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  • 2 weeks later...


Here we are, exactly four years later. For the anniversary of this thread, I feel the need to mention a boss that I've literally tried to bring up here nearly a dozen times. The only problem is, every time I thought of it, I forgot about it the next day. But not this time...

Long ago, I mentioned the level five boss of Raiden Trad, the Genesis port of the classic vertical shmup Raiden. In this port of the game, there's a special "bonus" waiting for you when you beat the game. There's no criteria that has to be met, you just simply have to win. However, I'm not sure it's really meant as a reward for your victory.

See, this special ninth stage is an absolute slaughter house... and you're the pig. Here, you'll be facing enemies from various stages, and all of them take about three times as many hits to kill as they normally do. Their bullets travel at fast speeds, and because of this, they get to fire more of them. You also get some new enemies to compliment the old ones, and even a special appearance by the Stage 1 boss (also pumped up in difficulty). But that's not all.

This stage gives you a sub-boss. At one point, a crystal in the background comes forward and begins drifting back and forth, firing medium length streams of fast moving bullets at you. That's the only attack it has, but since it takes one hell of a beating to kill, this is enough. Survive this, and you get to the stage's boss.

It takes up most of the screen in width, and about a third of the screen in height. It drops masses of broken metal at you (with each taking a good amount of shots to destroy) that vary in quantity, and it's got four retractable guns that each fire larger, very fast bullets in several directions at once. This thing can take a beating. I saw this because I managed to stay alive for five minutes shooting it and dodging before I was taken out by a chunk of metal.

Sadly, if you die on this stage, you've got no hope in hell of winning it when you re-spawn with nothing but the most basic weaponry. Also, if you get there with anything less than fully powered guns and missiles, you're dead as well. It's a damn hard stage, followed by a damn tough boss that'll take many, many shots before you have any hope of it going down.

Sephiroth: Kingdom Hearts I and II. Hard as fucking hell.

I agree with KH1, but sephiroth in the 2nd was a pieace of cake.

Also one of the hardest bosses of all time would have to be Hoy Korlo from Super Punch Out. He wasnt a boss, but that asshole got to use a freaking cane against you, He was like 80 years old, and he was the fastest guy in the game. How does that work?


Shooter bosses are wimps...

So for all-time hardest boss? Hard to say. But let's go oldschool.

Koopa, world 8-4. Fireballs and hammers flowing forth like a river of death, the key on the other side glowing tauntingly, and you know that by that point you've lost your fireflower and can't zap him from a distance.

  • 2 weeks later...

In the "Post pictures of your rare games" thread, I mentioned that I have the original Silpheed for PC (with every last flier and disc). I've given it a play from time to time, only to get my ass kicked around level five. Well the other week I decided to really try and get through the twenty levels of this DOS-based monster. I've only made it up to the tenth area. Here's why...

On this level, you make your way through the multicolored spacecraft that come shooting past you. Eventually, you come to the end of the level, and you're greeted by a boss. It fires random bullets in various directions, while sending two large spike-like torpedoes at you. It's not too hard, but I usually wind up taking a hit. If you win, you're greeted by a second boss.

This ship looks just like the first one, but it fires considerably more bullets, and it shoots out homing rings in all directions. Even the ones it fires forward turn around and come at you. These rings are also fired in a steady stream, so it's just a constant barrage of them. Finally, if you win, you come to the third boss.

This guy's a new one, and it's come to fight. Besides firing bullets, it also fires extremely fast lasers from a pair or rotating "options" circling the ship, and they stretch the entire length of the screen basically instantaneously. I've yet to see if this is the last boss, because I've yet to beat it. But the time this boss comes up, I've already likely been hit a few times, and this thing just sucks up the rest of my shields. I've tried all sorts of weapon combinations, and thus far, I've yet to find one that'll bring this thing down before my ship gets blown apart.

True, it's not "a" boss, as it's a series of them. But that doesn't take away from the fact that it's a tough fight to make it through... especially in a DOS game.


Sephiroth for KH1? Sephiroth in FF7 was harder...and we all know how easy FF bosses are.

I don't mean to be a jerk, but this IS supposed to be the hardest boss ever.

Most RPG extra-bosses are insane, requiring level 99 (or max) the best weapons and tons and tons of patience, hoping for critical hits and the like.

Sephiroth on KH1 could easily be beaten at lvl 60, and you definately did not need the best of everything.


