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We have a thread for just about every console, wheres the PC love? This thread is for discussing new or pending releases for the PC or about whichever games you own/enjoy/play online or to find a gaming bud for those games.

Although I play a lot already, I'm getting an actual graphics card (omg) in place of my awesome integrated graphics for christmas which means i can actually play some cool lookin' games now :D. I've had UT2k4, COD2, Guild Wars and a bunch of others just sitting around going unplayed. For shame.

I was wondering if anyone plays any of the Battlefield series, because I've heard good things, but I've never played it myself, and I'm considering investing.


PC gaming is the best, man. I only have 2 consoles and I never play those :P

I made a thread a few days ago and it got no replies, but I'm looking for a new mech game. The Starsiege 2845 Alpha Tech Release is out, and it's very nostalgic for me but it's just a tech demo so :[

Anything with a lot of depth and customization, like the Earthsiege or Mechwarrior games? I already have MW4: Mercenaries and there's not really a lot to it.

I also heard about a Japanese mech game for the PC, or at least manga-styled. What was the name of that? I heard it was decent but didn't sell very well, or something like that.


Sigh.. I miss my Homeworld Cataclysm.

I was installing it, and there was some sort of screw up. I had to reinstall. The install went fine. But once I tried to play the game, it wouldn't load at all.

Uninstalled. Reinstalled. Didn't work. Repeat.

I eventually had to go into the registry and manually remove everything from the game, but even that hasn't solved the problem.

Here I have this nice shiny new computer with all this processor and video card power.. and I can't even get Homeworld Cataclysm to work anymore. And I love that game. I happily spent days on end playing it. And I just found out about all the cool mods and map packs that are out there.


I made a thread a few days ago and it got no replies, but I'm looking for a new mech game.

Don't know of any deep mech games that aren't in the Mechwarrior series, but if you want to try a mech-lite game just for some quick fun, try to get in on the closed beta for Exteel

The action is fast-paced and they seem to have tried to model the game after the humanoid mecha found in anime such as Gundam Wing rather than the mobile weapons platforms of the Battletech universe. Still, might be worth looking into to kill some time while you're looking for your next 'serious' mech game.

I'm not that great at shooters in general and this is the 1st time I try one with a mouse and KB setup, but I'm having fun. There's plenty of customization to be done, though your options will be somewhat limited until you increase in rank. You also level up as a pilot and get attribute points that you can put to marksmanship, speed, scan range, etc. Additionally, the more you use a specific weapon class, say ranged weaps, the more proficient you will become with it which in turn grants bonuses to heat reduction, damage, RoF, etc.

My IGN is Ardney. Maybe I'll see some of you guys on soon. :)


A lot of my older PC games [some great ones too] don't work on my new computer. Age of Empires II, Mechwarrior 3, Descent II, etc.

You could try turning Hyperthreading off. I remember that fixed the sound issues I had with Curse of Monkey Island [fucking awesome game FYI], and then I turned HT back on after I was done with the game.

Actually, I should try that with MW3 and AoE2 and see if that helps anything. Those two games just have illegal operations on startup, which is a bummer. It's probably DirectX's fault.


Civ4 is my game of choice. Mostly because I don't have room to install anything else.

Are there any good TRPGs out there for PC? Actually, forget good, just any TRPGs for PC at all? I want something I can play offline in small doses. I'm all emulatored out for now, after playing various Sonic games for the last 3 weeks.

A lot of my older PC games [some great ones too] don't work on my new computer. Age of Empires II, Mechwarrior 3, Descent II, etc.

You could try turning Hyperthreading off. I remember that fixed the sound issues I had with Curse of Monkey Island [fucking awesome game FYI], and then I turned HT back on after I was done with the game.

Actually, I should try that with MW3 and AoE2 and see if that helps anything. Those two games just have illegal operations on startup, which is a bummer. It's probably DirectX's fault.

If this is a response to my issue, it's not any of those. I was running the game fine on the current system, but I had to reinstall it. That's when everything went to hell.

