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People at Nintendo really dropped the ball on the whole fishing thing.

The manual implies that once a bit "takes a nibble" it will says something, like "fish on". Everyone probably saw their bobs go underwater, but I had no idea this meant the fish had taken a nibble and I had to pull up. The manual really confuses the matter by telling you to "move your remote up and down" and showing a picture immediately after with the words "fish on." I guess we're too used to Nintendo helping us out when it was time to take some particular action in context.

I loathe the controls, at parts. The battle on horseback that was the 2005 E3 demo is one of the worst stages I've played in a looooong time. Since you are on a horse, attacking with A is disabled, so you have to attack with somewhat precise timing with wand movement, and from experience, it just doesn't work too well.

So far, the Gamecube version seems like it is going to be incomprehensibly easier.

People at Nintendo really dropped the ball on the whole fishing thing.
The manual implies that once a bit "takes a nibble" it will says something, like "fish on". Everyone probably saw their bobs go underwater, but I had no idea this meant the fish had taken a nibble and I had to pull up. The manual really confuses the matter by telling you to "move your remote up and down" and showing a picture immediately after with the words "fish on." I guess we're too used to Nintendo helping us out when it was time to take some particular action in context.

Eh... The bob fishing works, it just took me a while to adjust to what was going on. You just have to wait for a fish to bite it, the bob will then move down. After that just pull up. That's what I did and it pretty much worked.

I'm pretty sure the best fishing is when you get the real fishing rod.

Also, I am loving the controls. I really like using the wand movement and attacking like that. The horseback combat is alright, its not really hard to get Link to swing the sword.

I totally understand why most reviewers said that they would never go back to the classic control scheme. It's just more fun and seems a bit easier, especially for aiming your slingshot.


I love what they did with the character designs and animation, i.e. how the characters interact and their facial expressions. I can't think of many games that go through the trouble of doing that.


I need a real TV to play on, or something. Playing on my computer monitor at such distances, isn't very.. well, fun. Things get a bit too touchy.

But, I did figure out a way to counteract that some. Just set the width of the bar to be full screen and it tones down the sensitivity to the point I can actually use it! yay!

Too bad the Wii doesn't have an internal configuration that useful. Configure it once, it's great for all games. :/

Fishing is a pain in the ass. But, at least I finally figured it out.

And one thing is for sure.. playing a lot of Wii will really put a lot of strain on your arm. Can't wait until they come out with some heavy duty games to go with the potential.

So.. think they'll come out with a 2nd Zelda game, this generation?


This game is amazing. I'm about 14 hours into it now. Just around the point of the first entrance into Hyrule City and Lake Hylia Bridge. This game is huge.

I'm not sure what all you guys are really talking about with the controls not being great. The wiimote controls simplify so many things that just weren't possible (or barely possible) with a standard controller. I'm glad to finally be able to swing my sword while walking/running. Fishing at the first part wasn't what I expected, but I bet it gets better when you get a rod with a reel. The dungeons are great, although I have yet to be really stumped on a puzzle (I've been through two dungeons). But after that, the enemy count has gotten much higher, so I'm expecting the game to get a lot harder as well.


Once they get to the bird path, and the 3rd boss, they will enjoy the Wii's controls.

Something that never was possible before is doable with the Wandchuck combo: Straf aiming. Second temple, straffing around crates targeting moblins with ranged attacks and letting it fly out.

As I have said in the Wii thread:

First boss: Incredible fun.

Second boss: Cool fight.

Third boss: Fucking epic.

What follows, well, how to not spoil it:

They went for an emotion, and they got it with the piano.

They went for a shocker, and well it fucking shocked me as I sat there with my mouth opened to a point where some chinese rice farmer had a go at my chin.

Then, they sent me on what I wanted to do from the start, they revitalized a classic part of the game to make it confusing again, followed it by a cool boss, and then crafted a puzzle so simple, yet so complex, that it kept me stumped for 45 minutes before I gave up, and went to bed, still trying to figure it out. They also used a remixed version of a song from the NES zeldas done in such a fashion that unless you were incredibly in touch with both Zelda games and videogame music, you would must likely fail to recognize the song, like my friend.

12 hours in. And well, multiple gamergasm left my prostate drained. Good thing I have to work or I would have had a raisin liked prostated by now.

