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The one that comes to my mind is the mother brain from the original metroid. I tried it recently. I have no idea how that is possible without Narpas Sword.

Also, the final boss in Ristar, and the last BOSSES in Rocket Knight Adventures.


My lil brother just took a swing at Dandarian in Final Fantasy 9, right after when his party has returned from Cleyra. It's a hard boss, considering that you're on a relatively low level with a low variety of attacks, plus that the clock is ticking. It can cast Doom, hit you with the book case, but worst of them all, unleash a paper storm at you that decimates a little more than a third of your HP. Alone, it's not that big of a problem, but since he likes to make that move several times in a row when the battle is closing to an end, then the chance of Game Over will suddenly become high.

We took it on the 5th try. Probably not the hardest boss of all time, but over the years it has earned my respect.


Wild Arms 3's final boss was quite a pain. It had like over 10 different phases, one of them could RESTART THE BATTLE, one needed to be killed only by a full-power summon (which took time you didnt have), and the final form was several different elemental targets. The battle is long and it doesn't tickle.

I wasn't a big fan of some of the bosses in Star Ocean 3 either. Where bosses even on a normal difficulty could be troublesome, the various difficulties made it (for lack of better words) HARD.


Most of the later elite hunts from Final Fantasy 12 were the most challenging. Gilgamesh the Man of Mystery and his dog Enkidu were hard enough, but the later ones were near impossible to beat. Yiazmat (the Legend) had 50 million HP (yes, 50,000,000 HP)and would double his level and his stats when his hp got below the halfway point (and took 5 hours to beat). Omega Mark XII had 10 million HP, but was harder to beat. And the behemoth king and the hell wyrm were also great challenges.

Most of the later elite hunts from Final Fantasy 12 were the most challenging. Gilgamesh the Man of Mystery and his dog Enkidu were hard enough, but the later ones were near impossible to beat. Yiazmat (the Legend) had 50 million HP (yes, 50,000,000 HP)and would double his level and his stats when his hp got below the halfway point (and took 5 hours to beat). Omega Mark XII had 10 million HP, but was harder to beat. And the behemoth king and the hell wyrm were also great challenges.

Joy. I can't wait to get there.

I'm currently on the giant Wyrm beast in the Jungle area, and it's kicking my ass. I mean, it's got a lot of hit points and such, but it's the spells it casts that are wrecking my chances at the moment. A single spore explosion, and you get nailed with what... four, five different ailments at once? You're confused, blind, silenced, and I can't remember the other ones.

These things are a nuisance on their own. But all lumped together in a single mass shot? Well, let's just say the best I've done is getting that beast down to roughly half a bar, and there was some dumb luck involved. My characters are at level 32 right now, but I guess more level grinding is in order.

Edit: DAMN! I just tried again, and did even worse. I must be missing something.


Go back and play FF1. Haha, while there was some tough bosses in there (I'm talking the NES version, not some crappy remake), the general grueling gameplay makes it my favorite Final Fantasy. And of course, there is some of those insane boss fights too (I remember chaos being pretty tricky).


The second Slench from Metroid Prime Hunters is damn hard! I've tried using everything against it! Even if I use my UA weapons, I still can't kill it... Oh, and Garland from Final Fantasy I was also hard.

Joy. I can't wait to get there.

I'm currently on the giant Wyrm beast in the Jungle area, and it's kicking my ass. I mean, it's got a lot of hit points and such, but it's the spells it casts that are wrecking my chances at the moment. A single spore explosion, and you get nailed with what... four, five different ailments at once? You're confused, blind, silenced, and I can't remember the other ones.

These things are a nuisance on their own. But all lumped together in a single mass shot? Well, let's just say the best I've done is getting that beast down to roughly half a bar, and there was some dumb luck involved. My characters are at level 32 right now, but I guess more level grinding is in order.

Edit: DAMN! I just tried again, and did even worse. I must be missing something.

Hey. I just beat this guy yesterday, and yes, he's one annnoying bastard. Here's something you may not have realized (something I overlooked until I discovered it accidentally) his spore attack is an area of effect attack, meaning if you are outside of its range, you will be unaffected by the nastiness.

Control your healer and basically run around the entire time, strafing around the boss, casting esuna on people that get smacked with the pollen attack. Took a while, but this is how I beat the dragon in the forest.


