Z31RaM Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 i bitched out SoTN drac even worse, 2 crissagrims and 2 rings of varda = 0wn3d. and nightmare wasnt too tough once i started using missles instead of charged shots on his second form. Quote
Blitz Senshi Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 Speaking of Symphony of the Night...Did anyone else besides me actually have fun playing as Richter? .......Anybody? Quote
Cuddly PyramidHead Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 Richter was little more than a novelty, seeing as how you couldn't access half of the castle with him. I had fun playing as him for about an hour, then I got bored and switched back to Alucard. Quote
The Dog Says No Nooblar Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 Actually, you could access the entire castle, or at least the huge parts of it as Richter, instad of bat transformation, he could do that super jump infinitly, like Alucard. Unless of course there is something I'm missing. It's definatly possible to get to the end though, I know because I've seen my friend do it, and although not worth the effort, it's possible. Quote
Cuddly PyramidHead Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 I stand corrected. Still, I never was able to keep interest playing as Richter long enough to do anything significant. Quote
Ingonyama Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 My votes go to: Lavos (second and third forms) from Chrono Trigger. Dario from Chrono Cross. Ruby Weapon from FF7. The first time through, these people KILLED me. I screamed out my frustration and cracked my controller first time out against Ruby...then I laughed at the ease with which it blew me away. It was only after getting 2 sets of Master Summon Materia and mastering Final Attack and Phoenix (3 times!) that I finally dented it. And all for a steenking Gold Chocobo. >_< What a waste of MP. Lavos sucked because of the number of times I had to fight him. I had to play Trigger through three complete times before I could even start getting alternate endings. What sucked was that every time I concentrated my attack on one part of him, the other two bits wiped me out. AND GOD I HATED ACTIVE LIFE! Dario was a different story. It's tough to fight a Black innate in Cross when two of your characters are White (read: weak against him), and one of them has atacks that miss half the time (Riddel) so you can't even power up your Elements. Since I missed the Black Plate, it made it even more fun. ; I only won after I gave Riddel the Prism Mail (a hefty bit of armor, that) and figured out that she was better off casting weaker attacks and stronger Elements. She seems to be the Aeris of Chrono Cross that way. Anyway...my 2 cents. Quote
Noraean Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 And there's Nightmare from Metroid Fusion...It's easy for about the first half of the fight, but then it starts to move around...and it does a HELLUVA lot of damage when it collides with you. No offensebut that was hella easy, the problem with the bosses in that game was they all followed a strict pattern that wasnt too hard to avoid. even Ridley wasnt that hard in that game I was kindof surprised at that, and the last boss battle, fittign as it was was very dissapointing, but phenominal i must say for what it was. Black Rabite from Seiken Densetsu 3, In my opinion, hands down THE hardest boss. Word is fastest time with characters with hacked status of level 99 took over a half an hour to kill and thats hacked. Lavos from CT was annoying but after you figure out how it works you can get it down to 10 minutes maybe 20 mins at best for the entire encounter inside the shell. Dead to Rights gets damn near retardedly hard, especially in the bath-house level, you and a girl vs. 50 guys that constantly respawn and then a boss with a huge lifebar and body armor and 2 guards with body armor and bigass life gauges, not to mention the boss kills you in about 3 hits so it isnt really fun... Oh and most of the bosses from SaGa Frontier, ludacrisly high hp and damage, makes it really cheap sometimes... ED: Spelling, and a few notes. Quote
Blitz Senshi Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 Actually, you could access the entire castle, or at least the huge parts of it as Richter, instad of bat transformation, he could do that super jump infinitly, like Alucard. Unless of course there is something I'm missing.It's definatly possible to get to the end though, I know because I've seen my friend do it, and although not worth the effort, it's possible. Richter also has a maneuver to get him through spikes unharmed. And another easy boss...Shaft. With Alucard or Richter. With Alucard, you can just shred his ass with the Crissaegrim. With Richter, just Holy Rain him a few times and he's done-for. Quote
Bob_the_Pixie Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 i tend to find Valentina from SuperMario RPG rather hard...and Baal from Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction(on Hell Difficulty) a pain in the ...and i ALWAYS find the phantom dude from Metroid 3 hard...or worse, Dark Matter from Kirby's Dream Land 2... Quote
hhallahh Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 Wizpig on Diddy Kong Racing was so impossible. >_< I don't understand how anybody could beat him. You could literally do the race perfectly and still lose. Totally unacceptable. >Black Rabite from Seiken Densetsu 3, In my opinion, hands down THE hardest boss. Word is fastest time with characters with hacked status of level 99 took over a half an hour to kill and thats hacked.< Haha. I used the "cheating method" to beat the black chocobo. pwn. And SotN was ridiculously easy.. mostly because it became a joke after I got the Crissegram. I could see how some of the bosses might be hard without it, though. I never beat the dragon twin thing in Circle of the Moon, though. Quote
Blitz Senshi Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 i tend to find Valentina from SuperMario RPG rather hard NOTHING about Super Mario RPG is hard. Quote
Blitz Senshi Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Tricky, but not really difficult. EDIT: Wait, there IS something hard about SMRPG...and that's trying to get enough consecutive Super Jumps to get that special armor. Quote
Drone Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 i realize that ff9 probly wasnt the most popular game, but anybody who has fought ozma and hasnt declared him as the hardest boss alive must be insane! ..... Quote
Daltonius Sigma Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Probably not THE hardest, but still a pain in the ass -> Ruby Weapon FF7 and Omega Weapon in FF8 - both of them were dicks! some would argue Emerald over Ruby, but that's just how i found it. Quote
