Ybrik Metaknight Posted June 27, 2003 Posted June 27, 2003 This thread still lives? Well I'll be goddamned... OK, Ruby Weapon. Hardest. Boss. Ever. (Except for possibly Ozma from FFIX.) Quote
L.T.W. Posted June 27, 2003 Posted June 27, 2003 The Final Boss of Doom2 in NightMare Mode That is a hard thing Quote
Max_Coyote Posted June 27, 2003 Posted June 27, 2003 I had a harder time beating Emerald than Ruby... but Omega Weapon of FFVIII requires an special mention. I can't remember how many times Zell had to dance on its face with his fists to prevent the bastard from pullin' off the Meggido's Flame. Quote
L.T.W. Posted June 28, 2003 Posted June 28, 2003 I think that this Monster has been mentioned before but is the hardest one: Ultima Weapon from Final Fantasy 8 It's Impossible. Quote
Omnitrix Posted June 28, 2003 Posted June 28, 2003 I think that this Monster has been mentioned before but is the hardest one: Ultima Weapon from Final Fantasy 8 It's Impossible. Um you must mean Omega weapon, and I walked over it withought using any holly war trials or any invicable item. Its all in the limit breaks. Quote
TheNextIronChef Posted June 28, 2003 Posted June 28, 2003 Dark Paladin... TIHS HS PROLLY ALREDDY BEN MENTIONED BUT I DUN CARE! TEH HARDEST BOZZ EV4R IS TEH RUBY WEPON FROM FINAL FATNASY I HOLD DWON X ALL I WANT BUT HE DONT DIE!!!!!OMGWTF!!!!!OMG!WTFLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOL1 All I need to say to all you people who fight Ruby and DIE is use Hades. He'll get stopped Quote
The Orichalcon Posted June 29, 2003 Posted June 29, 2003 My vote goes to ozma from FF9. That's the only boss in any game I haven't beaten yet. Quote
NightWish Posted June 29, 2003 Posted June 29, 2003 Dark Paladin...TIHS HS PROLLY ALREDDY BEN MENTIONED BUT I DUN CARE! TEH HARDEST BOZZ EV4R IS TEH RUBY WEPON FROM FINAL FATNASY I HOLD DWON X ALL I WANT BUT HE DONT DIE!!!!!OMGWTF!!!!!OMG!WTFLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOL1 All I need to say to all you people who fight Ruby and DIE is use Hades. He'll get stopped Kill...me. Spoken like a true Iron Chef! Quote
artificialist Posted June 29, 2003 Posted June 29, 2003 Unlike the SNES versions, the Banpresto arcade Sailor Moon game makes Queen Beril (Beryl?) one tough bitch! Quote
The Coop Posted July 7, 2003 Author Posted July 7, 2003 YES!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If there's a Soldier of Fortune III, I'm not buying it I finally... let me say that again... FINALLY... beat the boss for Soldier of Fortune II. I know the final boss in the first one was a pain (I mentioned him here before), but the final boss for SoF II? Let's put it this way... I bought the game last year, got stuck for a while trying to rescue that one scientist, then got stuck again... still last year... on the finall boss. A plane with wings that tilt up and allow it to hover like a helicopter (just like the one in real life whos name I can't think of at the moment). I won't say where you have to be hitting the plane... don't wanna ruin it. But after you've damaged it enough (which is tough since it's repeatedly gunning at you with a kind of chain gun... and flying quickly overhead... and going behind structure you're on...), it starts new tactics added in with the old ones. Still using the gun and maneuvers, it pauses at one point to fire several fast missiles at where you are. These missiles explode and hurt you with splash damage should you manage to get far enough away to not be splattered outright. The only time you can really hit the weak spot, is when it's facing you about to fire those missiles... which is about a two second interval between facing you and firing. I won't EVEN say just how many times I was blown off the roof top, blown apart and gunned down. Oh yeah. Important safety tip... watch where you run. You're on a roof top and jumping around is neccessary. THAT... was a hard boss. Good luck to anyone else who faces it. Quote
