I-n-j-i-n Posted November 4, 2005 Posted November 4, 2005 Trema...is one bad dude, to put it simply. He sports high HP too just like the other bosses in this place, but he has the whopping 999,999 HP! Still, that only means you have to get him with about 5-6 Trigger Happies with the Cat Nip, but that's the hard part. He is MUCH faster than everyone in your party, usually getting in two attacks before you have the chance to attack. He mainly uses physical attacks that combo a single character for 1500-4000 points of damage. I agree. FFX-2 wasn't THAT bad (though the pop-star thing is still a bit ridiculous). That, and Trema reminds me of Nemesis in FFX. Both great boss battles. And IMO some of the few truly challenging bosses in recent RPGs. I wish they had bosses like that in games like real time action RPGs. Quote
ChefOfDeath Posted November 4, 2005 Posted November 4, 2005 The one boss that immediately jumps out at me was the fortress boss in Aerofighters Assault on the N64. That thing was beastly. After weeks I finally developed a strategy for beating it, but it was slow, painstaking, and not always successful (it involved much kamikaze...). Some of the bosses in Zelda II on the NES were pretty hard, too. Quote
The Coop Posted November 16, 2005 Author Posted November 16, 2005 Okay. So I'm playing Shining Soul on my GBA (yeah, I know what the reviews said, but it's not that bad). I'm playing along, battling bosses and leveling up. Around the fourth dungeon, I think I'm a big bad stud muffin for kicking the asses of every boss thus far. Well, you can imagine what happened on this dungeon's boss since I'm posting here. I reach Michaela, sit through the slowly scrolling speech she gives, and then proceed to get my ass kicked. Her attacks are quite simple. She has four or five clones that shoot out ice, while the real Michaela shoots out a lightning bolt. If the ice hits you, you slow down for a time, and take damage. If the lightning hits you, you just take damage, but more of it. So I'm running around, trying to find the real version of this bitch. I'm swinging my charged up Axe, throwing my charged up Morningstar-like weapon... but all I'm hitting are the clones. I can never get all the version on screen at one time to see which one casts the lightning. The few times I did, I was on the other side of the screen avoiding the ice shots. By the time I got over to where she was, all the characters has moved around and I didn't know which one the real one was again. To say this was frustrating would be quite truthful. Now, after a few tried, I got good at staying alive for long periods of time. Healing my character, avoiding the ice rocks... I was doing alright. But I couldn't get to the real Michaela. It was like she was always on the opposite side of the screen from me... always. Now granted, I did eventually beat her after a long series or randomly swung charged axe attacks, but I still don't know a pattern to this boss. I know there has to be one (in theory), but I'd like to know what it is so I can go back and kick her ass just to make myself feel better, considering even the final boss was easy for me to beat. Quote
redchlorine Posted November 16, 2005 Posted November 16, 2005 I'm not sure this counts as a boss, but... In Arcanum, right at the first town, there are 3 guys blocking the only bridge out of town. One human and 2 half orcs, all of whom love to use their fists. Not much of a problem, unless you consider the fact that fists take away a large abount of fatigue, of which you might be lucky to have 60 at that point. After a few fist strikes, you hit 0 fatigue, fall down, then they start kicking you. Your fatigue then goes into the negatives, while your helath quickly follows suit. It doesn't help that they almost always hit you, while your character is completely inept at anything. This includes [but is not limited to] sword swinging, gun slinging, grenade flinging, arrow zinging.....anythinging! And there isn't much to level up with at this point. Of course, you could always 'convince' them otherwise, but where's the fun in that? Quote
Conan-the-3rd Posted November 16, 2005 Posted November 16, 2005 I freaking hate Monster X in Cave Stroy and from what I see, the core ain't going to be any more fun once I get to it. Monster X is a freaking cheap ass bastard that just seems to conveniantly hit you dead just before his HP Is due to run out. Quote
Navi Posted November 16, 2005 Posted November 16, 2005 Well, despite all the hating on FFX-2, I beat it last night and enjoyed it. For everyone who says it's too girly and other various whinings, get over it. Anyway, the game was fairly easy for the most part. No bosses ever gave me too much trouble, until I went into the Bevelle secret dungeon in Chapter Five.This place is home to the nastiest creatures in the game. It's 100 floors with bosses on floors 20, 40, 60, 80, and two on floor 100. The first two bosses are easy, but the next two sport over 300,000 HP each and have attacks that do well over 9,999 points of damage to characters. However, with the Cat Nip accessory equipped you can down them in two rounds each without suffering much damage. The real pain comes at the last cloister. You see, you're in this dungeon to find a man