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RPGs: Dark Falz in Phantasy Star 2, the last Dharma Shrine boss in Dragon Quest 7 (please, don't make me laugh by mentioning FF bosses. the only way Square can make them "hard" is to give them instant-kill moves where 1-2 overlooked abilities will make them a complete wuss).

Shooters: Gradius 3's Stage 3 boss. It's not impossible, but I find he's damn hard, harder than any other boss in the game.

Fighters: Nightmare, on the hardest difficulty, is a pain. But Cervantes in Soul Edge was more of a pain. Well, anyway, there's also the aforementioned SNK bosses.


I find the hardest bosses are none other than the human minds itself!!

people like Slayers_'Boxer', NC..yellow, Grimato, and The Marine just to name a few.. I probably wont last 10minz with them yet I can rape an average bw player anyday.


Found a copy of Art of Fighting for the Genesis a while back. Got pretty good at the game... could even get to the final boss without continuing. Getting past the final boss? That's a different story all together.

Mr. Big is his name, and fucking you up is his game. I had the thing on "Easy" and he was beyond cheap. You could see his weapons weren't hitting you, but you'd still have to block, or they'd still knock you back/down. Air attacks work allright for a round, but then he blocks anything and everything you do on the second and third rounds. Not to mention the guy's big, so he has a helluva reach.

SNK... leave it to them to make bosses so damn brutal :wink:


Hands down winner is: The last Boss from Fester's Quest. I used everything in my full arsenal and I still couldn't get him to flash. Not to mention once you lost you had to travel all the way back to begining

Runners-up: Mike Tyson and the Head from NARC

Honorable Mentions: Ruby Weapon, The Spider from Zomies Ate My Neighbors, Sabertooth from Wolverine (NES), Shao Khan from MK3 on the "Master" path, Great Tiger from Pro Wrestling (NES), And The AIRCRAFT CARRIER OF DOOM from Top Gun.


Biolizard is hard, but just takes a good eye and a little patience... and Ruby isn't that hard. Use Hades. Trust me. Hades casts STOP (!!!) on both Weapons. That was the only way I even stood a chance.


Biolizard is hard, but just takes a good eye and a little patience... and Ruby isn't that hard. Use Hades. Trust me. Hades casts STOP (!!!) on both Weapons. That was the only way I even stood a chance, since the game was on loan to me I didn't have the time or patience to Master any Materia.

Biolizard is hard, but just takes a good eye and a little patience... and Ruby isn't that hard. Use Hades. Trust me. Hades casts STOP (!!!) on both Weapons. That was the only way I even stood a chance, since the game was on loan to me I didn't have the time or patience to Master any Materia.

uhh... dude?

*nudges khrys*

The OTHER Biolizard...

Biolizard is hard, but just takes a good eye and a little patience... and Ruby isn't that hard. Use Hades. Trust me. Hades casts STOP (!!!) on both Weapons. That was the only way I even stood a chance, since the game was on loan to me I didn't have the time or patience to Master any Materia.

uhh... dude?

*nudges khrys*

The OTHER Biolizard...

Prolly shoulda mentioned I meant BOTH of them, huh?


The, no THE hardest and most awe-inspiring final boss fight is against the final boss in Serious Sam. Think it's too easy? Beat him on Serious difficulty. I did. That son of a bitch.

For those who have fought the bastard, you know of what I speak. For those who don't, find out! The game costs like $10, so there's NO excuse not to grab a copy of one of the most fun FPS's ever.


Hmm, hardest boss? None. Most annoying boss? LOTS. Ultimecia's million forms fro FF8 and Sephiroth's several in FF7. What is it with Square and doing that? There are really no hard bosses, just the ones that can be extremely annoying (think Shao Khan in MK3...LOSER!).


Link's shadow in Zelda II. Hard as nuts.

Easiest boss? Or most disappointing? Ganon at the end of Ocarina of Time. Just roll between his legs and literally hack his tail off. And who cares if he whops the Master Sword beyond the fire? Just use the Goron Sword and slice him up! That ten foot masterpiece forged by a living rock did more damage than the supposed mystical weapon of legend ever could!


Dracula from Belmont's Revenge on GB was one hell of a boss... Never beat the guy!! :lol:

Let me see if there's something else... Ummmm....

How about Xan from Unreal Tournament? :wink:

in beauty & the beast, the beast's story...

the entire game is impossible on the actual system... you die WAY to quickly, and the bosses are freakin impossible

WHAT?? Disney made a hard game?? Man... So they've lost their old recipes way too long ago...

I want a copy of doom

and yes, that disney game is hard, try to get the rom

it's hard as F@#$

Stop by id software's website, they still got the good ol' shareware version, it's better than nothing ;-)


I think the hardest bosses are Baramos and Zoma from Dragon Warrior 3, especially when they "fire an icy pulse." But the all-time most annoying enemies in the game would have to be the butterflies around Aliahan that cast surround and make it so you can't hit anything and then a mass of Slimes come and take you down, 1 hit point at a time...

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