SirNick Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 Yeah, the last boss from Actraiser was tough... ...almost as tough as any given level from Actraiser 2. Quote
snarfoogle Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 The EGG GOLEM in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.There is an annoying bloody glitch that makes sonic do a jump dash when you only want him to jump, which most of the time sends you off the edge into the quicksand. I'm not sure if it's on the DC version, but on the GCN it's the most frustrating boss i've ever versed. You think HE'S tough? Go fight the Biolizard, if you haven't. *shudders* Quote
Daishi Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 I'd say the Dark Mana Beast from Seiken Densetsu 3... Bloody Mary from Terranigma was hard too... but eventually I leveled enough to do serious non-magirock damage. Yay! Quote
Rollerblade Samurai Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 1) That f*cker Red Falcon or whatever his name is... the last boss in Contra... WITHOUT the 30 lives cheat 2) 25 Metal Gear RAYs on Extreme 3) Ragu O Ragla from Wild Arms 1 and 3 4) Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 5) Kiyora in Robotech: Battlecry on HARD 6) The final hidden boss atop the Chrysler Building in Parasite Eve 7) Chryosphinx in Chrono Cross Any frelling boss in Vagrant Story just because of how sheerly annoying it is to fight anything in that game. 9) More Mega Man bosses than I can count... 10) Myself... in the sense that no matter how hard a boss is... the bigger battle is fighting myself to not stop and be persistant til i kick that bosses sorry ass! Quote
Z31RaM Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 The Dark Demon from Demons Crest >=( ASSHOLE. Quote
Cuddly PyramidHead Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 Any frelling boss in Vagrant Story just because of how sheerly annoying it is to fight anything in that game. Or not. Vagrant Story has one of the best battle systems of any action RPG. Compare it to the Summoner battle system, which clearly took inspiration from VS, or the battle system of the original Parasite Eve, which served as the stepping stone to VS, and you'll see just how good it is. The weapon system is almost a game in itself, and I'll take a good Vagrant Story battle over Star Ocean 2 any day. Quote
Rollerblade Samurai Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 Don't get me wrong... I love the Vagrant Story battle system... because I love the Parasite Eve battle system... it's just that some things in that game have SOOOO much HP compared to how little you can do that sometimes it gets very tedious to battle numerous enemies at once... especially when some can kill you in a single blow. Quote
Fletch Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 Hardest boss ever: Dark Dream (DQ6). He slew my entire party in a hit. My party was L65. That's something right there. Quote
engelus Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 the cryosphinx was easy as (insert somthing very easy here) i killed it in just over an hour. i didnt even come close to dying...all you gotta do is use your summons and triptechs as well as use the chronocross every once in a while to recharge your elements Quote
Juste Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 My hardest boss is... Breath Of Fire IV - the consectutive Tyrant Dragon > Astral Dragon battle. That battle is just insane. I mean, sure I beat them both, but it's frigan hard once Astral rips out a Soul Rend (HP goes to 1 for whole party). Why Ryu's dragon HP can't be restored by items other than Ambrosia is beyond me. There is one Ambrosia in the whole game and you're expected to make do with it. Ok, fair enough, I was able to finish the game with that alone, but it's still hardddddddddd But I have to say, I loved every minute of the final battle. I was literally on the edge of my seat, yelling at the screen and begging Fou Lu not to slaughter me after every Soul Rend. I distinctly remember the first time I defeated him I pointed at the screen and yelled "YOU DUMB BITCH!!! YOU THINK YOU CAN SCREW ME OVER??? YOU STUPID SHIT!!!". I was thrilled! Haha. Final bosses in RPG's these days are becoming far too easy. Take a look at FF6 - 9 (I haven't played the others, but I've heard 10 is weak too), Vagrant Story (how pathetic was Guildenstern!!), CastleVania (I couldn't believe Dracula's 10 second effort in SOTN). It's pretty sad, we play through a whole RPG and the boss goes under so quickly and effortlessly. I think the Breath Of Fire series has the perfect standard of final boss. They belt the crap out of you, make you heal every 2nd turn, take ages to finish off, and best of all, they get me really involved personally, I start cursing them and yelling at my party to do a better job. However, I am all for being able to beef up your characters so they absolutely slaughter the final boss as long as beefing up takes a lot of effort. Think Parasite Eve! The Chrysler Building is my all-time favourite dungeon. It's so perfect! There are lots of high-powered weapons and armour, Tools, Super Tools, and Rare Trading Cards there, but the enemies and bosses make it very hard to acquire them, which is what I like. There's nothing like a damn good challenge with a great payout in the event of success. Also the fact that you had to level up and utilise your BP if you were to stand a chance in hell against true Eve. And once you had done all that it took to defeat True Eve, the normal Eve and The Ultimate Being were a walk in the park! They were nothing! But the point is, it took effort to attain that kind of power. All the Final Fantasy's took so little effort in order to rip the final bosses in half with as little effort as possible. It didn't leave me feeling satisfied at all. I don't particularly like it when it's easy to reach Lv99. It's nice sometimes when Lv99 is unattainable, because it just makes you strive to get there and it's fun! Quote
