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The Rescuers Down Under ( ゚ ヮ゚)

As for videogames, obviously FF2 [speaking from an American standpoint. I'm talking about FF4 here, you weaboos] was a huge improvement over Final Fantasy 1, which is probably the most boring game I have ever played. I tried to be cool and shun the Final Fantasy games though. I still think all Japanese RPGs are boring as hell, but I've really warmed up to Nobuo's music, at least for the SNES Final Fantasies.

I also found Toejam and Earl 2 to be very fun. It's really nothing like the first game, but it still contains [and in a way enhances] the funk of the characters. Its music is also some of the highest quality you can find for the Genesis. The FM brass is so good.

I have to disagree with the Soul Calibur comment, the original SC is the clear front runner in that series, the additions only seem to serve to weaken it slightly, and im not sure why.

Soul Calibur was a sequal to Soul Edge, and a good sequal at that.

Soul Calibur 2 was an improvement on SC adding a lot of much-needed new moves, better strategies and timing, characters and levels. Lots of good stuff came out of SC2...

...then came SC3. Some stuff was good, some stuff was bad, a lot of stuff was broke as hell. New graphics? Nice. New elements? Cool. New characters? Ehh. New moves? ...bleh.

Apparently Soul Calibur III arcade fixed a lot of that, but I've only seen a machine once in my life (Monday, actually) and I didn't have any change to play it =\.

Don't you dare diss on MegaMan X. I will hunt your ass down and beat it with a nail studded bat. That's shit is my favorite game of all time.

lol. Cuz, you know, someone actually said something bad about Megaman X.

Right, and back on track, Sonic 2 was way better than the first Sonic IMO (especially given that you couldn't connect Sonic The Hedgehog with Sonic and Knuckles).

Right, and back on track, Sonic 2 was way better than the first Sonic IMO (especially given that you couldn't connect Sonic The Hedgehog with Sonic and Knuckles).

Yes you could. You'd play the Blue Orbs special stages.

But yeah, I guess Sonic 2 was an improvement on the Original Sonic. Spin Dashes, Better Bosses and improved level layouts. Although you did have to put up with tails....

I suppose he wasn't really that annoying until sonic 3, though.

Oh, and Phantasy Star 2 > Phantasy Star.

No one's dissing Megaman X. I think the general consensus is that it was an awesome game. X3 just improved on it; tell me how it's worse.

And Bahamut smells.

eyel keel yooooou!

Well, I don't disagree with X3 being better than X, but not X2 IMO. X3 is still a great game though.

In my opinion, the pinnacle of the series was the third one (possibly due to the addition of spot on voice talent). The fourth one was definitely a letdown and can possibly be labeled what happens when there are too many chefs in the kitchen. Let's just hope that Gilbert gets the go ahead to script #5 when it comes out.

How about Gabriel Knight or Broken Sword? Both excellent adventures with great sequels.

Yes - out of the Monkey Island series I have to say that I enjoyed third the most as well. My opinion on this may be somewhat inaccurate though, as three was actually the first one I played; thus making it a sort of 'first in the series' to which the rest are sequels, if that makes sense.

Regarding the relationship between the original and the second game, I felt that the end of the second game was just too much of a let down by comparison.

Gabriel Knight was a great example as well - I really got into the second much more than the first. The live-action elements seemed to mostly work, and I found the story to be much more interesting (mostly because I'm into classical music).

Some other examples which I think are generally accepted:

Super Smash Bros. Melee > Super Smash Bros.

Day of the Tentacle > Maniac Mansion

i liked sonic 3 and knuckles more than all the previous sonic games

Sonic 3 and Knuckles was amazing and probably the best sonic game ever, as long as you didn't go sonic and tails.

Firs game I ever played was Master System Sonic. Or maybe Alex the Kid.....


The Jak series has already been mentioned, but all three of Sony's major PS2 platformers really hit their stride by the second game.

-Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

-Sly 2: Band of Thieves

-Jak II


As incredibly great of a game Wario Land was, I think 2 was honestly an improvement in every way. I loved the system where you take different "forms" from enemies like flat wario, on-fire wario, fat wario, and all of those and figure out what to do based on those. 3 honestly was a slight stepdown from 2 even though it was technically a better game simply because it didn't quite have the style right. The style and overall feel in 1, VB, and 2 was just excellent. 4 and wario ware is where they lost it and they haven't quite gotten it right since. Master of Disguise looks very promising and I hope they get back to that feel the old games had.


As Arek said, Lufia 2 was far superior to the first.

Also, although I haven't finished the 2nd yet, Shadow Hearts Covenant seems like it will be a better game than the first.

The 3rd Xenosaga also kicked it's predecessors asses big time, although I did enjoy the first 2 a lot.

Um, Metal Gear to Metal Gear Solid, anyone? And of course MGS2 was better than 1, though I think MSG3:S is probably the best.

Within the first series too-

Metal Gear 2 MSX > Metal Gear (1) MSX/NES, by a longshot. ;)

Solid Snake, not to be confused with Snake's revenge, made the subsistence release all the more worth it.


Mario Party?

I've played all up to and including 5 - 4 had the gameplay sorted, but had too few minigames. 5 was shit. Overall, I give the prize to 1 and 3.

Donkey Kong Country?

1 was the best. Yes, 2 had some nice features and additions, but it doesn't quite beat 1 imo. 3 was quite poor tbh.

Worms series.. I'm not sure which I'd choose between Armageddon and World Party.

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