And don't mention Descent 2... I miss that so much.

Civ4 is my game of choice. Mostly because I don't have room to install anything else.

Are there any good TRPGs out there for PC? Actually, forget good, just any TRPGs for PC at all? I want something I can play offline in small doses. I'm all emulatored out for now, after playing various Sonic games for the last 3 weeks.

Fallout 2

Descent II

There are programs out there like D2X-XL that run D1 and D2 beautifully on newer machines. There's a small community for hi-res textures, etc, as well. Unfortunately they seem to be dying as of late. :?

(The download itself is on Sourceforge, as their usual hosting has gone all non-existent.)

Sigh.. I miss my Homeworld Cataclysm.

I was installing it, and there was some sort of screw up. I had to reinstall. The install went fine. But once I tried to play the game, it wouldn't load at all.

Uninstalled. Reinstalled. Didn't work. Repeat.

I eventually had to go into the registry and manually remove everything from the game, but even that hasn't solved the problem.

Here I have this nice shiny new computer with all this processor and video card power.. and I can't even get Homeworld Cataclysm to work anymore. And I love that game. I happily spent days on end playing it. And I just found out about all the cool mods and map packs that are out there.

Have you tried running CCleaner? A few times I've had similar things happen and that tends to fix it up for me. And best of all, it's all sorts of nice and free. :)


I made a thread a few days ago and it got no replies, but I'm looking for a new mech game.

Don't know of any deep mech games that aren't in the Mechwarrior series, but if you want to try a mech-lite game just for some quick fun, try to get in on the closed beta for Exteel

The action is fast-paced and they seem to have tried to model the game after the humanoid mecha found in anime such as Gundam Wing rather than the mobile weapons platforms of the Battletech universe. Still, might be worth looking into to kill some time while you're looking for your next 'serious' mech game.

I'm not that great at shooters in general and this is the 1st time I try one with a mouse and KB setup, but I'm having fun. There's plenty of customization to be done, though your options will be somewhat limited until you increase in rank. You also level up as a pilot and get attribute points that you can put to marksmanship, speed, scan range, etc. Additionally, the more you use a specific weapon class, say ranged weaps, the more proficient you will become with it which in turn grants bonuses to heat reduction, damage, RoF, etc.

My IGN is Ardney. Maybe I'll see some of you guys on soon. :)

Hey, I'll look you up. I got into the beta a few days ago, at Sergeant now... kinda low on credits, but whatever. Pretty fun, if simple. I was expecting more MMORPG-ishness, but this is better, I think. Name's Syncopation in-game, BTW.

Sigh.. I miss my Homeworld Cataclysm.

I was installing it, and there was some sort of screw up. I had to reinstall. The install went fine. But once I tried to play the game, it wouldn't load at all.

Uninstalled. Reinstalled. Didn't work. Repeat.

I eventually had to go into the registry and manually remove everything from the game, but even that hasn't solved the problem.

Here I have this nice shiny new computer with all this processor and video card power.. and I can't even get Homeworld Cataclysm to work anymore. And I love that game. I happily spent days on end playing it. And I just found out about all the cool mods and map packs that are out there.

Have you tried running CCleaner? A few times I've had similar things happen and that tends to fix it up for me. And best of all, it's all sorts of nice and free. :)

Yeah, I tried it. It found about 430 megs of stuff that it cleaned up, and went through the registry, but the problem still exists.

It's actually been several months since I last tried to get it working, so my description was a little off. What happens is I can start it, and it will go through both of the Sierra and Barking Dog Studios clips, but the instant it is about to go into the main menu, that's when it crashes. I get the usual "an error has occurred with (insert program name). Would you like to submit an error report?" box.

It must be something really minor, hidden away somewhere. Because nothing else has been affected at all.

I guess I'll just have to buy or put together an older computer and use that strictly for older games... It's not like I couldn't, you know. There's only a few dozen old systems between my friends and family. I'm sure if I wanted to, I could pull it off.

