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Yeah, I knew you had to steal Dark Matter from Zeromus to take the sting out of his Big Bang attack, but I still had to be at like level 80 something to beat him (with Rosa on medic and Edge throwing everything... Edge kept dying)

Vwee! Post 1000 on this thread.

I still say Zeromus from FFIV is the hardest final boss ever.

I'm trying to kill him right now. Stupid hard type, there's no way to keep

your characters alive through that battle if you don't spend hours levelling up.

Steal his Dark Matter, heal non-stop with Rosa, and use Edge to throw everything you've got at him. You can also try summoning with Rydia if you ever get the chance. :P

Personal picks? I can't think of any *impossible* bosses, but Seymour Natus did give me a lot of trouble. Vagrant Story's final boss sucked, too...good thing I saved up on Vera items. I've heard things about Kingdom Hearts' Phantom, too.

I killed him. You know what? The secret to this guy isn't teamwork at all. In fact, you pretty much have to strip away all the deadweight. Since the conservation of energy applies to healing spells, being divided equally between party members, anyone that isn' contributng to the battle just ends up sucking up healing power needlessly, so that hp gets low enough that everyone ends up being killed. Kill everyone else before you use the crystal, except Edge, Rosa and Cecil, when Cecil runs out of throwing weapons, have Cecil do shot for shot while Rosa heals. With just the two of them, they're an unbeatable team, full power every turn. So much for team loyalty though. Kinda an anti-climactic secret to winning the final battle though.


Wow, I've finally did it! I read the whole thread. Took me a week of little visits to do it, but I did it. Incredible!!

Anyway, in all this shit, I've only seen two mentions of the final boss in Shinobi for PS2. I'll forgive it, cuz most of you slugs prob played it and died on the first stage. It takes reflexes, and even then, it aint easy. I love it though. I rule on this game. I walk thru it untouched. I whoop everyone's arse till I get to Hiroko. He looks like a little boy, but he's a fuckin prick. Talk about cheap... I think the designers were on the rag when they made him up. Most of you couldn't beat this game if you had all the time in the world, and guess what, cheats won't help you much. Unless you can find one for invincibility, I suggest you run back to your rpg's and hide out. Bye the way Coop. I still haven't fuckin beat HELLFIRE. Any tips?


I am not going to pussyffoot around the issue. Lunar 2's final boss was very hard for two reasons. one, he had cheap ass moves, and the final save point comes right after a long dungeon and i had no items.


the game was good. i loved the animation. the fights were so goddawful boring that it was torture. and to top it off, the final boss is atleast half an hour of fight, so after five tries of half an hour boring fight sequences, i gave up.

it is one of two RPGs i have played and not beaten yet. the other is Ephermeral Phantasia, which ran up a 40 dollar fine on my Blockbuster card, so i returned it and went to rerent it a few days later. it was gone forever.


I've seen plenty of mentions for Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, but I guess since I play them a whole lot whenever I go to where I have my old NES, I can beat those two games fairly easy now. I haven't seen anyone mention Ninja Gaiden 3 though. That game was a lot harder than both of the others. I've actually gotten to the final boss(at least I hope it is), and he beat me. The only time I ever got to him. First of all the last stage is about as long as the final stages in the first two games combined, so once you get to the boss, you might be able to have half your life left. Then, if I remember correctly, he just sort of flies around the room and hits you with this lightning attack that I couldn't dodge. Got him down to about half life though, so many one day...

I am not going to pussyffoot around the issue. Lunar 2's final boss was very hard for two reasons. one, he had cheap ass moves, and the final save point comes right after a long dungeon and i had no items.


the game was good. i loved the animation. the fights were so goddawful boring that it was torture. and to top it off, the final boss is atleast half an hour of fight, so after five tries of half an hour boring fight sequences, i gave up.

it is one of two RPGs i have played and not beaten yet. the other is Ephermeral Phantasia, which ran up a 40 dollar fine on my Blockbuster card, so i returned it and went to rerent it a few days later. it was gone forever.