Bucky Brent Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 I'd have to say the Jeweller Jem guy from Illusion of Gaia (after you get all the gems- I think his real name is Solidarm?). I got whooped by him. Also, the secret boss guy in Mario RPG, I can't remember his name, but the FF guy with the crystals around him. What about the easiest games to beat? I'd have to say Kirby's Dreamland on NES. I almost had it finished a few hours after I bought it. Zelda 64 was kind of a disappointment too. Quote
Micah Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Ruby Weapon was my hardest boss, but it is actually easy if you use the mythril band (or something like that). It gives you 50% evade. In FF6 the boss on the mountain where you get Sabin was hard for me (his name starts with a D i think), but he was hard only because all my members were poisoned from the save point and i didn't have any antidotes. My party died quite a few times because of that jerk. Quote
chocobo150 Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 i dont know about if this was said, but Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch Out (listening to Scott Peeples' mix of it right now ), but that dude can kill you in 2 seconds flat, literally. Just one of his punches can take out 1/2 your hp. I also tried using Game Genie w/ almost infinite hp, and by the 3rd round, he knocked me down to 1/3 hp, and there were millions of blows exchanged within that time, 99.9% his, .1% mine....., and i still lost after surviving him!!! i read in gamefaqs that you have to knock him out 3 times in 1 round to beat him....... i cant even knock 1/4 of his hp out. and what is worse, is that you have one shot at him and thats it, if you lose, you game over and have to start the match before him and that dude was a pain too. One more note: if you see Tyson blinking rapidly, you a dead man and better pray that you can dodge a 20 to 30-stream hit combo..... Quote
InvalidUser Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 Never had a problem with the weapons in FF7, of course, by the time I fought them, what they would've given me was essentially useless (I had gotten the Gold Chocobo and a god materia setup...) Omega Weapon in FFX was another easy one, I had a big problem with this shell monster that you fight at the Chocobo field (You have to catch monsters to make the guy make him.) because I'd beat him down, then he'd up and go back into his shell, and regen 200K HP a turn! Needless to say, I set myself up with Ultima and doublecast, and spammed the hell out of him till he dropped. But the hardest boss, for me, by far, was Neo Granzone in Super Robot Wars 3, Aside from him having 65K HP and getting better at stopping your attacks as you damage him, he also has 2 other guys, who were the bosses of the previous level! Its a tactical RPG mind you, so when I moved in my guys to beat him down, he fired off a area effect spell... twice! It blasted like 80% of my guys! Quote
Blitz Senshi Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 SMRPG: Culex. AND HE IS NOT AN FF GUY, DAMMIT! Square just used the music for shits and giggles. Nope. From what I remember, Culex is either from the hard Japanese version of FFIV or from either the true FFII or III that were never released in the States. And he's not really hard if you use Geno's best magic and a whole bunch of Rock Candies. But either way, he was a damn cool boss. "I am matter...I am antimatter...I consume time...and I will consume you!!!" Another easy boss: the Dodongo from the original Legend of Zelda. I mean, good God! All you have to do is drop a couple bombs in his path and he's dead!!! Quote
DJKarma Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 Culex was friggin awesome. He wasn't so hard as he was fun. Shredder from TMNTII: The Arcade Game was pretty hard if you didn't have a second player. That move where he turns you back into wee turtles, the one hit KO, ultimate in cheapness. Dark Falz from PSO may have already been said, but I'm saying it again if so. On normal mode he is easy, but his fourth phase that appears in hard mode is just vicious. Yay for Moon Atomizers! That's the only reason why he is even defeatable. Quote
Drone Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 I'd have to say the Jeweller Jem guy from Illusion of Gaia (after you get all the gems- I think his real name is Solidarm?). I got whooped by him. Also, the secret boss guy in Mario RPG, I can't remember his name, but the FF guy with the crystals around him. What about the easiest games to beat? I'd have to say Kirby's Dreamland on NES. I almost had it finished a few hours after I bought it. Zelda 64 was kind of a disappointment too. nothing about illusion of gaia was hard and culex was easy if u got that super heavy shell armor thing and put it on the princess(she wouldnt die and could heal anybody that did die). Quote
Slak007 Posted March 12, 2003 Posted March 12, 2003 I only read up to page 11, so this might be covered already, Is it just me, or are the final boss levels in the Doom games seemingly impossible. I honestly don't that the developers intend for you to beat those without cheating. There's just no way. Also, while I'm in FPS mode, Beating the WAR! mission in Perfect Dark on Perfect Agent is also extremely tough. I still haven't done it. And finally, the Primagen from Turok 2 was pretty tough. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this either, but certain RTS games can have intense "boss" fights. One incident comes to mind in Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Firestorm. The last mission where you have to destroy CABAL's Core and the Core Defender comes online. You spend hours fending off the enemy and doing your best to build and maintain your base while you make progress through the different battles. Suddenly, when the Firestorm defense goes offline, this previously unasuming pile of pipes and metel unfolds into a giant cyborg and just plows through your army, gets to your base and destroys it. I could never save myself from that thing no matter how I prepared for it. Finally I got the bright idea to send about 50 hovercraft mobile rocket systems undernieth the bridge that led to my main base. I unleashed everything I could on that bridge as the Core Defender walked over it. The bridge collapsed and the big thing went strait into the drink. I just blew up CABAL's Core after that and felt really proud. Quote
Roboduck Posted March 13, 2003 Posted March 13, 2003 SMRPG: Culex. AND HE IS NOT AN FF GUY, DAMMIT! Square just used the music for shits and giggles.quote]Culex was from FF1 back on the nes Quote
Roboduck Posted March 13, 2003 Posted March 13, 2003 SMRPG: Culex. AND HE IS NOT AN FF GUY, DAMMIT! Square just used the music for shits and giggles.quote]Culex was from FF1 back on the nes Quote
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