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i would have to say emerald weapon in final fantasy 7 my jebus it was hard!!! :D

Not really. Just don't have much materia, and give Yuffie the conformer and 4x-attack. I beat him at level 70.

Ruby was hard if you didn't have KoTR. I couldn't do that.


Hardest fighting game bosses:


Dural - Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (I think I've beaten her only once)


Geese Howard -SNES Art of Fighting

Hardest Action Game Bosses:

Various Contra Bosses

Various Gradius Bosses

Various R-Type Bosses

-The Skedar Priest from Perfect Dark (until I found out that you had to destroy the pedestal)

Hm, I beat the bastard on my first try with only a mauler (non-charged). I used up all the callisto ammo and realized, "Wait, this isn't getting me anywhere..."

But I guess some things are harder for other people. That being said, I am the WORST at Pac-man. That little yellow pizza... GRR... all he says is "WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA"

I HATE YOU, PAC-MAN! You've eaten at least $10 in quarters!

-The Skedar Priest from Perfect Dark (until I found out that you had to destroy the pedestal)

Hm, I beat the bastard on my first try with only a mauler (non-charged). I used up all the callisto ammo and realized, "Wait, this isn't getting me anywhere..."

But I guess some things are harder for other people. That being said, I am the WORST at Pac-man. That little yellow pizza... GRR... all he says is "WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA"

I HATE YOU, PAC-MAN! You've eaten at least $10 in quarters!

Hey, I had trouble on that boss as well. One of the most annoying bosses would have to be the last guy in the original Syphon Filter. It wasn't that he wasn't hard to kill, it's just that you ended up killing yourself a lot with those friggin gas grenades.


Hey, I had trouble on that boss as well. One of the most annoying bosses would have to be the last guy in the original Syphon Filter. It wasn't that he wasn't hard to kill, it's just that you ended up killing yourself a lot with those friggin gas grenades.

Rhoemer was easy! Just climb up after shooting the guys up above, spot Rhoemer and toss one at him. He's easily defeated in less than a minute. As far as hardest bosses in that game, the Helicopter scene was the hardest for me! Antwon Girdueaux was probably the easiest. Hit him once, then hit him again and again and ....


Geese Howard -SNES Art of Fighting

SNES Art of Fighting? I recall Geese as the boss of AoF 2, but wasn't Takuma (alias Mr. Karate) the boss of AoF 1 ? Hmmm...I could be wrong.

You know, it's been so long since I played the series- you could very well be right.


Geese Howard -SNES Art of Fighting

SNES Art of Fighting? I recall Geese as the boss of AoF 2, but wasn't Takuma (alias Mr. Karate) the boss of AoF 1 ? Hmmm...I could be wrong.

You know, it's been so long since I played the series- you could very well be right.

Let's just say, I have a vast collection of fighting games on my PC.


-Golem Twins from Chrono Trigger

-Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts (Not from FF7, had no trouble with him in that game)

-Ruby and Emerald Weapons from FF7

-The Skedar Priest from Perfect Dark (until I found out that you had to destroy the pedestal)

-The painting monster in FF6 (or 3, whichever you prefer)

I am probably the only person around here that had no problem at all with the Golem Twins ><;

Party- Robo, Aya, Crono.

Start off the battle with Robo and Aya's Boogie Double Tech. This ALWAYS stopped both of them my 9 or so times through the game ><; Then, when they are asleep, assign Robo Healer Duty with his Cure-All ability (The name escapes me right now). Then use Crono's and Aya's Falcon Hit. Over. And Over. And Over. And Over. Boogie when you need to, and just spam Falcon Hit.

Such an easy boss.

I think the hardest boss I ever had to deal with would be...


The Captain Blue robot fight on Ultra-V mode in Viewtiful Joe. The guy was a pain in the butt on Kids mode. On Normal, he was aggrivating. On V-Mode, he was very challenging, and on Ultra-V.... ARGH!!


Some one Said Something about Time Lord for the Nes?

