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OCR00022 - Legend of Zelda "Rabbit Joint Cover"

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HOW is this System of a Down?! I thought they were all rap and stuff!? Secondly, why would they make a SHORT song about a VIDEO GAME!? That's just stupid.

Anyway, I love this song. Interesting. Took me a while to understand the lyrics. A bit too short. I would have loved to hear a long version of it :P

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  • 3 months later...
HOW is this System of a Down?! I thought they were all rap and stuff!?

Have you ever even listened to System of a Down?

Well, I hadn't whenever I read that post. My girlfriend loves them and I coulda sworn she called them rappers...but anyway, I did get to listen to them pretty recently. And, you have to be pretty stupid to believe this was made by them. Just...ask yourself why they would.

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why would they make a SHORT song about a VIDEO GAME!? That's just stupid.

Plenty of people make short songs about video games... look around you.

And why would it be stupid? Are you saying that popular bands can't be stupid and like video games at the same time and make a fun parody of it? (Of course I have yet to hear one, but still)

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I found that song on winmx, could have SWORN it was System of a Down. Soad isn't rap they are a rock band. They did however did a song with a rapper. It sucked. Don't remember the name of the rapper but the title of the song was "Feel Good". So, I guess the Zelda Theme song by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails probably isn't him either? That was pretty cool too. Gotta love people who do game songs! LOL

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dear lord, i could bring myself to read past page about three or so, with all the idiots fighting soo hard to "prove" that this song is about system of a down, i think i lost a few IQ points in the process just by reading their words... anyways, this is a great song, on of the all-time OCR classics


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  • 2 months later...




This song is... Just.. I mean...

Too good for words. OK? The damn closest thing on OCR that I've heard to date to TMBG.

Oh, and one last thing...

Fuck SoaD. Fuck their fans for stealing credit from the fine Rabbit Joint. Fucking go Rabbit Joint. Fuck starting every sentence with fuck.

And I also apologize for the incredible amount of profanity in this posts, I count six instances of the F word alone.

But yeah. It rocks.

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  • 1 month later...



This song is... Just.. I mean...

Too good for words. OK? The damn closest thing on OCR that I've heard to date to TMBG.

Oh, and one last thing...

Fuck SoaD. Fuck their fans for stealing credit from the fine Rabbit Joint. Fucking go Rabbit Joint. Fuck starting every sentence with fuck.

And I also apologize for the incredible amount of profanity in this posts, I count six instances of the F word alone.

But yeah. It rocks.

It is a great song but do not lash out on SOAD fans because they all did not all steal credit for the Rabbit Joint song. They should have no reason to, because SOAD already has some good songs out there. The person who is responsible can go fuck himself for making confusion, dividing gaming & music patrons, and also for saying the music was made by one person when it was made by another. That is considered plagerism or something to that effect. I am sincerly sorry that you feel hatred to all SOAD fans because of one person's mistake, error of judgement, and bullshit.

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I just realized that this is probably the only real ska song we have here at OCR. Acoustic third-wave ska Zelda.

Just out of curiosity, have you heard Reel Big Mario by JAXX and Kaijin, chth? I always felt that fell under the catagory of ska.

So, months later, I'm going to reply to that with:

Yes, but that song is much more swing than ska. Still pretty good (if it weren't for that damned brass sample), but it's not the kind of stuff I'm thinking of. Also, that song doesn't really sound much like Reel Big Fish to begin with.


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  • 1 month later...

D'oh! I feel stupid now. I got this off Shareaza under a SoaD filename. Ouch. At the time I hadn't heard anything by System of a Down, so... :S

Excellent song though. :D I wonder if Rabbit Joint is still around? I hope this wasn't just a one-time thing... (though it would be interesting, like a sort of "one-hit wonder" effect in OCR, maybe?)

The sound of this cover sounds a bit like They Might Be Giants to me. Its silliness is also reminiscent of Weird Al. Kind of like a weird love child of the two? :D

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When I downloaded it, it said it was by Group X. Having been a fan of Group X for a few years now, I thought it sounded a lot like them. It does! But if OCR says Rabbit Joint, then Rabbit Joint it is.

But seriously, go check out Group X if you already haven't heard any of their music.

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  • 1 month later...

about the song, I LOVE this song, hell, my brother got people to sing it (via text) over a zone in EverQuest once (if anyone's familiar with the MMORPG), this song is immensely popular, and for good reasons. RABBIT JOINT, PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER COVER!!! 10/10 on my scale... just finding out that this song is not SOAD (bash me with the n00b-stick if you want) is a little surprising... I am a huge fan of the band, and my first mix list of their first 3 albums included this song. on the comments on whether SOAD would have done this song or not - IMO, they would have probably done this song or a song similar, just never put it on their albums... I mean, just listen to some of their stuff from the self-titled, Steal This Album! or even Mesmerize, it's got "I'm on crack and I'm good at singing too" written all over. I'm not suggesting they're on anything, but some of the songs are just wack.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Okay, not really. Fact is, I get a good laugh out of this song whenever I hear it. It's amazing because this song has probably been heard by just as many people as a SOAD song has. I don't know a single young person (15-30) that hasn't heard this song. Either way, it was a lot of fun when I first heard it way back when and it's still fun now.

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