tri-emplem Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Hardest boss ... I'll go with ... huh ... Nereid from Tales of Destiny II. ... they should have made it easier for you to pull off that divine thingy ... I had to kill her six times before I actually protected myself from that auto-kill-end-life thing. Quote
Euclid Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 You must be doing something wrong with this mexican guy. No boss is impossible... He's right, if a boss IS impossible then it ISN'T a game Quote
dkhighwind Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 You must be doing something wrong with this mexican guy. No boss is impossible... He's right, if a boss IS impossible then it ISN'T a game Hmm. My brother was a master at RPGs. He discovered that multiple bosses were literally impossible if you were not a high enough level. On multiple occasions, he would fight a boss, do a crap load of damage, and finally die. Next, he would gain something like a single level, fight the boss again, do only half as much damage as he did before (he was good at mental math), and that would kill the boss. Some bosses are impossible unless you do some frargin' trick- in the case of Dragon Warriors II and III (or was it IV?), you had to be certain levels before bosses would die. Quote
Geiger Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Hrdest boss? BOB THE GOLDFISH FROM EARTWORM JIM 2!! But seriously, folks, the hardest bosses I've come accross are DR. Wily from Mega Man 4 (that big flying skull tank thing), the last boss in Bionic Commando, and the LA Lakers in NBA Show Time for Dreamcast (Kobe Bryant is such a bitch!) Quote
lazygecko Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 You thought Dr. Wily was hard in MM4? Figh Dr. Wily in MM7. Quote
Meiguoren Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 The hardest bosses I have ever come across have been Chaos from the first Final Fantasy (2000 hit points and liberal user of magic that FULLY restores him) and Zoda from both StarTropics games. While he was rough in the first one, he's even harder in the second. I haven't been able to beat the second one yet. And then there's the old standby, almost any form of Dracula from Castlevania (the exceptions being Castlevania II and Symphony of the Night). Quote
Legion303 Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Well, now you know who THE hardest boss in video game history is. The stupid mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero with a six shooter. You're supposed to shoot that varmint in the back. -steve Quote
Legion303 Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 The hardest boss for me would have to be Miguel in Chrono Cross. Of course, that's because I have two black innates in the party and his two whitey spells in a row usually kill both of them immediately. So far the EASIEST boss I've seen would have to be Shaft from Castlevania SOTN, especially if you're equipped with the *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER* ...shield rod and the right shield. -steve Quote
dkhighwind Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Well, now you know who THE hardest boss in video game history is. The stupid mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero with a six shooter. You're supposed to shoot that varmint in the back. -steve Tsk tsk tsk, didn't they learn anything from Back to the Future 3? Quote
lefty Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 There are no 'hard' bosses in most rpg games... a simple way of beating most of them is just to train yourself to the maximum level and they can all be taken down easily... ahh man i think i have to dispute this one. probabally the hardest boss i have ever faced (and thats me not everyone else) would probabally be ultimecia from ff8, until i figured out that you have to use lionheart, and the aura spell...normaly i would agree with euclid, but when i went to fight ultemicia the first time, i had all three guy characters leveled up to 100 (i didnt really use the chicks) and in the end it got down to just zell & irvine. i kept using limit breaks on her bitch ass, because she kept doing the attack that gets you down to 1 hp, and after like 30 min of this, she still wasnt dead, and she killed me off. i eventually finished the job. oh also i think we must make mention of the last two bosses in parasite eve (eve and her baby). damn all those transformations drove me nuts in that game. just when you think everythings over, they transform again! i remember when i got to the point where i had to get off the ship or whatever so that i wouldnt get killed by the boiler room explosion, my dad wanted to talk to me about something, so i let the game sit in the middle of some dialogue, thinking it wouldnt progress, cause i wasnt pressing anything. about 10 min later, after the conversation, i came back to find out i had died!! after all that fighting of the baby freak, I WAS GONNA HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN!! (luckily i had my action replay to help me out, hey at that point i knew i coulda beat it. its not like there is anymore combat when your leading the thing around) Quote
lefty Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 one more thing that i meant to point out about ff8's last boss being hard is that she levels up when you level up, so no matter what level your at, she's still a beyatch! Quote
GreatLeo Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 I think the hardest boss of them all would have to be Ultima Weapon from FF8 in the deep sea deposit area with about a million HP and no knights of the round summon in this game to help you either. Its not a required boss to beat so thank god for that but if you wanted the most powerful summon in the game (Eden) then you would have to face him it took me a few times to beat him I tell you that. Also notable is the Emerald and Ruby weapons from FF7 with a million HP each but can be beaten much more easier with KOTR. Quote
Meiguoren Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 The last few bosses in Final Fantasy Legend II were damn near impossible. It took me forever to beat Venus, then right after her is Odin with his pets (whom you must beat in eight rounds, if I remember correctly) then Apollo, then a tower climb THEN a crazy gun machine that was damn near impossible. Oh and what about the last three guys in Super Punch Out? The old Chinese man and then the twins? Admittedly I never beat the old Chinese Man, but he had a stick and he's way too fast for his age. Quote
dkhighwind Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Super Punch Out was easy Once you got used to their moves, the enemies didn't really hold out. Hoy Quarlow wasn't that bad unless he pulled off his 12 hit combo thing.... But once you know how to block it (and it's variation), he's easy. Rick is a pain to get used to, but you can follow a pretty simple pattern- dodge his overly-elaborate attack, punch, super punch, then dodge his counter. Nick just takes some getting used to in general, 'cause he's so damn fast on the attack. I like my 255-7 record, thank you very much Quote
