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if any of are reading this then gl for comming this far... any one ever play a game called kid cameleon... idk if this was just a personal phenomina or what but every time i got to what im prettty sure was the final boss, the game froze during the battle. and it made me sooo mad cause i could never beat the game>?

  • 2 weeks later...

... going old school isn't always a good thing, as it shows you not all 8-bit classics age well.

I was playing Thunder Blade on my old Master System yesterday. A fun little game... until you reach stage 3. Then you get into a canal that's nearly impossible because the bullets that the enemies shoot follow you... all of them. BUT WAIT... there's more. Then you get to stage 4, and you're bobbing and weaving, trying to avoid the bars going across the area you fly in. And finally, you reach the last boss of the game.

Basically, it's a big metal structure with many guns. It fires like there's no tomorrow, and it's damn sturdy. The bullets follow you as you move. Not literally, but rather in a way that makes them "hook" rather than travel a straight line. Your helicopter doesn't exactly move very quickly, so as these things hook, they just barely miss you the entire time. So now you're trying to lure then around the screen and not get cornered by the constant barrage so you can get some shots in on the final boss... which takes a lot before you hit it enough times to actually win. This thing must have inspired such insanely bullet riddled shooters as the Donpachi and Giga Wing series.

Now, why did I mention stages 3 and 4? Because these stages generally suck up every last continue. Shots that don't visually hit you, still kill you. Because of this interesting use of collision detection, you're left trying to find little areas to move to where there aren't any bullets when enemies come on the screen... even thought it doesn't matter, because you'll still get hit even if they miss. While stage 3 doesn't have anything to run into, stage 4 does. The same odd collision detection seems to make bars that you're currently right in the middle of make you explode. It's almost like the game doesn't want you to discover the dark secret that's at its end... not because it's a hard game or programmed to be one, but because it knows after all the hell you went through to get to it, the ending'll piss you off more than the cheap shots dealt out by the two last stages and the final boss ever could. What that secret is, I won't say beyond... "Don't blink".

Anyway, it's a game that actually doesn't try to be hard, but instead becomes cheap. And it succeeds nicely at it. It's a shame too, as it had a lot of fun qualities for it's day. Good thing they didn't pull the same stuff in Super Thunder Blade though :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

I hate this guy.

For those not familiar with Painkiller, it's a FPS. Not a bad game, won some awards, and is generally entertaining. It got an expansion pack called Painkiller: Battle out of Hell, and it really only has one boss... but what a pain in the as he is.

Besides being absolutely huge, he's got a number of attacks. Fire that spreads out from him when he hits the ground, the ability to just stomp on your tiny ass, summoning fireballs from the sky that track you... fun stuff. Somehow, someway, you have to kill him. And that's where we get to a bump in the road.

I have literally run out of ammo firing at this guy, only to see him unaffected. I've learned all sorts of nifty tricks to avoid him, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what to do to hurt him. There's a series of "pads" around the level you fight in. Some are just there at times it seems, while others have little glowing orbs rising off of them. I'm thinking there's a connection between them and being able to beat the final boss, but nothing's come from any of the things I've tried.

I'm not surprised really, as most of the bosses in the regular game have little hidden things you have to do to beat them, and even the mid bosses in BooT (especially the last mid boss) have a trick to being able to hurt them. But right now, I'm damn near out of ideas to beat this damned boss.


The hardest boss is that piece of shit fag Doku from Ninja Gaiden. When you fight him in his ghost form he is so damn hard without the maxed out fire scroll. Even when you have the maxed out fire ninpo he is still a bitch especially when he does the attack when he drains your life and gains life. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a good 50 times of dying I finally kicked his ass gloriously with only getting hit once. I thought the end of the world was upon us when I handed him his ass on a silver platter. Ninja Gaiden is defintely is a game that should win the controller smashing award.

The hardest boss is that piece of shit fag Doku from Ninja Gaiden. When you fight him in his ghost form he is so damn hard without the maxed out fire scroll. Even when you have the maxed out fire ninpo he is still a bitch especially when he does the attack when he drains your life and gains life. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a good 50 times of dying I finally kicked his ass gloriously with only getting hit once. I thought the end of the world was upon us when I handed him his ass on a silver platter. Ninja Gaiden is defintely is a game that should win the controller smashing award.

And that is why you suck at this game. Team Ninja actually punishes you for button mashing. I'm serious. I tried to play the game that way, and I eventually got frustrated with dying so much. Then I started all over. I learned the combos (placed conveniently in the inventory screen for easy access) and I learned to DODGE (essential life-saving tactic), and suddenly I was actually good at the game, and not using my Ninpo all the time.

