Thalzon Posted August 22, 2004 Posted August 22, 2004 Those damn Mimics from Tales of Symphonia. I fought one which had 2800 HP, and I was doing 1 HP at a time to it. I finally gave up at 1500 HP and ran away. Quote
Warmech Posted August 22, 2004 Posted August 22, 2004 Heh I knew this thread would be back. I personally didn't have a problem with Death in LoI I don't think. I'm pretty sure he didn't kill me......or maybe he did once because I got careless and was hit by an attack that I shouldn't have been, can't remember. However, a boss that does deserve a mention? Nyarlathotep. Now before you go and try to pronounce that name, he's the final boss of Persona 2, an otherwise fun game that has its fair share of challenging bosses, but I had never really run across one that just made me so freaking mad (with the exception of maybe three little fun guys you fight in this place called Torifune whose names will remain secret because it kinda is part of the story). Anywho, we all know that massive leveling is the trick that most of us try and pull whenever we run across bosses that are to strong for us to kill right? Well, a few games have found ways to remedy that situation. FFVIII and Lunar had the bosses level up as you did to prevent that far of a gap between power. Persona 2 went and did the other way of preventing mass leveling. They made the last boss level 99. My levels when I went up to fight him were mid-60s. Ouch! So, the guy's got 18,000 hit points, and my max spell which is this Nuclear Fusion spell only did around 800-900 damage to him, and that was after the magic attack up castings. The other three characters were there to heal and heal often. This boys attacks were no joke! Most of them were easy to survive sure, but you'd be pretty much dead and would require 2-3 healers to get you back to full health, which was a must to stay at at all points of this battle. However, two of his spells were instant kills on some characters. His uberspell, Shadow Kill, was a physical spell that did about 500 points of damage to everyone except Tatsuya, who had a Persona weak against physical stuff, so he took about 900 points of damage. And boy did he like casting that spell! There were times I'd face it three or four times in a row! His other spell I don't remember but it only would hit Ulala and Katsuya and would always kill him for some reason. As the battle wears on, I could tell that his attacks were getting stronger, because Shadow Kill started doing 550+ damage, and he also broke out this new attack called Crawling Chaos, which hurt everyone majorly and cancelled any actions of their's whatsoever. So no healing afterwards, except for items. He also has an attack that he uses early that disables your ability to switch Personas. After stocking about a dozen Somas, which revive and heal all characters, I was finally able to just outlast the beast. Quote
Emanon Posted August 22, 2004 Posted August 22, 2004 I'm probably going to get flamed from the nintendo fanboys for mentioning this, but the majority of the bosses on Ninja Gaiden for Xbox were amazingly difficult. DAMN YOU ALMA!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!! ........(ahem.)Surprisingly, the very last two or three bosses weren't very hard at all. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted August 22, 2004 Posted August 22, 2004 Its not really a boss, but the entire last chapter of the GBA Fire Emblem is incredibly difficult, especially if you're trying to beat it without having any of your allies die. Nergal himself isn't that bad and *SPOILERS* the dragon isn't too bad if you use the right people against it *END SPOILERS*. Quote
shrouded_valentine Posted August 23, 2004 Posted August 23, 2004 ruby weapon... nuff said the final boss from golden sun 2 was pretty damn hard too. Quote
Redlight Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 Shredder at the end of TMNT 3, for NES, is extremely hard to beat. I have trouble beating him even when I'm playing co-op with a friend. Quote
grhradhdahdzsfhzd Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 The remedy to a difficult boss: Get drunk off your ass....THEN you win EVERYTHING, so games aren't difficult anymore. Sure the games tell you that you've lost, but you know know everything when you're wasted. But once upon a time, I had a problem beating Jet Force Gemini. I think the hardest part about Mizar was playing the game to get to him without killing all those sweet innocent little tribals or whatever they're called.....heh heh heh, little bastard didn't even see that rocket coming... Quote
oO0Phoenix0Oo Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 T-Rex boss from Parasite Eve. Oh, Bump. Quote
