Ray Falling Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Sounds like alot of fun but one can't help but feel alittle intimidated seeing most of you have been here much longer and most likely know eachother much much better. T'is tough getting in a group of tight friends But I wouldn't mind some practice against real gamers once I get my Wii in 2 Wiiks.
supremespleen Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Sounds like alot of fun but one can't help but feel alittle intimidated seeing most of you have been here much longer and most likely know eachother much much better.T'is tough getting in a group of tight friends But I wouldn't mind some practice against real gamers once I get my Wii in 2 Wiiks. Dude, you are welcome solely based on your sig.
Ray Falling Posted November 24, 2006 Posted November 24, 2006 Sounds like alot of fun but one can't help but feel alittle intimidated seeing most of you have been here much longer and most likely know eachother much much better.T'is tough getting in a group of tight friends But I wouldn't mind some practice against real gamers once I get my Wii in 2 Wiiks. Dude, you are welcome solely based on your sig. Thanks :)that means alot ;_; (yay for positive-sig-discrimination)
Arek the Absolute Posted November 25, 2006 Author Posted November 25, 2006 Why would we discriminate. You are an ocr member, that is enough to join >.>
Ray Falling Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Why would we discriminate. You are an ocr member, that is enough to join >.> True I hope I'll be able to set up the whole internet connection with the Wii though. I've had some trouble with my DS and we keep changing modems/routers because my dad keeps buying the wrong crap. My current one is a wireless/ethernet thingy 0_0. (My room is on the 4th floor so we needed a little boost to get me out of my 0.2kb p/s T__T; )
Bahamut Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Wii for Mii: 2240 7138 7917 0960 Bahumet, I'd try disabling WEP from your router for just a second to see if you can connect without it. Also I think I heard you should set the channel on your router to 1, if it isn't already. Unfortunately, Verizon makes it quite difficult to change settings on my router . I didn't have a problem messing with my router and I gots Verizon... Well, when going into my router settings, I entered the username & password for Verizon online and it didn't work. The default username/password for the router doesn't work either, so I'm confused as to what could the username/password be. It doesn't really matter at this point anyway, since I leave for my school in an hour.
Brithor Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Let me get this straight, I don't have a wireless network, is the USB dongle the only way I have to get online? Btw, I'll post my code when I get the damned machine on Dec 8th
Smoke Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Let me get this straight, I don't have a wireless network, is the USB dongle the only way I have to get online?Btw, I'll post my code when I get the damned machine on Dec 8th Outside of installing a wireless router or access point, yes. Also, the client PC the stick is hooked up to will have to be on and online when you wanna go online. For Wii, I'd actually recommend getting a good access point or wireless router if you don't have a DS, since you can be online 24/7 that way with much less power use and noise.
anthonium Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Well I finally got a Wii and I have two questions... 1. Where exactly do I find my Wii code? (I haven't read the manual so maybe I'll figure that out myself) 2. My bro made a Mii and I made a Mii, which one shows up when my Wii code is added by someone and by nickname is that the nick of my console or of the mii's? Also, Bahamut get your wii to connect so I can add you
al3xand3r Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Bahamut, can you please post some more info so we can help you out? I can see what's up if you provide the following info: Brand name of router: (so I can look up the manual and help you out -I have a Trendnet, so it will be different menus, but they all do the same thing). It took me about a minute or two to setup the Wii to connect to my network, and it connected a minute after "looking" for the router. Also, if your router does not have wireless capabilities, you need to get one or one of those USB adapters people have mentioned. Is there an existing network?: How many pc's connect to your router? If only one, most likely you don't have a network set up and instead have a direct connection to the internet. Your verizon username and password are NOT local network settings, but ISP settings (internet service provider). How far is the Wii from your router?: The signal might just not be strong enough or blocked by too many dense walls, etc. (this really shouldn't be the case, since most routers made nowadays provide decent coverage). Worse come to worse, we can just reset your router to default factory settings and start from scratch, writing down all the settings we make so we know what settings to place on all pc's connected to it, and the Wii of course. If you want, I can walk you through this via MSN messenger (sorry, I dont have IRC or anything else). Consequently, I have to go to a friend's home this evening to help him set up his wireless network. It's really not difficult at all once you understand the concept. It's like math: don't memorize how to solve a specific math problem, GET THE CONCEPT. Once you have that, you can do whatever you want.