Button Mashing=teh suck

Combos+Dodgin=Master Ninja

i would say jynx lvl 3 from mario rpg. though i was only about lvl 18 when i fought him, the only way i could beat him was to fill my entire inventory with revival items

I believe its safety badge [found in the sunken ship, it 'protects against mortal blows'] make Jynx pretty much meat


Haha, in Mickey's Magical Quest, the boss for the ice world (the damned peguin on skis) is prolly the hardest boss i've seen in a while (although for an rpg noob...Ultimecia in FF8 was pretty close to being the hardest for me). And what really sucked was that the game doesnt have a save...so yuore screwed if ya get game over :)


Emerald Weapon in FFVII. Though an optional boss, it was difficult to beat (unless you're one of those people who used GameShark invincibility code).


RPG bosses are never hard. Ever. All you have to do is level up, which isn't difficult; it is simply tedious. All-time hardest boss? M. Bison on the highest difficulty in any Street Fighter 2.


Why the fuck does Gradius 3 have a boss weaker than the one on the first level, and whose stage is insanely harder than anything else in the game (save maybe the part where the floor chunks try to kill you)?

Hardest Boss Ever:

Those god damn bosses in games like Blazeon(Side Scrolling spaceship games)that use attacks that are almost immpossible to dodge.

I actually own this game, and I think I've only ever made it to the...5th level in it?

The first boss is actually easy (I guess I played that level over and over) but the others...well...let's just say you had better steal another ship. (If you remember doing that)

The hardest boss is that piece of shit fag Doku from Ninja Gaiden. When you fight him in his ghost form he is so damn hard without the maxed out fire scroll. Even when you have the maxed out fire ninpo he is still a bitch especially when he does the attack when he drains your life and gains life. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a good 50 times of dying I finally kicked his ass gloriously with only getting hit once. I thought the end of the world was upon us when I handed him his ass on a silver platter. Ninja Gaiden is defintely is a game that should win the controller smashing award.

And that is why you suck at this game. Team Ninja actually punishes you for button mashing. I'm serious. I tried to play the game that way, and I eventually got frustrated with dying so much. Then I started all over. I learned the combos (placed conveniently in the inventory screen for easy access) and I learned to DODGE (essential life-saving tactic), and suddenly I was actually good at the game, and not using my Ninpo all the time.

Button Mashing=teh suck

Combos+Dodgin=Master Ninja

I suck at Ninja Gaiden? Hell I've beaten it on the hardest difficulty and I don't button mash dip shit. Looks like you read my post wrong dumbass if you look at the new EGM you'll see it got the controller smashing award cause it's so damn hard at certain points. And who says I use my ninpo all the time? I guess cause I used it for one boss you assume I use it all the time. Go interior decorate you homo. Even if you are better than me I could care less what does being better than me on a game accomplish? Absolutly nothing maybe some bragging rights that no one would care about"Hey guys I'm better than GhostMercXIII from OC remix forums at Ninja Gaiden!!"-Ubernym. I beat the boss battle and accomplished the same thing you did kicking the shit out of doku. Which you would likely reply "I did it better than you so that makes me more superior than you and Team Ninja should punish you!!!" You make me sick you worthless piece of shit nerd.

Ubernym = Richard Simmons

Ghostmerc = Badass Nerd Smasher

In Circle of the Moon, Hugh on Shooter mode is hard as hell. Took me over 20 tries to kill him. Now.... just to take care of dracula.

Yea , Hugh and Drac were pretty tough on low level Fighter and Shooter modes ..mainly because you had to make do without DSS magic.

But Thief mode is the best challenge IMO. Low stats.

You thought Dr. Wily was hard in MM4? Figh Dr. Wily in MM7.

heh, i wouldn't call him hard, beat him without using subtanks.

his second form was predictable as hell. the only thing that even bothered me was getting frozen - and that only happens when i don't pay attention.

and i wouldn't say any RPG boss is hard...unless there's a limitation to experience points, all the bosses are easy, it just takes time.

MMX7, on the other hand...the whole game was just a friggin hassle to deal with...mainly due to poor game design.

You thought Dr. Wily was hard in MM4? Figh Dr. Wily in MM7.

heh, i wouldn't call him hard, beat him without using subtanks.

his second form was predictable as hell. the only thing that even bothered me was getting frozen - and that only happens when i don't pay attention.

and i wouldn't say any RPG boss is hard...unless there's a limitation to experience points, all the bosses are easy, it just takes time.

MMX7, on the other hand...the whole game was just a friggin hassle to deal with...mainly due to poor game design.

Yea... it was almost imposible to grip onto platforms at times and fucking Glide mode would turn on at the worst instants for X...

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