named Trema. All the while you've been tailing this one apparition who is with all the bosses. You meet him at cloister 100 and he turns into a big Ultima Weapon-looking thing called Paragon. Well, he only has 200,000 HP, so a Cat Nipped gunner can down him in two turns, one if you hit him enough and have two strong characters attack after that. You want to make this battle quick though, because he has REALLY powerful attacks and you want to be at full strength when the battle is over because you immediately go into the fight with Trema. Trema...is one bad dude, to put it simply. He sports high HP too just like the other bosses in this place, but he has the whopping 999,999 HP! Still, that only means you have to get him with about 5-6 Trigger Happies with the Cat Nip, but that's the hard part. He is MUCH faster than everyone in your party, usually getting in two attacks before you have the chance to attack. He mainly uses physical attacks that combo a single character for 1500-4000 points of damage. After you take away about half of his hit points he starts busting out Meteor. If you have all three characters alive the damage is lessened, but the fewer characters you have, the harder it hits. It WILL kill just one character by herself, and could kill two if they have low HP. After that he goes back to beating on you for awhile. When he nears death, he breaks out Ultima, which does 9,999 damage to everyone. If you have the Break HP Limit in effect, this doesn't affect you, but I didn't. After trying MANY times to outlast him and beat him before he used Ultima (which never worked), I finally drained all his magic. Once I did that, and equipped my other two characters with an auto-protect accessory, he went down fairly easy. Bevelle's secret dungeon is a nightmare. One of the most tedious, nail biting dungeons in any game I have ever played. The bosses were...worthy of being noted in this thread, to say the least. FFX-2 <3 Quote
Indalecio Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 I'd have to say the hardest boss in any game would have to be Indalecio from Star Ocean 2 with his limiter removed of course, with that limiter in place the guy is a push over. With his limiter removed he has around 2-4 million hp and can down your entire party in one attack regardless of level and gear. If thats not bad enough try removing his limiter in universal difficulty. I've heard he's impossible to beat in universal difficulty with no limiter. Quote
redchlorine Posted November 17, 2005 Posted November 17, 2005 I'm not sure this counts as a boss, but...In Arcanum, right at the first town, there are 3 guys blocking the only bridge out of town. One human and 2 half orcs, all of whom love to use their fists. Not much of a problem, unless you consider the fact that fists take away a large abount of fatigue, of which you might be lucky to have 60 at that point. After a few fist strikes, you hit 0 fatigue, fall down, then they start kicking you. Your fatigue then goes into the negatives, while your helath quickly follows suit. It doesn't help that they almost always hit you, while your character is completely inept at anything. This includes [but is not limited to] sword swinging, gun slinging, grenade flinging, arrow zinging.....anythinging! And there isn't much to level up with at this point. Of course, you could always 'convince' them otherwise, but where's the fun in that? Lukan is only hard if your character isn't some sort of badass melee character and if that is the case, you shouldn't be trying to solve such situations with violence anyway. It's a hell of a lot easier (and more rewarding in the long haul) to convince him you are part of the Thieves Underground. But even if you wanted to, it's possible to kill them with a wussy character if you pick up the Half-ogre follower and level up in the mines and outside of the town for long enough. You can easily get a level 7 or 8 character while still in Shrouded Hills. Oh yeah, you could also just pickpocket him and take the key. Arcanum is a great game. Or abuse the game's AI and simply use harm on them from outside their perception range... I was talking about the first time you meet them in your first game, you have no idea whats going on, and you waste sooo much time trying to get past them. Might be why the game never really took off. Too damn hard in the beginning for nubs trying to be a generic good sword swinging hero. Quote
Z-Saber Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 I freaking hate Monster X in Cave Stroy and from what I see, the core ain't going to be any more fun once I get to it. Monster X is a freaking cheap ass bastard that just seems to conveniantly hit you dead just before his HP Is due to run out. Been a while since I've played Cave Story so I don't quite remember Monster X, but I do remember the core. The core itself is godly, but the trip there is almost equally so as well. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 Trema...is one bad dude, to put it simply. He sports high HP too just like the other bosses in this place, but he has the whopping 999,999 HP! Still, that only means you have to get him with about 5-6 Trigger Happies with the Cat Nip, but that's the hard part. He is MUCH faster than everyone in your party, usually getting in two attacks before you have the chance to attack. He mainly uses physical attacks that combo a single character for 1500-4000 points of damage. I agree. FFX-2 wasn't THAT bad (though the pop-star thing is still a bit ridiculous). That, and Trema reminds me of Nemesis in FFX. Both great boss battles. And IMO some of the few truly challenging bosses in recent RPGs. I wish they had bosses like that in games like real time action RPGs. I think it's just the return to the Active Time Battle system that makes boss battles harder ,compared to FFX. Quote
