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Omega weapon, Final Fantasy VIII.

Dude, I killed that motherf***er by accident. I wanted to draw all sorts of stuff from him but my guys, and considering I thought he was going to be hard, my guys were at level 100. He went down in all sorts of funny colors too because my playstation was reading the disc all funky.


Olga flow on Ultimate from Phantasy Star Online II. That son of a bitch was impossible if you fought him alone. Let's take a look at his cheap attacks, shall we?

-Step on you. Yeah. He's that much taller than you.

-Randomly swing his sword and let out a shockwave that is incapable of NOT hitting something.

-Make giant rocks fall on you. This attack + shitty camera angles = PISSED OFF.

-Creates stupid enemies that respawn and explode in your face. Or something.

-Oh yeah this is my favorite, he'll occasionally (and when I say that I mean every 2 goddamn seconds) turn you into an old man. If you attack him, any damage you deal him will be dealt to you. That's a problem when you can dish out more damage than your hp.

I hated him. Both forms.

Oh yeah, and the final boss of Tactics Ogre for GBA. Played it for 6 hours straight (you couldn't really save) just to die against the boss' 2nd form. That made me so enraged I think I may have killed a small child out of anger.

They really need to make a button that covers controllers and gameboys with steel plating so you can throw them at whatever you want without damaging them. Or have a little warning pop up on the screen before a boss fight:

[WARNING! Fighting this boss may result in EXTREME anger. We ask that all young children leave the immediate area, lest they be scarred for life from the expletives you will be screaming.]


from mr47:

-Oh yeah this is my favorite, he'll occasionally (and when I say that I mean every 2 goddamn seconds) turn you into an old man.

ROFL. That's one of the funniest posts I've read in a while. I know how you feel. :D


I'd have to say Abyssion from Tales of Symphonia.

I had to use AR to beat him and when I tried without, he pretty much turned the game into Tales of Presea!


I hate the final boss in Tales of Destiny 2. I can't beat her no matter how hard I try. I know you have to do this specific thing, but it never works for me.

Volt (Tales of Symponia) was a bitch.

Infact, the begining of Tales of Symphonia was very hard if you had no idea of how important guarding was.

Volt was really hard, but he's easy for one main reason: He's only one enemy, and you have your entire team. The Lloyd vs. Kratos Fight near the end of the game was much harder, and MUCH more fun!

As for the gurading thing, I never really guraded, I just relentlessly pinned and diced all the one-on-team bosses. The team-on-one hero fights are EVIL, such as the Colloseum.

Volt (Tales of Symponia) was a bitch.

Infact' date=' the begining of Tales of Symphonia was very hard if you had no idea of how important guarding was.[/quote']Volt was really hard, but he's easy for one main reason: He's only one enemy, and you have your entire team. The Lloyd vs. Kratos Fight near the end of the game was much harder, and MUCH more fun!

As for the gurading thing, I never really guraded, I just relentlessly pinned and diced all the one-on-team bosses. The team-on-one hero fights are EVIL, such as the Colloseum.

The last fight in team battle kicked my ass a few times...until I figured out you could use items :o.

I'd have to say Abyssion from Tales of Symphonia.

I had to use AR to beat him and when I tried without, he pretty much turned the game into Tales of Presea!

It became Tales of lloyd running for his fricken life, only saved by the All Divide that Rain used in the beginning of the 55 minute insane boss battle. Abbysion was EVIL. he was doing 1000 damage er hit to me, evn when I had the best armor in he game coupled with the All divide (50% damage reduced on all attacks from everyone.)

Volt (Tales of Symponia) was a bitch.

Infact' date=' the begining of Tales of Symphonia was very hard if you had no idea of how important guarding was.[/quote']Volt was really hard, but he's easy for one main reason: He's only one enemy, and you have your entire team. The Lloyd vs. Kratos Fight near the end of the game was much harder, and MUCH more fun!

As for the gurading thing, I never really guraded, I just relentlessly pinned and diced all the one-on-team bosses. The team-on-one hero fights are EVIL, such as the Colloseum.

The last fight in team battle kicked my ass a few times...until I figured out you could use items :o.

You can use items against the three earlier Tales Series people? Wow. That would help.

