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Mine hardly gets hot, even with Wiiconnect 24 on. Maybe its just some people that have that problem, because as far as I know, mine's fine.

Have you touched both sides of your Wii, or just one? One side is a lot hotter than the other.


Boy, this thread is turning into an "Ask Men" article real fast. All this talk about checking and touching our Wiis...:roll:

You have all convinced me that I should turn off the WiiConnect24 thing. It's not like anything really updates that often or anything.


Since my Wii isn't that hot, and I feel bad when I have a red "off" power light, as apposed to my comforting orange "standby" one, I'm keeping my Connect24 enabled. Plus, I like the glowing slot.

Too bad Nintendo hasn't seen fit to grace us with any updates since Everybody Votes Channel.


I prefer to have Connect24 off. But for some reason, when you do, it doesn't let you use the "Everybody Votes Channel". I don't see how that matters--it should just update the polls when you enter the channel.

Have you touched both sides of your Wii, or just one? One side is a lot hotter than the other.

Both sides, and I honestly barely notice its a little warm. A contributing factor could be that I have it in an open area where it can easily breathe.

Boy, this thread is turning into an "Ask Men" article real fast. All this talk about checking and touching our Wiis...:roll:

You have all convinced me that I should turn off the WiiConnect24 thing. It's not like anything really updates that often or anything.

That shouldn't be an issue here. The Wii is supposed to be connected to the internet "24/7", even though when I used the wifi dongle, it was never literally connected 24/7, it would just connect every so often.

Anyway, this console is supposed to use this feature, it shouldn't be an option to have to disable it because it makes your Wii run very hot to the point of damaging it.


Back when the Wii came out, didn't they do power consumption tests, and found that when the Wii is in standby with WiiConnect24 enabled, it used like.. almost 100% of the power it uses when actually being played?

I think maybe Nintendo needs to issue a firmware update that is a little more selective over what components are being used when the system is in standby, since it doesn't need to be running EVERYTHING but the GPU at 100% constantly, just to do periodic checks.


Some kind of firmware update would be nice, considering that it could have the capability to cause some real damage to the components.

I think there was a story somewhere of the WiiConnect24 mode cooking the GPU enough to cause visual artifacts.

At the very least, the firmware should turn off some of the chips that aren't used, and it really ought to run the fan.


I have to honestly ask, did anybody here gripe or complain about Nintendo's E3 conference? I'm mostly asking because I read PLAY magazine's letter from the Editor, and it was kind of a stupid article. I know that Nintendo's E3 conference wasn't that good, but I think this is Nintendo's only option in moving forward. But that's just my thought.


I say, forward/back and turning with the stick, strafing by tilting the nunchuck. That way, all your movement is covered in the nunchuck and you still have free aim with the remote. The "doorknob" thing.. not to great, because you'll get RSI really fast from the constant twisting either way, just to rotate, while strafing is something that's more optional/advanced in most games and is often done by either locking on, or using a trigger to disable turning.

One could also add a "tilt" function, so you can lean the nunchuck forward to make the character lean forward, while using the remote to aim/look around a corner. As well, if tilting the nunchuck to the left and right were strafing, it would give it an added bonus of being able to readily control rolling. Tilt to the side then flick the nunchuck and you'll roll the way it's tilted.

The only real problem, is that in the games I've tried, the nunchuck has a bit too much recoil effect in the accelerometers. If you swing too hard in one direction, it might completely ignore that movement, in favor of being triggered by the recoil and make you go the other way. They need to either fix the sensitivity, or find a way to.. tighten them up, in future models.

The only real problem, is that in the games I've tried, the nunchuck has a bit too much recoil effect in the accelerometers. If you swing too hard in one direction, it might completely ignore that movement, in favor of being triggered by the recoil and make you go the other way. They need to either fix the sensitivity, or find a way to.. tighten them up, in future models.

This is a problem I've had with Sonic and the Secret Rings. When I'm trying to jump from an edge to another edge while grinding, I flick the Wiimote one direction, but the recoil sends Sonic flying the other direction, usually to his death :(

This is a problem I've had with Sonic and the Secret Rings. When I'm trying to jump from an edge to another edge while grinding, I flick the Wiimote one direction, but the recoil sends Sonic flying the other direction, usually to his death :(

That was one of the reasons why I couldn't stand the game.. the other was the pirate ship. I hate trying to do a 3D environment with 80% of the range being completely blind. Particularly when you're trying to go straight up and can't see more than a few "feet" around you.

The other part I hated, was trying to do those damn towers, going back and forth, sliding across the wall then having to actually run and then do it again.. pain in the ass.

But, I think if you use the nunchuck to handle strafing in a FPS, maybe use the Z or C button to actually trigger the dash/roll move in whichever direction the nunchuck is actually leaning, it could work really well.

I have to honestly ask, did anybody here gripe or complain about Nintendo's E3 conference? I'm mostly asking because I read PLAY magazine's letter from the Editor, and it was kind of a stupid article. I know that Nintendo's E3 conference wasn't that good, but ...

I read an interesting article saying that Nintendo didn't have to even show up at E3 to hype the public or show other devs their wares. Nintendo cares little at this point about hyping people up about titles at trade shows because the Wii is selling ... LIKE CRAZY. We all know that. Sony on the other hand, you see they're pulling out all the stops with all their content to try and get more people to buy their system. It's all about publicity, and the article went on to say that Nintendo is strategically waiting to show off their AAA games once other consoles have their "killer apps" move closer to their release dates. So... yeah, E3 wasn't too great for Nintendo, but then again, Nintendo didn't really need it to be good. Sony on the other hand, they NEEDED E3 this year to trying and get more support. They had a pretty damn strong lineup too. Eyecatching graphics, interesting exclusives and timed exclusive announcements.

Nintendo's doesn't have to cater to the crowd to get more sales because most of the crowd already have Wii's of their own. It's good to have Nintendo stock. No lie.

Anyway, yeah, E3 wasn't cool for us gamers over at Nintendo's booth... it was mediocre, but then again, Nintendo will have a ton of secrets and AAA games to show off to battle hype during strategic times.



*scampers off to the Smash Bros thread*


Am I the only one excited about Soul Calibur Legends? It was mentioned about 10 pages ago and no one really said anything about it. Sure its not a true Soul Calibur, but its got all my favorite characters and the controls seem really awesome. I read an article somewhere that the playable demo had really tight controls and only minor camera issues that could be easily addressed.

Am I the only one excited about Soul Calibur Legends? It was mentioned about 10 pages ago and no one really said anything about it. Sure its not a true Soul Calibur, but its got all my favorite characters and the controls seem really awesome. I read an article somewhere that the playable demo had really tight controls and only minor camera issues that could be easily addressed.

I am really excited about Soul Calibur Legends. A action game with Soul Calibur animation just sounds awsome to me. Also I hear the controls are very immersive. You can't get stuff done by just making small flicks of the controller, you actually have to get the movement right with the correct timing which is similar to a fighting game. All in all it looks awsome but I think I'm still going to rent it first before I buy it.


Finally able to watch the Nintendo E3 conference.

So far, I think they're doing really well. Opening up by showing the cultural phenomenon the systems have become, then showing the figures and breakdowns, and following it up by announcing that there's going to be 100 more games between now and the holidays.

And at this point, there's about 8 games on that list that I actually want. Which isn't too bad.

Also, the zapper doesn't look too horrible. You just need proper distance to make good use of it.. but the design is garbage, for how you hold it.

But, hey.. 20 bucks for the zapper, WITH a game(which they didn't actually announce what it is, so I'm guessing it's Duck Hunt revolution or something).

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