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So Battalion Wars 2 is pretty awesome. The only real gripe I have with the game, aside from Nintendo's stubbornness with some online features, is the fact that you can still lock on to your on units. This is so you can lock on to a unit to transfer your control to it, but you can just use the D-pad to select a unit type then hold A to do it which is easier and faster. It can be incredibly frustrating trying to target in a group of 20+ troops.

That aside, the game is an overall improvement from the first. Online is incredibly fun.

Yeah, that aspect of the controls seemed like a pretty big stumbling block. Anyway, like they were saying in the IGN review for the game, the Wii controls added relatively little this time around, which was pretty unfortunate since it had some really good possibilities. I didn't feel any problem with the nunchuk motion controls, though, which was a negative they pointed out in the IGN article.

Beat the Solar Empire campaign the other day, and haven't had time to get back to it as of yet. Really looking forward to trying out the online component, since a lot of reviews said that was the big reason to get the game.

To correct something I said when I previously posted about the game, there apparently is a way to change the size of the bounding box, but since reading that in the IGN review I haven't gone back to try to find it again.

Anyway, to what Ray Falling said earlier, BWii is definitely still a good game, but I think everyone was looking for more out of the controls than was implemented. The style of the first BW is still intact, and enhanced in this rendition (that's a big part of the allure I think). Also for the kind of game it is (real-time action with strategic elements), I think the controls are more than servicable (though, I'll refer to what I said above). All in all, if you've played the first one you'll know more or less what to expect. First one was good and this one is at least marginally improved over that, but it just doesn't blow the older one out of the water like it should have IMO.

I really need to get a Wii now that Super Mario Galaxy is soon released. But... I'v got no money...

It should be very interesting what the game brings. All these planets that Mario goes too, all sorts of adventures--I'm sure that everyone at OCR would like to look forward to it, and hey as u know the Wii is awesome with it's unique accessories. I hope you get it soon. :)


I've picked up Super Mario Galaxy recently, and so far it's been nothing short of utter brilliance. The graphics are the best I've seen on the Wii so far, the level design is pure artistic genius, and the gameplay is classic 3D Mario goodness, with emphasis on 3D; this game is seriously gonna mess with your head. Of course, it does take a bit of getting used to, as I learned as I constantly kept falling into the same black hole over and over again, but once you get the hang of it it's fun fun fun.

I've picked up Super Mario Galaxy recently, and so far it's been nothing short of utter brilliance. The graphics are the best I've seen on the Wii so far, the level design is pure artistic genius, and the gameplay is classic 3D Mario goodness, with emphasis on 3D; this game is seriously gonna mess with your head. Of course, it does take a bit of getting used to, as I learned as I constantly kept falling into the same black hole over and over again.
How'd you get ahold of it? Please, tell us more!

Also: the damn GH3 website needs to update more often. It's had my campaign listed as 47% for days, but I'm finished!

I would if any of the eight fucking stores I went to today had it.

Holy crap!! Eight stores? Well I kinda know how you feel. I have a store about 1 or 2 miles from my home......they don't have it. but the one (and only other store I checked) that dose have Galaxy is about 8 miles away. SO worth the 8 miles...but I feel weird driving that far just to play Galaxy.


The US commercial for Galaxy is fucking terrible. I'm glad I imported the Japanese game to show support for their marketing team...or something.

Who am I kidding, the Wii is doomed with these god awful commercials until the end of it's lifespan.

Edit: Also, is anyone up for a few games of Battalion Wars 2 sometime this week? I'm free in the evenings unless I'm playing TF2 (which I probably will be).

The US commercial for Galaxy is fucking terrible. I'm glad I imported the Japanese game to show support for their marketing team...or something.

