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Rarely. Most of those moves don't really work on them. Your best bet is to advance and pull back so that they lunge for an attack, then attack while they're overexerted.

And when the hell was that guy named the Bulbin King?

My strategy is to keep rolling behind them and do the spin attack.

Also, in the very last boss fight, did anyone get to do the "chance"? Those who have reached the end know what I'm talking about. I never managed to activate it because I was too defensive.

EDIT: I hate the new redeads. The old ones were bad, but did they really have to give them a giant ass sword?

Actually, I was kind of disappointed with these. The ones in OoT, MM and WW actually made me tense (in WW you could hit one at a distance and it would just sorta loll its head towards you in appropriate creepy fasion). In TP I never even got attacked by one because they fall to two bomb arrows.

My strategy is to keep rolling behind them and do the spin attack.

Also, in the very last boss fight, did anyone get to do the "chance"? Those who have reached the end know what I'm talking about. I never managed to activate it because I was too defensive.

The rolling part is so hard to do! I jumped backwards too often.

I did the "chance" twice. The first time was a little "WTF? How did I activate this?" but when I started noticing it pop up, I tried it out again. Added a nice touch to the battle, but kinda risky.


Disappointed with the redeads? The latest ones scared the shit out of me. Certainly its not entirely bad when you handle them from a distance with bomb arrows, but that's a paltry blessing when they've already got you. Try going through the cave of ordeals in the desert, jumping straight into the center of each level. Eventually you jump straight into the center of 5-6 redeads and discover just how vicious they are compared to the previous titles.

Well you can just, y'know, fight him normally. Rolling behind him and using spin attacks and that kinda stuff - worked for me!

I beat on him for quite a bit and then got the chance thing and hit him a few times. He died immediately afterwards. The same thing happened when I watched my friend fight him. Maybe it is triggered or just a quick way of killing him?


That sounds pretty likely. I've only fought the last battle once thusfar, so I can't fully remember what I did right at the end, but I'm certain the majority of the fight was just regular, good old sword fighting. In fact, thinking about it, you're probably right about it being a quick way to end the fight - I didn't use it once and the battle went on for aaaaages.

Was kinda cool like that though - in comparison Wind Waker's end fight, as much as I love it, seemed way too short.

Wait, so there's another way to do damage in the final battle besides "chance"?

What is it?

Well, I never got to do the "chance" so I dont even know what happens. I still beat him with strategically timed attacks. Took a while though...


I had the same response as Taucer. Using the "chance" method makes it pretty easy. Stand just outside of his range, but not too far that he does the stupid backhand thing. He'll eventually get the picture and dash at you, which prompts the "chance" maneuver. That was about the only way I could hit it, besides getting lucky swinging, which lost me more hearts than I could afford.


I've found one strategy that seems to work sometimes for hitting him if you don't chance. Do a jump attack at him then quickly do the side roll spin(can't remember its specific name right now). Just be careful, the way the camera moves its easy to do another jump attack again, and you'll be jumping straight into a sword thrust.


I love Twilight Princess. I've beaten it 3 times and I'm on the Lakebed Temple for my 4th playthrough. While I do love it, it lacks some things that made Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask so great like minigames and sidequests; also, it lacks populated towns with things to do.


My major beef with TP (While I loved and enjoyed it and actually beat it this time) was that there was nothing similar to Windfall Island from Win Waker. I seriously must have spent half of the time that I played in Wind Waker on that island, exploring and finding things to do. I missed that sens of community and things to do. That was, however, my only real beef with the game.

It was friggin' spectacular.

Disappointed with the redeads? The latest ones scared the shit out of me. Certainly its not entirely bad when you handle them from a distance with bomb arrows, but that's a paltry blessing when they've already got you. Try going through the cave of ordeals in the desert, jumping straight into the center of each level. Eventually you jump straight into the center of 5-6 redeads and discover just how vicious they are compared to the previous titles.

Well, thanks for the warning. I always looked before I leapt, and when I ran out of bomb arrows, the ball and chain took care of 'em before they could take two steps. I went through the whole game without hearing that scream or getting gnawed on. In a way it's kind of relieving compared to WW.

On the other hand, I finished the CoO with half a heart and a single rupee. Whoops.

Oh, and about damaging the final boss, guys...

As badass as the chance thing looks, there's an incredibly easy way to distract Ganon so you can hit him; throw your fishing line. He'll watch it go by, leaving him open to attack.

Weird, ain't it?


I heard about that trick to distract him, didn't know how legit it was. Must try that, then.

I still need to clear the CoO, but haven't had the time or patience to sit down and finish it. Went through the first 10 levels just to get some fairies released, but that was in preparation for the Twilight Palace (somehow getting the second Sol I totally got raped. can't remember how, though). Any tricks you guys employed to finish it easier? (especially fighting multiple Darknuts? The pair at the top of the castle were enough to hurt me pretty bad, I'm not sure if I could do three.)

My major beef with TP (While I loved and enjoyed it and actually beat it this time) was that there was nothing similar to Windfall Island from Win Waker.

That's what I loved about TP. They finally took the focus back off of the town and the goofy over-characterized townsfolk.

Yes, and I failed miserably at it. Thanks for opening up recent wounds.

No, you misread me. I meant literally roll into things with Link, as in, roll around the store and bump into the counter, fish tank, etc.

The roll ball game, which you were referring to, becomes easier if you lay the wii on a flat surface. Try it, helps a lot! I'm still stuck on 1-8 though.


At first I avoided this thread untill I finished the game. Then I started typing but didn't bother to finish and post my rant, but now I kinda feel like saying a few things.

First off; I am wussy >_> I don't like creepy stuff, never liked creepy stuff and never will.

Playing Ocarina of Time almost gave me non-stop chills (not the nice ones n_n; )and I don't like that feeling...especially when alone.

