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People bore me... u_u;

Anyway, I have a question for you guys: what kind of influence does a publisher have on what a game might end up like?

I'm asking because IGN reported a little while back that The Conduit is going to be published by SEGA. Now I'm curious what that really means. Does that simply mean that the game will eventually have a SEGA stamp on it and that it's just about financing, or will they actually have people messing with the game itself as well?

I'm slightly worried because the developers are promissing 16 player online multiplayer mode, and I can't help but think someone is going to mess that up.

I have high hopes for The Conduit, and I don't want those hopes to be shattered just because some bastard publisher is going to mess with things.


Publishers are the financers of games, but often they are simply that, and have no idea what sells beyond "blood, gore, boobs" or what-have-you. They simply want a profit on their investment. For SEGA to have picked up Conduit does mean their name will be on the box and before the game boots up, but to carry it at this near-complete stage probably means they think it's a sound investment.

Now go out there and prove them right when it releases.


Well, they're publishing the Conduit and making a new Wii House of the Dead game, which I think is pretty cool. But when I need a SEGA fix, I go to virtual console. They were so amazing back then, you know, Streets of Rage, Fantasy Zone, Ristar, sigh.... I still pull out the Sonic Mega Collection too. There's nothing like a six pack of beer and a good Sonic fix.

Oh, if you're worrying about SEGA messing up the online component, then don't hold your breath. Nintendo's already made sure that the online component will suck, you know, unless the publisher is cool enough to host the game on its own server (which actually has been done with some Wii games and worked very well).


Oh, if you're worrying about SEGA messing up the online component, then don't hold your breath. Nintendo's already made sure that the online component will suck, you know, unless the publisher is cool enough to host the game on its own server (which actually has been done with some Wii games and worked very well).

That would have been my second worry :D I just need to know who to point my finger too when the time comes :D


So I've had my Nintendo Wii since launch day -- girlfriend had it preordered and we picked it up during a midnight launch party. In that time we've amassed a fair amount of games (Trauma Center Second Opinion, Trauma Center New Blood, Bully Scholarship Edition, Elebits, Godfather Blackhand Edition, Super Mario Galaxy, Wario Ware, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, Mario Kart Wii, Super Paper Mario, Smash Bros Brawl, Metroid Prime 3, Zack & Wiki, Zelda Twilight Princess, Resident Evil 4 Wii, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, Wii Sports).

That's 17, give or take a few games. And in that time I can honestly say I've only ever felt the Wii's control scheme taken advantage of in a small handful of titles. Zack & Wiki, Resident Evil 4 Wii, the Trauma Centers, and maybe Wario Ware.

Zack & Wiki was one of the best games I've played in ten years, being an old PC adventuregamefag. Despite the fact that both my GF and I own Resident Evil on the GC, we bought it on the Wii and did not regret it. It truly is an entirely new experience with the Wiimote, and it is SORELY disappointing that no other game has done what RE4Wii did, because that gameplay was STELLAR.

The Trauma Centers are fun but hardly interesting on any level other than the surgeries (storylines are stupid, dialogue is crap).

So 3 years into the Wii and we have had scant representation of this "revolutionary" control scheme that is the Wiimote. We were promised the world by Nintendo and other developers, and very few people have even delivered. Nintendo THEMSELVES have yet to deliver any form of revolutionary gameplay that could not be done without the Wiimote.

I am also becoming more and more disinterested in the Wii as time goes on; in fact the only thing I've played on it in the last few weeks are the Strongbad Cool Game for Attractive People episodes (again, PC adventuregamefag here), but I could just as easily get those on the PC and have just as much fun.

What's the deal, Nintendo? When are you going to bring your A game to the table?


Maybe they/we are overestimating the possibilities of the Wii-mote.

When it comes down to it, the technology just doesn't really translate movement well enough. One of the better games that uses motion based puzzles is Metroid Prime 3 but even that game had frustrating moments when the game would not pick up on my input. It takes the momentum out of the experience which is a shame (in any game that is).

The Wii-motion Plus thing or whatever it is called may open some doors leading to awesomeness though.

Another thing is that developers are still in-experienced with this technology, and considering MOST good games take more than a couple of years to make, it's not so strange that no one has really delivered yet.

Controls can break a game much easier on Wii which is a shame.

The best hope lies with Nintendo's better development teams, altough they seem to be MIA lately...


I say that anyone who has doubts in nintendo and the wii and is thinking of selling theirs should at least wait for wii motion plus, and wait for a few games to come that uses it. if that turns our to be a flop, then go ahead and ditch the wii, but if it delivers, you may be glad you kept it.


On occasion, but I haven't been able to play since the summer, maybe it's a lot harder now that it's been out a while.

