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The real consequences of blurring video games and real life..

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My brothers knows about plenty of memes by looking over my shoulder and peeking in my image folder. O RLY, nice work and "in my pants" are used in some of our conservations.

Haha, I totally remember that. I did that when in junior high in my pants. It was pretty fun for a while in my pants. My friends caught on and joined in as well in my pants. Ahh, memories in my pants.


Yikes, I just remembered this thing:

A few years ago I got sick with a pretty bad stomache flu combined with some other nasty illness.

It is my personal tradition to stay at my grandparents' place when I'm sick, because grandparents are uber cute and spoil you loads while you recover.

However, there wasn't much to do, so I just played card games on the PC. (You know, like Solitaire, that sort of thing)


I played them for a few hours and when I went to bed that night, I saw cards flying in front of my eyes constantly. Like they do when you win and they just sort of..bounce and multiply untill they fill up the entire screen.

Now here's the kick: these cards would keep flashing before my eyes and they'd form random pairs or sets. And with certain sets, certain muscles in my body would start to hurt extremely much!

When red cards would appear, I'd get like pain in my arms or legs. And other combinations would feel like my stomache was being ripped out.

Guess what happened when all the cards started bouncing like when you win?



Pretty nasty that was, as I'm sure you can't imagine...>_<

Falling asleep was hell after that, it would just continue in my dreams.

So listen kids, don't go playing card games on your PC when you're sick...or you could end up even worse...or dead like me >_>

Yikes, I just remembered this thing:

A few years ago I got sick with a pretty bad stomache flu combined with some other nasty illness.

It is my personal tradition to stay at my grandparents' place when I'm sick, because grandparents are uber cute and spoil you loads while you recover.

However, there wasn't much to do, so I just played card games on the PC. (You know, like Solitaire, that sort of thing)


I played them for a few hours and when I went to bed that night, I saw cards flying in front of my eyes constantly. Like they do when you win and they just sort of..bounce and multiply untill they fill up the entire screen.

Now here's the kick: these cards would keep flashing before my eyes and they'd form random pairs or sets. And with certain sets, certain muscles in my body would start to hurt extremely much!

When red cards would appear, I'd get like pain in my arms or legs. And other combinations would feel like my stomache was being ripped out.

Guess what happened when all the cards started bouncing like when you win?



Pretty nasty that was, as I'm sure you can't imagine...>_<

Falling asleep was hell after that, it would just continue in my dreams.

So listen kids, don't go playing card games on your PC when you're sick...or you could end up even worse...or dead like me >_>

I remember when I was sick a few years back, in high school, I'd have an out-of-body experience where I was fighting random battles in Golden Sun with my friends, specifically the friends I named my Golden Sun characters after.

I won those battles, but what if I hadn't? Dun dun dun.

Also, it reminds me of the only episode of Captain N I can remember - where the main character gets sick, and a smaller version of him in his immune system tried to destroy a virus with his Zapper, or something.


Whenever I play Tetris DS Wifi I have to take a 10 minute break after playing.If I close my eyes I immediately start dropping pieces and stacking them up.

I almost got into a car accident once. >_<

Whenever I play Tetris DS Wifi I have to take a 10 minute break after playing.If I close my eyes I immediately start dropping pieces and stacking them up.

I almost got into a car accident once. >_<

A few days ago, I started playing the original Tetris for my Game Boy again. I'm playing WAY too much to be healthy, and now when I'm studying, like every 2 minutes I lose my focus, and start stacking blocks of Tetris :S (and my eyes aren't even closed)


Yeah, after I started playing DDR a lot, I would see arrows when I'd close my eyes. And then I'd dream about step patterns that I couldn't do at the time, and I'd wake up frustrated haha


I remember when I was sick a few years back, in high school, I'd have an out-of-body experience where I was fighting random battles in Golden Sun with my friends, specifically the friends I named my Golden Sun characters after.

I won those battles, but what if I hadn't? Dun dun dun.

