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The site providing me and my database with hosting - http://www.1111mb.com - went down again today.

I have a week-old full backup of the database though - I'm moving it over to another host today, and getting the current database moved over as soon as 1111mb comes back up. 1111mb just lost any shred of credibility they had left. 2 days of unexplained downtime, fine. I can cope, perhaps there was some hardware issue. It happening again after a couple weeks? You gotta be kidding me.

I'm at work atm and my backup is at home, so I can't put the database back up until about 6pm eastern today. Over my lunch break I'm going to look for other hosts. My requirements are:





-No Ads


-99+% uptime

-Don't care about bandwidth limits as my database website only has those icons (and my sig) as images.

There are about 5 hosts that provide that. I'll try one of them out and hope they don't screw up their uptime like 1111mb did.


As promised, I have moved the ClanOCR database to a NEW and BETTER host.

Please update your links.

Also, the full restore is complete. 1111mb's mysql server came up at 8pm so I was able to snag ALL of the information off of it.

Let me know of any problems with the new server.

Edit: This host let me down. Current location is http://ocr.anticlan.net/index.php

Wow, this host looks awesome. I just might move my own website there...

It seems they don't allow external image hotlinking. Does my sig image show up when you click http://drack.65gb.com/images/triclyde.png ? If not, does it show up when you paste into the url bar?

If you see if after pasting into url bar but not clicking before that, external image hotlinking is disabled. It looks like I can't change that either, as the chmod they give me only goes up to 770, but to allow hotlinking it needs to go to 777 (1111mb defaulted to and was hardwired to 777 - I may keep my account with them just to host my sig image!)

Something to think about if you host with them. You'd think with 65GB of monthly bandwidth you wouldn't care if someone hotlinks your images, or would at least have a setting to enable it.

EDIT: My sig image shows in my sig now because I did just that - everything is on 65gb.com now except my sig image just cause of hotlinking.


65gb disappoints!

Less than a week after I migrated the database to 65gb.com, 65gb.com got HACKED, erasing all data, and then BOUGHT OUT.

Lucky for you, I keep backups. I have *ONCE AGAIN* migrated the database to a new host. All codes up through the ones added on June 27 have been restored to the new, new location.

Please update your links AGAIN and let me know of any problems.

Hope this host doesn't let me down like the past 2 have.

EDIT: It did. Current location is http://ocr.anticlan.net/index.php


Hostistry disappoints!

Error occurred

Your country address was blocked from this server, please contact the us for more information.

Guess they don't want to host people from the USA? That wasn't in their terms of service...

So, a recap.

www.1111mb.com got days upon days of downtime, on multiple unexplained occasions.

www.65gb.com gets hacked (erasing all my data) and bought out by Hostistry.

www.hostistry.com deletes my user account and all my data because I'm from the United States.

I've gotta ask one more time. Does anyone know where the hell I can host a php+sql database with phpmyadmin for free, with no ads, and no significant downtime? I seem to have the worst luck in this department.

Hostistry disappoints!Guess they don't want to host people from the USA? That wasn't in their terms of service...

So, a recap.

www.1111mb.com got days upon days of downtime, on multiple unexplained occasions.

www.65gb.com gets hacked (erasing all my data) and bought out by Hostistry.

www.hostistry.com deletes my user account and all my data because I'm from the United States.

I've gotta ask one more time. Does anyone know where the hell I can host a php+sql database with phpmyadmin for free, with no ads, and no significant downtime? I seem to have the worst luck in this department.

As the host of the previous ClanOCR database of yesteryear, I'm more than willing to help out. I had to get some stuff sorted out first but it should be A-OK for me to do now. It has PHP, mySQL, phpmyadmin, FTP access, etc. Probably more stuff than you'll ever use, but still have access to.


As the host of the previous ClanOCR database of yesteryear, I'm more than willing to help out. I had to get some stuff sorted out first but it should be A-OK for me to do now. It has PHP, mySQL, phpmyadmin, FTP access, etc. Probably more stuff than you'll ever use, but still have access to.


That would be awesome. PM me the info once you have everything ready and I'll upload (directly if you want me to be able to admin it, or I'll send you the most recent backup if you want to) the data.

  • 2 weeks later...

bump for not having my pokemon d/p f/c on the list:

2535 0535 6555

name: Ocelot

Also, I want those items that unlock the event pokemon (Drack, check your PM box).

EDIT: I added my code to the database.


I got a DS Lite the other day, so I have a new friend code:

5283 8479 8485

Name: Ookoo>.<

PM me if you add me. I'll go ahead and re-add it to the database.


Are any of you participating in the tournament? Four and a half hours left on signups, check the competitions thread. Email me your lists, email's in the competition thread.

  • 3 weeks later...

Does anybody have Striker?

I want to play online with someone. I suck though, just want to play with someone other than my brother.

My fc is 524092 916898

  • 3 weeks later...

hey guys. can someone hook me up with the info the the IRC chanel. I've been out of the loop for a while and i've lost all my IRC knowledge.

Is that Poke-tourney still going on? Or is it over?

It's going VERY slow, as cobalt said. My next opponent is Horseboy who (a couple weeks ago) said it'd be a few weeks before we could battle.

It is still going on, just incredibly slowly.

If anyone wants to battle though PM me and we can set a time, I would like to battle on occasion.

Actually, I wanted to add you while I continue to train my last two pokemon. At least I'll have someone set up for when I'm finished. I should be done in about 3-5 days time... (Providing that nothing catastrophic happens at my job.) Is that cool with you?


Surely, I look forward to a battle.

I'm thinking of poking mewt to see if more people can be added to the tournament, since it's been stuck in the first bracket for a month. (So it won't really hurt to add a few more people neh?)


Nah, but the level cap is 50, (using the thing that will automatically change everyones pokemon to lv 50, so you don't actually have to train them up to 50).

I dunno if mewt will care enough or not, but I don't see why it'd be a problem.

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