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If MP3 did have online multiplayer, you know people would just complain about how bad it is because it's Nintendo and people say they don't know how to do online gaming right.

People need to look at what this game actually is. It's Metroid, and Metroid is supposed to be a great single-player experience. I bet a lot of people that are complaining about no online multi-player for MP3 have never played a Metroid game before.

I seriously saw comments about people asking for co-op. Co-op on Metroid? wth? A lot of the people complaining are probably just band wagoners.

If MP3 did have online multiplayer, you know people would just complain about how bad it is because it's Nintendo and people say they don't know how to do online gaming right.

People need to look at what this game actually is. It's Metroid, and Metroid is supposed to be a great single-player experience. I bet a lot of people that are complaining about no online multi-player for MP3 have never played a Metroid game before.

I seriously saw comments about people asking for co-op. Co-op on Metroid? wth? A lot of the people complaining are probably just band wagoners.

Then I just hope Wii gets a game that at least has the kind of online appeal that Halo and Halo 2 do, among the general "casual hardcore" crowd.

To find out that The Bigs had the online mode ripped out of the Wii version, pissed me off. And that Nintendo's "flagship" online title doesn't even have a whiff of the features the original Pokemon Stadium game had, is just an insult and slap in the face.

I'm really getting jaded by this BS, and hope some 3rd party companies do come along and smack Nintendo upside the head and show them what the fuck to do.

At this rate, with Animal Crossing Wii, not only will you need a friend code to be able to send messages to anyone, you'll also need some sort of super special Mii code inside the game, to send an item to them, which will be 3 times longer, just to "keep the kids safe" or some buggery.

Wii = GREAT idea. Tons of potential. Massive amounts of promise. But there's just too many areas where Nintendo is making a point to put the breaks on things and hold back, instead of actually doing things -good-.

Make games with all those extra security features for the kiddies. But damnit, let the rest of us get in there and have an open, wild time.


What's kind of sad is that we're all sort of waiting for the sequels to games we've been playing over the past X years, since we know at least those will be good.

I was going to be very open to 3rd party titles but dissapointment after dissapointment made me change my mind on that.

(Yes, I know, rental is the way to go for me then).

Just remind yourself of the great stuff that has yet to come :)

For me that be:


-Mario Galaxy

-Super Paper Mario

-Smash Bros.

-Final Fantasy CC

-Fire Emblem


-the inevitable F zero

-the hopefully better this time Starfox

-another Zelda?

-Namco is supposed to be working on a Tales sequel for Wii.

-I'll concider the next DBZ maybe...

-maybe Alien Syndrome

etc. etc. etc.

:) I can't wait to learn about more good titles soon to add to ze list. It's all that keeps me sane gaming wise x_x.


I think they are using Strikers and Pokemon whatever for testing their online multiplayer features before they release the big hitters like Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, and they figured that if Metroid Prime 3 is already ready, why wait and go ahead and release it now. I'm sure there will be plenty of shooting type games in the future for online play, and you can't rule out that they might just make it online in a future update or something.

I think they are using Strikers and Pokemon whatever for testing their online multiplayer features before they release the big hitters like Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, and they figured that if Metroid Prime 3 is already ready, why wait and go ahead and release it now.

I can see it, and it does make some sense. If you try to pre-determine what limits and conditions you think it will run under, a system will only meet so many of them, and then you run into the stuff that no one anticipated.

But at the same time, each game you release with a limited online part suffers for it, and the gap between your own online system lags behind that of the competition (namely Microsoft's X-Box Live!, which is pretty damn good for online gaming). You see this happening with the DS, Nintendo's real venture into online. The first games that supported it were hit and miss. Mario Kart DS had a pretty easy and decent way to play your friends, but really sucked when it came to playing random people. Anyone that has ever played knows what I'[m talking about; snakers playing non-snakers, disconnecters, outright rude and jackass behavior of various kinds...

That brings up the real problem with online, actually. The other players. Most of the time, you end up with totally different people, whom you can not play a good game with. Either your ideas of how to play are too different, or they don't want to play, so much as fuck around and be in the way of your good time. Any way...

Even though later games have been better at it, they still blow it on certain aspects. Pokémon D/P lets you trade and battle online, but suffers several problems. Trading is either by Friend Code, which is somewhat convenient, or by GTS, which is plagued by cheaters and outrageous trade offers (level 100 Mew for a Level 3 Bidoof? Fuckin' come on...). Battling is completely restricted to Friend Codes, which sucks ass when none of the people on your list are playing at the time. Random battles would be welcome, because sometimes, you just want to have a quick battle to kill some time.

