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Thought I'd bump this. Okami for Wii is out tomorrow and I'll probably go pick it up and see how it does on the Wii.

Also while lookin up a little more information about it I saw that apparently Sadness isn't dead. Seeing as it was supposed to be released last year, and I hadn't heard anything about it, I thought it died. Some new pics showed up. It'd be nice to have another M game for the Wii.

Games Radar had some unsettling things to say about Okami:
Of course a virtual paint brush was destined for the Wii and Okami enables you to channel your inner Bob Ross. By holding the B button, the screen becomes faded parchment and you’re able to paint weak lines with the A button and thicker lines with Z, but the brush isn’t always precise. We were hung up on the simpler brush techniques like getting a tree to blossom or slashing through an enemy. Also, we never had to use the weaker lines on the PS2. So why is that option mapped so readily to the A button? Holding B on your right hand and Z with your left, while making deliberate, precise motions with the Wiimote feels slow and at times, unstable.

Not all fights can be solved with magic ink, though. The close combat weapons range from beads to oversized swords, but most fights were usually the button-mashing fare on PS2. This is not the case on Wii. Rather than simply assigning the attack button to A and calling it a day, each attack is registered by swiping the Wiimote. However, instead of repeatedly shaking the Wiimote for simple slashing combos like in Twilight Princess, control is on a 1:1 ratio now. This means that you’ll shake the Wiimote slowly once and then wait for your attack to register, and then shake the Wiimote again for your second attack in the combo. Combat now feels awkward and is not the fast-paced slashfest we were used to on the PS2.

A lot of the reviews some to contradict one another. Makes me wish I had a place nearby that stocked a lot of Wii games for rental. I'm stuck between $8 at Blockbuster or praying the mom & pop rental place picks it up.

ok forget it im not gonna even bother playing it

way to ruin the game fags


Wait, wait... People are getting mad that the combat ISN'T mindless wiimote waggling and instead takes some timing and practice?

Also, I don't recall a single brush technique that required thick lines. The only time I made lines thick was filling in bridges and the like.


you are a wolf

wolves do not attack by waving their arms or any other appendage

they bite and crap

waggling to bite is stupid

i have the game sitting right here but because of the terribleness of the combat i am not gonna bother with it


Actually if you've PLAYED Okami for PS2 you'd know that Amaterasu uses WEAPONS. She has a sword, a mirror, and a rosary. She doesn't swipe with claws or bite. She swings out the weapons just like Link swings his sword.

Maybe instead of writing off the game you should actually play it.


Also, I don't recall a single brush technique that required thick lines. The only time I made lines thick was filling in bridges and the like.

Certain techniques such as the windslash (using the wind as a blender against enemies) gave you the option of choosing thin long lines for a longer duration of attack but moderate damage, or thick short lines for a shorter duration but heavy damage.

Much like where the bigger you make the infinity sign for the inferno blast the stronger the damage you do as well as more ink you use.

To get access to the windslash attack you need to do a short fishing side quest for a chef.

I love the game. :)!!


For those of you who have already bought the Wii version, please let us know what you think. Not of the game necessarily, but of the controls. I want to know if I should buy a used PS2 Okami from GameStop for $26.99 or should I buy a new Wii Okami for $39.99. Thanks!


I thought today was the ship date for Okami, but if it's actually available in stores today I'm definitely going to pick this up during lunch. I'm really looking forward to it, especially because I loved Twilight Princess.

So WiiWare comes out next month, and just checking out IGN's coverage of some of these games I'm pretty excited for its launch. LostWinds is looking especially cool I think. I don't fully understand how the distribution system works for WiiWare, but I heard that Nintendo won't be approving/filtering out games that are submitted so there's a lot of room for serious innovation to come out of that. Should be fun to see.

I thought today was the ship date for Okami, but if it's actually available in stores today I'm definitely going to pick this up during lunch. I'm really looking forward to it, especially because I loved Twilight Princess.

You're right; today is the ship date. My bad.

But still, when people do get their hands on it, let us know how it plays.


Wii Okami is fantastic. But that's the game being awesome, not any awesome innovation in controls - It feels like Twilight Princess. Wiimote controls for a game that could be controlled without them. Nifty but unnecessary.

However, if you have an HDTV, only the Wii version has 16:9 and progressive scan.

No content was added for this version. Just those display features and wiimote controls.


The review on IGN said that the game controlled fine for the most part, the only problems being the moves mapped to nunchuk (dodging). That is about all they had to complain about control-wise. I'm not sure what other sources said about the game in their reviews.

I am most likely going to pick it up.


So, first time playing Okami, and for the most part it's been awesome so far. The only thing that's been bugging me is that combat doesn't seem to flow. Almost every time I attack normally, I can attack one time then several seconds go by before I can attack again. I miss that whole "three hit combo" I'm used to from Zelda games, though having just played through Kingdom Hearts 2 it's made battles seem that much choppier. Am I doing something wrong, is the game not picking up my control waggle, or is that just how this game is?


I've had moments where the wii mote would "disappear" on me on other games, though for me it had been syncing issues.

The combat itself on Okami isn't as "choppy" as you say on the PS2 version.

At a friend's who has the Wii version, he fought just the same as I did on my PS2 version. Maybe it's how you waggle the mote..?

I've had moments where the wii mote would "disappear" on me on other games, though for me it had been syncing issues.

The combat itself on Okami isn't as "choppy" as you say on the PS2 version.

At a friend's who has the Wii version, he fought just the same as I did on my PS2 version. Maybe it's how you waggle the mote..?

Cool, thanks man. I was thinking that might be the case, since it didn't make much sense for the action's momentum to break so much. Maybe my movements aren't exaggerated enough or something...at any rate, I'll figure it out tonight.


You need to time it well. If you don't just attack rapidly you can continously hit. Though I still have trouble getting the 4 hit reflector combo perfect(usually only make it to 3). If you attack like crazy you seem to lose the ability to do so for a few seconds.

You need to time it well. If you don't just attack rapidly you can continously hit. Though I still have trouble getting the 4 hit reflector combo perfect(usually only make it to 3). If you attack like crazy you seem to lose the ability to do so for a few seconds.

That might explain it...I just swung around like crazy, without particulary trying to time anything beyond the first hit (and sometimes not even that...after all, it worked in Twilight Princess :P). Thanks for this suggestion, I'll try it as well.

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