Volt (Tales of Symponia) was a bitch.

Infact' date=' the begining of Tales of Symphonia was very hard if you had no idea of how important guarding was.[/quote']Volt was really hard, but he's easy for one main reason: He's only one enemy, and you have your entire team. The Lloyd vs. Kratos Fight near the end of the game was much harder, and MUCH more fun!

As for the gurading thing, I never really guraded, I just relentlessly pinned and diced all the one-on-team bosses. The team-on-one hero fights are EVIL, such as the Colloseum.

The last fight in team battle kicked my ass a few times...until I figured out you could use items :o.

You can use items against the three earlier Tales Series people? Wow. That would help.

I'm just at the watter Ranch (Rodyle) and I've read up on his HP (30,000) that doesn't seem an awful lot concidering... Betcha he has some realy cheap ploy though.

I also think I've somehow stunted my Skill learning (I inaventertnly slaped a good few people towords the "S" side of the T/S scale.

But I did learn a nice little trick in comboing "Sword Rain Alpha" and "Raging beast".

If you prefom Raging Beast just before Lloyd does the vertiacl jump slash that finishes SRA, he'll pull off Raging Beast. It takes a good bit of TP but the damage is great :D

Ok no matter what any of you say, I know for a FACT who THE hardest boss to ever star in a video game is.

Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company.

Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT!

Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter.

Well I fought him a couple of times and died after a few minutes or so, but eventually I found his pattern. My brother and I would sit there and keep fighting him, but we could never win.

Well, one day we were determind to defeat this pesky villain! We got to the end of the level, and began to fight him. And fight him. And fight him........Then we realized we had been fighting him for THREE HOURS on the same life! WE NEVER DIED! WE FOUGHT THE BOSS FOR 3 HOURS ON THE SAME LIFE! We must have hit him a MILLION times!! Pow! Pow! Pow! 4 Hours passed.......5 hours passed......still the same life.....took a few breaks.....took turns fighting....still the same life......HE WILL NEVER DIE!!!! HE IS FREAKING IMMORTAL!!!!! We finally gave up and turned the game off in grave dissapointment.

Well, now you know who THE hardest boss in video game history is. The stupid mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero with a six shooter. :evil:


Ok no matter what any of you say, I know for a FACT who THE hardest boss to ever star in a video game is.

Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company.

Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT!

Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter.

Well I fought him a couple of times and died after a few minutes or so, but eventually I found his pattern. My brother and I would sit there and keep fighting him, but we could never win.

Well, one day we were determind to defeat this pesky villain! We got to the end of the level, and began to fight him. And fight him. And fight him........Then we realized we had been fighting him for THREE HOURS on the same life! WE NEVER DIED! WE FOUGHT THE BOSS FOR 3 HOURS ON THE SAME LIFE! We must have hit him a MILLION times!! Pow! Pow! Pow! 4 Hours passed.......5 hours passed......still the same life.....took a few breaks.....took turns fighting....still the same life......HE WILL NEVER DIE!!!! HE IS FREAKING IMMORTAL!!!!! We finally gave up and turned the game off in grave dissapointment.

Well, now you know who THE hardest boss in video game history is. The stupid mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero with a six shooter. :evil:

I still think this is funny as hell. I'm going to get Timelord just for that purpose.

I hate the final boss in Tales of Destiny 2. I can't beat her no matter how hard I try. I know you have to do this specific thing, but it never works for me.

When she starts using it, just hold the 3 buttons instead of mashing them. It's a lot easier this way :wink: .

Speaking of which, I think I'm going to load the save I made before I fought Dhaos...I mean Sekundes.

Kintaro ,from Mortal Kombat 2

(although Shao Kahn who comes next was a real pushover).

Man, I hate Shao Kahn in MK Trilogy. My cousin and I just can't beat him (might have something to do with the fact that I suck at MK).

Just out of curiosity...Did you ever find Motaro (MK3) difficult to beat ?

I haven't played MK3 in a long time, and I didn't even play it much back then. My guess is, I never even faced him. If he's anything like Khan in Trilogy, then I guess I'd find him difficult.

I think I'm going to try it when I get home today.

