KyleJCrb Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 [quote name=''[\()/];253055']Hurrr internet I swear' date=' people these days take the internet waaay too seriously. God forbid someone hurt somebody's feelings.[/quote'] Don't you know? The internet is serious business.
CH Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Don't you know? The internet is serious business. True dat. Its just aggravating to see so much pussy bitch drama drive good people away from the site.
Thin Crust Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I'm happy Unmod is gone. I mostly stayed around ppr anyway. The site seems 'cleaner' now, and that's a good thing. With the exception of a few, the trolls and flamers have gone. In particular, Ghost Princess. Anyone remember? His/her(you can never tell with screen names) post count dropped like 8,000 and then got banned. Good riddance to Unmod.
atmuh Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 I'm happy Unmod is gone. I mostly stayed around ppr anyway. The site seems 'cleaner' now, and that's a good thing. With the exception of a few, the trolls and flamers have gone. In particular, Ghost Princess. Anyone remember? His/her(you can never tell with screen names) post count dropped like 8,000 and then got banned. Good riddance to Unmod. shut the crap up and get the heck out
Thin Crust Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 shut the crap up and get the heck out Seriously Atmuh, stop flaming everything I say. You're just making yourself look bad. Edit: By the way, do you have some connection with Ghost Princess? If you do, tell him/her/it/they that I said hi and that OCR is better without him(most likely a him).
BlueMage Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 Seriously Atmuh, stop flaming everything I say. You're just making yourself look bad. No he's not - you seem to have a tendency - perhaps it's genuine naivette on your part - to assume you know exactly what's happening. Edit: By the way, do you have some connection with Ghost Princess? If you do, tell him/her/it/they that I said hi and that OCR is better without him(most likely a him). Ghost Princess was Jimmy - an intelligent enough (despite all typings to the contrary) individual who followed one rule on internet - For The Lulz.
Bahamut Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 Ghost Princess was Jimmy - an intelligent enough (despite all typings to the contrary) individual who followed one rule on internet - For The Lulz. There's being capable of intelligence, and there's acting like a child - just because you're capable of intelligence doesn't necessarily exclude you from having the maturity of a 14 year old. What he did after his banning was a perfect example of that.
CH Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 Seriously Atmuh, stop flaming everything I say. You're just making yourself look bad.Edit: By the way, do you have some connection with Ghost Princess? If you do, tell him/her/it/they that I said hi and that OCR is better without him(most likely a him). The fact that you did not know that Ghost Princess was Jimmy immediately relegates your opinion on wether or not OCR was better/worse with him to the trash. Jimmy did everything for the lulz. He still trolls away at remod, and he is still funny.
atmuh Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 seriously I would go into unmod to laugh mainly, regardless of who brought the humor or how they did and you know what it worked if you didnt like it than it was just as easy to not go in!
BlueMage Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 There's being capable of intelligence, and there's acting like a child - just because you're capable of intelligence doesn't necessarily exclude you from having the maturity of a 14 year old. What he did after his banning was a perfect example of that. Hey, never once did I say otherwise. I personally found him to be a tosser of the highest order.
Bummer Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 UnMod was a fun place as long as you knew what you would expect. Some new persons didn't find what they was loking for, while others were scared or even forced away due to their know-it-all attidtude or small experience with the Internet in general. But come on, compared to how many who left, there was more who stayed. I've seen plenty of new faces taking their place in UnMod, and I've only been here a relatively short time. By the way, do you have some connection with Ghost Princess? If you do, tell him/her/it/they that I said hi and that OCR is better without him(most likely a him). Ok.
Dhsu Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 It's acting like an idiot that's a bannable offense, and really, if you act retarded, you deserve what comes to you. Then why is Thin Crust still here?
Bahamut Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 Then why is Thin Crust still here? From what I've seen, he came here naive, and then unmodders did a number on it's not surprising that he hates what unmod was.
EpicPoster Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 jimmy is a pretty rad guy this place is worse off without him ps thin crust nd so begins my long hard journey to build myself a good reputation. I have made many unwarrented posts here in this thread, sorry. To start off, back to the dinosaurs. What killed them? To many people, a meteor is the most logical explaination. Let me tell you what would happen if a meteor hit with the supported porportions of 5 miles. First, the impact will create two shockwaves. The first will go forward into and through the crustt of the earth. It will compress the rock beneath it, with will release all the carbon dioxide trappped there. There will be a huge fireball from the exploding gases and from the vaporized comet itself. Everything within a hundred mises will be incinerated. there will be a hbe grater, maybe 10-20 miles deep. The second shock wave will go back out into space bringing huge quantities of earth with it. When these parts come back through the atmosphere and ignite as they pass through it, it will literally rain fire. everything on the planet will be burned alive. every plant, every animal, everything living thing will not survive. Furthermore, if for some reason that did not kill everything, the impact will leave a cloud of dust that will cover the earth, blackening out the sun and putting the earth in a state of constant cold for months. Now, if that's true, how can we still be living today? Almost all of you have said that evolution is only a very small change and the only thing that could survive is bacteria. Bacteria evolution can never excede very small changes and certainly not evolve into all the creatures that we have today. That's why the great flood is the most logical explaination. If dinosaurs existed for millions of years and had all that time to evolve into the perfect survivers that we claim to be, then something must have killed them off. And since I have already disproved the meteor theroy, the flood must have done it because Noah had preserved the animals to survive into the future. this is jimmys official response to you fyi
atmuh Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 From what I've seen, he came here naive, and then unmodders did a number on it's not surprising that he hates what unmod was. yeah but you called him an idiot on irc once ban plz :] also jimmy once again proves he is a good dude!