Effector Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Wii for Mii: 2240 7138 7917 0960 Bahumet, I'd try disabling WEP from your router for just a second to see if you can connect without it. Also I think I heard you should set the channel on your router to 1, if it isn't already. Unfortunately, Verizon makes it quite difficult to change settings on my router . I didn't have a problem messing with my router and I gots Verizon... Well, when going into my router settings, I entered the username & password for Verizon online and it didn't work. The default username/password for the router doesn't work either, so I'm confused as to what could the username/password be. It doesn't really matter at this point anyway, since I leave for my school in an hour. http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm Try there: choose your router and go to Default Guide link near the top of the router's page. Just look at the top few steps (mostly just the logging in - they have the default passwords for all of them, if it was changed, can't help you obviously). Hope it's a little help in getting this silly thing off the ground. EDIT: Jacked, slightly by 1117. He's right on the router pass vs. the Verizon pass, but I think it's highly unlikely that your router signal isn't reaching your Wii - unless you like in a concrete bomb shelter, the signal will still get pretty far even through walls/floors. He also brings up a good point about multiple users on the network - although most routers now automatically do that if you're running through it, and wireless is a little odd, as well.
al3xand3r Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Guys does the Wii use memory cards? It can use the Gamecube memory cards for the Gamecube games (im stil not sure it those can be used for Wii games, haven't read that far, lol). But the main cards used are SD cards. My brother mentioned something to me about it having an internal 512mb storage for starters, so for your first games, you should be fine.
Power Surge Posted November 26, 2006 Posted November 26, 2006 Here's my Wii number: 4780-5993-9591-3462 Don't bother sending me any messages yet. I still haven't got it connected anywhere yet.
Drack Posted November 27, 2006 Posted November 27, 2006 Got a Wii! Wii Number: 0217 6307 3769 0582 And since you haven't posted my ACWW code from my sig, ACWW FC: 1546 8114 2073
Kanthos Posted November 27, 2006 Posted November 27, 2006 Final Fantasy III: 5068-9059-1721 Mario Kart DS: 154703-283214 Clubhouse Games: 3179-1204-0544
Arek the Absolute Posted November 28, 2006 Author Posted November 28, 2006 Updated! I know there are more of you out there! Come on and join us
The Mutericator Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 Posted it in the other topic, but 0627 3378 6858 6673.
Laughy Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 8600 3097 7014 9879 (wii) Now all we need is a multiplayer game!
Drack Posted November 29, 2006 Posted November 29, 2006 What happened to GreyNinja's ClanOCR database? I think it could be remade for the new ClanOCR, and started fresh for this iteration. If there's source code I'd be willing to take a swing at revamping it.
atmuh Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 What happened to GreyNinja's ClanOCR database?I think it could be remade for the new ClanOCR, and started fresh for this iteration. If there's source code I'd be willing to take a swing at revamping it. It was a mess after the whole thing was over. I think jaswald still has the link, and I'm sure others do. It definitely needs to be redone.
Binjovi Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 I kinda missed the old DS Clan OCR even though I didn't participate as much as I should have. Wii: 3140 8182 2845 7423 I'd give out the codes for my DS games, but I still have to reconfigure all my games for my DS Lite, and I'm feeling particularly lazy right now. Perhaps later. EDIT: Everyone's Wii code in the first post has been added to my address book.
Pi_R_Squared Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 Expect a Mii, everyone on that list, and I hope you'll send yours too. Wii - 7173 2123 9684 2826 Metroid: Hunters -5068 7909 7566 Tetris - 069376 275761 Mario Kart DS - 420966 366404 Starfox: Command - 659 219 476 343
nikuki Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 i added my wii # to the other topic, but i'll add it here, too: 2931 8981 3429 4120
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