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Holy shit, that's amazing. I've only finished IN on Normal with Reimu's homing missiles... :(

I think that's one of the issues I've been having in terms with the Gradius V Boss, It feels different with a keyboard versus a ps2 controller. Sure it's possible to defeat it but it just gives me a lot of trouble reorienting myself between the two controls.

Hell I can say... Beat Satori Komeiji in SA on hard mode and feel like it was a fun challenge where as most seem to get scared shitless on facing her on normal mode :lol: (or so I hear a lot on other forums some time ago), while get shitted all over on by the last boss on Super R-Type for the SNES. (although I only noticed the flaws on that game just recently but even flaws never stopped me from trying to be awesome...)

*cough*Berserker Merlin*cough*


Time for me to sink into some rather obscure games...

A game called Spiritual Warfare had Satan for the final boss... he wasn't difficult, per say... it was mostly just an annoying fight. He jumps back and forth on the back of the screen shooting demons and fire at you, with a rock sitting between you and him, following your movements... so every time you try to throw something at him, the rock deflects it.

I love the dotHack games (I like the first four over the last three), but there was a hard boss in the last three games. <SPOILER ALERT>:

I would always die fighting Ovan... no matter how powerful I was, he seemed to always get the best of me. However, Ovan himself wasn't the only problem... his Avatar form, Corbenik, also held a big challenge for me... it doesn't help that they are one right after another either...


Also in the dotHack games, the very final dungeon of the first four games... fifteen floors full of Data Bugs, constantly keeping your infection level in critical condition, only to have to face off against a bugged boss at the end as well. Nothing makes me more angry than getting to floor eight, only to acheive a randomly pulled Game Over because of a critically high infection level.

Time for me to sink into some rather obscure games...

A game called Spiritual Warfare had Satan for the final boss... he wasn't difficult, per say... it was mostly just an annoying fight. He jumps back and forth on the back of the screen shooting demons and fire at you, with a rock sitting between you and him, following your movements... so every time you try to throw something at him, the rock deflects it.

This sounds like the cheap "goryias" (sp?) in ALttP Dark World first dungeon where u simply shot at them and then move in position that causes them to walk into the line of fire/arrow. In that game though it seems only slightly more complicated but easily done...

This sounds like the cheap "goryias" (sp?) in ALttP Dark World first dungeon where u simply shot at them and then move in position that causes them to walk into the line of fire/arrow. In that game though it seems only slightly more complicated but easily done...

Yes and no... you can't maneuver nearly as well on this game as you can ALttP, and the boss doesn't actually move with you. His shield does, but Satan moves wherever he wants to, while the shield kinda sits in your face.

  • 3 weeks later...

Suikoden 2. There was a fight with a officer and his henchmen, and you're supposed to lose. But you can win. I spent days leveling up and just barely beat him. Which in turn, got me nothing, except he said something different after the battle. I was kinda hoping for some super cool rare item, but no *sad face*.

Ninja Gaiden's last boss used to be hard, but I played the game like crazy until I was able to beat him without even trying mwhah.

& & Kefka, hated kefka. He's the reason I haven't beat FF3/6 yet ;P.

& & Kefka, hated kefka. He's the reason I haven't beat FF3/6 yet ;P.

Huh??? He's one of the easiest FF final bosses. You must be massively underleveled, ore maybe you haven't discovered Ultima yet. Teach Ultima to a few characters, and just spam that spell ad nauseam throughout that battle. Piece of cake.

Kefka, hated kefka. He's the reason I haven't beat FF3/6 yet ;P.


Aww cmon you don't reaaalllly hate moi now do you..?

As of late hard bosses, aside from Koishi being a real bitch what with her "flaming pillars" of death, they are rather difficult to run into these days...


Man I didn't even get to Kefka on the FF6 save I had ages ago. I got to the final dungeon and every single random battle I ran into practically game over'd me. And I hate grinding so hard that I never bothered to do anything about it.


Safer Sephiroth from FF7 for me. I managed to beat JENOVA Synthesis and Bizzaro before hand no problem, and then before I even get a move on Safer Sephy: boom, Super Nova'd, dead'd AND two party memebers frog'd.

-_- to this day I have beaten FF7 because of that bastard...

... Or FF8 for that matter... :cry:

Also, if you're actually crazy enough and have No More Heroes for the Wii, try fighting Henry (the last boss) with only the Bloodberry (first weapon) equipped on Bitter mode.