arrlaari Posted July 7, 2003 Posted July 7, 2003 Diablo, from Diablo II. I hate that goddamned lightning hose!! God DAMNED I say! Also, any MSLE unique you ever see. If you are hit by one of the charged bolt clusters, you DIE. Max lit resist will not save you! What, you ask, triggers these charged bolt clusters? EVERY TIME YOU HIT THE DAMN THING! ARGARGARGARGAERAIEIOEAIOIUOUOIUAA! The enemies in that game are sooo biased towards lit damage, it's not even funny. That may change in 1.10, though. Surprised everyone's focusing on console games. PCs have games too! Quote
Chobo Char Posted July 7, 2003 Posted July 7, 2003 Diablo, from Diablo II. I hate that goddamned lightning hose!! God DAMNED I say!Also, any MSLE unique you ever see. If you are hit by one of the charged bolt clusters, you DIE. Max lit resist will not save you! What, you ask, triggers these charged bolt clusters? EVERY TIME YOU HIT THE DAMN THING! ARGARGARGARGAERAIEIOEAIOIUOUOIUAA! The enemies in that game are sooo biased towards lit damage, it's not even funny. That may change in 1.10, though. Surprised everyone's focusing on console games. PCs have games too! I'm glad someone mentioned those guys. Its even worse if its MSLE and its a counsel member because they just heal themselves back to max hp with one spell. ARGH. My pally can take two of those huge bolts even on hell mode without dying . My vote although would have to go to The 3 Ancients yoou have to fight on hell mode. I died SO MANY TIMES it wasn't even funny. I had to use freaking the Scalper throwing axes to deafeat the last one. But on the plus side they give you 3 level ups. Quote
Elazual Posted July 8, 2003 Posted July 8, 2003 Hardest boss ... I'll go with ... huh ... Nereid from Tales of Destiny II.... they should have made it easier for you to pull off that divine thingy ... I had to kill her six times before I actually protected myself from that auto-kill-end-life thing. EIGHT Times did I kill her! SIX MONTHS did I own the game! I finally sold it out of desperation... Quote
Elazual Posted July 8, 2003 Posted July 8, 2003 There are no 'hard' bosses in most rpg games... a simple way of beating most of them is just to train yourself to the maximum level and they can all be taken down easily... I don't know if someones said this already but what about the .hack games? you can only level up to a certain point and then there just aren't any harder monsters. thats why Magus was so frickin tough. I mean come on! He could wipe out EVERY person in your party with one attack even if they were at full health. And since ( as far as I could tell) the amount of damage the attack did was totally random, you had to fight him again and again until he didn't wipe out your party immediatly Quote
vega12 Posted July 8, 2003 Posted July 8, 2003 I think that this Monster has been mentioned before but is the hardest one: Ultima Weapon from Final Fantasy 8 It's Impossible. Um you must mean Omega weapon, and I walked over it withought using any holly war trials or any invicable item. Its all in the limit breaks. Once you know how to master the game, it becomes rediculusly easy. My party consists of Squall, Zell, and Rinoa. I start off casting Aura on everybody. Then I get Rinoa to limit break until I get Invincible Moon. Now that I'm invincible, I go crazy with Squall's and Zell's limit breaks. If done properly, you can beat him w/o taking a single damage point. EDIT: Oh ya, the topic . The hardest boss I've encountered is probably Meta Ridley form Metroid Prime on hard! He is definately one tough enemy. I see a lot of people complaining about the difficulty of the secret bosses from FF; they aren't that difficult if you just level up some more. Seriously though, there's a method to beating all of them. Besides, if all else fails, just go gain some more levels. Quote
endblink Posted July 8, 2003 Posted July 8, 2003 http://remix.overclocked.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR01004 This ReMix, to me, is a metaphor for this thread. Quote
vega12 Posted July 8, 2003 Posted July 8, 2003 Hey, thats the party I use!!!! WOW! (and the strats what I used on Ultemecia. She actually PUTS you on one health.) Great minds think alike . But seriously, if you also have it so that Recover, Revive, and Treatment are distributed on all three characters, it is even easier. The only problem w/ Ultimecia is that even once you deplete her last form's life, she stays alive until she's done her speech. I just sit there and keep on pounding on her. By the time she's done, she's at about -400,000 HP . Quote