I must agree with you on the Lunar 2 part, I spent, no lie, atleast 45mins to an hour wailing on him, and he didn't budge :(

I suppose it could be considered a boss:

The level 100 Prinny in Prinny Land 3 in Disgaea. I can take everything else in the stage, but that damn super-prinny does massive amounts of damage to my average level 40 team. And throwing the stupid things doesn't work in Prinny Land.

I'm currently fighting the level 4000 Lord of Terror Baal. 3.5x10^6 HP, does 3x10^5 per hit and I can't do any damage to him. I thought the Prinny God was easier than the last boss, but this guy is impossible. And I hear there is another, level 6000 boss after you beat this dude. (And I've put over 100 hours into the game already. It will take at least another 30 to beat Baal).

I would suggest leveling up in the first level of the final episode until you reach level 60-70. Shouldn't be a problem then.

And yes, I used scientific notation to make the numbers look larger.


Yea, I agree with Emerald weapon but thankfully I could improve my characters to beat him. I still can't beat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts and my Sora is Level 100... I have all the magic, items, everything. Oh well. I'm so out of practice I'll probably never beat him. :(


The hardest boss, in my opinion, wasn't really a boss.

To this day, I STILL haven't gotten past the part in Starfox Adventures where you're on the back of that pteradactle (don't blame me for not spelling it right) trying to shoot all of the missles AND shoot the 4 towers when you get close.

That is near impossible, but then again, I didn't have a turbo controller.


Hardest boss for me recently was Meta Ridley.

Another one from years ago was Eyedol (on the highest difficulty).

I had him down to about | | this much life with Sabrewulf, and he killed me.


The alien mothership in Metal Slug 2 on the hardest difficulty. It launches 4 little parasite ships that hover around right above your head firing lasers constantly at you. In addition to that, it has a main cannon that cuts the screen in half periodically with a huge energy blast. I have never managed to beat this thing on hard without using exorbitant amounts of quarters...or in fact beat it at all in the console version. Mad, mad hard.


There was this SNES game called Vortex. A very crude and sucky 3D giant morping robot shooter game. I know I'm far from good at most action games, but this is frigging impossible...

I could beat most of the levels on first try, but already the first boss took me two weeks. That's not very decent fluctuation in challenge. The second boss was even harder; I once beat the 3rd one by sheer luck with some strange trick I still haven't managed to reproduce. So currently the 4th one is the last one I've made it to without cheating. Where it gets insane is his last form, when his head starts flying around like a little UFO, too high to shoot at from ground. So you have to use a jet form.

The trick is that

1) his turning radius is a lot smaller than yours. Thus:

2) you cannot possibly destroy him before you run out of fuel.

3) You can recharge your fuel by solar energy in a highly shielded form which does not have weapons, but with him shooting you all the time, it takes about 30 minutes to recharge.

I've deduced that if I were persistent with him, I could destroy him with about 20 air assaults. That makes 10 hours of recharging, which is a task I haven't gone for. I have other things in my life than crappy old SNES games.

And using some cheat codes, I've seen that it doesn't get any better after that. There's bosses whose attacks you cannot dodge and you can't do enough damage before getting killed.

Or maybe I'm just reeeeally bad in that game and haven't figured out some obvious tactic.

Yea, I agree with Emerald weapon but thankfully I could improve my characters to beat him. I still can't beat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts and my Sora is Level 100... I have all the magic, items, everything. Oh well. I'm so out of practice I'll probably never beat him. :(

I beat him at level 70. He's not that difficult once you figure out his pattern. You have to attack everytime he completes an attack, and you gotta move quick, but it's doable. I think I got him within five tries. How many attempts have you made?

