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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

While that raspy bass can get overwhelming at times and the beat seriously calls out for some vocals, this mix has some redeeming qualities that make it pretty hip and fun to listen to. The sampling of the bell gave the track a cool touch and the spelling tool samples (S...G...X...) were decently applied. Scratching worked well too. The track suffers from repeditivitis, but it's something I usually don't skip over when it shows up on the playlist.

(almost three years between reviews. nice)

  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

A contender that could have gone all the way to the heavyweight bout if only it had some lyrics (you like that analogy? I made it up myself. :P ).

There is a ton of style and cool going on here. The ring bell and the speak and spell or whatever is awesome, and the little synth playing a variation of the "you got your ass knocked out" theme is very cool.

I wish it would have had some lyrics and a bit more length though.

  • 5 months later...

Very cool song with a lot going on in it. Perhaps I just like the style of throwing a bunch of different instruments into a pot, and then trying to make sense of it (my own remixes are often constructed that way). The bass is a little ear-killing, but otherwise, I think it has a solid groove. Wouldn't have minded hearing another minute or two of it.

  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Very beatbox worthy.

It sort of reminds me of an underground boxing ring.

Definitely quirky, urban, thumping-y.

I could see this one day getting lyrics, but right now, it just doesn't really impress me.

  • 3 weeks later...

So I totally did the whitest thing imaginable in my car today when this came up. I turned it up and started rapping improv lyrics about little mac to my passenger to the beat of it. Apparently lyrics really will spice this track up. Too bad I suck at rapping.

Ok so the track it self is deceptively simple, but still really great in its own way. It has that kickin sample, nice scratching bits, and there's also that phaaaatttttt bassline. I like it!

  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hah! Franz pulls out the hip-hop madness again. The style is very similar to your Mario Underworld track. As with that one, I feel that this track would be perfect as the back track for a rapper or singer! Seriously, if you ever find yourself with an abundance of time, I would love to hear it with an MC! Cool sound; very dirty south in a slightly retro way.

  • 1 month later...

I like all the extraneous elements aside from the bass and synths. Particularly, I liked the bell ringing sound effect the first couple of times, but this one feels like the remixer threw together a 30 second loop and played it four times with just a few minor variations.

Someone should freestyle over this song and upload it :-P That would make it a lot more awesome.

  • 5 years later...

The effects and the hip-hop idea of this ReMix appealed to me, and being a fan of Punch-Out, I enjoyed it for what it was. I do have to say that having someone rapping over this would have pushed it over the edge and done wonders for the mix, as this seemed like a base for that. Basically, it's good for what's here, but man, it's begging for that little something extra in the form of lyrics. Not bad though.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00180 - Punch-Out!! "Iron Mic Challenge"

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