Thin Crust Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 nd so begins my long hard journey to build myself a good reputation. I have made many unwarrented posts here in this thread, sorry. To start off, back to the dinosaurs. What killed them? To many people, a meteor is the most logical explaination. Let me tell you what would happen if a meteor hit with the supported porportions of 5 miles. First, the impact will create two shockwaves. The first will go forward into and through the crustt of the earth. It will compress the rock beneath it, with will release all the carbon dioxide trappped there. There will be a huge fireball from the exploding gases and from the vaporized comet itself. Everything within a hundred mises will be incinerated. there will be a hbe grater, maybe 10-20 miles deep. The second shock wave will go back out into space bringing huge quantities of earth with it. When these parts come back through the atmosphere and ignite as they pass through it, it will literally rain fire. everything on the planet will be burned alive. every plant, every animal, everything living thing will not survive. Furthermore, if for some reason that did not kill everything, the impact will leave a cloud of dust that will cover the earth, blackening out the sun and putting the earth in a state of constant cold for months. Now, if that's true, how can we still be living today? Almost all of you have said that evolution is only a very small change and the only thing that could survive is bacteria. Bacteria evolution can never excede very small changes and certainly not evolve into all the creatures that we have today. That's why the great flood is the most logical explaination. If dinosaurs existed for millions of years and had all that time to evolve into the perfect survivers that we claim to be, then something must have killed them off. And since I have already disproved the meteor theroy, the flood must have done it because Noah had preserved the animals to survive into the future. I smell plagiarism. I actually don’t know what you are trying to do by quoting my words as jimmy’s. And to set the record straight, I don't go around and insult people for the fun of it. That is the behavior that will get you banned. Also, did anyone else notice how jimmy just posted 5 posts in a row with one sentence to each of them? That seems like a really crappy way to increase your post count. He should have just done it the correct way. I have no love for idiots, flamers, or trolls explicitly, but if someone only does it one or two times a month, than I'll dismiss it. And I will say it again Atmuh, no one really likes it when you just troll/flame others just because you don’t like the guy. I don’t like Atomic Dog, but do you see me insulting him? No, I go against him and call him out on what he does wrong. What I don’t like about you Atmuh, is that you persistently disregard everything I say(probably not even reading what I say) and just throw out an insult. Example: I made the thread asking why girls must own so many shoes. Immediately, you responded with: because youre an idiot You don’t even take the time to make it grammatically correct. You just make some really crappy insult that makes people disregard whatever you say. If you don’t like something that I say, then explain why. Don’t just go around, trying to make others look worse than you.
Bahamut Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 yeah but you called him an idiot on irc onceban plz :] also jimmy once again proves he is a good dude! Doing one good thing doesn't excuse another - if you want a perfect example, think of fraternities in college. All of them do philanthropic work (i.e. the THON event @ PSU raising over $1 million), but many also do inexcusable things as well (i.e. killing pledges intentionally/unintentionally). It's about what you do in entirety, not about one face of it.
CH Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 And to set the record straight, I don't go around and insult people for the fun of it. That is the behavior that will get you banned. rofl Also, did anyone else notice how jimmy just posted 5 posts in a row with one sentence to each of them? That seems like a really crappy way to increase your post count. duh He should have just done it the correct way. Like you know what that is. I have no love for idiots, flamers, or trolls explicitly, but if someone only does it one or two times a month, than I'll dismiss it. We appreciate that my liege. And I will say it again Atmuh, no one really likes it when you just troll/flame others just because you don’t like the guy. Woo boy thanks for having a vulcan mind meld with everyone on these forums. If I ever need to tell what my girlfriend is thinking I will call you. You don’t even take the time to make it grammatically correct. rofl You just make some really crappy insult that makes people disregard whatever you say. rofl
zircon Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 Thin Crust/Atmuh/stupid handle guy - stop. Take it to PM or somewhere else.
Thin Crust Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 Edit: deleted by request. It pretty much says: "Don't flame just to flame."
CH Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 Stop assuming what every one else fucking thinks. I will say nothing more, per zircon's request.
Arek the Absolute Posted April 2, 2007 Posted April 2, 2007 From what I've seen, he came here naive, and then unmodders did a number on it's not surprising that he hates what unmod was. The fake suicidal alt account he used to generate a conversation piece in ppr isn't an offense? Smoke told me it was. yeah but you called him an idiot on irc onceban plz :] also jimmy once again proves he is a good dude! Good only because I defended his ass. And look what good that brought /sarcasm
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