I'm not really up for browsing through 150+ pages, so right now- hardest endboss I've ever fought was the "King Ing" (emperor) aka the last boss of Metroid Prime 2 on HARD mode. Damn thing took me so many tries that I never wanted to play the game again after I beat him. At least on Hard mode.

The other hardest boss that I could never beat was the Spiderbot Boss in Metroid Fusion, trying to beat the game with the lowest percentage possible. So I think this was either 1 or no energy tanks, and like 10 missiles? I was playing on a normal GBA, and i tried about 50-60 times before giving up. The only boss I could never beat, but those were under extreme conditions, of course.

Anybody still remembers Guilty from Quest64. Took me and my friend over thirty tries to bring him down.

I remember almost ALL the bosses in that game being hard. You know, fuck the haters, I kinda enjoyed that game.

I agree that the bosses in Quest64 were really tough. That's one of the most challenging games I've played.

Oh yeah and pretty much every Sigma in the Mega Man games were hard for me to beat.


it's so good to see that others out there ENJOYED Quest 64. it had good music. one of the songs in it sounds remarkably like some FF6 music.

i say Zophar from Lunar 2 EBC. anyone you played this game and didn't overlevel like crazy knows what i'm talking about.


Hell yes! I STILL haven't beaten Zophar, and my party's on level 55-ish. Anyone try beating Death on Crazy mode in Castlevania: Lament of Innocence? It took me about 20 tries :x Proud Mode Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II at LV 65 with the Sweet Memories Keyblade is also a VERY tough fight, took me 25-30 tries...

Assuming you weren't a total douche and didn't have the Karasawa, FINGER, or the energy sniper rifle equipped and you weren't using PLUS abilities, Ultimate Nineball in Armored Core: Master of Arena is just ridiculous.

If you fail to move within the first two seconds of the battle, you will die. Then you have to deal with a constant barrage of homing missles, machine guns, and rapid-fire plasma blasts. Get too close and he'll use his dual-blades that shave off 2000 AP with each hit.

Lightweights with just a machine gun and missles could probably take him out easily, but I fail to see how any heavyweight could last for more than 20 seconds.

the half-track tread legs are sort of in between heavy and light, and make it possible to get there with enough life left to actually fight that sonofa...

anyway, dual missile pods and one of the dual laser arms,(don't remember which) make him alot less difficult, just don't waste too much ammo getting there :lol:


someone mentioned Lechuck from monkey island 2...hell yeah he's damn hard until you figure out what you have to do (but thats the fun of point and click...using your head)

another guy i found hard was masamune in chrono trigger (when they fuse) .,...it took me a lot of deaths to find out you had to use slash to stop himn from doing the "yes indeed" attack that almost always killed marle and lucca leaving chrono defenseless and healess

There is Savato from Trauma center:under the knife, his fight is long and keeping the guy nalive while you fight as crazed bacteria for 10 mins is a lot of work lol

another guy i found hard was masamune in chrono trigger (when they fuse) .,...it took me a lot of deaths to find out you had to use slash to stop himn from doing the "yes indeed" attack that almost always killed marle and lucca leaving chrono defenseless and healess

I think I got Masamune on the second try. He wasn't that hard.


It has probably been said, but The final boss of Tales of Destiny 2 sucked! Having to do that special attack right at the perfect time was totally rediculous.


It wasn't so much a boss, as just the final task you had to complete, but in STG: Strike Gunner for SNES (my like all time favorite shooter) you had to fly through death-star-like tunnels at really high speeds just to get to the core at the end that you only had to hit a few times and the game was over...the only problem was, by the time you got there, you had like 4 lives with no continues, and everytime you touched a wall, you lost a life....yeah...my dad and I had to play through that game like 4 or 5 times so one of us finally made it to the core with only 1 or 2 lives left (im pretty sure it was him)...yeah tough

  • 2 weeks later...

Way back when, Atari made an arcade game based off of "Return of the Jedi". Unlike their first two Star Wars games, this one wasn't a vector graphics one. It was sprite-based, and set in a Zaxxon-like isometric view. I remember this game rather well because I enjoyed playing it. I also remember it well, because the last stage is a complete bitch and a half.

See, much like the movie, you had to go into the Death Star, blow up the core, and then get the hell out before you become a charcoal briquette. Also like the movie, there are TIE Fighters around you all the time, and pipes that you have to dodge both horizontally and vertically. Not that bad going in, as you have a lot of screen above you to see what's coming. It's the getting out that's retardedly mean.

