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I want to see Shaun of the Dead. We actually own it, I just need to get around to watching it.

I much like the Spoof Movie genre. Spaceballs is pure awesome, but I also enjoy a lot of more, uh, budget films. Like the ones from XStrike Studios - I saw "Silent Horror" at Magfest and it was pretty funny.

Pretty much the worst movies of this decade.

Agreed. The same goes with Date Movie, Epic Movie, etc. Listen to RealFolkBlues, everybody; Mel Brooks rules all.

Robin Hood: Men in Tights


That movie is quite possibly the best movie ever - right above Spaceballs. Mel Brooks is awesome.

Oh oh! Also, History of the World Part 1! I loved that movie.


Does Scream count as a spoof movie. Cause that movie is funny as hell.

Also, I liked the first Scary Movie, but as most sequels do, the kind of regressed... Then again, I was also about 13 when the first scary movie came out, so my opinion might be changed if I watched it again.


Just like to say I'm very pleased that we are in agreement on those* movies (you are not supposed to spoof comedies!)

It gives me a spark of hope for mankind. A cold, pathetic spark, but a spark nonetheless.

*Scary Movie, Date Movie, etc- this is on a new page now so I figured I should clarify what I meant.


There are a lot of grey area movies like Tremors- it seems more like camp than a direct spoof, though. Spoof, to me, implies obvious source material. There's no mistaking what Spaceballs or Austin Powers are derived from. Tremors, while campy at times, seems to be something else. A very enjoyable something else, though. ;)

There are a lot of grey area movies like Tremors- it seems more like camp than a direct spoof, though. Spoof, to me, implies obvious source material. There's no mistaking what Spaceballs or Austin Powers are derived from. Tremors, while campy at times, seems to be something else. A very enjoyable something else, though. ;)

I suppose Tremors fits in with movies like Army of Darkness etc.

I thought Date movie was amusing.


Surely, you can't be serious...

That movie had about three parts that were worth watching, not the entire movie, but the sences themselves. The pimp my ride, hitch spoofs, and the dancing in the opening scene was pretty humorous.

My favorites have to be AIRPLANE! and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I'm not so sure if the holy grail is a spoof, or just a mockery of everything from history, but that is easily the most fantastic movie to ever grace the planet.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here: White Chicks. Not really anything specifically spoofing, just those sisters (can't think of their names). If not, it should count just for that big black guy singing thousand miles XDDDD

EDIT: typo


Scary Movie 3 was probably the best one. Anyone looking forward to Epic Movie? It'll never really reach the prestige of movies like Airplane!, but it could be kinda funny.


I will confess in one of the "___ Movie" movies (I was going to say "film" to make the sentence flow better, but I just can't bring myself to call it that), I think it was Date Movie- the trailer had a bit where a father was saying that if the kid hurt his daughter-

"You'll take me down to Chinatown?"

"No, I'll bust you in the head with a pipe."

That was funny. But I don't know if a few good moments justify 90 minutes and 10 dollars. I think they've milked it for far more than it was worth already.


If they would just stop dumbing down those movies to get their oh-so-sought PG-13 rating they'd at least keep the raunchy sex jokes that would remove the feel of utter limp-wristedness the series has been suffering.

I mean, for god sakes, Date Movie got a PG rating here.

That said, Scary Movie is still a little funny at least and, yes, Airplane and Spy Hard are absolutely awesome.

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