With the Wii, the same problems seem bound to happen. The reliance upon the Friend Code system will be a major stumbling block. Even though Pokémon Battle Revolution offers random battles, there still isn't a well designed, well built online component. And this was supposed to be the flagship of Wii online games. :roll:

I can only hope that whatever Nintendo learns from their experiences with online gaming so far lets them come up with a solid, consistent and workable online strategy. Because we all know, they need one.

I'm sure there will be plenty of shooting type games in the future for online play, and you can't rule out that they might just make it online in a future update or something.

I don't think you can just add online support for a game without a rather significant patching regime. Besides, the games run off of optical discs (all read, no write) and the system memory is limited to on-board 512 megabytes, plus whatever external memory you have plugged in.

The thing is, Wii discs hold 4.7 gigs, or 8.5 if it's dual-layer. If they use up 4 gigs for a game, and that's not counting any online stuff, you would have to have a pretty large SD card to handle the new online code that you would supposedly download.

And what happens if you don't insert that SD card when you boot up the game? I can see too many problems arising from this idea.

I doubt that we'll see this sort of thing unless they can figure out a really good way to shrink such a patch to only a few hundred megs, or by a hard drive (which Nintendo has already stated they have absolutely no interest in doing).

Going -all- the way back to RE4: Wii, it's really quite good. Same system, nothing drastic...cept for a few things I have major and I do mean MAJOR qualms with. It's far too easy now. You don't have to deal with a small laser sight nor do you have to deal with Leon's naturally shaky hands. Instead you deal with your own. But, if you have decently steady hands (like myself) then this makes the game far too easy. The sight is well done and easy to see and the aiming system is spot-on. The extra content is well appreciated and fun, but it does take some getting used to in terms of the controls...I was flailing wildly for the first half hour until I decided I had to actually relearn the game.

I agree with pretty much everything. For one who raped the content out of the original GCN game, this is way easy. I don't think I'll have much trouble even up to Professional mode. Mercenaries might be a little difficult, but still easier than the original. The shooting range is actually laughable if you do rapid-fire (TMP).

Yeah, it does take a little while to get used to, especially for those of us who invested so many hours into RE4. Once you realize that most of the buttons are just remaps of their Cube counterparts, you can kind of wrap your head around it.

The bad part is that you have to unlock all the content by playing through the game on normal. I'm all excited about seeing the new stuff, but I have to replay a game I've beaten so many times. Still, I find new stuff every time I play through, so it's not a really raw deal. I mean, this game is fucking amazing, end of story.

EDIT: Oh, but a downside of the Wii version is that (it being so easy to aim) I'm running low on ammo most of the time. Unlike running Professional on 'cube, where the main strategy for single villagers is to shoot them once in head to make them stumble, then run forward, kick, and slash them as they get up (1 bullet used), I've been just happily blasting everyone I can see (a billion bullets). I was always really careful about my ammo consumption before, but it being so fun to shoot, I can't help it this time around. So figure out for yourself if that's a plus or minus for the game. :D

Tales sequel of what? Symponia? Eternia? Legendia? The Abyss? Destiny 1/2? Phantasia?

See where I am going at?

Sword of Legendia. No other information is known about it then the title.

Do you think the Wii will support HD in the future? If they can refit units with HD graphics cards?

Wouldn't happen. Such a major hardware change would mean that new games couldn't be played on old units.

I just hope something happens and they at least offer a VGA cable or something. I want to play it in 480p on my LCD, but can't because I can't find a real, properly functional Component>VGA bit, that doesn't crap itself all over interlaced output.

Fucking hardware makers only half-assing things.


North American Virtual Console releases today:

Mach Rider (NES) - Racing games have become dull, LETS ADD MACHINE GUNS

Yoshi (NES) - Who knew that Yoshis actually consisted of goombas, piranha plants, boos and bloopers?


Air Zork (T16) - Something that looks like the love child of Bonk and Astro Boy in, what else, a shmup.

Yoshi (NES) - Who knew that Yoshis actually consisted of goombas, piranha plants, boos and bloopers?
Oh my God, I had that one on the original GameBoy. I'd forgotten all about it; sweet game. Someone needs to remix the music on that too.

*makes a mental note to finally pick up a new Wii Points Card soon*

Still waiting for Paper Mario 64 as well.

North American Virtual Console releases today:

Mach Rider (NES) - Racing games have become dull, LETS ADD MACHINE GUNS

Yoshi (NES) - Who knew that Yoshis actually consisted of goombas, piranha plants, boos and bloopers?

Hey you forgot Air Zonk! for TG-16!! I'm totally getting that game today and maybe Yoshi.

Hey you forgot Air Zonk! for TG-16!! I'm totally getting that game today and maybe Yoshi.