Thalzon Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 I would say Adel from FF8, but then i got pissed off because i wanted to kill Rinoa also, I used eden and he killed adel in one hit, WITHOUT calculating Rinoa's damage. Lil trick there, But anyway without Eden, HARDEST BOSS EVER! Why does everyone think Adel's so hard? She's a total pushover. Just use a Hi-Potion on Rino every now and then, and physically attack Adel into submission. Adel's one of the easier bosses in a game full of easy bosses. Quote
Thalzon Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 I would say Adel from FF8, but then i got pissed off because i wanted to kill Rinoa also, I used eden and he killed adel in one hit, WITHOUT calculating Rinoa's damage. Lil trick there, But anyway without Eden, HARDEST BOSS EVER! Why does everyone think Adel's so hard? She's a total pushover. Just use a Hi-Potion on Rino every now and then, and physically attack Adel into submission. Adel's one of the easier bosses in a game full of easy bosses. I used Eden, that one turn beat the boss, its a pushover if you know the trick. No, she's a pushover even without the trick. Quote
DeeJay_Toon:) Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 M.Bison. SF3. knocked my Blue Toon block off. even with my ace characters (Cody, Ryu, Chun Li and Blanka) i couldn't beat him. then my 10 year old cuz comes round and blasts him in one turn. i'm 17 now and he still doesn't let me forget it. he can beat me at any fighting game though. yep. the toughest boss in the world at the moment is Blaize Andrew Frost. my 10 year old cousin but when i bust out Street hoops vol 2 i'm unbeatable muahahahahahahahaha Quote
Super_Sonic_SSJ Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 I have recently discovered that the NeSlug in FFX can be extremely annoying if you're not able to deal magical damage (or use lots of powerful overdrives) extremely quickly. At first it's not too bad: he has some fairly powerful attacks, but if you can handle Earth Eater or Greater Sphere you can deal with them. But once you deal enough damage, he goes into his shell. When he's like this, he's immune to physical attacks and is automatically in Regen status, healing upwards of 40,000 HP a turn, and won't come out until he's completely healed. I suppose he's easy if you know that Overdrives like Blitz Ace and Attack Reels still damage him normally, and have enough people with full overdrive bars and Entrust to be able to use them repeatedly, but if not you're gonna have to do it using magic, which is a pain in the ass unless you have three characters who can deal lots of magical damage extremely quickly. Quote
Tasogare No Kin Ryu Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 Forum Newbie Alert!!!Be Warned, and Be Very Afraid! I’d be surprised if no one indicated Star Ocean 2 yet. It’s the only game out there that I know of that you are almost obligated to find the secret area of the game to level high enough just to take the final boss… Sure, at level 110 or so, Indelacio is a cinch, but there is no way you can get that on the robots in Fineal. The real challenge is when you decide that you are going to max out the difficulty, and take on Filia upgraded Indelacio on Universe. Yes, I did try the angel in the dungeon and for some reason she was way easier on Universe than Normal… But Universe difficulty Filia-Indelacio is Stinking MAD LUDICROUS!!! They give no creature in the game Combat Casting (he has the ability to start chanting a spell while still running from you) until him at this point, and with over 300000 MP, it’s going to be a long while until your done dealing with his grand waves. I never saw a normal item break until that battle, after so long, equipment just starts wearing out. FCOL! No enemy should take over two hours to chase down and smack with a Mirror Slice. Bunny shoes, Angels Armlet, Levantine Sword and all… I did it with Claude at level 231, but I’m sorry, two hours in one battle is just irrational… But now, I’m level 250 with my main crew, and I still can’t beat the Angel in the Trumpet on Universe… The only reason I beat her on Normal was because I forgot to save before playing it right after killing the first angel… When a boss has auto-kill on touch regardless of equipment, even when you’re all max level, I think that Qualifies as being the most difficult boss known to humanity!!! Also, I’d like to see someone beat Super Metroid’s Ridley with No Energy Tanks, No Screw attack, the Space Jump, 1 Missile Pack, 1 Super Missile Pack, 1 Power Bomb Pack, and a Charge beam (which wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for Botwoon in Meridia…) Mother Brain simply cant be done without the E-Tanks, so Ridley is the last challenge… Quote