Bummer Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 Trema...is one bad dude, to put it simply. He sports high HP too just like the other bosses in this place, but he has the whopping 999,999 HP! Still, that only means you have to get him with about 5-6 Trigger Happies with the Cat Nip, but that's the hard part. He is MUCH faster than everyone in your party, usually getting in two attacks before you have the chance to attack. He mainly uses physical attacks that combo a single character for 1500-4000 points of damage. I agree. FFX-2 wasn't THAT bad (though the pop-star thing is still a bit ridiculous). That, and Trema reminds me of Nemesis in FFX. Both great boss battles. And IMO some of the few truly challenging bosses in recent RPGs. I wish they had bosses like that in games like real time action RPGs. I think it's just the return to the Active Time Battle system that makes boss battles harder ,compared to FFX. FFX has very hard bosses, the Battle Arena is full of them. If you don´t plan your battle right or makes one mistake, that´would be nuff to end thy game dude. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted November 18, 2005 Posted November 18, 2005 FFX has very hard bosses, the Battle Arena is full of them. If you don´t plan your battle right or makes one mistake, that´would be nuff to end thy game dude. True, but with the CTB at least you have the time to plan your moves right. Quote
IcePick Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 I don't know if this one was mentioned yet, but even if it is, I still feel the need to bring it to attention. The Genesis game Dynamite Headdy is a fun-as-hell game. A unique game from Treasure where you use your head to attack stuff. Anyways, the boss for the eight stage is without a doubt the hardest boss in the game, even harder than the final boss. Twin Freaks. The heathen that he is. The tough part about this boss is actually a few things: 1. Auto-scrolling stage that varies speed. 2. In order to get through the stage, you have to hit a switch that flips the stage upside down. They were featured in the last stage, but they are in this stage also. However, when you flip the stage, the boss changes heads from a nice slow-walking green head to an angry fast-walking red head. 3. When you switch to the red head, the scrolling speed speeds up, he moves closer to your side of the screen (making it easier to squish you), and you can't deal damage to him. 4. You have to hit the ear of the green head in order to do damage. The red head will take no damage (besides, you'll be too worried about surviving to attack that side). 5. Spikes. Thousands of them. 6. Did I mention the scrolling speed speeds up when you go to the red head? All of this makes for a damn hard boss fight. I've never heard of anyone beating him without losing health, and dying alot at this point is not uncommon. Maybe not the hardest boss of all time, but certainly one worth mentioning in my opinion. Quote
Amayirot Akago Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 I don't know if this one was mentioned yet, but even if it is, I still feel the need to bring it to attention.The Genesis game Dynamite Headdy is a fun-as-hell game. A unique game from Treasure where you use your head to attack stuff. Anyways, the boss for the eight stage is without a doubt the hardest boss in the game, even harder than the final boss. Twin Freaks. The heathen that he is. The tough part about this boss is actually a few things: 1. Auto-scrolling stage that varies speed. 2. In order to get through the stage, you have to hit a switch that flips the stage upside down. They were featured in the last stage, but they are in this stage also. However, when you flip the stage, the boss changes heads from a nice slow-walking green head to an angry fast-walking red head. 3. When you switch to the red head, the scrolling speed speeds up, he moves closer to your side of the screen (making it easier to squish you), and you can't deal damage to him. 4. You have to hit the ear of the green head in order to do damage. The red head will take no damage (besides, you'll be too worried about surviving to attack that side). 5. Spikes. Thousands of them. 6. Did I mention the scrolling speed speeds up when you go to the red head? All of this makes for a damn hard boss fight. I've never heard of anyone beating him without losing health, and dying alot at this point is not uncommon. Maybe not the hardest boss of all time, but certainly one worth mentioning in my opinion. I've never played the game, but I hate him already. Quote