Ok i Actualy Defeated that Mexican Poncho Guy (Only ever did it once and that took 2 HOURS!

One Hard as hell boss i fought was the Final Boss for doom 2

Without Cheats its Hard as hell, Trying to stick on the platform to get that one lucky shot into that deamons brain.

Sigh Good times Good times

Doc Oc From Spiderman 2 Was VERY irratating for the Final Fight. MAN! GRRR!

Another hard boss was Abbads Uber Dragon From Panzer Dragoon Orta. I had a bitch of a time till i learned how to shoot down his Magenta Bolts

Oh ya then there is Some Bosses from the Rockman Zero Series On the GBA

Those who have played it know what i am talking about.


Vamp out of MGS2 on Extreme... He cheated like a fricker bug is what he did.

But dont worry I wasted him and the rest of the game.. Missed two dog tags though.....So frusterating.

I wonder how many people have beaten Metroid Prime's 1st and 2nd forms on hard difficulty on their first run ? ..it took me (fairly skilled at MP) at least 10 tries to beat the bitch properly 8)

not my first run, but MP wasn't too hard. I think i died maybe once or twice.

this is another one of those games where the last boss is one of the easiest (im talking about MP's essence)


I happen to think that Death from Castlevania: Chronicles in the Original mode is a bit excessive. The original Death was hard enough, but you could get lucky and get a triple-shot Holy Water or Cross and spam him to death. This guy can now throw his scythe wherever you're standing while you try to dance your way out of the rain of tiny blades or just decide, "Gee, I'm getting hit pretty hard. But I don't have to put up with this, so I'm just gonna go invincible for a moment and then trap you in place while spewing homing skulls non-stop." Jerk. Thank heavens for Herbs and an almost endless supply of hearts.

A more current one would be a game I played briefly a while back - Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee. Almost every fight pits you against Mechagodzilla at the end, who has the arena rigged in his favor with dozens of turrets and spacecraft that chip away your health unless you manage to break through the forcefield and hide behind a building. And as for the boss itself? It laughs at edged attacks, instantly heads for power-ups whenever they appear, and on Hard, blocks most of your attacks and retaliates by grabbing you and propelling you up into the air with his laser eyes. Attempting to fire back from a distance? It interrupts your attacks with a quick burst of laser and then lets loose with finger missiles. And if you get hit by its Rage attack, then congrats, you just discovered the most damaging move in the game, the hard way.

This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that in order to unlock more characters, you always have to beat the game with whatever monsters you currently have available. And some of them are just screwed right at the starting gate. Gigan has almost exclusively edged attacks, a cruddy beam weapon, and lacks hands, which obviously makes grappling a problem. Orga is slow as %&^! (and looks like it, too), which means that any attempts to grab or punch will be blocked, dodged, or cut off with a quick one-two. Megalon...hey, it's like Gigan, but with an unbelievable weakness to getting hit with blunt objects. You know, like fists. Anguirus, lacking damaging attacks or a decent breath weapon, relys on blocking with his spiked back and then attacking the opponent while they shake their wounded limbs after being so dumb as to punch a pincushion. Of course, Mecha simply shoots a plasma bolt out of his gut and laughs, then unloads with those ^$#&* rocket fingers.

So on Hard mode, the best thing you can do for these characters is try to hunt down power-ups and pelt Mecha wih buildings from a distance. Occasionally, try for a throw and stomp on his limp body afterwards. And that takes some luck - pray for health.


ridley, super metroid.. was really hard for me

also, the dude in chrono cross (forgot his name) who had the masamune, when you kill him you get the mastermune

also, the last boss of arx fatalis.. he was insanely hard.

EDIT: yeah, the last boss of arx fatalis would use magic to suck you in, then swipe you with his tentacle thingamajiggy..

i had to get all metal gear solid on his ass, hiding behind crap...

if all of that wasnt enough, he summons demons left and right (demons are really kinda hard in that game)

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