That was supposed to come today, but when I checked I did not see it. That happened once with a game before, so I figured it got pushed to next week. My original post has been changed.


Downloaded Air Zonk last night. Classic Shooting at its finest! If you are a fan of shooters, find a way to get some Wii Points and download it NOW!!! It's also on the main page of the Shop Channel.


Some release dates from Sega, courtesy of Joystiq.

Bleach: Shattered Blade™ (Wii) – Release: Fall 2007

Bleach: The Blade of Fate™ (DS) – Release: Fall 2007

The award-winning Bleach™ anime series, currently featured on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, is coming to the Wii and Nintendo DS this fall. Timed with the launch of the highly-anticipated second season, gamers will get to experience the cinematic, sword fighting action of Bleach: Shattered Blade on the Wii and Bleach: The Blade of Fate on the DS. The series follows the life of a 15-year-old boy named Ichigo Kurosaki who is able to see spirits and becomes a Soul Reaper with supernatural powers.

Ghost Squad™ (Wii) – Release: Holiday 2007

SEGA's top-grossing light gun game from 2005, Ghost Squad, comes to the Wii system and replicates the excitement of the arcade experience in your home for 1-4 players. The Ghost Squad is a Special Forces unit established in strict secrecy by the U.N. to combat terrorism and carry out special highly-classified missions without leaving a trace. As an elite member of the Ghost Squad, players will complete dangerous missions such as eliminating terrorist groups, releasing hostages, deactivating bombs, and even rescuing the U.S. President when terrorists hijack Air Force One. Using the Wii Remote™, players will utilize revolutionary selectable weapons including a high-powered rifle, submachine gun and shotgun, or even engage in hand-to-hand combat.

The Golden Compass™ (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PC, DS, PSP, Mobile) – Release: December 2007

Immerse yourself in the magical world of The Golden Compass, the upcoming video game based on the highly anticipated new film from New Line Cinema. It is a world where witches fly through frozen skies, giant armored bears fight to defend their kingdom and where sinister Gobblers kidnap children and carry them to a frozen wasteland. And it is a world of intense danger and amazing adventure for the rebellious Lyra Belacqua, her animal daemon, Pan, and a giant and powerful bear named Iorek. Together they embark on an epic journey of action, exploration, collaboration and discovery.

Iron Man™ (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PC, DS, PSP) – Release: Spring 2008

Marvel and SEGA bring this invincible armored hero to theaters and video game platforms in 2008. Iron Man, one of Marvel's most indestructible crime fighters, is blasting onto video game platforms and the big screen next year! Armed with a high-tech suit and a variety of weapons, the player will take on entire armies on constantly evolving and chaotic battlefields. The epic, action-packed Marvel Studios production will be directed by John Favreau and stars Robert Downey Jr., Jeff Bridges, Terrence Howard and Gwyneth Paltrow. Thrilling sequences from the film will be featured in this third-person action game, immersing the player in the explosive militaristic combat with loads of additional content created exclusively for the game.

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games™ (Wii, DS) - Release: Holiday 2007

Two of the most beloved icons in the world, Mario™ and Sonic™, are joining forces to star in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. Developed exclusively for the Wii video game system and the Nintendo DS system, this momentous agreement marks the first time these two renowned stars will appear together in a game. Featuring an all-star cast of characters from the amazing worlds of both Mario and Sonic, players will be able to compete as or against a range of familiar characters including Mario, Sonic, Luigi™, Knuckles™, Yoshi®, Tails™ and more. Innovative usage of the Wii and DS control systems to maneuver your favorite character will allow players to race the likes of Mario and Sonic down the 100m track, leap over the high jump or churn water in a swimming heat, all while competing for the much sought after Olympic gold medal. With up to four players on the Wii and on the DS, the stage is set to catch the fever this holiday with Mario and Sonic.

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams™ (Wii) - Release: Fall 2007

As a fantasy jester called NiGHTS, players will fly through Nightopia, a rich and vibrant world where dreams come to life. With the innovative Wii Remote, gamers will experience a heightened sense of gliding, spiraling, and looping through a variety of mystical dream worlds packed with high-flying adventure. Players must find inventive ways to confront the "Nightmarens" from the neighboring dark world of Nightmare using amazing acrobatic skills, freedom of flight, and other special abilities to protect Nightopia. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams is an adventure filled with courage, hope and inspiration that the whole family will enjoy.

I really, really hope NiGHTS doesn't suck.

That's makes two of us (and probrably more!) I love the original so much. I thind I'm gonna expect too much from this.

Does anyone know when the Nintendo's conference is?

That's makes two of us (and probrably more!) I love the original so much. I thind I'm gonna expect too much from this.

Does anyone know when the Nintendo's conference is?

Tomorrow, I hear.

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