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MEETUP: New York City, NY Meetup '06 - Pics on Pages 30 And 32-34!

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The time is almost here!

Date & Time: Dec. 28th noon @ Grand Central Terminal by the Information booth with the clock on top of it in the main floor

Fun stuff to do:

I've cased enough, so here's a gameplan I've come up with (assuming we don't have a dropoff spot)):

1. We subway to Times Square. The area around 9th Ave. includes, along with many other kinds of restaurants, two very tempting pizza options. First, that 99 cent slice is for real! The spot is just a counter, so there's no place to sit, but those that wanna spend as little as possible can grab a bite there and just munch while we head to the other option: a place whose name escapes me, but has plenty of seats with no waiting. Slices are, well, closer to three bucks than one, but they are tremendous. What I'd like to do personally is try a .99 slice, then sit down and have the other slice at the second spot.

2. Down one block to the Virgin Megastore, check out CDs, DVDs, books, etc.

3. A little further down we visit Manny's (and perhaps Sam Ash); go nuts.

4. Just a little further (this is what I'd hoped for... a minimum of walking), through the 6th Ave. crowds, Nintendo World. As long as we're at the Plaza, we may as well check out the tree, take some pics.

5. Half a block to 5th Ave., relax at Barnes and Noble. I purchase "I Am 8-Bit," and possibly the large-volume collection of Thimble Theater comics featuring Popeye the Sailor.

6. We subway to Canal Street. We walk a bit, because there are no closer stops and buses are pointless here. We avoid the ridiculous crowds as much as we can, and hit Mott St.'s Chinatown Fair, depending on how packed it may be. Show us your bemani prowess.

7. Short jaunt up to Mulberry St., and we have our pick of restaurants. Surely one of them can handle all of us hooligans. :P

8. We're done! Some of us are off to zircon's to chill overnight, some may head back home or do whatever they like. We'll leave Metrocards for them.

9. Next morning... up to you.

And also a stop by Multimedia 1.0 by 6th St.!

zircon's cell: 215-531-0798 <- call if you are having problems!


Athair (with friend)

Atma Weapon

Axel B. Universe (with friend)



Captain Huge!




Geoffrey Taucer

José the Bronx Rican

Katsurugi (with a friend)

Kroze (possibly with friend)

Leon K.

Pi_R_[]ed (with 1 - 3 friends)







Staying at zircon's overnight





Athair (with friend)


José the Bronx Rican




I would love to do another NYC meetup this year. If we're worried about Magfest conflicts, why not do it like the 26th or 27th rather than the 30th or 31st? That way people have about a week in between meetups, so there's time to breathe. We'd at least have 4 people, and I'm pretty we have a lot more people in the NYC meetup that would be up for it. Not to mention MCVAFFE even expressed interest when I brought it up with him after last year's. :D


I think the 26th would be way too soon, for those commuting from afar. I know I wouldn't be able to get down to New York the day after Christmas. But if it were the 28th or 29th, that might be doable. Or we could wait until after the new year, and make it a sort of meetup marathon leading up to Magfest? :D

Anyway, I will most likely be coming, assuming it's not immediately following kurisumasu!


Who said I was a definite?! I will have no part of this meet up. Just kidding. I'll be free around then.. or at least I plan to be.

4 people? We can have more. More people I say! Once we find out more about the number of people can we narrow down our activities and such. Yeah, get this McVaffe character too. (Who is he? Sum noob? :roll: ) Oh yeah, I guess noob wouldn't be able to come either. :cry:

Oh well.. at least we'll have one. (Bahamut that is...)



put me down on the tentative list. I probably won't even have a definite answer until like that week anyway, but since I live in NYC, I'll be sure to be there if nothing else comes up.


I'll bite. I'm 40 minutes outside manhattan, so getting there isn't a problem.

Can't be any worse than that fiasco that was the baltimore meet up.

Slept under a bush outside the fucking truck stop.


<3 Pixietricks.

Anyway, if things get too rough, we can head into New Rochelle and maybe I could entertain some peeps at meh house.


Yes. Everything much be kept hush hush. No one should know the things we will do to pixie... I mean.. with, yes.. yes with pixie. :wink:

Bahamut said he would buy a camera before this meet up. He will be accountable for pictures. I could take pictures as well, but his camera is nice and shiny.


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