Jillian Aversa Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 AND WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! I am amazed at how close this competition was- and no, that's not some "stock comment" I've been saving up for the results stage. Believe it or not, the 1st and 2nd place-winning entries were only TWO POINTS AWAY. It was practically a tie, and the 3rd place-winning entries were a tie. Pretty amazing, huh? 26 people voted total (and yes, I did get all the counts verified). Not bad, guys! Thanks to all who participated. 1st place: #3- Seduction, by pixietricks 2nd place: #9- Smooth Steel, by Malcos 3rd place: #1- Now or Never, by bladiator AND #5- Movin', by 2P a.k.a Ch|oroPhi| Because my entry won 1st place, and 3rd place resulted in a tie, the prize distribution will be slightly altered. Malcos will receive an OCR t-shirt or hoodie and a $10 iTunes gift certificate (what was originally intended as the 1st place prize), and both 2P and bladiator will receive a $20 iTunes gift certificate (what was originally intended as the 2nd place prize)!!! Malcos: I'll need your mailing address and t-shirt/hoodie size preference. You'll all receive your iTunes gift certificates electronically. ^-^ Honorable Mentions: #6- Quicksilver Lies, by DragonAvenger and #7- Smooth Metal ©, by zyko These guys tied in 4th place, and were not far behind the 3rd place winners! So congrats to you both as well. It was very close. Entries: 1- Now or Never, by bladiator 2- Smooth Metal (A), by Flik 3- Seduction, by pixietricks 4- Smooth Metal (, by Kitsuta 5- Movin', by 2P a.k.a Ch|oroPhi| 6- Quicksilver Lies, by DragonAvenger 7- Smooth Metal ©, by zyko 8- Smooth Metal (D), by DjSammyG 9- Smooth Steel, by Malcos 10- Without You, by Ghetto Lee Lewis 11- Smooth Metal (E), by DarkChocobo and Zolborn Lyrics: Not everyone wrote lyrics, but here are the ones that did. Numbers correspond to mix numbers. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 And just for fun, here is a kickass mashup that The Mac Attack made! Smooth Reputation (mashup) -------------------- VOCR: Vocal Remixing Competition... Not an acronym! Hello, and welcome to ocremix's first vocal remixing competition! Much thanks to genghisdani for coming up with the idea, and all those who offered their suggestions in the thread. I'll try to keep things open-ended for this first round, to get an idea of what direction we're headed with this thing. To start things off, I thought we could try a comprise between the "vocal arranging" and "karaoke" approaches— partially because I think making this a vocal and instrumental remixing competition would discourage some more inexperienced people from getting involved from the start, and partially because I think it would making the voting process easier and more objective if everyone sang over the same track. If the end result is too boring, we can change the format for next round; nothing is set in stone! I'm giving everybody a lot of creative freedom, though, so hopefully there will be a great deal of variety. Round 1: Mega Man 2 "Smooth Metal" by zircon zircon has graciously lent us his latest remix— unreleased!— for the basis of this first round. The track remixes the source "Metal Man," from Mega Man 2. It is the hotness! Anyway, here are the basic premises for this round: You must use zircon's instrumental track for the background. The track may not be changed— only added upon with your vocals and effects, or spliced if you're going for an a cappella section. You may choose to sing the source melody as it already stands. Original melodies and harmonies are applauded, however. Don't be afraid to take some chances! You can write original lyrics or sing without words; it's up to you! Additionally, if you'd like to sing with lyrics but can't think of any, you may collaborate with someone else so long as you give them credit. No borrowing from other sources unless you run it by me first. Texts for songs with lyrics must be included in the email to me. And if your song is in a foreign language, an English translation is required. Effects are more than welcome, but the main vocals may not be vocoded. Auto-pitch correction will be allowed for the time being; nobody's perfect, and we don't want this compo to focus too much on raw singing talent, when there are plenty of other factors that contribute to a good vocal mix. Entries: All entries are due by 9:00 pm EST on Saturday, December 23rd. That's three weeks, everybody! MP3 submissions should be tagged and sent to mail@jilliangoldin.com, and may be hosted online or included as an attachment. If you send me your track well before the deadline and then decide you wanna make some changes, that's totally cool. It's never too late to send again before the round closes. Do not post your track in this thread, however! We don't want anyone to "draw inspiration" from your original ideas, and plus... more suspense. At the end of the three weeks, I will host all of the tracks on my website and edit the first post for everyone to see. Voting: Once the competition closes and the tracks have been hosted, voting shall commence! All entrants must participate as well, in the spirit of comradery, and cannot vote on their own mix (duh). Everyone will choose their top three entries, listing them in order from most favorite to least favorite, and PM their votes to me. #1 choices will receive three points, #2 choices two, and #3 choices one. Make sense? We won't actually be rating the mixes on each of the following criteria, but I ask that you keep these things in mind while you vote: Creativity (personal flair, interesting harmonies, original lyrics, etc) Vocal execution (pitch, rhythm, confidence, etc) Production (bad/hissy recordings, dry mixing, etc) We want to reward people for getting out there, even if they think their singing could use some improvement. So don't just vote for your favorite vocalist, kay? Everybody deserves a chance! Prizes: I'm totally copying zircon with his FF7 compo prizes, but... 1st place will receive an OCR t-shirt or hoodie and a $10 iTunes gift certificate. 2nd place will receive a $20 iTunes gift certificate. 3rd place will receive a $10 iTunes gift certificate. Have fun, everybody! And don't hestitate to ask people for advice/critique along the way... just no posting of tracks in here. Feel free to use the WIP forums instead. Participants so far: DjSammyG rpggamer180 TaVeRnErO_RuDd suzumebachi DragonAvenger Daniel_Rydell 2P a.k.a Ch|oroPhi| The Prophet of Mephisto Zolborn & Dark Chocobo Gimgak EazyP Kitsuta Mewtation Abadoss genghisdani Ghetto Lee Lewis Malcos Great_Deku Leon K. Hemophiliac Unknown bladiator Chavous pixietricks majeliss flyingninja 911 zyko
Foxhull Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 PRIZES?!!? OOOH...Pretty. This wouldn't happen to be from the Flowbasket would it? Oh well. Off to the microphone!