Merid Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 You thought Dr. Wily was hard in MM4? Figh Dr. Wily in MM7. Wily from MM7 was nothing, but Wily from MM4 was a bitch! I was using Ring Man on him, exchange of one ring for one bar of damage. He had one bar left and I had one ring left and.....I missed. It pissed me off to oblivion. I've never had the chance to beat that game again since (this was like back in '95 I wanna say) All the other MMs were easy, but that Wily was hard as hell! Quote
mystik3eb Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 I'm hearing some pretty good arguments in here, though I mostly have to agree with the RPG boss thing. I've beaten every single "super hard" boss in all the FF's, and never had a problem with ANY of them. Yes, I'm talking about Omega Weapon (both of them), Emerald, Ruby, Ozma, Warmech, ALL of them. Dude, a friggen YAN is harder than any of these guys! I beat all these faggots my first try. It's pretty sad. I had more of a problem with that one portal-looking boss in FF5, I never got farther than that point, I could never beat him. Ah well, I will someday. The secret boss in Gem's place in Illusion of Gaia is so friggen hard, it took me forever to finally beat that dude, and this is WITH full stats and everything. I spent nearly every herb and...AGH! I DID finally beat him, but it took me an hour of trying to get through the mansion witout getting too hurt, then just trying to hit him once every 30 seconds...agh, so tedious. Also, it wasn't really worth it, but...hey, beating these kinda bosses usually aren't, you know? =) K, almost every boss in EVO kicks so much butt...they are so impossible....k fine, not impossible, but darn close...probably because I didn't spend enough time getting my character up... Honestly, I usually find levels more difficult than their bosses most of the time. It was like that with the 2nd and 3rd Mega Mans. Ay carumba, I've never beat any of those games, and I lost my NES cartridges, so I can't play them on my SNES anymore...waaaaaaah! Quote
RuneLancer Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Ah... hard bosses... I don't remember too clearly my experiences with the earlier final fantasies. Oh well, looks like I'll have to play them again ^-^ Final Fantasy 6: This game was a joke once you got the offering and a genji glove. No hard bosses in here at all. Even Atma Weapon was easy... Final Fantasy 7: This game was a joke once you got KotR. No hard bosses in here at all. Final Fantasy 8: I have yet to see the game over screen. I beat the Weapon in the deep sea place in two rounds by using Squall's limit. It was so dissapointing... Final Fantasy 9: Ozma was a bit of a challenge, but nothing too serious. The rest of the game was hillariously easy. Terranigma: THE GOD DAMN BLOODY MARY BOSS!! This was HARD! Especially if you ran out of rings! Soul Blazer: This game wasn't too hard. The first boss was a bit of a challenge, but nothing to worry about. Most of the fights were really easy. Illusion of Gaia: Again, nothing too hard here. The secret boss was a bitch to kill, but it didn't take me more than two tries before finding out how to beat him. Chrono Trigger: Hmm... can't remember any hard bosses in here either. Breath of Fire I: Easy game. Moderate challenge. Breat of Fire II: Easy game. Last boss was a bit challenging, but nothing too serious. I'll stop now. But I have to say that the hardest boss ever is... ... ... LAGOON! THIMALE! This boss is HARD!!! Yes, that's the blue rolling thing in the ice cave. Quote
Lord Alan Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Hmm... let's see... Perfect Chaos in Sonic Adventure and Finalhazard in SA2 were hard, but only because the games were so full of bugs. lol. The final boss in Shining Force 2... I forget it's name, but it was hard. I'd say the hardest boss ever is King Gedol at the end of Sparkster (Mega Drive.) You think you've beaten him but then he switches places with you and it gets so tough and confusing! Great game though. Quote
Veritas Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 There are no 'hard' bosses in most rpg games... a simple way of beating most of them is just to train yourself to the maximum level and they can all be taken down easily... well, some games have bosses who don't have a level cap. so as you get higher in level, so do the the end its a battle of wits... Quote
Veritas Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 The hardest boss for me would have to be Miguel in Chrono Cross. Of course, that's because I have two black innates in the party and his two whitey spells in a row usually kill both of them immediately.So far the EASIEST boss I've seen would have to be Shaft from Castlevania SOTN, especially if you're equipped with the *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER* ...shield rod and the right shield. -steve ...crissaegram and ring of varda...the only thing sicker than a ring of varda is two... Quote
Scandinavian Gigolo Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Zyblor is our leader. Zyblor is all-knowing. Thank you Zyblor for keeping us alive, by artificial means. Quote
bloodydust Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 i'd have to say the true endboss of demon's crest. we're talking HARD. he had 2 forms, and you could only hurt him in one. and every time he switched to that form, you had to be quick and hit him, because he was making the walls, ceiling, and floor turn into spikes. he was so hard you could only fight him if you had found EVERYTHING. god that game rocked. great music too, deserves remixing. Quote
Enkidu Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 I'm stuck fighting Zophar in Lunar 2, man is he ever frustrating me... Quote
JoeCrip the Gang-Star Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 I beg to differ that a boss in a game is impossible. The last boss in the Japanese Hard Version of Final Fantasy 4 is practically impossible, I've never done it. Yes, in Final Fantasy 2 US and also in the easy translated version of FF4 Jap, it was very easy and so was leveling up, but it was all impossible on the Japanese version. My people were like level 60 and they got slaughtered in one hit. Most Final Fantasy games you can beat the boss by level 40 or so, so I know this wasn't just a lack of skill or ability on my part. Quote
Veritas Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 i'd have to say the true endboss of demon's crest. we're talking HARD. he had 2 forms, and you could only hurt him in one. and every time he switched to that form, you had to be quick and hit him, because he was making the walls, ceiling, and floor turn into spikes.he was so hard you could only fight him if you had found EVERYTHING. god that game rocked. great music too, deserves remixing. man i forgot about demon's crest...i had it somewhere stashed in a box...i wonder if i can find a rom was a good game...and that true endboss was CRAZY!!!! Quote
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