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Neither Heads up for Tails nor Water on the Dancefloor play in iTunes. (I suspect none of the bonus WIPs will).
The bonus mixes have non-standard (or broken?) headers, I had troubles with them as well. My Winamp recognizes them as 32000Hz tracks for no reason. Also some non-bonus tracks have broken tags, but I don't really care. I'm here for the music, not to read tags :P

Given that, iTunes sucks and you should grab another player.

Defend check your PMs :)

edit: Media Player Classic can't read the bonus tracks at all. Whoever encoded them didn't do a good work. Sorry to be rude, but this is a fact. Headers and tags are non-standard and/or broken too often.


For what could have been the nineth-twelfth time, my competition menu track is supposed to be labelled as Schumacher's Bar. Why do people forget the apostrophe and shizzle? :?

Either way, I'm glad it managed to come through. I heard some tracks by preview weeks ago, and went for Dan B's and GameBoX's stuff first on release. Tonight, I will hear the full thing and I will love you so much for working so hard on making this baby shine :D


album's awesome! i just downloaded this morning, well worth the wait. Where can I pick up spire's album art? I see him credited on the site, but i can't find where to download it....


Wow, I'm so psyched it's finally out! Here are some (not so) productive comments:

This seems to have a lot to offer. So many genres were covered and it seems like everyone excelled in their respective areas. I think pretty much all the songs I've been through so far do the originals more than justice. The two opening tracks were pretty tight, and very reminiscent. Divided from Grace was pretty cool. Walk on Water came across to me as somewhat unusual considering the artist, but in that regard was still very amazing. Knuckle Duster was pretty cool. I certainly wasn't expecting lyrics so that was actually a nice little surprise. Hetcenus deserves mad props for what he did with Ice Caps, it kind of gave me the urge to start a mosh pit, and I usually don’t get THAT excited over piano tracks. :P Just about all the synth tracks were pretty freaking cool, but I have to go back and hear them all again so I can make more specific comments. Also, I'd like to second this:

Kanjika...YOU FREAKIN' RULE!!!

I think that about says it all. I don’t think Sky Sanctuary will ever sound quite as good as it did in "Breathtaking Vision". And finally, my favorite track so far has been "The Doomsday", because it was so cool it nearly had me screaming like a girl in excitement.

This was overall some excellent music. All of you guys rock!

album's awesome! i just downloaded this morning, well worth the wait. Where can I pick up spire's album art? I see him credited on the site, but i can't find where to download it....

I think there are links to it on the end pages of the last history thread... in case they aren't there, just contact Spire...

For what could have been the nineth-twelfth time, my competition menu track is supposed to be labelled as Schumacher's Bar.

I'm sorry for that, just corrected the tracklist on the website, although correcting the mp3 names would be really painful (uploading again, re-editing links, making an archive for like the 4th time), and it wouldn't match the torrent anymore.

Anyway, I already expressed my love to Hadyn and SnappleMan personnaly last week, but I'll make it more public.

I love every single track it that project. Every one of them is surprising in its way. I wasn't expecting such attempts at IceCap, Death Egg, Marble Garden...

Am I also the only listener to have noticed allusions to other Sonic games ? At 3:15 in Hetcenus' "That Freezing Feeling", you can clearly hear part of Volcano Valley Act 1&2 from Sonic 3D Blast.

I think Rexy also used the main menu/super Sonic theme in Divided from Grace.

Scrambled Eggman sounds a lot like some "Shadow of the Ninja" tune (especially at 2:35, that's almost exactly the same theme).

And I've been told so, but my brother instantly catched the Judas Priest cover at the end of Doomsday.

I actually played the whole game again with the tracks as background music, and it's awesome. Tension actually builds up. You may think that Death Egg track is kind of an outsider, but when you play the game, after an hour and a half or two hours, that freaking tracks gets to your nerves, slowly but surely preparing you to the upcoming arockalypse :).

I'm delighted, I'm glad for you, thank you all for these 2 hours of pure happiness.


I understand the strain it can get to re-hosting everything all over again. Still I'm glad it'll get corrected (again?) down the line if not already. Thank you.

oh and...

I think Rexy also used the main menu/super Sonic theme in Divided from Grace.

Indeed you got that right, but there's still more. From the top of my head there's about five or six other minor references fit in there.

Should I say that the first person to find about four of these gets a remix request?