Trash Man Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 Hardest bosses.. Start a turn on Hard Mode in Metroid Prime, and go face Thardos, he's the toughest boss in hard mode, and I don't know why.. After I finaly beat him, the rest was a snap.. But that FIRST time I fought him on hard mode was a real kick in the ass.. Though I doubt he's the hardest boss ever .. Hardest boss ever? Play a game called Snake Rattle n Roll (NES or Master System). If you manage to make it to the end of the game, (and trust me, making it to the end is a very hard task) then go beat that damn foot on top of the mountain. Its nearly impossible to survive what few lives you will have left by the time you get there.. I've only ever beaten that game ONCE. Or better yet, Jaws (NES) that game was HARD.. It took FOREVER to finaly be able to beat JAWS. What really sucked was how you had to harpoon the shark, or it just gets all its life back and you end up losing a life (I think, not sure about the life lost thing, its been a long time) Friday the 13th.. I don't know if that game has an end.. It probably does, but I've beaten Jason like 5 times or so, and it just keeps on repeating, making him stronger each time.. He can kill you in one or two hits if you kill him enough times. Quote
oO0Phoenix0Oo Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 Forum Newbie Alert!!!Be Warned, and Be Very Afraid!I’d be surprised if no one indicated Star Ocean 2 yet. It’s the only game out there that I know of that you are almost obligated to find the secret area of the game to level high enough just to take the final boss… Sure, at level 110 or so, Indelacio is a cinch, but there is no way you can get that on the robots in Fineal. The real challenge is when you decide that you are going to max out the difficulty, and take on Filia upgraded Indelacio on Universe. Yes, I did try the angel in the dungeon and for some reason she was way easier on Universe than Normal… But Universe difficulty Filia-Indelacio is Stinking MAD LUDICROUS!!! They give no creature in the game Combat Casting (he has the ability to start chanting a spell while still running from you) until him at this point, and with over 300000 MP, it’s going to be a long while until your done dealing with his grand waves. I never saw a normal item break until that battle, after so long, equipment just starts wearing out. FCOL! No enemy should take over two hours to chase down and smack with a Mirror Slice. Bunny shoes, Angels Armlet, Levantine Sword and all… I did it with Claude at level 231, but I’m sorry, two hours in one battle is just irrational… But now, I’m level 250 with my main crew, and I still can’t beat the Angel in the Trumpet on Universe… The only reason I beat her on Normal was because I forgot to save before playing it right after killing the first angel… When a boss has auto-kill on touch regardless of equipment, even when you’re all max level, I think that Qualifies as being the most difficult boss known to humanity!!! Also, I’d like to see someone beat Super Metroid’s Ridley with No Energy Tanks, No Screw attack, the Space Jump, 1 Missile Pack, 1 Super Missile Pack, 1 Power Bomb Pack, and a Charge beam (which wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for Botwoon in Meridia…) Mother Brain simply cant be done without the E-Tanks, so Ridley is the last challenge… Cloud at level 99 with Omnislash and knights of the round, and equipped with final summon-phoenix could take care of that star ocean boss on his own. Ruby weapon pwns that thing. Quote
grhradhdahdzsfhzd Posted August 27, 2004 Posted August 27, 2004 Hardest that I think about it, there was this guy at McDonalds once...yeah. So this kid I hated worked there, and he spit in my food. Then, I spit in his face to retaliate. Well, the little pansy starts to cry and his boss comes out....damn McDonalds boss....that was one hell of a fight. He probably would have beaten me had I not run him over with my car. That was 300 pounds of pure caucasion fatassedness coming towards me, though, can you blame me? So yeah, that was the hardest boss fight I've gone through, I've still got a couple scars from that one. Plus, I'm not legally allowed within 200 feet of a McDonalds for the next 50 years...whatever, though. Arg! Kefkai! Huuuuge sig! 1.) kef A kai (has nothing to do with FF6, by the way, the name came before I had even HEARD of the game) 2.) is my signature better now? Quote