artificialist Posted July 8, 2003 Posted July 8, 2003 the devils, Devas, and Zodiacs of Tokyo Xtreme Racer games. Quote
Duos_Acolyte Posted July 9, 2003 Posted July 9, 2003 i dunno if anyones said this (i dont have time to actulaly go read thru all 64 pages that would take too long (almost as long as it took me to beat up that Sigma from Megaman X!!) after almost 1 month of dedicated time playing it i beat him after hmmmmmm over 150 tries? sure the dogs a cinch so is the "Luke I'm your father" lightsaber mode but i mean after Sigmas head is wrapped into that war machine thats where i die at i mean even when im maxed out on upgrades and with all 4 full sub tanks i could barely take him down to 1 half of his hp the main thing is that the music kinda jinxes you for a second i mean first its all calm then it gets hypped up a little when your fighting the dog and a bit more when your fighting Sigma with a lightsaber but then once the war machine BOOM AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol has anyone actually developped a good strategy against him? if you have please tell Quote
Arc Posted July 9, 2003 Posted July 9, 2003 has anyone actually developped a good strategy against him? Armored Armadillo's Rolling shield, at his face. Don't bother charging it up, just fire away. Quote
Darkmoogle Posted July 9, 2003 Posted July 9, 2003 Ooo ooo ooo, hardest boss of all time? I got this one covered: FINAL FANTASY X!!!!!! I mean, christ, IT WON'T DIE! I've never SEEN something with so many hit points. I trounced the Omega Weapon in FFVIII, tore FFIX's Ozma to pieces, and the first time I beat the two weapons in VII, I didn't even save in between. (Of course, that was an accident. I was flying around giddily because I killed Emerald Weapon and accidentally hit Ruby. But then he died too. No joke.) But, jesus christ. Yu Yevon has got to be the single most insanely difficult boss in any game ever. I bet the guys at Square all got reaaaally high, said 'Let's make a boss with infinite HP who busts out two moves for each of the player's one! And let's make all these moves so powerful that they could kill Jesus in a single blow!' And that's the story of how Yu Yevon was made. ...Okay, sarcasm over. Seriously. 60,000 HP, and when I beat him, I don't think he'd done one single fucking thing the entire time. Let down of the century? No doubt. Quote
vega12 Posted July 9, 2003 Posted July 9, 2003 ...Okay, sarcasm over. Seriously. 60,000 HP, and when I beat him, I don't think he'd done one single fucking thing the entire time. Let down of the century? No doubt. ***SPOILERS*** The worst part was that it is literally impossible to die against him! No joke. You automatically have auto-life on and it regenerates if you die. Braska is the "actual" final boss in the sense that he is the last sort of difficult battle in the game. The entire last battle on that big thing is just a joke. Quote
Lite Foot Fox Posted July 10, 2003 Posted July 10, 2003 One word my friends Mizar (Jet force) Oh I hate that nightmareish creation, spawned from the pits of Hades. You attack, he attacks, one difference your attacks do nothing and his take life bars like a kid in a candy shop! I was only able to topple the beast once, and thats all have to say about that. Quote
Highlander Posted July 10, 2003 Posted July 10, 2003 I would say that the hardest boss is that last boss level in the first act raiser game, especially if you relied on your spells to beat the bosses throughout the entire game, cuz you don't get to use them again after you kill each boss Quote
Global-Trance Posted July 10, 2003 Posted July 10, 2003 Sigma's final form(s) on Mega Man X 4. One of my friends beat him once. he says on X5 he's worse....hence why I don't have X5. Naw. Sigma was probably the most difficult of the PSX Mega Man X games mentioned in MMX4... from that point, Sigma just got easier. At this rate, they might as well take out Sigma all together... he's just getting too easy. Quote
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