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So I'm back home from a trip to NY that lasted for over a month and I had no internet access. During that time I got Pokemon Diamond (about 2 weeks ago) and I've been playing the hell out of it (129 hours clocked so far). Now that I have internet access, I can post my friend code.

2535 0535 6555

name: Ocelot

I won't do battles, but I'll chat and do trades, starting tomorrow because I'm going to bed.

I think so. I think he also beat me a lot. :(

2/5 is a lot to you? Good games, at any rate. I just think it's cool that I've played Tetris Attack with an artist from my playlist. Bound Together FTW.

I hadn't played much against other people until I got online, and I'm starting to realize that a single huge chain's block will probably be sent right back. I think multiple four chain blocks break up the stack a bit better. The game's great, but it's too bad that dealing with the bigger blocks isn't harder...


Ah...I guess the battles start to run together after a while. It is kind of a shame there's no online Time Trial, but VS mode lets tenacious punks like me have a chance against better players. ;)

In any case, welcome to the forums! Post your friend code and we can rumble again. :)

Edit: Holy cow, hard battle is haaaaaard. Normal games were almost relaxing, but these have me in a constant state of panic. THIS IS MADNESS.


I just got Pokemon Diamond a couple weeks ago. I'm finally posting my friend code:

Code: 2277 3517 1505

Name: Ookoo>.< (thats as close as I can get to the faces in the Pokemon naming thingy).

Alrighty then! Add me to your roster.


I am still interested, I'm just a horrible, terrible lazy ass procrastinator and am getting it all finished up at the last moment possible. Sorry about that

Should have my list by the deadline though. ;-)

Edit: Holy cow, hard battle is haaaaaard. Normal games were almost relaxing, but these have me in a constant state of panic. THIS IS MADNESS.

I haven't even made it past Hard-8. And it took me 9'30" to beat level 7. They just don't stop throwing huge blocks. :banghead:

Edit: I'm going to go ahead and drop out of the tournament. Sorry.


Ok.....let's try this one more time.

Same rules, same blah, same everything. Lists are due now by JUNE 30th. If I get the lists by then, then this will go on.

I have about 50% of the lists I need in order for this to start, and that is fucking LAME. I'll list names of who didn't give me their pokemon list next week.


Woo procrastination and terrible memory!

Just so you know, I'm gone the first week of July, but I'll try to ninja someones wireless and get my matches done.

Maybe I'll be able to actually have my pokemon finished. XD


I'm kind of curious about the level requirements. I know that in the battle tower, it'll cap your pokemons' levels to 50 if they are above that. Since I've yet to battle over the wi-fi, I'd like to know if it will do the same. I ask because I have pokemon over 50 and under 50 but none at 50. If it does cap the levels, then I'll probably enter... if it's not too late for me to do so.


Theres an option that will automatically raise/lower all pokemons levels to 50 (same for 100). So if you have an over 50 pokemon its ok, it'll be capped like in battle tower. (Unlike battle tower it'll also raise the level if its bellow 50).

I have a pokemon that shares your name D:


[edit] wtf, this posted in the thread below the jack thompson thread. Weird.

Originally intended for another thread

/bows and backs away

Thank you all for showing interest in this still. It helps more than you think.

Also, Bean, if you want, I can add you to the tournament :D

The more the merrier.

Awesome. I'll try to figure out my team and get my list in as soon as I can.

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