Let me tell you two things:

1. Very fun and hard boss fight.

2. Never, ever again.

Huh??? He's one of the easiest FF final bosses. You must be massively underleveled, ore maybe you haven't discovered Ultima yet. Teach Ultima to a few characters, and just spam that spell ad nauseam throughout that battle. Piece of cake.

You don't even need Ultima. The lowest level I think I've fought Kefka was 52, and the most powerful spell I knew was flare. He's STILL a piece of cake.

I've not tried this, but I've heard a low-level Celes/Edgar/Setzer team is pretty challenging (they are the ONLY characters you actually need in order to get to Kefka's dungeon).

  • 1 month later...

You're getting punished for that one.

Nice fanart at the top of the page by the way, I wonder who drew it...!


The all-time hardest boss is the one that you work for.



Kefka definitely appears to be hard.

Haha nice... you've ruined Kefka for me.:<

EDIT: Also, has anyone here played Earthbound? I just went through it this week... I have to say Giygas is the first boss to really terrify me... for hard-to-explain psychological reasons, but all the same it made the boss battle that much more difficult... the battle is hard enough as it is without all the horror anyway...

The all-time hardest boss is the one that you work for.

Oh please the all time hardest boss would be one you give resistance to. :wink:

Well lately I've been doing some "no-bomb" runs and

is not being very cooperative at all...

motherfucking swirling swastikas keep fucking me up. (or manji if you want to be pc)

edit: I've played earthbound and honestly the final form did shock me the first time but not terrify me. More like a "well shit..." moment when I got to him.

EDIT: Also, has anyone here played Earthbound? I just went through it this week... I have to say Giygas is the first boss to really terrify me... for hard-to-explain psychological reasons, but all the same it made the boss battle that much more difficult... the battle is hard enough as it is without all the horror anyway...

I can't say Giygas terrified me...but Giygas certainly disturbed me.

Hm. I'm going to divide my hardest boss into categories. For RPGs, probably the last boss of Evolution on the Dreamcast. (Can't remember his name.) For non-RPGs almost any classic Megaman boss will do.

I can't say Giygas terrified me...but Giygas certainly disturbed me.

edit: I've played earthbound and honestly the final form did shock me the first time but not terrify me. More like a "well shit..." moment when I got to him.

I guess I should explain a little bit... Giygas plays off of my biggest personal fear... and it's kind of hard to explain...

Let me try to put it this way: I hate masks. Not like halloween masks, but blank, featureless masks. The idea of knowing that something is there, but not knowing its intent, its purpose, its reason... and being unable to figure out why, really scares me.

Giygas, for me, is a featureless (he IS formless) entity, whose motives come off as odd if non-existant. People say he was acting in self-defense in the final battle, and that his dialogue is based off of a rape (coming from the victim's point of view... this is confirmed by the creator). However, everything happens so randomly, and none of it truly makes any sense to me and only compounds the obscurity of its existence... The music doesn't help any, as it's simply a flurry of dissonance and random sound effects.

I really have a hard time conveying this to people face-to-face, simply because I don't truly understand my own fear. A lot of people say that this kind of stuff scares me because I like to feel in control, but I know for a fact that's not it... it's not merely the fact that I can't figure something out... I just really don't know what it is.

Anyway, sorry for the off-topic long post :-P

I hate masks. Not like halloween masks, but blank, featureless masks. The idea of knowing that something is there, but not knowing its intent, its purpose, its reason... and being unable to figure out why, really scares me.

The music doesn't help any, as it's simply a flurry of dissonance and random sound effects.

it's not merely the fact that I can't figure something out... I just really don't know what it is.

So basically something like

, or items such as this terrify you..?

Or is it really just a fear of the unknown..?

back on topic,

I'm attempting a "no-bombing" run.


So basically something like
, or items such as this terrify you..?

Or is it really just a fear of the unknown..?

Like I said, it's really hard to explain. That video looks to me to be too much of a Blair Witch ripoff, though I didn't actually watch all of it (I'm at work... it's kind of difficult to have videos like that up).

The unknown doesn't scare me... Ghosts/demons don't scare me... freaky images don't scare me... aliens don't scare me... whatever... it's just too hard to explain over the internet I guess :/

... but anyway, back to the topic at hand...

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