I was kind of disappointed to learn that the rankings in MK apparently don't go past 9999, but I guess it has to top off somewhere. My guy says that the way ratings are calculated for it are bad in the first place so maybe it doesn't matter what ones ranking is anyway...

Despite the fact that both my GF and I own Resident Evil on the GC, we bought it on the Wii and did not regret it. It truly is an entirely new experience with the Wiimote, and it is SORELY disappointing that no other game has done what RE4Wii did, because that gameplay was STELLAR.

The Trauma Centers are fun but hardly interesting on any level other than the surgeries (storylines are stupid, dialogue is crap).

So 3 years into the Wii and we have had scant representation of this "revolutionary" control scheme that is the Wiimote. We were promised the world by Nintendo and other developers, and very few people have even delivered. Nintendo THEMSELVES have yet to deliver any form of revolutionary gameplay that could not be done without the Wiimote.

I am also becoming more and more disinterested in the Wii as time goes on; in fact the only thing I've played on it in the last few weeks are the Strongbad Cool Game for Attractive People episodes (again, PC adventuregamefag here), but I could just as easily get those on the PC and have just as much fun.

What's the deal, Nintendo? When are you going to bring your A game to the table?

Definetley agree about RE4 and Trauma Center.

As for Nintendo, they're probably not going to do anything until the sales finally start slowing down. That way the sales will just pick up again. If I had to label a single gaming company as the most business conglomerate-y, it'd be Nintendo. Like you, I've become disinterested in the Wii more and more. Because Nintendo doesn't actually judge games that come to their system, it's become a wasteland of garbage d-list games, therefore embarrasing the system further. Whenever me and my friends ever go to a Gamestop now, the first thing we do is make fun of the aweful Wii games sitting there.

Also I'd say Galaxy is an A-game...but that's it >_> Unless you mean A-game is revolutionary control scheme, in which case no. You could give No More Heroes a try if you want. It's a bit of a hit or miss for everyone. I like it. But it's REALLY WEIRD (i.e. Japanese)


IGN's review of Tales of Symphonia 2 was pretty brutal u_u; I've decided to ignore that and ordered the game online anyway.

Of course I don't want to be dissapointed with the Tales people after all the greatness they gave me :D

When searching for said game in online shops, I noticed that there are a lot of Wii titles out there that never even made it to Europe. They're probably not that spectacular, but it's a shame that the already limited shelve-space in actual stores here is filled with other garbage anyway.

People here don't really get that much choice anyway, so it's only natural that certain crap is selling like hotcakes.


Usually I think everything IGN says is a huge lie, but I'm inclined to believe them about Tales of Symphonia. The original game's story made no sense to me either, and it really was just a standard JRPG except for the amazing battle system.

Sigh, now that MK Wii is acting funny, my Wii might as well be a big white paperweight.

Usually I think everything IGN says is a huge lie, but I'm inclined to believe them about Tales of Symphonia. The original game's story made no sense to me either, and it really was just a standard JRPG except for the amazing battle system.

Sigh, now that MK Wii is acting funny, my Wii might as well be a big white paperweight.

Look on the upside, you could probably sell it for the price you paid for it. That's what I did about 2 months ago. Had the system since launch and sold it on craigslist for $250. The only game I thought I was missing was Tales of Symphonia but I guess not.

IGN's review of Tales of Symphonia 2 was pretty brutal u_u; I've decided to ignore that and ordered the game online anyway.

Of course I don't want to be dissapointed with the Tales people after all the greatness they gave me :D

When searching for said game in online shops, I noticed that there are a lot of Wii titles out there that never even made it to Europe. They're probably not that spectacular, but it's a shame that the already limited shelve-space in actual stores here is filled with other garbage anyway.

People here don't really get that much choice anyway, so it's only natural that certain crap is selling like hotcakes.

Seeing as Vesperia is good, my guess is that Namco put their good Tales dev team to work on that one and not Symphonia 2.

Seeing as Vesperia is good, my guess is that Namco put their good Tales dev team to work on that one and not Symphonia 2.

You may be right. That would explain a lot of the game's changes which seem illogical *include picture of Spock here*.

I guess it's just a typical JRPG for many people, but for me this genre is still kinda fresh so I don't see it that way. And I actually can enjoy it for what it is giving me :D

Oh well, to each their own.

Hopefully it won't be that bad though.


i want mad world. that game better be good.

EDIT: it occurs to me that the new animal crossing game doesn't come out for another 3 days. but guess what? i saw it at the walmart where i live today, and totally spaced it. i might have to get it tomorrow.

The Conduit.

Also, Animal Crossing: I haven't played any other ones, but I'm intrigued. I'm assuming it would be a good place to start?

Yeah, it really doesn't matter if you played any other AC games. They're all basically the same.

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