Cool. Glad to see I'm not the only one who made it in. Forgot to mention it in my 1st post but I'm using the West(coast) servers.

Hah, me too. Never even tried to log into the East server. What rank are you/what weapon type are you using the most? Also, what do you use for close-quarters? It's usually a toss-up for the winner of those for me... I don't like the melee weapons, but I'm at a disadvantage with my SMG/shotgun combo.


i had the same issues with Cataclysm, and overcoat's right about the hyperthreading--in other news, there have been similar reports of multicore processors having issues too. my buddy just upgraded to a multicore proc, and now he can't play F.E.A.R.

though you may want to try running the cataclysm exe file in compatability mode(rightclick of the .exe), and try that with HT turned off as well. i recall having some luck with it and ground control, both sierra games that had the same issue. it was in their messageboards for awhile, and there MAY be a patch that addresses it. perhaps the version you uninstalled had been patched, and the fresh install wasn't?

just some thoughts/ideas. i love cataclysm. i wish you luck.


No, that's doesn't seem to be the problem. I was running it perfectly fine for weeks, and then I had to reinstall it. That was when the game started to crash upon booting. And I don't have hyper threading, as that is an Intel P4 thing. I have a Athalon 64-bit system, duo-core. I only got it back in July.

But like I said, I could play it with no problem at all for a long time. It was a sudden development, and I can not figure out what it is.

But I will still check things out... maybe there is a new patch or someone else had the same problem.


I feel your pain.

I used to play Duke Nukem 3-D and Marathon on my old Mac, but then I had to send the Mac to my brother, and UPS managed to break the monitor. And even a Mac emulator won't play the games, so I have no choice but to find either an adapter for a regular monitor or a Macintosh Monitor so that I can play those games again. :cry:

Its gotten to the point now where I can't even play Warcraft 2 on my current PC. I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I can't slow the scrolling down. Just a brush of the mouse sends the cursor all the way to the other side of the map, making it impossible to manage anything in game.

I tried looking for patches\going to forums, and I did find what was supposed to be a fix, but it didn't work. Any help from you guys about this would be greatly appreciated.

Cool. Glad to see I'm not the only one who made it in. Forgot to mention it in my 1st post but I'm using the West(coast) servers.

Hah, me too. Never even tried to log into the East server. What rank are you/what weapon type are you using the most? Also, what do you use for close-quarters? It's usually a toss-up for the winner of those for me... I don't like the melee weapons, but I'm at a disadvantage with my SMG/shotgun combo.

Well, I'm a seargent and I have 2 mechs that i cycle between. The heaveier one is set up with dual, corporal grade rifles as primary and dual corporal grade SMGs as secondary. The lighter mech is fitted with dual private class SMGs and dual Trainee class SMGs as secondary.

Truth be told, I've been tweaking my setups almost constantly. I really like using the rifles but with my current gear and skills, close combat is almost unavoidable. However, I opted for SMGs over melee weapons because the ones I have access to at the moment seem too weak to be effective (or maybe I just suck with them :lol: ). I'll attempt to get a good melee setup once I get higher in rank. However, I have seen some players who are quite good with a mixed Melee/Rifle setup. Might give that a go.

It seems to me they have it setup to discourage the use of melee weapons in favor of ranged ones early on. I'm hoping they choose to reward the players that stick with it by making the later melee weaps ridiculously strong. My brother is determined to be primarily melee and has become fairly good at getting kills with his swords. Nevertheless, I constantly hear him growling at the ranged users so it's gonna be a long road.

Bit off-topic but since this is really the first time I've spent a great amount of time with a shooter on any platform I have to ask...are the majority of players as whiney as what I've encountered? 8O They complain you're not covering them so you shadow them and back em up. Then they complain you're "kill stealing" so you try giving em some space. Then they complain they don't have any backup again. They complain about your number of kills, your positioning, your choice of weapons, etc etc, blah blah, on and on and on. Whether you're winning or losing they never shut up. Is this typical for the genre?

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