From what I remember, Motaro was pretty susceptible to jump kicks and combos (combos usually hit him at least once). He's not a push over, but there have been plenty of times where I was able to beat him with little trouble. His attack that's a big pain is his tail shot. Otherwise, he's not too hard to beat.

Edit: I just remembered. One of the best ways to hurt him, is to jump in the air and kick him whenever he jumps in the air. It's virtually a guaranteed hit every time. if he gets on a jumping spree, you can beat him easily with this. Also, stay moving. His warps are a pain, but if you jump around with a purpose (i.e., not randomly like a spaz), you can hit him when he warps back in quite a bit too.

From what I remember, Motaro was pretty susceptible to jump kicks and combos (combos usually hit him at least once). He's not a push over, but there have been plenty of times where I was able to beat him with little trouble. His attack that's a big pain is his tail shot. Otherwise, he's not too hard to beat.

Edit: I just remembered. One of the best ways to hurt him, is to jump in the air and kick him whenever he jumps in the air. It's virtually a guaranteed hit every time. if he gets on a jumping spree, you can beat him easily with this. Also, stay moving. His warps are a pain, but if you jump around with a purpose (i.e., not randomly like a spaz), you can hit him when he warps back in quite a bit too.

Thank you for the tip :D I've always had major trouble with Motaro myself. IMO the hardest MK boss.


That Butterfly bitch from Link to the Past was always a pain in the ass. Everytime I've had come to the forest world I shivered 'cause I knew it meant I had to fight ol' Butterfly Man

This one's open to all game catagories. Now, I'm not talking about a game who's control was so bad it made fighting/playing hard. I'm talking about a boss that was just plain nasty, viscious, could take a beating and dish one out, and took seeminly forever before the bastard/bitch (both sexes are covered here :D ) finally fell.

For me, that honor goes to......

Mother Brain and Dark Force!!!!!!

Mother Brain from Phantasy Star II was a complete bitch to beat. No matter how many times you hit her, no matter the strength of the magic cast, you got your ass kicked in a big, big way.

Dark Force from Phantasy Star III gets the tying nod because of the exact same thing. It took forever to disable it's hands, just so you could start beating on its head... which was another battle in itself. While it was also a sh*t to beat to Phantasy Star IV and I, the third game had the nastiest version on it.

Special honors go to Death from Castlevania I... GOD that was an unfair boss...

One of the hardest bosses I've ever faced was Sigma's 2nd form at the very end of Mega Man Xtreme 2 (Game Boy Color).

Another really tough boss was the boss of Level 4 of R-Type 2 in R-Type Deluxe (Game Boy Color). My hands were sweating when I beat him!


There was this one boss on Terrignma that I just couldn't beat, I would only hit it 1 damage each time and he had 300 hits. I stopped playing at that point

This one's open to all game catagories. Now, I'm not talking about a game who's control was so bad it made fighting/playing hard. I'm talking about a boss that was just plain nasty, viscious, could take a beating and dish one out, and took seeminly forever before the bastard/bitch (both sexes are covered here :D ) finally fell.

For me, that honor goes to......

Mother Brain and Dark Force!!!!!!

Mother Brain from Phantasy Star II was a complete bitch to beat. No matter how many times you hit her, no matter the strength of the magic cast, you got your ass kicked in a big, big way.

Dark Force from Phantasy Star III gets the tying nod because of the exact same thing. It took forever to disable it's hands, just so you could start beating on its head... which was another battle in itself. While it was also a sh*t to beat to Phantasy Star IV and I, the third game had the nastiest version on it.

Special honors go to Death from Castlevania I... GOD that was an unfair boss...

One of the hardest bosses I've ever faced was Sigma's 2nd form at the very end of Mega Man Xtreme 2 (Game Boy Color).

Another really tough boss was the boss of Level 4 of R-Type 2 in R-Type Deluxe (Game Boy Color). My hands were sweating when I beat him!

Sigma's 2nd form was Easy! Just give X Hyper Dash and ultimate buster and constantly dash into the opposite edge when Sigma's invulnerable. and then put on the +2 Buster when he's outa the suit. If you get Giga Crush use energy saver to be able to use it twice!

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