Random Fox Thought Posted August 30, 2004 Posted August 30, 2004 SotN/NitM galamoth -- no equipment FF8 omega weapon -- level 99, all weapons downgraded to basic, no items the mudman from megaman 1 NES -- no elec man trick blaster master NES level 3 boss -- no grenade trick the guardian legend NES final boss -- no subweapons dragon spirit NES the 'decisive battle' with the orange/gold firey dragon type things at the last area -- no upgrades contra NES the energy zone boss -- rifle (without dying) ruby weapon -- no summon/gold saucer/northern cave materia emerald weapon -- level 40 no KotR no final attack ultemecia/griever succession -- no support commands unlocked megaman 5 NES protoman castle final boss -- no stone man weapon (no he's not actually /that/ hard when you fight him, but he'd have kicked your ass without protoman) willow NES -- second to last boss without equipped shield (I forget the guy's name, the one with the skull face) final fantasy tactics -- stealing from elmdor without a mediator/oracle/temple knight (I know this isn't really a main part of considering the boss's difficulty, but YOU try stealing from him that way =p) final fantasy tactics deep dungeon final boss -- no chantage or angel rings jurassic park NES -- second level boss (rescuing the girl from the t-rex is a complete pain) sonic 2 and knuckles -- final robotnik form (pretty difficult, maybe not hardest ever) sonic CD race with metal sonic good future (not really a boss, and again not hardest ever, but fairly difficult if you get a good future there) megaman 7 -- the greater majority of wily's castle bosses, no e-tanks yeah I know the better portion of those are self handicapped, and aren't harder than things like I-no in GGXX hardest difficulty, but I figured I'd throw out some thoughts. Final note -- the albatross from bionic commando NES with the original weapon (I don't know if that's possible as you may need to blow up a barricade when you first start with the proper weapon, but still) Quote
Predmid Posted August 30, 2004 Posted August 30, 2004 i always play rpgs without strategy guides...and what the hell is KotR in ff7? Ive beaten ruby & emerald weapon, but they were my hardest fights.... just what the hell is it/how do i get it? Quote
Redlight Posted August 30, 2004 Posted August 30, 2004 i always play rpgs without strategy guides...and what the hell is KotR in ff7? Ive beaten ruby & emerald weapon, but they were my hardest fights.... just what the hell is it/how do i get it? KotR= "Knights of the Round" summon. Quote
Dahlia Posted August 30, 2004 Posted August 30, 2004 I definitely agree with the special Star Ocean 2 Indalecio one. My favorite is Tiamat from Xenosaga Ep 1. You really have to make full use of your strategic options to fry him. I love that sort of challenge in a game. [Funny how I happened to play FFX for the first time right afterwards... Quote
BreakbeatBeatnik Posted August 30, 2004 Posted August 30, 2004 Star Wolf on Hard Route Venom in Star Fox 64. Or at least they were hard back when I was 10 or so and the game had just been released. Man, were they a pain... Goras from Titania in the same game at the same age for similar reasons. He/she/it was freaky. Final fight against Molov in Red Faction II. Pure insanity. The first airship fight against the Valua chick in Skies of Arcadia. I shoulda levelled up more... Quote
Shrikekeet Posted September 2, 2004 Posted September 2, 2004 The bosses from Legend of Legaia (original) The bosses from Einhander (one of the best games of all time) are one of the toughest you can play. (although I would not mind considering that they look so cool blowing you away!) And of course we cannot forget Emerald & Ruby WEAPON. (but you can always beat them pretty easily if you combine KOTRT with Magic Plus Materia-average damage: 250,000 points.(no lie) after using that about four times, even Ruby is finished.) Quote
prophetik music Posted September 2, 2004 Posted September 2, 2004 I got one that I haven't seen in a while. The boss in the game Final Fantasy 3 (thats NOT narshe) is one of the most difficult ever. Granted, the thing was a freaking 'cloud of darkness' but still - the freaking gaspass took forever. All I wanted to do was just fart the damn thing away. Buncha friggin idiots that thought up that as a boss. Quote
phantomINTELLECT Posted September 2, 2004 Posted September 2, 2004 A lot of the Bosses in Doom 3 are hard, and I always play FPS's on there hardest difficulty edit: yes I know I made a grammatical error, but I don't give a fuck, THEIR you go!!! HAHAHAHA Quote
Dark Mercenary Posted September 3, 2004 Posted September 3, 2004 that last boss on Golden Sun was damn hard. or at least until you realize that if one of your party members heals every turn, you will probably survive long enough to kill him, or her, or..... its a big dragon. Quote
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