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Right now, the Omega Pirate from Metroid Prime is the hardest thing I have ever faced. So some of it is the mixture of adrenaline and frustration... but even so. Damn is this guy rough. I've figured out the strategy and I have been able to hurt him. It's that whole "not getting hurt" thing that I'm having trouble with. Jesus. Oh well. Back into the fray.


I can't even begin to believe how long this post is.

However, I will add the once boss I have never been able to beat (And I have been gaming since before, and through, the eight bit Nintendo): In the game Jedi Knight II, on Jedi Master, I have been unable to take down Desann.

He is a God.

I set up five droids, five turrets, and force pushed him to the ground (hacking away when he was down) multiple times, and was yet unable to beat him. I gave up after about five hours of trying to take him down, neither actions I do often (And yes, I did use the power up thing in the middle. It still didn't work.)

Just try it! If you can make it through the game on that difficulty (Which I can proudly say I did! =D) then I'd like to see you beat him. If you can, my hats off to you.

Though, I wonder now, if I should've given it a second go?


I will nominate Improved Abazigail and Improved Demogorgon in Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. I went into both battles fully powered up by augmentation spells. They seemed to be either extremely resistant or simply immune to most spells, and Demogorgon summoned fairly strong demons every 10 seconds it seemed. Took me three and six straight hours to take down Demogorgon and Abazigail down, respectively. :x


there was two guys really hard on paper mario

the master and a black shy guy (no name)

the master was quite hard because you had to be at the right skill level and have the right items to beat him

the black shy guy does a whole crap of damage to you enough to kill you in one shot, so you need an attack badge and defense badge but since you don't have to beat him and once you do he gives you the attack badge it is pretty useless

Hrm, Kerafyrm from Eq comes to mind.....

HAHAAHA.... any mob past level 50ish is downright impossible solo, and any dragon isnt even to be questioned. But yes the sleeper is the hardest... most impossible rather... boss in any game. Wouldent even call him a boss. Damn I have seen like 5 people in front of me just freaken drop instantly. Clerics bolted and so did I, we had one of the clerics (retard) camp cause he thot it would be nice to rez us after we zoned... moron. I counted 1:43ish seconds after he was awakened when I was crushed. But I saw some horrifying things... honestly if you could here screams in the game the place would just be blairing. 1 attack... 4 dead, bastard lumbered to me i backed up /screenshot and he turned his attention to someone to my left, i turned to see, she was dead before i saw it... i took the use of the 1/4 turn to my left to make it a complete twist and ran like hell. got to high ground (how i got there escapes me... been so long) took multi screens... I could see all these people running... sleeper lifted its head back and 2 or 3 more fell... /screenshot Then... dead... dunno how, maybe delay between pressing the - key and that millasecond stillness while the game process the screen gave ol basbages a chance to give me a claw to the gut. Never found my corpse... didnt care quit that game awhile ago. Honsetly I can only describe it as dropping the ring...


In Guardian Legend, the second or third tentacle eyeball is more than evil. He is some kind of omnipotent turbo monster. He's lays down field after field of those green rods that kill you in two hits. He's just not fair. Second hardest boss is Velius from FFT, at least if Velius is the four-armed goat man with the demon coharts. Because of him I'm stuck on my second run through the game.

Yes, I've tried using summoners with Lich, but he's clever enough to kill them on the first turn. :x


For me, it's a tie between the Giant Battle Armor, or the final boss from Rocket Knight Adventures. If you get touched, even a little bit bit by the god-forsaken thing, and you die. No questions asked, even with invincibility.

But wait...It gets better. The final boss throws a myriad of projectiles, many of them undodgable, all dealing about 1 and a half hearts of damage. (I think you have 15 hearts per life). And when you finally destroy it, and you're escaping in a drop ship, (with no way to attack or defend, I might add) The final piece of the boss comes flying after you, in the middle of space, and bombards you for another 3 minutes or so, without a refill in health from your previous battle.

Man, it feels good to get that out. Ahhh....

I'm stuck fighting Zophar in Lunar 2, man is he ever frustrating me...