gleipnir binds Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 magical drop is hard as hell... and G4 had a bad guy countdown where sephiroth (FF VII) was voted "most kick-ass badguy" or something like that... I wouldn't know... i never got passed the 1st disk... got boring Quote
Wing00 Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 The hardest boss of all time in video game history was the last boss in Metal Gear for the NES. For the simple reason that Konami forgot to program him to die. Thats right, he litteraly can't die. Quote
about:blank Posted November 24, 2005 Posted November 24, 2005 The hardest boss of all time in video game history was the last boss in Metal Gear for the NES. For the simple reason that Konami forgot to program him to die. Thats right, he litteraly can't die. O RLY? Honestly though...I think that Final Fantasy IV had the all time hardest bosses, almost every boss in that game was impossible, and they just kept getting harder and harder after that. Quote
Bummer Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 The hardest boss of all time in video game history was the last boss in Metal Gear for the NES. For the simple reason that Konami forgot to program him to die. Thats right, he litteraly can't die. O RLY? Honestly though...I think that Final Fantasy IV had the all time hardest bosses, almost every boss in that game was impossible, and they just kept getting harder and harder after that. Nah, not really, but the never ending supply of Behemoths and Purple heads in the final cave was a menace. Quote
Nineko Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 I don't know if this one was mentioned yet, but even if it is, I still feel the need to bring it to attention.that, and I don't want to read 150 pages of thread.Lucifeller, the final boss in Kabuki Clash, is hard as hell. Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 How about the bosses in the last fourth of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories! They were hard as hell because of the games card based battle system, the longer the fight dragged on, the weaker you became because you keep losing your spelll cards when Sleighting and what not! Quote
The Coop Posted December 6, 2005 Author Posted December 6, 2005 Ever had one of those games that you can kick the ass of, but as soon as you reach the end, it decides to go ballistic and kick your ass? After a visit to a local flea market a couple months back, I've found just such a game. Captain Skyhawk for the NES is really an easy game. Sure, at first the altitude aspect takes a bit to get used to, but within an hour, you get the hang of it. I can get through the game's main stages with little trouble. I can get the best weapons lickity split, and kick the asses of those little "bonus" stages that try and mimic After Burner. But for the life of me, I can't beat the final boss. It's attacks are pretty straight forward. It fires quickly at you as you move about a stationary screen with the boss in the background, and your plane in the foreground (like a non moving After Burner). All it does, is shoot a lot of bullet streams that move pretty quick. But the controls for your plane suddenly get very floaty. Perhaps it's because you're in space, but since the rest of the game has rather crisp control, this makes maneuvering and getting out of the way of the bullets seemingly impossible. It's a rather abrupt shift in way things control. I know I have to be missing something... some trick or maneuver that would give me the upper hand. But I'll be damned if I can find it. Quote
Drack Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 The hardest boss for me would have to be Miguel in Chrono Cross. Of course, that's because I have two black innates in the party and his two whitey spells in a row usually kill both of them immediately. Miguel didn't give me too much trouble. Yeah, his Holy Drag Sword would 1shot people and occasionally he would kil lynx, but not much more to it than wearing him down. Black Dragon and (believe it or not) highwayman and Hi-Ho Tank gave me more trouble than miguel. Not that they were overly hard. Chrono Cross bosses weren't that hard in general. Quote
Drack Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 Metroid Prime, and the Essence thereof. Those were hard friggin bosses. I found Ridley harder than Prime. Omega Pirate too.Prime is a respectable final boss though. Not among the hardest imo. Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 Metroid Prime, and the Essence thereof. Those were hard friggin bosses. I found Ridley harder than Prime. Omega Pirate too.Prime is a respectable final boss though. Not among the hardest imo. It is possible to kill Omega Pirate in one round, but you need to make EVERY Super Missile count. And if you can get about 90% of the missile upgrades, after Ridley loses his wings, you can hold a Flamethrower on him until he croaks without letting up. Easy kill. Quote
Drack Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 All-time hardest boss of ANY game, I would say Overlord Mata Muram in Everquest. I'll try to find a good writeup on his encounter as most people here wouldn't know WTF I'm talking about. Edit: I wavebuster'd ridley's second form when I felt like being cheap, ha! Quote
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