People at Nintendo really dropped the ball on the whole fishing thing.
The manual implies that once a bit "takes a nibble" it will says something, like "fish on". Everyone probably saw their bobs go underwater, but I had no idea this meant the fish had taken a nibble and I had to pull up. The manual really confuses the matter by telling you to "move your remote up and down" and showing a picture immediately after with the words "fish on." I guess we're too used to Nintendo helping us out when it was time to take some particular action in context.

Eh... The bob fishing works, it just took me a while to adjust to what was going on. You just have to wait for a fish to bite it, the bob will then move down. After that just pull up. That's what I did and it pretty much worked.

I'm pretty sure the best fishing is when you get the real fishing rod.

Also, I am loving the controls. I really like using the wand movement and attacking like that. The horseback combat is alright, its not really hard to get Link to swing the sword.

I totally understand why most reviewers said that they would never go back to the classic control scheme. It's just more fun and seems a bit easier, especially for aiming your slingshot.

THAT'S WHAT YOU DO?? I've been swearing at the damn thing, and even switched TV/Video because it was so boring waiting for it to say "FISH ON"

EDIT: No that doesn't work either, it just keeps getting caught and it doesn't pull up. Oh wait I got it now, WHEN I THREW THE CONTROLLER BROKE MY GLASSES AND THEN PICKED THE CONTROLLER UP UPSIDEDOWN. I caught a fish! Where the fuck is it? I DON'T WANT TO FISH ANYMORE!!!

No that doesn't work either, it just keeps getting caught and it doesn't pull up. Oh wait I got it now, WHEN I THREW THE CONTROLLER BROKE MY GLASSES AND THEN PICKED THE CONTROLLER UP UPSIDEDOWN. I caught a fish! Where the fuck is it? I DON'T WANT TO FISH ANYMORE!!!

The true face of WEB RAGE

Just... just calm down. First. when you see the bob go down into the water, hold the wiimote straight up. Just hold it up. The fish will be caught. It might take a few seconds, so jsut wait.

When you get the fish, I just pushed B and the cat took it.

THANK YOU, why couldn't those have been the words in the manual?

Also my 'web rage' was a bit exaggerated, I more like dropped the Wiimote from about a foot above the couch I was sitting on, and my glasses came off my face when I was frantically pulling up on the Wiimote. I'm not sure why they broke, I think the frames got dented when I put them away while camping for Wii and then today falling to the floor was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak


To pump up the fanboys, just letting you know this game is incredible ;)

Monkey ball is nice, but I need to get used to the controls. As of right now I think the gamecube way to control is better... :|


I tried to find information but I don't know any good sites for buying this sort of thing anymore to check and Google failed me; has a release date for the Soundtrack to this game been confirmed yet (even if only the japanese one)?

I loathe the controls, at parts. The battle on horseback that was the 2005 E3 demo is one of the worst stages I've played in a looooong time. Since you are on a horse, attacking with A is disabled, so you have to attack with somewhat precise timing with wand movement, and from experience, it just doesn't work too well.

So far, the Gamecube version seems like it is going to be incomprehensibly easier.

I really have trouble understanding this.

The horseback battle is my favorite part of the game thus far, and among my favorite intense Zelda moments. It really isn't that difficult to ride alongside your enemy and swing the sword a few times. The whole sequence didn't take me long; the first part went by really quickly, and, I will admit, the second half on the bridge did take me a few passes to nail. I was just worried I'd get too close and be knocked off.

Overall, though, I've had absolutely no problems with control AT ALL in this game. Everything is absolutely perfect.

So how long does it really take to get accross Hyrule feild?

And I always thought Link should play the Lute. It would fit in wall with the time period.

What direction?

East to west I can roughly estimate to between 10 and 20 minutes, depending of the road you pick.

North to south I can guess 20 minutes, probably...

I'm up to the fourth temple and I sincerely doubt I have seen all of light hyrule.

And since I am getting the mirror of twilight, I can only assume that Hyrule has a twilight equivalent accessible at all times...
Try the chicken guy above lake hylia...
I considered him too, but I didn't think he had the look down. I just thought he was one of the random guys that act gay. They usually have a couple of them in Zelda games, don't they?

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