Also, it reminds me of the only episode of Captain N I can remember - where the main character gets sick, and a smaller version of him in his immune system tried to destroy a virus with his Zapper, or something.

What if you hadn't won? Well, just hope you 'saved' before hand ;)

This Captain N you speak of is too classic for my Dutchness, but I guess that's a fair comparison n_n


I'm ahamed to admit this, but when I was little (about 7 or 8) I tried to stomp on a turtle and make him come shooting out of his shell. I also kicked another turtle at a wall to see how far he would bounce back, but he didn't bounce very far.

There were no turtles hurt in this little adventure, so don't worry.

So, can you guess what game I was playing too much of at the time?


Lets see... Me and my cousin say "C1" and "X1" as the radio commands from counter strike in public... funny.

My friends from the military like to do halo-ish and counter strike animations and "raid" buildings. Weird, but fun.

We say pwn and headshot and noob ALL the time, I got an old asian lady saying it, very good.

I also came down with CTRL+Z syndrome, thinking I could just go back and redo something... hah.

I do many street fighter animations with my friends, but that ends up with us pummeling each other on the ground and yelling "BURNING!"

Usually I can get the public to do video game stuff with me, it brings much joy to everyones faces to hear a middle aged African-American waiter to yell "GET SERIOUS!"

You know those plastic Pokeball toys from ten years ago? I threw one at a dog once...

Those were the coolest Kid's Meal toy ever.

I remember the big fuss over getting Pikachus. Not like it was hard to tell if you had one, since the ball they came in was slightly larger than the typical ones.

I'm... I'm assuming you're referring to the Burger King toys, of course.


Who knows. There are still pokeball toys you can buy from Japan. They even have the spring-loaded trap system so you can throw them at stuff and capture it. They even come in the different types of balls, like Super and Master balls. Some versions even had sound chips in them to make the sounds from the anime.

A girl I was interested in decided to cosplay as a pokemon trainer for a convention one year, and I spent a few days trying to find some some good ones for her to use. But then she changed her mind and went with something else.

Never did get anywhere with her... Too bad, she had the body and liked to dress up in outfits. It could have been sooooo good.

  • 4 weeks later...

A couple emulators that I use have a shift+function number savestate hotkey, which can be used to instantly save or load any of ten positions at any time. Many, many times, after I've spent a while playing a hard emulated game (where I'm frequently reaching for F1 to load my last non-dead position), I've gone on to do something stupid in reality (drop a plate, for instance) and found myself subconciously attempting to load my last savestate. :P

phoenix wright has made me the woman of character I am today.

At work, I ALWAYS slam the table and yell "HOLD IT!" I also scream "TAKE THAT!" when I am about to present sound proof against someone's half baked arguments.

Just a couple days back, I was talking about Rare's licensing with a friend. The point came up that Banjo was removed from Diddy Kong Racing DSand yet Rare after the Microsoft buyout could still release Banjo Pilot for GBA.

When this occurred to me I slammed the table, stood up, pointed my finger, and shouted "OBJECTION!"

Too bad my friend didn't get the reference.

I'm more of a "lawl" guy. But I'm a bigger culpret of using "zee oh em gee", "pee el zee", and "es ar es el why"... always when I'm being sarcastic, of course?

I use lowel, zoe-megoh and pown.


I remember when I'd been playing too much Quake and felt this strange urge to run over people's backpacks in school so I could pick up their ammo... heheheh... that's when I decided to start playing... a little less.

Even today, I still get the urge to shoot every security camera I see. 10 years of Goldeneye'll do that to you.

NOLF taught me to stop doing that. But then I got screwed over in System Shock 2...


I admit, I've said owned or pwned in normal conversation, but that's not the worst. I used to always refer to money as Zenny. Luckily, everyone around me knew what I meant, but it drove one of my friends nuts. Ironically, he was the first one to get the reference. That's a Mega Man fanatic for ya.

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