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OK, I checked and I found a thread like this. However, trenthian's system checks and balances division has to chime in and ask you, what does the list of Giving look like this year?

What did you GIVE to, Friends, Family, people and society this year? Jesus wants to know.

A bottle of cologne and a bar of chocolate to me. Chocolate helps me forget I hate the holidays.

A DS to my little bro, with starfox and new mario

A new robe for my grandpa. Oh and hugs!

I got my sister the Sims 2 pets edition for her Gamecube.

Suikoden 2 for my best friend Alex... but he doesnt know about it yet cause he couldnt come home for xmas.

Countless PC titles published by Vivendi Games, to many assorted friends.

An Nvidia 6800 + AGP mobo and intel P4 to my MAC using friend. (got the parts for real cheap through one of my work place's distributors, so I didnt go crazy or anything.) Maybe he will actually windows now.

I gave part of my wardrobe to goodwill,

I delievered a handful of things shipped to my workplace late, to the people who ordered them for their familys on xmas, JUST in time to wrap them.


DVD player for Dad

Pink album for Mum

Family Guy Season 5 for my brother

Super Monkey Ball Deluxe for my two cousins

Other bits and bobs

I contemplated making a topic called 'U + Ur Haul' after said album was playing through the house, but I decided against it.


Cds this year...

Billy Bragg for dad

Jamiroquai for my sister

Moby for mum (she didn't seem to like it. Apparently doesn't like his old stuff much, only his new stuff)

Armin van Buuren and Blutonium Boy for a friend (birthday/christmas are only a few days apart)

Other than helping my father buy my brother some games for Christmas by using my employee discount at CompUSA, I gave hugs for Christmas.

Bah humbug!


bah humbug?

Hug make people feel good about themselves. and you dont have to put yourself in the poor house to give them out at will. I say good show. Lead by example.


Electric space heater for my brother

Hazelnut-scented candle for my sister

Leather coat for my half-brother

New shower head for my mom

Virtua Fighter 4 and two spiffy PS2 controllers for my nephew

Same pair of controllers for a friend (they were on sale!)

Tyrant Guard for another friend

House stuff for another friend who just moved into a new apartment

...and thats about it.


God thread idea.

For my Dad: a quarter-zip fleece, a "survival-kit-in-a-bottle" thingy, a glove and hat set, a few other things I can't recall, plus my brothers and I put together a stocking for him as well with candy and a few other misc items.

Sean (little bro 1): a heavy-weight hoodie, a cool double action twisty ratchet tool...dammit, I can't remember anything tonight...another thing or two.

Kenny (little bro 2): new ear phones, Dickies work pants..and once again I can't recall. I think the wine is interfering with me memory tonight.

I also made many a cookie and made cookie bags for the neighbors. Even the ones next door who, I am pretty sure, have stolen stuff from our shed on at least one occasion). Cookies included: mocha biscotti, coffee-anise biscochitos, a couple kinds of chocolate chips cookies (including my signature recipe...yum), lebkuchen, and almond spritz cookies.


let's see. i woot'ed this christmas

mom: landline phone system (4 handsets)

dad: portable dvd player

bro #1: bedding

bro #2: little miss sunshine (great movie btw) and a guitar holder

sis: harry potter and order of the pheonix theatrical poster.


For my dad, a Frank Sinatra collection of DVDs

For my mom, seasons 1 and 2 of Monk

For my sister, the Wicked Grimmorie (a behind-the-scenes look at Wicked the musical, or something)

For my brother, Final Fantasies 8 and 9

Also, various other smaller presents for my friends. I bought Guitar Hero 2 for myself, but I counted it as my present for my roommates, since they wanted to play it more than I did. (Not that I don't like it too, of course.)


My mom: a $300 Bananna Republic coat with a $200 Bananna Republic gift certificate. Plus Trekkies 1 and 2.

My dad: A flight stick, Flight Sim 2004 and Silent Hunter III

My little Sister: Elite Beat Agents. Animal Crossing. A book on Calligraphy, a calligraphy pen. A book on making celtic knots. A book on drawing faces. Two blank, unlined books (think very detailed and archaic like a Myst linking book).

Midway's User Interfaces have been good to me, so I have returned the favor in kind.


A new digital camera with a case and 1 gb memory card for my mom.

A swarovski crystal bear and black sheep for my mom as well since she collects those things.

A bottle of Trappiste Rochefort 10 for a friend.

Some dog treats for my dog.

And that's it... well I got a few small things for some other friends but otherwise that's all since I'm officially broke now.

It's like this every year, after the holidays I'm so broke that if you try to rob me you'll get an IOU.


I gave my girlfriend a drawing (framed) of a vampire feasting on a woman, a necklace, and two Billy Idol cds.

My brother got Forrest Gump.

One friend got a Poison greatest hits CD as a joke.

Another friend got an Emperor shirt.

My parents will be getting a painting I'm doing for them, I showed them a work in progess and they liked it very much thus far.


For my mom: a very, very nice Seiko wristwatch.

For my dad: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007

For my uncle: a fancy new floor lamp for his living room.

For my aunt: a digital photo frame (displays pictures/slideshows from a digital camera)

For my grandma: a Samsung 19" widescreen LCD monitor

For my cousin: a Sirius satellite radio system, docking station, and 2 months subscription

For my brother: 6 months worth of WoW game cards

I got: a shirt and a toy harmonica.


For poor kids that don't get much the rest of the year: Lego. Boxes and boxes of Lego. And some Barbie dolls, because girls typically get toys meant for boys, and getting a crappy toy you have no interest in is almost as bad as getting nothing.

And I did it last year, and the year before. Except that one year, where I bought GBA SPs and one game for each of them, so that the kids who got them would have something to play. That was a good year. I think I'll do that again next christmas. But with DS Lites, maybe.


Wow, that's quite the chunk of change you're giving.

I'd suggest going with GBA Micros. They're $40 at Wal-mart, smaller and brighter than SPs, and the only thing they lose (besides a little bit of screen size) is the ability to play GBC games and *gasp* connect to a GCN!

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