I was stuck on him for months, and would probably get my vote too, especially because there's no althena statue anywhere(!!) The way I finally beat him was by, in his second phase, taking time to move everyone as far away from each other as possible before fighting. Another thing that helped is . . . you can take out one, or maybe even two of his arms before Lucia heals everyone for the REAL battle (if you gots the mad skills). Everyone should be at or above level 50 to beat this boss, so unless you don't have that many healing items, level up until Hiro gets Triple Strike (you will be SO screwed if you don't have it) and Lemina gets "Catastrophe". I never got that move, actaully, but I heard it helps. I had 8 silver lights, which was more than enough. Between the two angel rings I know of (maybe there are more?), your best bet is to equip them to Hiro and Ronfar, and equip the tri-ring to Hiro to make sure he can't get muted, paralyzed, etc. The key to winning this is, when only two or three people are left standing with medium-low health . . . use Recovery Coin. This move is freaking awsome. Oh, and . . . there is even a THIRD form! Bwahaha! But he's rediculously easy.

i'd have to say the true endboss of demon's crest. we're talking HARD. he had 2 forms, and you could only hurt him in one. and every time he switched to that form, you had to be quick and hit him, because he was making the walls, ceiling, and floor turn into spikes.

he was so hard you could only fight him if you had found EVERYTHING.

god that game rocked. great music too, deserves remixing.

man i forgot about demon's crest...i had it somewhere stashed in a box...i wonder if i can find a rom somewhere...it was a good game...and that true endboss was CRAZY!!!!

You know what? I . . . no joke here . . . personally KNOW the inventor of Demon's Crest!! He was a bully in my elementary school that picked on me for years. One day, he made this really cool drawing of some demons in a graveyard and whatnot with a title, "Demon's Crest" on it. Months later, nintendo made a game under that same name with a very similar art style. This is pretty frickin' cool, but I doubt he got any credit for the idea.


I'm going through Metriod Prime on Normal. This is my first time through. And the battle with Meta-Ridley is only the second time the camera has completely failed me. Dodging his charges is asinine and tedious. If you don't figure out how to do it, he just compounds charges and wastes you. Not pleased. I finally figured out what to do and when to hit him, and the constant "dash turn lock dash turn lock" made my thumbs hurt. Finally, I lost it and died hardcore. Eventually I'll go back and win. But for now, I'm frustrated.

But so far I'm impressed. I'm nearing the conclusion and so far the camera has only let me down twice.

I'm going through Metriod Prime on Normal. This is my first time through. And the battle with Meta-Ridley is only the second time the camera has completely failed me. Dodging his charges is asinine and tedious. If you don't figure out how to do it, he just compounds charges and wastes you. Not pleased. I finally figured out what to do and when to hit him, and the constant "dash turn lock dash turn lock" made my thumbs hurt. Finally, I lost it and died hardcore. Eventually I'll go back and win. But for now, I'm frustrated.

But so far I'm impressed. I'm nearing the conclusion and so far the camera has only let me down twice.

You know, what you could do is get the Wave Buster, dodge him until he stops charging and starts shooting, lock on, stand in front of him and blast him with it (just wait until he opens his big mouth, though). When he opens his mouth, you get the chance to shoot him in the face, making him recoil, stand up, and expose his weak spot. If you hit him with the Wave Buster there, his energy will slowly be depleted until he brings his head back down. Usually when he does this (like 99% of the time), he'll open his mouth again, leaving himself open for more punishment. Basically, all you have to do once you've hit his weak spot is keep hitting him with it. As long as you have a really healthy supply of missles (~170), you should be able to take him down with minimal effort. Hope that helps. :wink:


For those of you who have played AMerican MEgee's Alice, The Jaberwock is immpossible to beat w/o saving after each hit. Anything could go wrong. You are basicly running in this very large area







with heals at the (()) and the 0. He flies above you with firey breath that kills you in 2 hits and crawls on the ground. He's faster than you and can breath it out for 15 secs max. Its too easy to die

Neo-Exdeath from FF5 -- only because you needed EVERYBODY ALIVE to get a good ending -- at the end, Butz was dead and, for some reason, unrevivable, and Faris was stone, dead, and a frog. Grr...

Running shoes, my friend. Running shoes. I beat him 15 levels lower than by brother, at level 45.

OK, hardest boss ever. Hmm...

Megaman 7's Dr. Wily, second form. His attacks were *this* close to being undodgeable, and a full charge shot inflicted a single damage on him, if you could hit him at all.

Honorable mentions:

Angband: Morgoth. 20,000 HP when you never really do much more than 600 damage per round. His regular attack causes small, localized earthquakes.

ADOM: Andor Drakon. Invisible, stat draining, insta-kill, summoning, you name it. Death by courruption. Praying for divine intervention, which normally heals you in that game, instead summons hordes of Greater Balors. Almost impossible.

Zande from ff3j. The first time, my battle went like this:

Round 1: He scans us.

Round 2: Meteo. We all die.

Zeromus in the japanese version of ff4. Just big and bad and tough.

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