Yea, I agree with Emerald weapon but thankfully I could improve my characters to beat him. I still can't beat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts and my Sora is Level 100... I have all the magic, items, everything. Oh well. I'm so out of practice I'll probably never beat him. :(

I beat him at level 70. He's not that difficult once you figure out his pattern. You have to attack everytime he completes an attack, and you gotta move quick, but it's doable. I think I got him within five tries. How many attempts have you made?

:D *Upon thinking about this question...*-- I think I've tried it three times, but it seemed like more. It was around the time I got Final Fantasy Origions and TimeSplitters 2 so my attention was elsewhere. Usually I'm not such a quitter...

EDIT: By the way, the only reason I'm up so late is because I just went to Homecoming.


The funny thing is that you have to take off about a full bar of energy without knowing how much damage you're doing before his hp starts visibly diminishing. So it makes you think you're not doing any damage at all. Pretty clever. Bastards.


"There was this SNES game called Vortex. A very crude and sucky 3D giant morping robot shooter game. I know I'm far from good at most action games, but this is frigging impossible... "

Hehe, but the game did have one redeeming quality... the first stage's music rocked. The rest of it kind of sucked though.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ya know, for some odd reason I decided to pop in an old Genesis tiles I've owned for years... Sword of Sodan.

I doubt many of you have played this old Electronic Arts game (back when they were putting out games in cardboard boxes), but it has a final boss that's just... a complete dick. He starts out as a wizard shotting fireballs. No pattern, just utterly random fireballs that knock you back as you slowly get closer to him. Should you reach him and starting wailing away with your sword, he doesn't take long to beat. Then he takes on his second form... a BIG, half larva half lobster clawed monster that attacks with it's claws and shoots that same fireballs out on a red spot on its belly (also random patterned).

Now it get fun. The fireballs still do the same amount of damage, but the claws hurt big time. The creatures weak point is its red belly, but it's always shooting fireballs so while you hit it, it's pelting you. Then when you DO manage to hit it, the damn thing backs up and will back out of the screen so you can't hit it... WHILE IT'S STILL SHOOTING FIREBALLS!!!!!

It's bad enough that the thing's a pain in the ass to get close to, let alone hit, but when it's not even on the screen and it can still attack you... that's just controller flight inducingly frustrating :x


Now then...I own well over 200 games...(NES, Atari Jaguar, GBC/GBA, N64, GCN, PC) and have beaten almost every one. Very few requiring cheats. There are a few games which I deem impossible...

1. CyberMorph (Atari Jaguar) Now, this game doesn't have bosses, but you visit different planets, collecting enough "pods" to leave the level. This game has it all, invincible enemies, giant worm things that were next to impossible to kill, since they come in large groups on the later levels. If you hit a mountain, which every planet is covered in, you are badly damaged. If you go fast enough to escape enemies, you crash into mountains because of the dreaded, "graphical pop up". Like I said, this game has no bosses, but several of the normal enemies are so fast and deadly, it's like your surrounded by bosses.

2. Trojan (NES) This game is hard the first time you play. After a while, you get good enough you can make it to the 3rd level. Then, instead of just fighting foot soldiers from the left and right, which is hard anyway, you now have to face crossbowmen, (which you can't hit) quicksand, (which you can't jump over or anything) and centipede-like things which can roll up into balls ond run you over. Friggin 3rd level. Does have an intense multiplayer mode, though.

3. Tachyon: The Fringe (PC) I love this game. Hard at times, easy at others. The final misson on the Bora(sp?) side is impossible. I tried it with every ship, every stratagy I could think of. I finally just cheated and flew right up next to the ship I was supposed to destroy and fired relentlessly for about 10 minutes. You are under a constant spray of lasers and missles by both the station and the enemy ships. I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.

Wondering if anyone has played these games?


Any of you ever played Shatterhand on the NES.

That last boss guy was the devil :twisted:. It took me like 25 minutes to beat him, which on a side scrolling beat em up is quite the long time.

Also, God on Final Fantasy Legend. That guy was baaad.

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