The Millennium Falcon turns around, and now you're racing out of the Death Star with a line of fire slowly coming up behind you. The thing is, you have very little screen to see the barriers and such that you have to dodge until you're damn near slamming into them as you fly faster going out than you did going in. Perhaps the machine I used to play on was broken, since the amount of screen distance for object viewing leaving was so much smaller, but somehow I don't think so.

I'm sure it's really a boss, but since the Death Star is the goal, and you have to dodge around inside it so you can hit it's core, I think it's close enough... especially since it gets a chance to keep you from leaving. The rest of the game's not too bad, but this last section was just bastardly.

I wish I could find another cabinet and give this game a play again. I was quite young when a local arcade got the machine. And even though I was good at the rest of the game, I'd like to see if that final part was really that mean spirited, or if my pre-teenage brain just couldn't get the hang of it.

It has probably been said, but The final boss of Tales of Destiny 2 sucked! Having to do that special attack right at the perfect time was totally rediculous.

You can just hold the buttons down while she starts and it'll trigger at the right time, so you don't have to wait and try to time it right.


In Armored Core 3, there's a particular mission that drove a friend and I simply insane for the longest time. In it, you have to defeat a giant AC in the desert. It starts off by firing a barrage of missiles, in a swarm as endless as the stars in the sky--his range is limited, thankfully, and you can sort of cheese him out by backing away with a good FCS and keep a broken wreckage between you and him.

However, when you deal enough damage, he splits into two forms, one of which continues to fire missiles and move around at an annoyingly fast rate. The other lumbers along and fires a high-powered laser. They will circle you, putting you in a pincher tactic and utterly RAPE your AP.

Its only marginally difficult if you decide to bring in a friendly AC to help out, but if you want the Moonlight you have to do it alone. My friend beat it, barely, but he called me up and screamed fuck louder than an Xbox live kid in joy. Which, really, is what a tough boss should do to you.

Way back when, Atari made an arcade game based off of "Return of the Jedi". Unlike their first two Star Wars games, this one wasn't a vector graphics one. It was sprite-based, and set in a Zaxxon-like isometric view. I remember this game rather well because I enjoyed playing it. I also remember it well, because the last stage is a complete bitch and a half.

See, much like the movie, you had to go into the Death Star, blow up the core, and then get the hell out before you become a charcoal briquette. Also like the movie, there are TIE Fighters around you all the time, and pipes that you have to dodge both horizontally and vertically. Not that bad going in, as you have a lot of screen above you to see what's coming. It's the getting out that's retardedly mean.

The Millennium Falcon turns around, and now you're racing out of the Death Star with a line of fire slowly coming up behind you. The thing is, you have very little screen to see the barriers and such that you have to dodge until you're damn near slamming into them as you fly faster going out than you did going in. Perhaps the machine I used to play on was broken, since the amount of screen distance for object viewing leaving was so much smaller, but somehow I don't think so.

I'm sure it's really a boss, but since the Death Star is the goal, and you have to dodge around inside it so you can hit it's core, I think it's close enough... especially since it gets a chance to keep you from leaving. The rest of the game's not too bad, but this last section was just bastardly.

I wish I could find another cabinet and give this game a play again. I was quite young when a local arcade got the machine. And even though I was good at the rest of the game, I'd like to see if that final part was really that mean spirited, or if my pre-teenage brain just couldn't get the hang of it.

The SNES version is exactly the same as that except in first person view and it's still damn hard (thanks to SNES's horrible draw distance). I love it. One of my favorite parts of any Star Wars game.

It has probably been said, but The final boss of Tales of Destiny 2 sucked! Having to do that special attack right at the perfect time was totally rediculous.

You can just hold the buttons down while she starts and it'll trigger at the right time, so you don't have to wait and try to time it right.

Yeah well i was like 9 when did the fight so is was tough then...


Another difficult boss i could think of was the final boss of Vagrant Story, a truly shitty squaresoft game that used the same basic system as Parasite Eve, only more retarded.

Anyway, the boss usually stayed completely out of attack range, and he had one attack that, if this was your first time through the game, would kill in one hit if you didnt perfectly time a special blocking move that was a pain in the ass to do (believe me, I tried).

Possibly the worst Squaresoft game ever.

[stuff about AC3]

Its only marginally difficult if you decide to bring in a friendly AC to help out, but if you...

Yea, that thing was a paiWHAT


I knew I should have read the instruction manual. :(

...actually, the toughest thing for me in AC3 was the silly control scheme they kept from when analog sticks didn't exist.

I would think 'Strafe right!'

My fingers agreed 'Strafe right!'

And a giant robot would look down, as if contemplating touching his toes.

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