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Anyone else been following Muramasa: The Demon Blade for Wiiware? It looks incredible, as far as animation goes.

Edit: my bad, it's not a WiiWare title.

Anyone else been following Muramasa: The Demon Blade for Wiiware? It looks incredible, as far as animation goes.

Edit: my bad, it's not a WiiWare title.

Yeah, it looks really awesome. There was another game or 2 coming out for Wii that I can't recall the names of now which also 2-d that looked amazing. Very glad stylish 2-d games still have a presence. I kinda wish it were WiiWare though, mainly so I can be lazy and not have to put the disc :P.

Changing topics a bit, after beating Chibi Robo for DS, I'm now really excited to play the New Play Control version of the Gamecube release once it makes its way stateside. There's been a lot of games lately that sound great for Wii, and more coming. Guessing there'll be at least a few exciting anouncements at E3 this year too. Very good year for the Wii.


Muramasa does look pretty nice. I've had my eye on that one ever since I finished Odin Sphere a little while ago. Looking forward to it.

Also, I've been looking at Punch-Out! and I have to say that while I think it looks fun, I'm rather disappointed that Classic Control will probably be the preferred and more precise method of playing.

Now yes, I know some of you will declare to me that the game is more about pattern memorization and responding accordingly and that accurate motion controls wouldn't really help the experience in that regard. Its just my opinion that if the Wii was created with all this fancy gesture based controls to begin with, why couldn't they incorporate that into a major first-party game like this and make it the BEST control scheme.

That being said, my opinions could be proved void next week if the motion controls that are on there actually work really well.

But I doubt it


Too many games right now. Man, I need a job... I was able to trade a few to pick up Klonoa and it's a joy to play, but I don't really have anything I'm willing to part with anymore, so Punch-Out, Muramasa, etc etc are going to be paid off in full dollars. That's expensive.

Anyone here planning on getting Punchout day one? It's on my list, but I'm waiting until it's used, as I'll be getting Bionic Commando this month for the 360, which will take up plenty of my time.

You just took the letters right off my keyboard.


If you're in the New York area, you can buy Punch-Out two days before the official street date.


Saturday, from 1-4 PM, Nintendo will be throwing a special event at the Rockefeller Center Nintendo World store. There will be kiosks to try out the game, as well as a 32-man Punch-Out tournament. Winner gets Little Mac's pink shirt.


And the final roster's been revealed, now that review copies are out. I'll spoiler the unrevealed characters just in case.

Minor Circuit:

- Glass Joe

- Von Kaiser

- Disco Kid

- King Hippo

Major Circuit:

- Piston Hondo

- Bear Hugger

- Great Tiger

- Don Flamenco

World Circuit:

- Aran Ryan

- Soda Popinski

- Bald Bull

- Super Macho Man

Championship Bout:

- Mr. Sandman


For some reason, my Wii runs really hot. Like, I ejected a disc this morning after it had been turned off all night, and the disc was still noticeably warm. It's on a wooden shelf, so it's not like the vents are being blocked by a carpet or anything. Anyone else run into that before?

For some reason, my Wii runs really hot. Like, I ejected a disc this morning after it had been turned off all night, and the disc was still noticeably warm. It's on a wooden shelf, so it's not like the vents are being blocked by a carpet or anything. Anyone else run into that before?

Yes. In fact, I think we discussed in here in this thread like 300 pages ago.

SUMMARY: Most people's runs hot, but not everyone. Nintendo has said that it is normal and is nothing to worry about. Regardless, many of us have turned off the Connect24 option with positive, cooler results.

Nintendo has said that it is normal and is nothing to worry about.

I'm pretty sure extreme heat can't be good for the Wii. I seem to remember several reports of busted GPUs due to the overheating. Won't affect everyone, but better to play it safe and disable WiiConnect24. Unless you're really fond of blue lights, you won't miss out on much.


Apparently Majora's Mask has been added to VC today...gonna be downloading this right when I get home. Also prob gonna be picking up the new Punch-Out!! soon if I can find a good deal.

Considering I haven't even turned mine on in about three months, I don't think have to worry about it overheating.

Irrelevant when it comes to the overheating issue. It's not about turning it on, but about leaving it in standby mode. When the Wii goes to standby mode, it continues to power some components, but completely shuts off the fan. Not turning it on in a while will actually make it worse (assuming you've left WiiConnect24 on), since it'll run hot longer without a chance to cool off.


Boom Blox. De Blob. MadWorld.

Excite Bots is the current "best game nobody is buying." It's like Mario Kart + Raving Rabbids + Excite Truck.

Also, Punch Out is getting really great reviews so far. So is the new Boom Blox 2.

Honorable Mentions: Wii Ware, Rune Factory, Pikmin, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.


Majora's Mask is out on WiiWare? There goes another 10 bucks from my account.

I'm still waiting for Cave Story to be released already. Played it once already, but I want to get the real ending by playing it through on my big screen.

Boom Blox. De Blob. MadWorld.

Excite Bots is the current "best game nobody is buying." It's like Mario Kart + Raving Rabbids + Excite Truck.

Also, Punch Out is getting really great reviews so far. So is the new Boom Blox 2.

Honorable Mentions: Wii Ware, Rune Factory, Pikmin, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

I love you. I thought I was the only one who bought de Blob. House of the Dead Overkill is another fun investment. It's not as hard as the previous games, but it's got a lot more variety concerning game modes and weapons. Klonoa is also a quality game.


You know what? I think it's time to buy a Wii.

Virtual Console is looking good with Majora's Mask finally out, and there are plenty of cool if not interesting Wii releases out now.

If they released games like Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons/Ages, and Wario Land out as DSiWare eventually, I'd also totally grab a DSi. No question.

Boom Blox. De Blob. MadWorld.

Excite Bots is the current "best game nobody is buying." It's like Mario Kart + Raving Rabbids + Excite Truck.

Also, Punch Out is getting really great reviews so far. So is the new Boom Blox 2.

Honorable Mentions: Wii Ware, Rune Factory, Pikmin, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

I'll add Bit.Trip.Beat to the list and I definitely got my $8 out of Crystal Defenders R2 as well. Gradius on the WiiWare is great, but it's just too bad that I suck at Gradius.

  • 2 weeks later...

Quit trying to be cool people. We know Nintendo are popular so they aren't the hip underdog anymore, but Punch Out is the shit. I'd say that it beats the old Punch Out in every way imaginable and that it's the best Nintendo game to come out in a long time. That's saying something because Excite Bots is pretty awesome. Two fat Nintendo releases almost back to back and people have the nerve to ask "Where's the games?" Where's the love? MadWorld? They're not just solid, they're badass games.

I'm becoming annoyed with these "no good games since whatever Mario game" comments. If you haven't paid any attention to the Wii games coming out or the ones coming out just this summer then you need to look around, because they are out there. Heck, WiiWare and Virtual Console alone have more than my wallet can handle. It seems like every new review that comes out someone says "Finally a reason to own a Wii," as if they haven't said it about the past 15 Wii games they've reviewed. Go and out and buy the games then tell me that there's nothing worth playing.

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