I got the same with playing Twillight Princess...

Nevertheless, t'is a great game and this wussy-ness seems very irrational. ;_; I guess I never got enough time to "toughen up" during my years with Yoshi and Kirby and cuteness ehehehe.

All jokes and awkwardness aside though >_>.

I started playing the Cube version two days before my Wii finally came in and I stuck with the Cube version till the end.

I don't think this game is a perfect game at all, but it is a really great addition to the series, one of the better ones for sure.

I guess what I like about it is how it takes the best things from various Zelda games, adds some new things and puts those together to form a really great adventure game.

It still creeps me out most of the time, but that just means something is working.

I really like the addition of the Hidden Skills, and just the whole tutorial thing with the skeleton dude. Who could incidentily be seen a dead predecessor of Link. (That's what I like to think anyway).

Also, the little references to familliar places and the actual familliar places are really nice.

I especially enjoyed the diversity of people. Like, every character has such a unique design to them, and alot of people you meet are very likable characters.

I like the emotional connection between Link and various characters, makes you feel less alone in a game too. Like, in OoT, all you really had was Zelda, that's who yer fighting for. And in MM, you just want to get Epona back really... But now there's all these people too :)

Dungeon designs were really nicely done and I'd die more often by the hands of...puzzles >_> than I did with boss fights. Maybe that's just me.

I would have liked it if there were a few more dungeons though. I get really far in most games in like... 7 hours.

Haven't beaten all the mini games yet, but there's plenty of that too so that good. Nice sidequests too, but I don't feel really tempted to complete them now that the game is already over.

May try to do so on the Wii version.

Overall it is a good game, with loads of memorable moments, but there's also some things that could be improved.

>_> Ugh I wanna be more specific on things I loved but I can't make the spoiler things.

One thing though: in that town where you can also do the "talk to the cats" game. They mention that there's monsters there and you have to take them out before they see you, or something bad happens or something I don't remember.

So here I am being uber sneaky, trying to not get seen, yet I got caught plenty of times but the game doesn't throw you out or something, or says I failed. It just happily goes on. Is that supposed to happen? Kind of takes away the point of having to be sneaky.


I think its more of a you should be sneaky so that you don't get bum rushed by every monster in the town, not a you should be sneaky or the monsters will throw you out of town but not kill you like you'd expect.

No, you misread me. I meant literally roll into things with Link, as in, roll around the store and bump into the counter, fish tank, etc.

Now why would you want to make poor Hena mad like that?

Oh, 'cause it's funny. DON'T BE MEAN TO PURDY.

... so, does Purdy ever actually talk?

I like the emotional connection between Link and various characters, makes you feel less alone in a game too. Like, in OoT, all you really had was Zelda, that's who yer fighting for. And in MM, you just want to get Epona back really... But now there's all these people too :)

I'm sorry, but I have to say I find that a baffling commented regarding MM, since half the game was getting involved with the lives of the NPCs and helping them out (some rather in-depth, too, like Mikau, Darunia, Anju and Kafei, etc..)

I think its more of a you should be sneaky so that you don't get bum rushed by every monster in the town, not a you should be sneaky or the monsters will throw you out of town but not kill you like you'd expect.

Yeah, that seems to be the case. Speaking of that village, though, anyone else read the sign over the entrance (though it'd be backwards in the Wii version)?

First off; I am wussy >_> I don't like creepy stuff, never liked creepy stuff and never will.

Playing Ocarina of Time almost gave me non-stop chills (not the nice ones n_n; )and I don't like that feeling...especially when alone.

I got the same with playing Twillight Princess...

Nevertheless, t'is a great game and this wussy-ness seems very irrational. ;_; I guess I never got enough time to "toughen up" during my years with Yoshi and Kirby and cuteness ehehehe.

Go watch some horror movies. Actually, I've seen hundreds of horror movies (my favorite genre) and well-done scary moments in video games are much scarier than anything you will ever see in a movie. I'm sure some good horror movies could toughen you up a bit though. Getting scared in Zelda is at least mildly ridiculous.


I'm sorry, but I have to say I find that a baffling commented regarding MM, since half the game was getting involved with the lives of the NPCs and helping them out (some rather in-depth, too, like Mikau, Darunia, Anju and Kafei, etc..)

Wait a minute, you're right, how stupid of me to forget. I must apoligize for this silly statement ;_;

Yet I still had that sort of lonely feeling for some reason. Kind of like in Metroid you know?

In the end I really felt like I was in it alone...But maybe that's what adds to the atmosphere of the game.

It's abit tricky to explain what I really mean...

Go watch some horror movies. Actually, I've seen hundreds of horror movies (my favorite genre) and well-done scary moments in video games are much scarier than anything you will ever see in a movie. I'm sure some good horror movies could toughen you up a bit though. Getting scared in Zelda is at least mildly ridiculous.

Nope, hate those too. Watching them at young age may have ruined me forever.

It's not really getting scared, it's just the annoying feeling of chills...maybe it's just cold in my room.

Luckily most "scary" things can be dealth with quickly with the Ball and Chain >_>

Wait a minute, you're right, how stupid of me to forget. I must apoligize for this silly statement ;_;

Yet I still had that sort of lonely feeling for some reason. Kind of like in Metroid you know?

In the end I really felt like I was in it alone...But maybe that's what adds to the atmosphere of the game.

It's abit tricky to explain what I really mean...

Nope, hate those too. Watching them at young age may have ruined me forever.

It's not really getting scared, it's just the annoying feeling of chills...maybe it's just cold in my room.

Luckily most "scary" things can be dealth with quickly with the Ball and Chain >_>

Go play some Silent Hill. =D

On a serious note, I can't comprehend what could trigger such a reaction from you. Are you that young still?

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