In Legend of Dragoon, I found the skeleton dude in the Snowfield before Vellweb very annoying. "Night Raid" killed me soo many times...but then again, that was near the end of Disc 3 and I was around Level 30ish...I'm gonna go level up.

In Legend of Dragoon, I found the skeleton dude in the Snowfield before Vellweb very annoying. "Night Raid" killed me soo many times...but then again, that was near the end of Disc 3 and I was around Level 30ish...I'm gonna go level up.
FUCK! I just realized that I DON'T HAVE DISC 4! Shit, I hate it when this happens...but then again, that's what I get for taking a game from one of the supposedly empty senior lockers on the last day of school...

I will say, the hardest boss I've fought in a while was the Lord of the Black Abyss from Arc the Lad Twilight of the Spirits.

That fucker took me over an hour to beat, because it was so much patience and strategy... and it didn't help that I had no protection against Dark.

Fun game though.

I honestly don't know. FF XII is my first FF game, so that kind of stuff is outside of my knowledge.

There is a ribbon accessory, but you can't get it until the very end of the game. Honestly, I didn't find that boss too challenging, and I was around the same level... Try having an archer in your party so that there is one less character who will be effected by his area attack. Control a healer, and have basch or someone with a melee weapon keep the boss busy.

EDIT: how the hell do you do an automatic quote within a quote? it will take me a while to get used to vb bullentin. anyways, dhsu asked if there was a ribbon accessory to deal with this one boss, and this was my response.

The second Slench from Metroid Prime Hunters is damn hard! I've tried using everything against it! Even if I use my UA weapons, I still can't kill it... Oh, and Garland from Final Fantasy I was also hard.

with the slench

stand further back near the door

and shoot the green things to refill ammo and life

and kill the veins with the erm purple gun

then shoot the middle of the eye with itwhen it flies about.

id say the hardest boss is probably

R.Bear from SoR2 on hardest mode that dude manages to just sap my lives! big bald headed poofter


Not that he's particularly difficult or anything.. but I've always dreaded fighting the Department Store Spook in Earthbound. Just an old childhood thing I guess.. probably because I knew Moonside was just around the corner.

Not that he's particularly difficult or anything.. but I've always dreaded fighting the Department Store Spook in Earthbound. Just an old childhood thing I guess.. probably because I knew Moonside was just around the corner.

heh. Fighting him wasn't as hard as making it to the top of the department store without getting killed by the scalding hot coffee cups, rotating record discs and electric guitars. Damn, those coffee cups were evil!

heh. Fighting him wasn't as hard as making it to the top of the department store without getting killed by the scalding hot coffee cups, rotating record discs and electric guitars. Damn, those coffee cups were evil!

Can't tell you how many times I was downed by an incidental burst of scalding hot coffee.


The exhibition battle in Tales of the Abyss is pretty damn intense... does it count as a boss battle? I fought them on Hard mode (hadn't unlocked the higher difficulties) and once I'd taken out Mint and Philia things seemed to get a good bit easier, and then Nanaly went down... Reid was alone and close to death and then he unleases this ridiculous Mystic Arte that not only half-kills my party but apparently revived his with a large chunk of their HP. Bastard.

Fun fight though.

Not sure if there bosses... But In FFX, some of the feinds from the arena in the calm lands are near impossible....

only a matter of patience, levels, and fury/aura settings which is a bit boring, like many of the optional bosses you can find in RPG these last years... basicaly consisting in A : get the best weapons. B : level up to the max C : pwn... even if it takes an hour to, you don't even risk to lose (only recent exception being Valkyrie Profile 2, and globally the Tales series)

What a challenge compared to old games like Estopolis 2 when we didn't have Internet and we didn't understand anything else that the katakanas.

To answer the topic, personally, the last boss of SaGa Frontier 2 is really a f***ing joke, I can't remember how many times I tried before succeeding. And globally, the last bosses of all the Romancing Saga episodes are incredibly hard.

Yiazmat (the Legend) had 50 million HP (yes, 50,000,000 HP)and would double his level and his stats when his hp got below the halfway point (and took 5 hours to beat.)

Yea he is a doozy...

I offically hate him with all of my being!


Ok, I thought of one:

Gheese Howard - King Of Fighters : Neowire. In team battle, he's pretty easy, but in single battle he's a royal pain in the arse without having to resort to the games continue service. He's a lot more powerful as the computer and his his ''le' doken'' move takes away a lot of health even when your blocking.

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