Chorozon ID Posted November 12, 2002 Posted November 12, 2002 Final Deus was awesome. I've only beaten him once. I had three GNR50 attack enhancement parts EACH equipped on Fei, Citan, and Emerelda... I was r0x0rd brutally. (Even though I won) EVEN HARDER!!! Tyrant/Astral Dragon combo boss from Breath of Fire IV. AT LEVEL 50!!!!! If anyone can beat this boss at THAT LEVEL in less than five hours... you are God. Tyrant had the whole shebang: HP to one, negation of special attacks and magic, basic attack dealt Instant Death, not to mention ONE MILLION FRIGGIN HIT POINTS!!!!!!! Quote
NightWish Posted November 12, 2002 Posted November 12, 2002 Duh. Emerald Weapon from Final Fantasy 7. If you didn't have the water breathing device, you are DEAD. NO MATTER HOW FAST YOU DISH OUT THE PAIN ON THE BOSS... Nemesis in FFX is pretty tough, but atleast you don't need a water breathing device... Quote
Omega Posted November 13, 2002 Posted November 13, 2002 Harry Potter and philosopher's stone. That stupid bald guy with face on neck really burnded my lil sis down. WOW, This was my 400th message Quote
Z31RaM Posted November 13, 2002 Posted November 13, 2002 Any frelling boss in Vagrant Story just because of how sheerly annoying it is to fight anything in that game. a farscape fan...coo' Quote
The Coop Posted November 22, 2002 Author Posted November 22, 2002 Here's a boss for ya. For the proud few who have gotten to play this beast of a game, the stealth bomber-like jet in Battle Garegga. First you have to fight five small versions that die easily enough. Then, you mean the main jet... and the party starts. He's got three or four type of firing patterns, and one of then (where the bullets sweep back and forth a few times) is nearly a guarenteed kill for that boss. But, if you manage to beat it, you face it again two stages later... more armor, faster shots, more types of shot patterns and MUCH faster movement. You will loose ships on v2 of that boss, and you will loose many. If you manage to beat it, then you march on to the final boss, who's actually easier Quote
tatsujin Posted November 22, 2002 Posted November 22, 2002 I'd say the Dark Mana Beast from Seiken Densetsu 3... Bloody Mary from Terranigma was hard too... but eventually I leveled enough to do serious non-magirock damage. Yay! heh, I walked right in on that dark mana beast thing WITHOUT A CLUE!!!! somehow, I kicked it's ass the first time.(I was using the beastman monk, sorceress, chick, and the ninja, theif), it just suprised me when it transformed, revived itself, and grew another "head". That was a piss off. I still havn't beaten that game, because I can't pass the goddamn triple death jester boss. It's impossible to cast magic on him without BEING KILLED while standing still, the ninja was just too weak, and I had only 1 fighter(acually, a white mage/fighter too... ) Quote
Allison_Axe Posted November 23, 2002 Posted November 23, 2002 the final boss from "Demon's Crest" on the SNES. I loved that game, and it had many tough boss encounters, but the very final one was damn near impossible. I never got the real ending for that game, just the one that you get if you haven't gotten all the crests and don't get to see the bad guy's final form. Quote
The Coop Posted November 29, 2002 Author Posted November 29, 2002 I'm probably the only one who had trouble with his thing, but the werewolf boss in Castlevania Chronicles (I think ) that jumps around a clock face, pulling pieces off and throwing them at you. I had so much trouble avoiding those clock chunks long enough to any damage to the damn beast, but then trying to hit it after it ran out of ammo wasn't overly simple either. I don't even wanna think about how many times I fought that damn thing before I finally got past it... Quote
Straziante Posted November 29, 2002 Posted November 29, 2002 I'll say Criosphynx from Chrono Cross, Deathevan from Breath of Fire 2, and Ozma was slightly difficult, considering I forgot to re-equip strong weapons after my trek to Ipsen's Castle... Quote
Chorozon ID Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Final boss for Star Ocean 2 on universal mode. PAIN!! PAIN I TELL YOU!!! Quote
Chorozon ID Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Or maybe the final bosses on Strikers 1945 1 and 2. Ginat space crabs of doom shooting solid walls of plasma at your piddly little P-38 Lightning. I have never seen anyone face these bosses and not use an extra credit. Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 I'm probably the only one who had trouble with his thing, but the werewolf boss in Castlevania Chronicles (I think ) that jumps around a clock face, pulling pieces off and throwing them at you. I had so much trouble avoiding those clock chunks long enough to any damage to the damn beast, but then trying to hit it after it ran out of ammo wasn't overly simple either.I don't even wanna think about how many times I fought that damn thing before I finally got past it... HAHAHA!! see!!??? Castlevania strikes again! I say that this is the hardest game series ever!! Once again, Konamia is evil. Quote
The Primoris Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 History can be conquered as easily as any land. Quote
Wang Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 I'll say Criosphynx from Chrono Cross, Deathevan from Breath of Fire 2, and Ozma was slightly difficult, considering I forgot to re-equip strong weapons after my trek to Ipsen's Castle... The criosphynx was a pus Quote
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