Pretty sweet album guys, well done.

If anyone wants it, I have some of my unofficial album art here: Cover | Special Disc Cover

(Original S/K Logo art made by BLueBeRRyKiWi, used with permission)

I can upload the rest if anyone is interested.

awesome, i can't decide if i like this or the official album art (i found it by the way) better.... do u have a higher resolution?

Am I also the only listener to have noticed allusions to other Sonic games ? At 3:15 in Hetcenus' "That Freezing Feeling", you can clearly hear part of Volcano Valley Act 1&2 from Sonic 3D Blast.

I'm so glad it didn't go unnoticed, as it usually is on the original. :D

One more to go!

From the top of my head there's about five or six other minor references fit in there.

Found a special stage reference around 2:30, and why does that part right after sound a lot like Ecco the Dolphin? That same track also ends with some Hydrocity notes.

I can't find anything else in Divided from Grace.

Beneath the Ashes also has some of Hidden Palace theme at the end, if I'm not mistaken. And Shumacher's Bar definitely has the Sonic 3 main menu theme at 1:52, and repeating some time after.

God I love this kind of stuff.


Easily, easily the best project on the site and probably the best remix project I've ever heard. There is nothing I would change here. I would probably put the entire thing on my MP3 player if it would fit. Everything on here is composed of pure awesome. In short,

Feedback: Sex.

Opinion: Sex.

Final grade: I came.

why does that part right after sound a lot like Ecco the Dolphin?

I never thought of Ecco homages to be honest :P but now that you mention it, yeah, it does seem to be similar in feel to that kind of ambient feel the Ecco musics had.

Not quite there for a request, but you just earned yourself a cookie ^_~

Am I also the only listener to have noticed allusions to other Sonic games ? At 3:15 in Hetcenus' "That Freezing Feeling", you can clearly hear part of Volcano Valley Act 1&2 from Sonic 3D Blast.

I'm so glad it didn't go unnoticed, as it usually is on the original. :D

One more to go!

Scrap Brain, from the Game Gear version of Sonic 1. First thing I head when I played that song. ;)


This stuff is pretty awesome. But what the hell happened to Rayza's WIP? That stuff was awesome on the teaser site and now it's been slowed down. It lost its energy.

More comments on the actual project later.

Edit: Nevermind, musicmatch doesn't play the track correctly, I had to re-encode it.

From the top of my head there's about five or six other minor references fit in there.

Found a special stage reference around 2:30, and why does that part right after sound a lot like Ecco the Dolphin? That same track also ends with some Hydrocity notes.

I can't find anything else in Divided from Grace.

God I love this kind of stuff.

There's also the Sonic 3 title screen reference right at the beginning.

Plus, the Sonic 3 Knuckles' Theme hides around the middle of iMushroom. You guys wanted to make sure nearly every piece of S3K music got in, didn't you? :wink:

Pretty sweet album guys, well done.

If anyone wants it, I have some of my unofficial album art here: Cover | Special Disc Cover

(Original S/K Logo art made by BLueBeRRyKiWi, used with permission)

I can upload the rest if anyone is interested.

awesome, i can't decide if i like this or the official album art (i found it by the way) better.... do u have a higher resolution?

I'll get round to making that in the next couple of days. Thanks for the praise though!

From the top of my head there's about five or six other minor references fit in there.

Should I say that the first person to find about four of these gets a remix request?

Being a Sonic fan, I got them all when I listened to your tracks for the first time :P

But I didn't post them (and I'm not going to), I don't want to spoil these to other listeners.

Neither Heads up for Tails nor Water on the Dancefloor play in iTunes. (I suspect none of the bonus WIPs will).
The bonus mixes have non-standard (or broken?) headers, I had troubles with them as well. My Winamp recognizes them as 32000Hz tracks for no reason. Also some non-bonus tracks have broken tags, but I don't really care. I'm here for the music, not to read tags :P

Given that, iTunes sucks and you should grab another player.

Defend check your PMs :)

edit: Media Player Classic can't read the bonus tracks at all. Whoever encoded them didn't do a good work. Sorry to be rude, but this is a fact. Headers and tags are non-standard and/or broken too often.

I echo this. Someone fix the tracks plz. I have to use iTunes cuz I don't feel like changing media players and everything (three ppl in the house have iPods, and the other two aren't computer-saavy).

and i want to hear my awful bonus track.

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