They are absolutely fucking awful. Although they create a universal theme for Nintendo's games, it's just worn out and cheesy (Metroid Prime 3's ad sucked too)

Nintendo needs to get back to making good commercials, like this one:


Maybe Nintendo should show footage of the game with an announcer saying "Whoa, it's Mario in space! You can't beat that! Buy it, if not for yourself, for your Grandma or your shitty stepson. Only on Wii, which is the only system that you can get a woman to play with"

Edit: Nevermind my random outburst, I just agree with you on the fact Nintendo needs to make some slight alterations to its marketing strategy.


Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is released in the States today, and probably some other places, as well. I'm looking forward to it a whole lot. Anyone else picking it up?

My only decision now is whether I will buy a classic controller or not. It sounds more comfortable than a horizontal Wiimote, but it might not be worth it. Thoughts?

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is released in the States today, and probably some other places, as well. I'm looking forward to it a whole lot. Anyone else picking it up?

My only decision now is whether I will buy a classic controller or not. It sounds more comfortable than a horizontal Wiimote, but it might not be worth it. Thoughts?

Meh, sideways wiimote with glove on it is comparable in comfort to the classic controller. You really won't notice it after ten minutes.


Meanwhile, Super Mario Galaxy's awesomeness continues. The last few boss battles were fecking EPIC.

That said however, the game's difficulty could've been cranked up a notch, because as epic as those battles were, they were also ridiculously simple.

Still, the game's fun value is undeniable.

Meanwhile, Super Mario Galaxy's awesomeness continues. The last few boss battles were fecking EPIC.

That said however, the game's difficulty could've been cranked up a notch, because as epic as those battles were, they were also ridiculously simple.

Still, the game's fun value is undeniable.

Hopefully the game will take about twenty hours to complete, as that would make me happy.

Meanwhile, Super Mario Galaxy's awesomeness continues. The last few boss battles were fecking EPIC.

That said however, the game's difficulty could've been cranked up a notch, because as epic as those battles were, they were also ridiculously simple.

Still, the game's fun value is undeniable.

How are you playing it right now? Did you import it? European? Gamestop kiosk? Pirate?

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is released in the States today, and probably some other places, as well. I'm looking forward to it a whole lot. Anyone else picking it up?

My only decision now is whether I will buy a classic controller or not. It sounds more comfortable than a horizontal Wiimote, but it might not be worth it. Thoughts?

I picked it up. I only got to sit down with it for like 20 min so far though. Seems like there were a few small improvements in presentation since Path of Radiance, but for the most part it's the exact same (and I'm happy about it overall). Would really like to get some quality time in on this game, but it looks like I won't be able to get the time in on it like I was hoping (between still needing to beat Zack and Wiki and Battalion Wars 2, and next week picking up Mario Galaxy I'm gonna be pretty well flooded for the time being :-P). Especially with getting a new position at work, my freetime is dwindling, so videogame time has cut down a lot as of late.

As far as getting the classic controller just for FE, I'd say don't bother unless you were going to pick it up for something else too. That said, I still recommend the classic controller for Virtual Console games, it being the best traditional controller in my opinion. From the little FE I got to play, it wasn't noticably uncomfortable to play with the wiimote on its side, but the classic controller is more comfortable still.


I forgot that Fire Emblem can be played with GameCube controllers, so it became an easy decision for me.

I hear that a lot of people (myself included) are having trouble with the data transfer thing between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. For me, it said my data was corrupted, and it deleted all my info, including beating Black Knight on hard mode :cry:

There are several BIG changes that will go unnoticed by anyone not extremely familiar with the Fire Emblem series, such as supports and height differences. Also, the biorhythm is much improved.

I'm on the Endgame of part 1 in easy mode, and suddenly, the last stage is really hard. Of course, it could be really easy if I wanted it to be because there are some godly characters to choose from that are sitting at camp (spoilers avoided).


Normal mode is comparable to hard mode in Japan and it is freaking hard. It took me forever to get passed 1-3. I had no idea that Micaiah's thani was good against knights, so I didn't use it :(.

Anyways awesome game.

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