Sigma regular form was also ez, wielding only a bludgeoning weapon: a lightsaber??, he can only jump at you trying to kill you with just a swing

i find that if you maintain your position near the upper right or left corner of the wall, you can wait for him to scale the walls, and then jump back down, then you let loose when your waiting :)

ive eventually beaten the robo mech sigma after i used up all 4 of my sub tanks, most of my weapons, and left around 5 bars of health

if anyone has beaten this guy, plz discuss strat :P

The final form of Sigma on Mega Man X was damn near impossible. you could only do damage with a maximally charged blast of your regular buster gun and you had to avoid all of his hits first. The most difficult thing you had to avoid right before there'd be an opening for attack was this death from above blast that went across the screen. You could avoid them but they were spaced so close together, and did so much damage, they wore down your life pretty quick. My strategy was to leave my gun charged up, but if he did that attack, I switched guns (without losing the charge) to this chameleon thing or something that let you turn invisible/invulnerable when you charge up, then used up my blast to do that. As soon as the attack passed me by I switched back to regular buster cannon and had just enough time to charge up and blast Sigma while he was exposed. I used all of my extra secondary weapon tanks with that strategy, and all of my life tanks too but it kept me alive long enough to finally take him down with a few life bars to spare.

I don't think I'd have the patience to fight that battle properly, without using that strategy. Too long, too precise.

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