DjSammyG Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 I decided to do the track with a yiddish polka/irish drinking song feel. Are "Heidy-diedy-diedydiedy-diedydiedy die" considered original lyrics?
TaVeRnErO_RuDd Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 wow! someone actually started this thing.....i had a feeling it would be pixietricks a chance to showcase my beautiful voice...and get that OCR shirt thats otherwise impossible for me to buy
Jillian Aversa Posted December 3, 2006 Author Posted December 3, 2006 Haha, yes, it's from the Flow Basket! (That's zircon's remixing tutorial on VGDJ, for anyone who missed the reference.) And DjSammyG: sure, your lyrics can be whatever you want! Just remember that the instrumental background cannot be changed— only added upon with vocals and effects. ^_~
DjSammyG Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Damn, that means I can't add an accordion and a jug blower. *sigh* Back to the drawing board... EDIT: By the way, if anyone actually DOES a Yiddish polka/Irish drinking song, you have a spot in my top 3.
suzumebachi Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 I can't sing, and the only mic I currently have at my disposal is an $8 sony piece of crap with beer spilled all over it. But I'll do something.
Kitsuta Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Hmm.. prizes. Greed or embarrassment? WHICH WILL WIN!?!?! I'll have to think some more about entering, but I can't wait to hear the other contestants.
Nicole Adams Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Yay, I can't wait to hear the submissions.
analoq Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 it was exciting to see this advertised as a vocal 'remixing' compo and then disappointing to discover that the 'remixing' has already been done for you. this is a fine idea too, but i feel mislead by the name.
Daniel Rydell Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 I'll enter. Why not? Can't kill me to try. Edit: What programs are good for overlaying audio onto audio?
Jillian Aversa Posted December 3, 2006 Author Posted December 3, 2006 analoq: Vocal remixing is remixing, too! Anyway, as I said in the first post, the format for this competition is always subject to change. I just thought for the first time around, we'd attract more people if we didn't make them do the instrumentals themselves.
Arek the Absolute Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 it was exciting to see this advertised as a vocal 'remixing' compo and then disappointing to discover that the 'remixing' has already been done for you. this is a fine idea too, but i feel mislead by the name. word :/ I can possibly whip up some lyrics, but by no chance am I singing them.
Nineko Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Edit: What programs are good for overlaying audio onto audio?This is how I usually proceed: play the instrumental version in any reasonable player (Winamp, Media Player Classic), and listen to it by using headphones.Then, run your favorite recording tool (Goldwave, Nero Wave Editor, and lots of others), using your mic as source. In this way you won't re-record the background music. Then, use the same wave editor to mix everything.
ChloroPhil Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Hey question. Can I assume that since its called Vocal Remix that submissions with rappin work? I read most of the other thread and from what I saw it was brought up but only in hypotheticals. Although singing and rap certainly have their differences, delivery & character, not to mention creativity is very important in rap so I feel like in that sense there could be room for it in this comp. Obviously some intrumentals won't lend themselves to rap (or certain styles of singing for that matter), but this one from Zircon sounds like it could work. This sort of thing could help me tweak my style and do some creative stuff. So uh, is it cool?
Mustin Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 Cool. Nice presentation. I'll be keeping an eye on this and watching for a compo for arranging w/ vox. Rock.
prophetik music Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 i'm in. EDIT: i know we talked about doing acapella stuff in the bast as well in the old thread. are we going to be able to do barbershop-style stuff or whatever now? or do we HAVE to do stuff with zircon's background?
Antelucan Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 it was exciting to see this advertised as a vocal 'remixing' compo and then disappointing to discover that the 'remixing' has already been done for you. this is a fine idea too, but i feel mislead by the name. Future tracks for this competition will have to come from somewhere. What will be the process for selecting them? Perhaps another competition?
Jillian Aversa Posted December 3, 2006 Author Posted December 3, 2006 2P: Rap is welcome! Give it what you got. Mephisto: If you wanna add in an a capella section, I think it's fine if you splice zircon's track. Might be tricky, but could be done. Still, the track has to be the primary basis for this round.
kamoh Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 I decided to do the track with a yiddish polka/irish drinking song feel. Are "Heidy-diedy-diedydiedy-diedydiedy die" considered original lyrics?Only if you sing Minnie the Moocher.
Vig Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 i think this idea woudl work a lot better if remixing were allowed. a voice is not an independant entity in a song; the instrumental music has a tremendous influence on the effectiveness of the voice. for instance: Neil Diamond (or name any of countless pop singers) might have a "good voice," with good control, projection, intonation, etc, but what does it matter; he sings shit. there's no emotion being conveyed. i could make an easy argument that larrytamer has a better voice, because while he doesnt even sing, DAMN does he get funky when he gets down, and when he gets down, he gets the ladies melting in their ladypants. afk.
Dark Chocobo Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 So Zolborn and I are working on this together. Can we, or do we need to work on separate entries?
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